
Investment Perspective Quotes

There are 226 quotes

"The truth about education... on average, it's a great investment."
"Bear markets always come to an end; they don't last forever."
"Crashes happen but then each time they happen, our economy is stronger, rebounds, the market moves higher."
"People would be better off if they say, 'I bought a business today, not a stock today,' because that gives a different perspective on it."
"Bitcoin is not only the hardest, soundest money we've ever seen in the world, but I think that it is the absolute apex predator in financial markets."
"Gold is not an investment... it is a store of value."
"Earth 2 Discord users frequently dismiss any criticism... because we are gamers and our 'gamer brains' simply can't understand the complexities of Earth 2 as an investment platform."
"There's no such thing as the real estate market; there's thousands of real estate markets."
"Perhaps what's boring is what's needed for investors at this particular point in time." - Christopher Moolin
"Over the long run we know that we will get the average return in the stock market and we're okay with being average."
"An entire generation of entrepreneurs and tech investors built their entire perspectives on valuation during the second half of a 13-year amazing bull market run."
"Aid Ukraine should be viewed as an investment not charity."
"As long as it holds above 28-30ish, people still have confidence."
"Rocket Mortgage has been one of those long-hated mortgage company stocks that has just been going straight down. Personally, I think this company's way undervalued."
"You need to educate yourself so that your perceptions are formed by yourself with your own family in mind, not by the greater fools on Wall Street."
"Every single perspective, besides the fundamentals of what they're doing and building, it offers an opportunity just to accumulate and build in such a powerful way even in bear markets."
"This is truly the beginning, not a bubble that's gonna pop."
"I'm not super bullish on bitcoin today, but I'm also not quite as bearish as I was yesterday."
"I'm still not scared if it goes down to 36, but I hope it holds."
"Volatility is not always horrible because it also works on the upside."
"Good markets tend to last much longer than bad markets so don't let the fear of the bad keep you from experiencing the excitement and the goodness of the good."
"Do I have high expectations for XRP? One thousand percent."
"A lot of people are speculating on bitcoin as a form of digital gold."
"There's only going to be 21 million Bitcoin and there's X number of millionaires in the world, therefore there's not enough Bitcoin to go around for every millionaire to own one Bitcoin."
"The overall market cap doesn't seem to have gone down that much."
"I'm more bullish on XRP now than I literally have ever been."
"Valuations sometimes don't seem right, it seems preposterous, it seems ridiculous sometimes."
"Crypto's down right now, but it'll go back up."
"But if we compare it to VOO, for example, which is the S&P 500, the stock market that every professional hedge fund tries to beat, this is actually down year to date 19.7 percent."
"You're essentially taking your money and just throwing it into a pit of nothingness."
"It's a market of stocks and not a stock market."
"Trying to predict the market is really a waste... over the long term, the upside is more than the downside."
"Don't let the loss sway your emotions there. Don't be negative because of the loss."
"The price of Bitcoin is overvalued compared to the demand for it, but when it comes to the actual value of Bitcoin over the long term, it's way undervalued."
"So there's a beautiful thing that's going on right now. Pay attention to the NFTs from a high level observer's standpoint."
"So obviously I'm a buyer... It's just that one's been a little crazy."
"It's very easy to get short-sighted and short-term investing."
"People see this game in terms of the returns that they're making today and overnight, but that's not how we should be looking at this game."
"Market ups and downs should just be noise to you."
"Meta has been more of a value trap than a value play."
"One bad week or month will not make or break you. Stop fixating on returns and focus on doing things sustainably."
"After reading this speech, are you more bullish on the miners? Oh yeah, oh yeah."
"Financial mutants process the world differently; they view spending decisions as future investments."
"Black people are not a charity case, black people are an investment opportunity."
"Any weakness may prompt new buyers because, in our view, downside due to temporary factors will not detract from the longer-term thesis."
"This is the best bear market strategy there is it looks like a bull market to me because I'm just making bank."
"Every single time this happens, it's more bullish than bearish..."
"Bitcoin is relentless optimism. Gold and silver are non-stop disappointment and despair."
"Take a very long term view so you don't care what happens to the price in the short term."
"You're not in it for the short term, you're in it for the long term."
"There is no top, Laura. I think we might just not have these four-year cycles."
"When people see more adoption coming from the big guys, they're going to feel much more comfortable to come into the space."
"Don't worry too much about where Bitcoin is right now, when in doubt, zoom out."
"Compounding is the eighth wonder of the world."
"The best thing possible to focus on is that long-term time horizon."
"A lost decade is only lost for the people who only invest once and then never again."
"I never understood investing time and energy into a world that you don't have long-term benefits from."
"The stock market can be actually crashing that we can be in a recession but it can be going upwards."
"There's no absolutely zero reason to be panicking about bitcoin at this point."
"Do you want to be in a coma and hold your money in a historically secure place or feel like you're bleeding every single day?"
"Bitcoin is rapidly making its way into the frame as a safe haven asset as part of any smart diversified portfolio."
"This 494 million investment from Grayscale isn't just reflective of what one company thinks, this is representative of what wealthy investors think."
"Everything appreciates the same in a market."
"Remember, 99% of people still don't own any crypto. You and I should count ourselves lucky. We're the early ones."
"You're not in real estate; you're in paper. You're invested in the stock market."
"I think those that have been patient even in the painful times are going to get the last laugh and the highest reward still."
"Long-term investors get separated from people who think they're long-term investors."
"A one percent gain is a one percent gain, a one percent loss is a one percent loss."
"It is a good time in my opinion, even if we go down much further, even if Bitcoin does go down $10,000, I still feel comfortable now."
"But can Bitcoin rally to a 100 Grand you know more more sure it can but I don't even think it's worth betting on it because it's not even that big a rise."
"If China and the US were a stock, I'd be investing in China right now."
"Bitcoin is going to go up, you know, forever up and to the right."
"The price might drop a little bit more, but I'm looking at the long term, the next five to ten years."
"Bitcoin is showing, in my opinion, a ridiculous amount of strength."
"Bitcoin isn't made for small transactions, it's like gold, it's a store of value."
"Bitcoin is not a tech stock, it's a better version of gold, with none of the side effects."
"It's not how much you make, it's what you don't lose."
"Volatility is good. It's like, listen, people that freak out and get pissed off about the crypto markets... Oh, I lost the bag. Usually, it's for one of two reasons..."
"Wealthy people are more focused on the long-term appreciation of an asset rather than quick gains."
"I think investors should take at this point more of that medium and longer-term view."
"I am far more interested in the long-term weighing machine of the stock market than the short-term noise that everyone plays up and down."
"It's not about how it looks this month or this quarter. I have down quarters."
"Scared man can't win. You in Vegas betting a dollar. You know if you're at the roulette table, it's 35 to one. So you bet one dollar and it hit, you get 35. Now, if it missed, you only lose a dollar. Well, that's how people look at investments."
"You're not buying a commander deck as a financial investment; you're buying a commander deck to, you know, play Commander."
"If you're betting against space flight and getting cheaper and more economical, more reusable and more accessible. You deserve to lose your money."
"Bitcoin goes up historically so much quicker than the stock market that what the stock market is doing is completely negligible to what bitcoin's doing."
"The pressures off I've got the account now and if the treats present themselves I'll take them but if they don't I don't need to worry thinking I've got three days left and I've got 7% to get so so yeah it's a lot better."
"The conditions are so bullish, there's actually literally no supply."
"The contrarian view tends to be right more often than not."
"Even if it goes to $10, it changes our lives, right?"
"Even if it takes weeks or months for the rally to resume, that's fine."
"Man, that's a lot of money. $43,000 times ten years... That's 5.3 million dollars."
"Ethereum could potentially be grossly undervalued right now."
"Bitcoin is now a better investment right now thirty two thousand dollars than it was at a thousand dollars."
"Any argument that equities are overvalued, to me, becomes meaningless if you stick to negative real rates."
"The Fed's strategy is bullish for bonds, bearish for yield."
"When you see these dips, remember, nothing really changes."
"Do not mistake short-term dips for long-term losses. You haven't lost anything, just hang in the game."
"I still find it funny that people are still worrying over a few hundred point drop here and there when it's above 30 freaking thousand dollars."
"Bitcoin's never going to zero. There's enough people around the world see it as a store of value."
"I support Bitcoin, and I'm not an investor. The only publicly traded stock I own is Tesla, and the only significant thing I own outside of Tesla is my SpaceX stock."
"Crypto is a religion, the stock market is an investment."
"Total market cap look at that busting through 2.1 almost 2.2 trillion so you know like a couple hundred billion not a big deal we just call that a Friday here in cryptoville."
"Bitcoin is in a category all on its own, it's the most established and therefore the one that gets the most votes as a store of value."
"No one freaking cares about this quarter like people are only investing in Tesla for the next 5 10 years."
"As investors all we're simply doing is saying I think that this company or this market or this whole planet's future is going to be better down the road than it is today."
"A dollar is not the end, it's just the beginning."
"It's worth considering and it's just another... thing in the bullish thesis of potential outcomes."
"You're either going to be the person sitting on the train getting manipulated or you're going to be the person who invests in the rails."
"Forex trading is not a scam, but not a get rich quick scheme."
"Don't be discouraged, think of it as getting in a time machine going back a week and starting over."
"I view these pullbacks as just a buying opportunity."
"Bitcoin is a rising tide that moves all boats."
"A drop is just an opportunity in slow motion."
"It's impossible to know or time it like that. I prefer stepping back, looking at the bigger picture."
"Crypto rich is certainly the best way to be rich."
"I view investing as you have to manage risk."
"Bitcoin has been going up for last 12 years, and ultimately that's what people need to worry about."
"A lot of people are doing it right now... if investors look through that sort of noise into the substance of what companies are doing, they're going to be pretty impressed."
"We want more than anything is when you go look at your next house and you're walking it, you're trying to figure it out look at it through Dr. Joe's eyes."
"Collecting is a fun thing, and the crazy thing about collecting is that over the years these cards will accumulate value."
"That's where Bitcoin is going to come in. Bitcoin is going to become a competitive store of value to all store of values."
"The long-term perspective on housing is that it's a boring, steady, low return investment."
"Bitcoin is digital gold or Bitcoin is gold 2.0."
"This has been the destination that bitcoiners have been saying."
"I'm impervious to that argument for one reason, I'm a very long-term investor."
"Bitcoin will always win the day in terms of digital gold."
"Vehicles are an investment that is familiar to millions."
"Don't read them if it's going to bring you down, but then came along Bitcoin in 2012 and I spotted the impact of that."
"A child is not an added expense, it's an investment."
"One bitcoin continues to be more dollars... one bitcoin continues to be more Teslas."
"Valuation is subjective; investing is personal."
"Pulling Bitcoin into the all-time charts we've seen it come down before in Cycles but overall if we take a look at the lifetime growth of this cryptocurrency it still made tremendous amount of gains."
"If I lose money in the market, that's my tuition to the market."
"Don't get overly drunk on the possibilities."
"The majority of Wall Street doesn't get it. Kathy Wood gets it."
"If these stocks do great over the coming years or if they do really poorly, my net worth will be considerably changed—for the better or for the worse."
"100k when Bitcoin was at 3,000... no one really believed. But now, does it feel impossible?"
"That's just the power of like, hey, 'cause a lot of people, 'oh well it's only a five nav cap rate' here times four, comparing to the Midwest or other things, but like if you put in the big picture, you still get a very impressive return."
"To me, its valuation of 530 million is just too low for the world it's about to disrupt."
"The reward still 10 times outweighs the risk."
"It's irrelevant what Bitcoin does tomorrow or next week... what matters is the big picture."
"Bitcoin goes up and bitcoin goes down but it mainly goes up."
"Seven to eight percent is low when I look at companies like MasterCard."
"I think steam could go up ten or a hundred times as people realize that this little sleeper currency may actually be the number one the first to get mass adoption even above Bitcoin."
"When you buy a stock, you are buying a business."
"Everything you invest in that can't return the S&P 500 is a wealth delusion."
"The bull run is here. All of the Bears are wrong at this point."
"Past performance does not mean everything to me."
"One of the biggest Catalysts in the last bull run to sell any of it does not look good in any way."
"It doesn't have to deal with the fundamentals of Tesla. Tesla as a company still has amazing long-term growth potential."
"The short-term can create fear, but ultimately you need to figure out what is your time horizon on a trade."
"Keep accumulating. It's one of the interesting things if you look at the S&P 500 between 2001 and its subsequent crash, both of those crashes are now 300 percent below the price today."
"Crypto is not here for investing, it is a golden key to unlock your cage of financial slavery."
"When you own Tesla, you own a call option on autonomous vehicle technology."
"Having a cost basis of... a thousand dollars per share is going to look like the bargain of the century."
"Your home isn't a good investment. It's a liability."
"The value of these devices isn't the year you buy them but every subsequent year that you keep gaining that value from them."
"All of these numbers, all of these percentages are literally drops in a single bucket that is floating on an ocean of trap liquidity."
"Long-term investor America's rising dominance is a case of luck and preparation, which is how all businesses work."
"There's no need to be worried about short-term volatility."
"A hundred dollars ten years ago would have netted you nine point two million dollars today. Think about that. Nothing is close."
"Commodities have done well recently but it does not seem like it has gotten bubbly at all... we're in a long term bull market for commodities."
"The only value of bitcoin is with the other guy I'll pay for it."
"Guys, this is a bear market, this is by far an opportunity on the golden platter."
"People need to understand that more than anything else gold is insurance."
"Bitcoin is the best asymmetric opportunity I have ever seen in 35 years of managing portfolio risk."
"I think the best argument for having bitcoin right now is because there is a very real chance that if you value freedom more than you value safety."
"Bitcoin is certainly at least digital gold it's going to eat gold."
"This is not the top, this is not the end for bitcoin or crypto."
"Whenever bitcoin dips a little bit, there's mass panic even though it looks perfectly fine. When in doubt, just zoom out and go to the day chart and realize things are looking pretty darn good."
"You're worried about the dollar; you don't understand that you're holding such an incredible coin."
"If Tesla does 10 to 20x or more over the next decade, who cares about the timeline?"
"I just look at bitcoin as my gold and my gold as my bonds in some ways."
"I personally do not place any limits in my mind as to what can happen with XRP maybe a year ago I would have but after what I've seen over the last year in my studies and the people that I've talked to behind the scenes."
"Bitcoin is an asymmetric asset is this kind of uncorrelated non-government-owned limited Supply asset all these traits are really interesting and great but there are periods of time where it may not produce that kind of returns people expect."
"Corsair Gaming in the long term still intact, short term is just a complete disaster."
"This is definitely in my opinion a long-term project long-term hold."
"If you consider cryptocurrency an asset then have some cryptocurrency I still consider crypto a speculation but I'm very happy."
"The future of where this is going as a digital asset globally is clearly made the best investor in the world wrong."
"Was this correction a bear market? No, it was opportunity."
"A million in 1% is not a destination, it's a journey."
"I really do need to remember that I'm not actually Immortal."
"The great financial crisis was great for investors in the respect that it made everybody a little more scared of problems that could come and arise from anywhere."
"No matter what you decide to do, there's one thing we can all agree on: the easy money has already been made."
"I'm never gonna be your butler, my investing looks at friendships in a completely different way than me."
"Bitcoin continues to battle the $60k price point, but hey, When bitcoin was $30k, I was certain it would reach $60k. That’s how I feel about $100k now. Awesome."
"What mattered: the real reason why you're buying a house probably isn't because you're an investor who wants to make money."
"The more that I've invested and the longer that I've invested, the more I've realized that analyst expectations really don't matter that much."
"If you're a buy and hold investor, you don't care [about market volatility]."
"It's more of an investment, and a lot of people don't see it that way."
"The next time someone says to you that rent is dead money, rent is definitely not dead money."
"Think of your penny stocks as a venture capital investor would."
"We've been evolving our point of view on ether... ether was showing up as a very strong second."
"Gold is a particular thing, a favorite of people who are worried about inflation, and I'm very bullish on gold."
"It's the same or better than money in the bank."
"Over the long term, the stock market has risen over the last 100 years."
"Most people think of dividend investing as the slow, ineffective way to build wealth, but in my experience so far, this has been far from the truth."
"You can effectively trade profit account by honestly, profit accounts are not account to keep for life."
"It is perfectly acceptable to root for a company's success, but simultaneously pass on owning the stock itself."