
Legal Equality Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"No one is above the law, and I'm talking about the tax laws."
"Civil equality is the belief that all people should be fairly and equally represented under the law."
"We demand equality before the law, making the law supreme and inflexible."
"There are not two different sets of laws in America, one for the average Joe and Jane and then those who hold office or political power."
"No person should be above the law. No one should be hounded by the law. No one should be hounded, but no one should be above."
"The fact he has mug shot is good statement in terms of equal justice."
"Every New Yorker must know that there is equal justice under the law."
"We're equal in the eyes of our Creator, we're equal under the law, and we're equal under our Constitution."
"In America, everyone is equal under the law. You can get into the arguments of course about systematic racism and oppression, there's no legitimate evidence to support those arguments."
"One of the pillars of democracy is the rule of law, the idea that no one is above the law."
"All I want with social media is for them to be beholden to the same laws as everyone else."
"No man is above the law and no man is below the law."
"I don't believe presidents are above the law."
"The law should look at a case between individual X and Y, regardless of their identities."
"The office of the presidency does not place its former occupants above the law."
"Donald Trump has gotten treated differently by the law than average citizens like Michael Cohen."
"I think he should face the same remedy force of law that anyone else would."
"It seems to me to be a struggle against arrogance and haughtiness um because people that see themselves as above the law are arrogant people."
"The Uniform Civil Code in the state makes every community, every religion, every individual equal from the Civil Rights perspectives."
"Every individual in Canada is equal before the law."
"Let's just level the playing field... everyone's gonna play by the same rules and everyone's gonna live by the same rule of law."
"There needs to be equality under the law, the 14th amendment."
"Equality under the law: you get arrested when you break it."
"If we threw everybody in front of the judge and we were able to remove gender from it... it should be clear that it's 50/50, that there's no favoritism towards one side."
"Everybody that commits those type of crimes should get the same penalty."
"How do we have equality under the law if you can't differentiate between men and women?"
"Equality before the law is one of the central most assertions, value assertions, of Western civilization."
"When in a culture that uh, corrects for where there's what that are egalitarian that treat men and women equally before the law and in the culture the differences between men and women actually exaggerate."
"It's crucial that justice is served, not just for him but for every American."
"Just because your last name is Biden does not mean you're above the law."
"I think Democrats believe that Hunter Biden is a very troubled person."
"Democrats will also tell you he should be subjected to the laws just like everyone else."
"Capitalism itself makes it impossible to fulfill its own promises of equality before the law."
"They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law, and the constitution grants them that right."
"This case shows that no person is above the law regardless of their status in society, regardless of their wealth, regardless of their fame."
"The responsibility we have is to bring justice for all."
"Believers and non-believers are to be equal before the law."
"If he violated the law, should he be held to the same standard that I'll be held to? No one's above the law."
"We've reached the end of this, the end of this is that we're all equal before the law, all equal, all made in God's image."
"Equal justice under the law means prosecuting crimes against white people with all the same gusto as crimes against non-white people. And that's not happening here. And that's an injustice."
"No one should be above the law, even presidents."
"Equal protection under the law...is a test of the maturity of a democracy."
"Nobody is above the law, not even the biggest Superstars."
"Nobody should be above the law, not the average Joe, not a former president."
"All men are created free and equal before the law."
"Liberalism: It usually likes that every single individual has his own rights that the government has to be approved by its own people and that everyone should be treated the same way before the law."
"People have the right to live as equal citizens under the law."
"Congress cannot make any laws that apply to American citizens that don't apply equally to themselves and vice versa."
"All Canadians are equal under the law and no one is above the law."
"No state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
"...that all men be free and equal before the law and that the law should no longer be able to enforce out glory on anyone."
"Everybody is equal under the eyes of the law."
"The Napoleonic Code... reasserted the equality of citizens before the law."
"Your findings are so important because in America, nobody is above the law."
"Equal defense pay to State should be the law."
"Treating people under the laws is the price you pay for doing business in the public square."
"If everybody has equality of opportunity, then everybody should be treated equally before the law."
"Equality before the law for everybody."
"Justice requires equality under the law."