
Personal Protection Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"If you care about things like vulnerability during sex with men, you owe it to yourself and your future partners to be able to build your or to protect yourself."
"In an environment you cannot avoid, armor up more with dhikr, guarding your senses, and armoring your heart."
"In concealed carry, personal protection, and home defense, magazine capacity isn't totally unimportant, but debating over which is better, 15 or 21, is just not going to make a difference the overwhelming majority of the time."
"Protect your body, protect your freedoms, and just may save our country."
"Right now, you put on a helmet; it's not a fashion statement, it's a safety statement."
"The Second Amendment guarantees your right to be armed for your protection or the protection of your loved ones."
"I've never let anybody hurt Bonnie or my family."
"We recommend if you're going to go into the woods these days, arm yourself."
"Wear a mask to protect you. You wear a mask to protect me."
"Your spirit guides are here to guide you into fulfillment, happiness, protection, guidance, reassurance, and self-knowledge."
"I want to be out there but I'm scared for my safety and for the safety of my children because of the coronavirus."
"Protect what you love. That's what I've done on all my property."
"Owning a firearm is not about just going target shooting or going hunting, it is about protecting yourself, protecting your rights."
"Clown world, every man that is listening to this broadcast right now needs to understand that you must protect yourself, bro."
"The best way to protect yourself from people like me, people like you may be the VPN."
"Wearing masks is beneficial not only to prevent the spread of the virus from infected people to others but also to provide personal protection."
"Lorraine really believed that faith was her best protection."
"I was terrified. I politely asked a male co-worker to walk me to my car."
"Girl, set up double boundaries, triple boundaries, lock that up, throw away the key."
"Don't be abused on the system, don't be taken advantage of. Simple as that."
"Without these, anybody can hack your computer, you can get a virus on there, somebody can snatch your phone and then you just lose control of everything in the devastating moment."
"Be very careful this weekend, have your straps on you to protect you and your family."
"I need to catch those two. I have to keep them away from Lucas, no matter what."
"When the Guru is already with you all the time and he is protecting you."
"Words are like seeds, and if somebody speaks unbelief over me... that thing never germinates."
"Protect yourself protect your energy in your space and just again like I said be smart."
"As an American, I don't like it. I wish I could do something to prevent it, but I can't. But I can just take the measures to protect myself or my family members or to profit from it."
"These are not the good old days... Anybody's trying to rob you and take what you got."
"Aura monitors the dark web for your emails, passwords, and Social Security numbers and sends alerts fast right to your phone."
"You use your bonnet as a mask instead of a real mask because it does it all."
"Beware what you wish for, grants your wish, protects your most valued possession."
"It's almost certainly a birth angel of yours, name does not come to me right now but this is a birth angel of yours and by the way, that is their primary job is to keep you on the planet for all of us."
"He didn't want me to have to lie to Brett or anybody else."
"Everybody got a gun out here I got a gun in my car, a big ass chopper you know what I'm saying that I don't leave without it."
"Safety and making sure... you're safe and protected is probably one of the most important things."
"Some people think silence is a weapon, but for Malory, it's a shield."
"That's just not true. You can file a restraining order privately."
"Trump is starting to create an administration that is solely designed around guarding him personally and guarding his ego personally, and that's not how things are going to get done for people who want things to get done."
"Understand what a gun is, its value, and how it can be used safely."
"Protect your energy, protect your heart, protect your creativity, protect your wealth."
"Sometimes if you really don't like someone and they're really politically powerful and you know hurting you, you have to put a condom on their house."
"It's very telling that Justin doesn't know that talking to the police in this specific situation is only going to hurt him."
"Please stay safe, stay prepared, and watch your six."
"You're one of those guys that empowers women and empowers families and you know helps them understand some of the intricacies in terms of how they can protect themselves."
"A Glock 20, 10mm underneath there, actually I probably got like seven or eight Glocks."
"My body's my temple... I protect my mind at all costs."
"Your inner masculine is growing stronger to offer you protection and stability."
"If they feel like I'm getting done wrong or people not doing right when it comes down to me, they're gonna speak on that [stuff] and I can't tell a [mess] not to."
"A thought came to mind when he was hiding during the shooting... we're not allowed to conceal carry, we're not allowed to carry guns, and we could have stopped what that person was doing."
"Boundaries are also inherently self-protective."
"I have to protect my own mental peace, I have to protect my child, my unborn child, and things like that."
"The absolute last thing that I want to see is anyone out there gets scammed because I literally hate scammers with a burning passion."
"Protect my spaghetti, protect my family, this woman Georgia Maloney, she says we've got a simple mandate here."
"If you see me in this, I'm fighting the corona so I take it very, very seriously."
"It's the biggest protection, like I will always remember this."
"The greatest thing anyone can do for you is to sacrifice to a point of willing to take a bullet for someone."
"Protect me from me, because if I'm not careful I can do some things in my own head."
"Personal protective carbon monoxide detector... go off in public places... good idea to wear all the time."
"You need to protect yourself too, even though you stand up for justice and the greater good."
"Always keep your goals to yourself; you could be telling the enemy."
"No matter what walk of life you're from, don't mess with a man and his dog."
"You have to know that you are so worthy of protecting your energy."
"Protect yourself Storm, yes protect yourself and always wear protection."
"Two-way protects you, not the government." - Liberty doll's perspective on gun rights
"Just get my sister out of town someplace safe don't sit with me on this one I can't lose her man."
"It's almost better today if you're a man to just get into a stable, long-term relationship or get married. Protect yourself against false accusations."
"Make sure you that you're protecting yourself at all times because these women are friggin crazy."
"You gotta stay safe, you gotta wear a mask when you're around people, you gotta keep distance."
"Clothes are not only like a calling card, a way to express yourself, but they're also a way to kind of armor up between you and the outside world."
"I did not feel protected by the people that were supposed to be, you know, I'm working for them. I didn't feel protected with them at all."
"Physical security should be highly important for you."
"I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself."
"I love a man that's gonna protect my heart and protect my body."
"I realized my biggest protection is alignment."
"Protection in this regard is critical, and that's where Aura comes in."
"You are very loved. You are very protected. You are very guided."
"Jerome Caminata, Manchester detective often credited for being the inspiration for Sherlock Holmes, apparently took up the Colt for his personal protection."
"I don't want to make my and other people's information and safety this vulnerable."
"So if you apply those three principles, I think you'll guard yourself mostly on being led astray by false teaching."
"The best thing you can do to protect yourself and protect your friends is to wear a mask."
"If my family was in danger, no, this armor may not give me life, but it may give me the time to win and end the threat."
"You are not being rejected, you're being protected and redirected."
"I am protected. My money is protected. My inheritance is protected."
"Sometimes a rejection is a redirection; sometimes a rejection is your protection."
"There is a massive security structure around Putin."
"Think about what I've said in terms of protecting yourself as you go out to the store."
"Fugal advises anyone visiting his Ranch to prepare themselves spiritually, to armor themselves and to enter the property with a degree of reverence and humility."
"Jesus won't protect you anymore. You do custom [__], you're done. No, I'm not protecting your peers. Each man protect yourself. That's the first lesson. Self-preservation. Islam shout out Louis Farrakhan."
"People were going out and buying masks early on just to take control of their protection."
"I like you but I love me so we're not going to do anything that hurts me."
"Colorism, though evil at its core, has actually protected me from a lot of toxic men."
"But like more than that like I I just like this kind of behavior is just so [ __ ] gross and I want to save anyone else from having to engage in this and be as [ __ ] naive as I was."
"It is a thing to do to protect your heart, to protect your mind, your spirit, to be above reproach. Be above approach, that's good."
"The safety of your family and yourself is paramount."
"Threat is imminent and I have to protect the one thing that I can't live without, that's you, Tony."
"You don't want that. Keeper Security wants to empower and protect you with better password security."
"I knew that these people would never protect me, I knew that these people would never protect my interests."
"Protect your fruit - your spirituality, peace, family, children, business, savings, energy."
"We have a duty to protect our loved ones. That's why the Second Amendment exists."
"Some type of rejection is for your divine protection and it's needed to be redirected for something much better."
"Honor your feelings honor your hurt honor your emotions protect yourself as if you were your own best friend."
"Isn't that a lesson from Batman: wear a mask not for your own protection but for the people you love?"
"You let Jimi go, or you are dead. Do not harm a hair of his Afro."
"I think there is increased tension that is terrible on both sides, however, I will say that given it is trying his Jupiter on his ascendant, there is an element of protection and well-being on his end."
"Human life is more precious to me now because every day that gun reminds me of how much I care about my life and the people I love and that I have the power to defend everything I care about should the need arise."
"Indeed, one of the great things about forming a corporation is that it's limited liability for you as an individual."
"Peace and harmony, protection, playfulness, and joy."
"Do I have the right to protect myself and others? Yes."
"Listen to your intuition because any deception, anyone that is not for you, is going to be revealed to you."
"I never felt I needed anyone to protect me other than God Almighty. I lost my only protector, so that's how I felt."
"I would advise you to start thinking about your own physical safety."
"I had finally stopped a real bullet using wood."
"We cannot stop people that don't like you from existing in the world. We cannot stop people from creating whack rules. All you can do is hopefully have your own little window and protect your energy."
"I've got this plate carrier with mag pouches and it has armor plates in it."
"I pray that he never has a chance to hurt anyone ever again."
"A no trespassing sign on my fence is gonna prevent a trespasser about as well as a door lock on my door preventing somebody from breaking in and stealing my stuff."
"Justice failed McElroy too because it failed to protect him from himself."
"If that's not self-defense, I don't know what is."
"Concealed carry isn't supposed to be comfortable, it's designed to save your life."
"Protect your light, this person is hilarious."
"You are your own guide... you've always been guided and protected."
"Nobody's going to protect you like you are going to protect yourself."
"Safety first, my friends. Always prioritize safety when working with mains voltage."
"Each cat would become very protective of me."
"When people are doing violence against us, we have the right to protect ourselves."
"Chris was very smart in terms of protecting himself."
"Being a little bit protective of your heart."
"What God has done for you is greater than anything anybody can do to you."
"I don't go anywhere without these weapons because I gotta protect my wife and my kids."
"When most people think of personal protection, they think of their vehicle or home safety, not too many think about how vulnerable their personal details are to online attacks."
"Critical Defense ammunition develops to provide the best performance for personal protection no matter what platform you choose delivering consistent reliable performance every single time when lives are on the line only the best will do."
"Buckle up every time. Do it for you and those you love."
"Encrypting your personal traffic makes it harder for others to spy on or attack you, just like having curtains on your windows and locks on your door."
"Because of who you are, nothing that happens, nothing that the enemy tries will be successful in any of our lives."
"Protect your risk, protect your downside, protect your assets, protect your family, protect your financial future by becoming educated."
"Don't you deserve to be protected while you're online?"
"I hope you can get out to the shop, I hope you can work on something, but do stay safe and do wear your safety glasses."
"Safety glasses, earplugs, and a fanatical paranoia about safety have served me well."
"Make sure you're always wearing your safety gear when you're running your chainsaw."
"I had to protect me from myself by distancing me from my drug of choice."
"Use protection, whether that's a seatbelt, a condom, or a helmet."
"It's basically putting a shield around you personally."
"The most important preventive measure is to always perform hand hygiene and to wear the appropriate PPE."
"One of the most important things you can do to protect yourself online is to ensure that your passwords are not the same on every single service."
"The most important thing in understanding how to protect yourself: Know your exposures and then find a respirator that fits you and do a user seal check every time you wear that respirator."
"Wear safety goggles and a respirator, honestly."
"I'd rather be a little too safe than not enough."
"I use all of this certain PPE to keep me safe."
"You can let Aura help you by keeping you safe online."
"I'm wearing my safety glasses finally."
"Make sure that you protect your feet."
"Never give OTP, credit card, debit card, CVV, or any other thing. It is not safe."
"Always remember your PPE: plan, prepare, and exercise."
"Eye protection, face protection, hearing protection... the more I work on this stuff, the more important I realize it is."
"I protect me from me because that's an important commitment to me."
"The real question is what do you want out of this marriage and what do you want to safeguard for yourself?"
"Just for my own safety, I'm also going to throw this floor jack back under the side I'm working on at each time, just to give it a little bit of extra stability because you never know with jack stands."
"Everyone has a right to not have their reputation damaged by false statements."
"I plan on protecting myself against myself."
"The very basic personal protective equipment we would use would at the very least be safety glasses and some form of hearing protection."