
Rights Defense Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"I want to come on and defend the rights of anti-vaxxers and COVID conspiracy theorists, people who I despise, because I think free inquiry is how we determine what's true."
"We must defend your right to speak and the understanding of the issues and your position on them because we want to solve problems."
"We have to be able to stand up for the right to hold beliefs about human sexuality."
"You don't get to violate my rights. That's not the way it works. I'm not going to let you."
"You can't strip that right away from me, that's what I'm trying to tell you."
"You guys are going to get yourself a lawsuit, I promise you."
"We think it's unwarranted. He was there in the capacity as a journalist, exercising his first amendment right."
"If you refuse to speak up and defend your rights and stand up for your nation and the constitution, my advice to you is to get, you know, Rosetta Stone Mandarin right now."
"I voted for the guy and I'm speaking up every day about how we need to defend our freedom and our rights."
"I had to fight for my right to freedom of press and freedom of speech when Judge Keith Kelly unlawfully ordered me to remove the video from the internet."
"This is honestly to me an attack on our Second Amendment rights and our rights to self-defense."
"Defend trans rights but engage some of the difficult questions that they bring up."
"Freedom of speech means defending even incorrect or dangerous speech."
"Fighting for people's rights actually is very popular as Republicans are not just fighting against the rights of people, fighting to take away the rights of Americans."
"Our fundamental right to bodily autonomy is literally under attack."
"Our Second Amendment: it's a hell no to government trampling on our freedoms."
"I have a very huge network of defense attorneys and people behind me."
"Freedom of speech is a very important right and our grandparents have fought against people like Hitler so that we could have it."
"Thank goodness at this time we had a president that is actually standing up for our rights."
"We must defend our right to free speech by using it."
"Free speech has to be a kind of absolute principle."
"Cancel culture is a violation of American rights."
"This is about defending free speech in a democracy."
"Rights need to be defended and justice needs to be continuously fought for."
"The bigger picture here is they're fighting for all of our rights, our personal freedoms."
"The right to freedom of speech is central because it's the right by which you defend all the other rights."
"I believe in free speech, I believe that if we have... private spaces, it doesn't matter what you believe what matters is that if you don't defend the rights of people to speak and if they don't have it then soon you lose it too."
"Don't let them take them from you. Don't relinquish them and don't give them up. Stand up and defend for what you believe in." - Encourage resistance against encroachment on rights.
"We believe in free speech to the fullest degree."
"Fight for home. You don't have any rights you're not willing to defend."
"We will not give you our words, we will not give you our bodies, we will not give you our spaces."
"We should be allowed to be wrong, it's freedom of speech."
"Free expression and the right to free speech is one of our priorities as an organization."
"A free State is one in which everyone possesses their own firearms, opposes every attempt to disarm them, and fulfills their duties to provide security."
"Freedom of speech is so under attack right now, and if we lose that, we lose everything."
"If we lose our freedoms to communicate and express ourselves, you've got to have some way of backing that up."
"No matter what your case may be, Steven will give you straight scoop, good information and he will defend your rights to the best of the ability that he has by the legal system that we have currently in place."
"Be safe, shoot straight, and keep fighting back for your rights."
"Silencing our voices is a violation of our first amendment."
"Then why prolong this process? Go down there, fight for your justice, fight for your rights."
"We will fight for each and every one who wants the ability to make that choice."
"For a man especially to secure his right he has to be willing to kill, die or go to jail."
"I'm not going to give up. I'm not going to surrender my rights just because a cop shows up."
"We need to cherish our right to free speech and use it to its fullest before they try to take it away."
"Are you gonna stand up for your rights, or are you just gonna sit there and swallow it?"
"Free speech has no conditions. Defend for your right, and I'm not gonna judge."
"It's not just my rights that are at stake, it's the public safety of the Commonwealth."
"A mecca for free speech... I'll defend their right to say it."
"We will fight tooth and nail to defend the right to keep and bear arms protected by the second amendment."
"Stand up for your rights and protect your rights."
"The whole point of free speech is my duty to defend others' rights to have it."
"Have fun, shoot safe, and stand up and defend your right to do both."
"People have rights, and one of the ways he tries to defend the view that people have rights is a criticism of utilitarianism or consequentialism."
"I will be the first person to jump in there and fight for the rights of others."
"I dedicated myself to defending the rights and honoring the equality struggle of my gente."
"Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights. Don't give up the fight."
"Rest assured, we aren't going anywhere. We are confident and we will keep fighting for your rights in the courts."