
Financial Innovation Quotes

There are 544 quotes

"You use terms like financial engineering, disruption, democratization of finance, you spice with mystique, get a few endorsements from the good and great, then you stir it and then you serve it up to the ignorant customers and investors as something very clever, glamorous, and innovative."
"Cryptocurrency is the biggest transformation of money since the invention of paper."
"Bitcoin is a constructive story about destroying the old."
"This industry has created essentially a new financial foundation for the whole world."
"Bitcoin is going to change the world. It's changing the world already."
"Stable coins have a lot of promise not only in terms of the programmable money concept but also in terms of just being a faster and more stable way to work within a digital ecosystem."
"Earlier this year, the Indian Central Bank set up new facilities to enable countries to trade directly with India in rupees rather than dollars, Euros, or Yen."
"The internet came and unified all of those. 'The Internet of Money' creates a single network which can do a micro-transaction to a giga-transaction."
"China's financial hub Shanghai will pilot the currency, and state banks are persuading merchants and retail clients to download digital wallets to enable digital yuan payments."
"The banks quickly realized that the credit card was a natural for them, because banks are in the business of helping us make payments, and they're in the business of granting credit. The credit card does both."
"The Federal Reserve announced that they're going to release a report in September about how they might be able to actually include the benefits and risks of a digital dollar."
"Bitcoin will win because there is no competition in money, and Bitcoin is the best money currently available."
"Bitcoin provides a step function improvement on the utility of money."
"Our financial system, traditional finance, is being reinvented on the blockchain."
"With Kraken, with their new banking license...legally, you continue to hold legal ownership."
"Let's pick one thing and get that done. What I'd like that to be is stable coins because as a payment system right now, it would be very, very productive."
"A new form of money for households to pay for goods and services."
"We are the pioneers in something that the world doesn't even know exists yet." - Excitement about exploring new frontiers in finance.
"Currency as I have no problem with that I just see that as the next step in how central banks manage their money supply, so it's not like I'm opposed to digital."
"Traditional finance will not exist or a large part of it will basically become nothing compared to what crypto will do to the entire space."
"Crypto is in its very very infancy... by nature, infants are volatile."
"Bitcoin wins, Square wins, the customers win."
"It's time to innovate or try new things with your finances."
"The big unlock there will be, in fact, kind of these fixed funding designs for stablecoins, right, which will probably be collateralized now with these yield-bearing assets."
"Traditional financial companies providing ways for people to get into cryptocurrency."
"A huge opportunity for people to understand that ETH is great, not just money, but ultrasound money."
"Programmable money... just everything is about to change."
"The future is actually going to be people who know how to make the machines make money for them."
"If we are not involved in experimenting in innovating in terms of digital uh central bank money we risk losing the role of anchor that we have played uh for many many decades."
"Bitcoin allows for decentralized predictions market."
"Finance crap the less negative externalities less friction the better the hours the less the middlemen cryptocurrency particularly hex cuts out middlemen."
"Dash's Treasury is a self-funding mechanism."
"Refuse to settle for average investing. It's cutting-edge technology combined with human expertise."
"I genuinely do think that Bitcoin could be the future of money."
"It's stories like this that make bitcoin such a fascinating phenomena."
"The power of Bitcoin is it's decentralized and there's no federal Bitcoin Reserve."
"We believe this is a new asset class, and that institutions are looking at it right now because the correlations of relative returns and total returns to compare to other asset classes tend to be very low over time."
"I have something that can really change things financially for Black people."
"Enron seemed to double down on their schemes and instead began selling weather future contracts."
"Square is slowly but surely implementing Elon Musk's advice to render banking industry obsolete."
"We do see an opportunity where the first bank somebody has isn't an actual bank."
"The blockchain will change the way we use money - the same way the Internet changed the way we access information."
"Trade payment rails are happening on stablecoins. This is enormous."
"Politicians embracing Bitcoin signal market acceptance."
"It's affecting Corporate Finance, it's changing the way you think about Corporate Finance."
"Bitcoin represents a new technology... it's capped to 21 million Bitcoin so that means if you owned all the money in the world you bought all the Bitcoin you had 21 million Bitcoin 100 years from now you still have the 21 million Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin is the money, the perfect money, it sells itself."
"Crypto is going to change everything, but it's early days."
"We are just at the dawn of big changes in personal finance... big space just in front of us."
"It's a pretty big idea. It's not a speculative uncorrelated asset. It's the first monetary network in the history of the world that we figured out how to make work."
"Visa plans to make crypto more usable than any other currency."
"The worst nightmare of the banking system... interest-free money."
"Let's get back to creating a new type of financial system."
"I think that a silver or gold-backed digital currency would be the ideal."
"Bitcoin is the most important innovation to money in a thousand years."
"A combination of a gold-backed fiat dollar with cryptocurrencies I like."
"This is the largest evolutionary step in currency since the credit card."
"The blockchain will change the way we use money."
"Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil pledges to invest up one percent treasury in bitcoin and crypto."
"This completely eliminates the need for banks, that's huge, absolutely crucial point."
"Is this Fed now setting us up for a digital dollar? Could they be setting this up to kind of use as a piggyback or a step in between getting to that digital dollar?"
"Cryptocurrencies are financial stem cells at their core; they can be nearly any asset and can change over time."
"Citing a paradigm shift favoring a pioneer cryptocurrency and replacing gold as the global digital reserve asset."
"Postal banking is extremely important. I think would be huge. I think would be a game-changer."
"Bitcoin is digital money for the 21st century."
"Bitcoin is important, but altcoins offer so much more."
"Bitcoin is clearly seeding itself as the internet money... the money of the internet."
"It feels like there's an entirely new parallel financial system and economic system that's being built."
"Bitcoin isn't about replacing banking, it's about creating, investing."
"Cryptocurrency is one of the only things in the world that can return the power of the people."
"You should know about Dems. It's about D-E-M-Z. Dems is the first investment product that attempts to deliver performance and exposure similar to what you'd expect from the S&P 500 without all the Mitch McConnell."
"Aave: Leading the space for decentralized lending, disrupting traditional financial services."
"Bitcoin initially and then the crypto world was basically the answer to these two things."
"Bitcoin and then the crypto world was basically the answer to these two things."
"Money is still in pigeon land right now, and Bitcoin and Lightning is going to allow for this open network renaissance."
"We could see some distinctions emerge here between proof-of-work coins and proof-of-stake tokens."
"China wanted to develop its own Central Bank digital currency in lieu of cryptocurrency."
"There has to be a solution i believe for liquidity of the world they need another asset that they can call money and that's why i believe xrp will be deemed and designated a currency."
"We're lowering barriers to entry, allowing people to take something like your rewards points and trade them into crypto." - MasterCard Executive
"This OCC news about declaring stable coins basically usable and tradable for payment activities from banks is big."
"The thing I'm most excited about for this year is uh, the bitcoin rewards credit card which we're launching in the city."
"Gradually people will discover Bitcoin and they'll start to realize that the solution to the problem is Bitcoin."
"A major strategic shift for brics has been moving away from the US dollar in international trade with the focus on using local currencies and exploring new Financial systems like the brics pay system."
"Crypto offers quick and easy payments, innovative financial services, inclusive access to previously unbanked parts of the world."
"Coinbase is basically a bank. They have banking charters, they have banking licenses, they can now issue their own Visa cards."
"Decentralized Finance is going to usurp the role of most financial services companies today."
"Cryptocurrencies are the newest innovation in the private currency space."
"Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is the world's chance at regulating wealth."
"Our financial system has always been based on trust, but CBDCs introduce programmable digital control."
"It would make financial sense for everyone to use this new type of currency."
"Ted Benna changed everything with the 401K plan."
"Blockchain could revolutionize the financial world."
"Crypto enables a more fair, free, accessible, and transparent financial system."
"Crypto as a digital money to all of us is like, 'Oh yeah, of course, that's obvious now..."
"Ripple to launch US stable coin... this just gave the US government something that they need so desperately."
"The intersection between digital assets, CBDC's, stable coins and digital wallets will redefine a lot of the financial world going forward."
"Imagine every financial institution settling with every other financial institution in seconds for less than a penny any asset that's fundamentally transformative."
"I think Bitcoin is here to stay in fact I think the recent issues with the banks has even put it more kind of in the DNA of the financial system now."
"Digital innovation in the financial sector is here to stay."
"Lowering the settlement time from about five days to five seconds."
"The rise of the tokenized economy is all kind of ushering us into the digital age of the financial system."
"What's really happening here is collaboration and it's all specific pieces for this new Financial system."
"Stable coins are crypto's killer app, I think it's a multi-trillion dollar opportunity."
"Understanding that we're seeing history unfold in terms of the adoption of the cryptocurrency asset class."
"Crypto's taking over and becoming a new asset class."
"In the future it could actually end up becoming one of the biggest financial institutions in the world."
"I believe XRP is going to rewrite the books on assets."
"Part of the reason why everyone is in crypto is because they're trying to bridge the gap between the have-nots and the haves."
"Canada approved the first bitcoin ETFs in North America."
"Italy's 87 billion dollar bank allows customers to buy Bitcoin, opening more on-ramps."
"Larry says, 'We are going to tokenize all assets. I see value in having an Ethereum ETF.'"
"The narrative of tokenization of real-world assets is running."
"There is a broad recognition that a regulatory framework must be in place for innovation to take root in financial services."
"Crypto has the ability to solve some of the most frustrating problems in our current financial system."
"The Fed has sort of been slow-walking this digital currency, but I do think someday it will happen."
"Bitcoin is a community coin with a purpose." - Tyler Carlson
"The idea of decentralized currency that is transparent and inflation resistant is very important to liberty."
"Block chain is creating infrastructure around trust, and trust between all of us with each other, with nobody in between, not central banks."
"Cryptocurrencies represent the future of how people will shift money across borders."
"Bitcoin being the first man-made, uncorruptible money and social institution we've ever had, it's particularly the most important invention in human history."
"PayPal is going to let users send bitcoin off PayPal which is pretty massive."
"Bitcoin solves a historical problem which is how to take your things from place to place if they're too big to carry."
"Stable coins don't just have to be pegged to a dollar, stable coins could represent something else as well."
"Bitcoin was created by the people for the people."
"So not only a better form of money, but a better form of gold."
"I thought it was the best piece of rock theater I had ever seen."
"You just have to be bullish on the technology, on the innovation, on the financial evolution."
"Robinhood for all of its faults has been the trendsetter."
"Bitcoin potentially kills two birds with one stone."
"Connecting the new asset class with the bigger world."
"You have recreated what is a new financial system, and that's when a reserve currency changes."
"Libra can arguably become a medium-term replacement to any single government fiat currency."
"Tucker raised the money by arranging one of the first ever company stock IPOs."
"Crypto and blockchain will substantially improve the world we live in today, decentralizing the financial system."
"Bitcoin is that one piece, that freedom piece, that's trying to upset all this."
"Generator functions allow you to step through code one step at a time, making asynchronous code much easier to handle."
"Disrupting is not enough they need to make the bank's institutions capital controllers and third-party intermediaries obsolete."
"Cryptocurrency is essentially the second coming of money. It's a different money, it's an evolution in money."
"Central bank digital currencies are on their way to being at the forefront of our economies."
"Public banking could be a financial revolution."
"We are at the peak of a potential financial revolution."
"Ripple is designed to such that it could actually leave the US dollar as a unit of account but become the medium of exchange and also be a store of value as well."
"Cryptocurrency will take control over the majority of financial operations we use today."
"Bitcoin represents the perfect collateral to build a global credit system."
"We are on the brink of a dramatic change... we're about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting."
"The conundrum of decentralized money ownership."
"Germany's largest Federal bank now announce its plans to offer cryptocurrency custody Services."
"Crypto just opens up a whole new can of worms to really help a lot of people."
"Cash is king. Going to cash will allow you to accumulate more coins at a lower price."
"Bitcoin ecosystem is about to take off... fueled by Bitcoin harving today."
"Let's push people toward defy and let's understand that open immutable smart contracts are actually a step function improvement over the regulations and political dictats of the government."
"The power of cryptocurrencies is the first time in any of our lives we've actually had the ability to make a difference."
"Hundreds of banks in the United States will reportedly start offering access to Bitcoin to their customers."
"There's a whole new industry which is liquid staking protocols and on top of the liquid staking protocols there's this new industry that's above that and it's called LSD Fi."
"I think defy, in terms of taking the middlemen out of financial services, is going to take off."
"If we do see central banks adopting bitcoin in their foreign exchange reserves, I think that abates a lot of the uncertainty."
"I look at us as pioneers at the forefront of the fast approaching future of finance."
"Mastercard to support crypto-linked credit, debit, and prepaid cards in the APAC region."
"I like the idea of this a lot. I think that there are finally options for passive income within the cryptocurrency space."
"You have been victimized, but you're not a victim. Victimhood is not your identity."
"Crypto offers something different, something that has actual scarcity or rarity, something that has a total cap."
"This is why We-way is your third micro cap altcoin gem."
"Bitcoin came along in 2008 and shook that all up, created a better form of money."
"What's the value of being able to teleport gold anywhere in the world anytime and have a government not have a saying in that?"
"MoneyGram views its partnership with Stellar as a revolution in the settlement process."
"The Federal Reserve is taking significant steps towards launching its own virtual currency."
"Bitcoin is such a unique phenomenon... it's all of those things rolled into one asset."
"Bitcoin solves one of humanity's longest problems which is money."
"This goes beyond the surface; it validates tokenization as a concept when the largest asset manager on earth makes the plunge."
"Any bank in the United States that is holding a banking license for fiat currency can now also custody cryptocurrency."
"Innovate in money-making strategies. Think outside the box for online income."
"Crypto maybe the answer to these things. Crypto solves the problem of central intermediaries running our financial system."
"America could lead the transition to a digital currency Reserve."
"That's your power, you've got a voice, you've got say in the next consensus driven financial system."
"Crypto adoption is catching up and going faster than internet adoption."
"The bigwigs have officially accepted crypto as a valid asset to allocate, and it's just about to snowball."
"Bitcoin is the most radical experiment in finance."
"Cryptos one of the greatest things in the entire world."
"I think the endgame is crypto or some form of global digital currency."
"Crypto is the future for finance... The money of the future is private money."
"Crypto is the future for finance... Making loans is huge, that's just two, there's dozens of these."
"Maybe we should expand our minds a little and think about how bitcoin could be valued when thinking about other assets and other asset classes."
"Bitcoin is not speculative technology, it's proven technology."
"Bitcoin doesn't have to succeed, it only has to survive."
"Bitcoin will turn out to be a hell of a lot more than money."
"Crypto really is going to become the new money and the new financial infrastructure for more efficient financial systems."
"Bitcoin fixes the incentive structure of the world."
"Cryptocurrency was invented to get rid of middlemen and counterparty risk."
"Institutions moving into the crypto space is good for everybody."
"Crypto ultimately is actually about trust. It's about not having to trust others, frankly."
"Decentralized finance allows you to do all of this without having to go through a third-party intermediary."
"This is one of the most interesting times to be alive in financial history."
"You get these competing forces, and Bitcoin exists outside the financial system, giving people globally really new options that they didn't really have before."
"Major central banks all around the world are expected to announce their own digital currency soon."
"Realty lets investors purchase fractional ownership of real estate across the U.S."
"Cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance present huge opportunities beyond just bitcoin."
"Crypto and digital assets are going to change a lot of things."
"Defi insurance is big in my opinion... I do believe insurance is massive."
"Centralized crypto exchange and lending platform BlockFi is next in line to file for a bitcoin ETF with the SEC."
"Crypto is slowly becoming mainstream, and it's going to be mainstream before most people even think it will."