
Success Metrics Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Our success is based on our customer's success."
"The more successful the game is, the more it sells."
"The greatest tragedy is to win at the wrong thing."
"Our experimental investigations have indicated, for example, that university students who complete this program increase their probability of staying at university by about 30%."
"Our customer satisfaction went from non-existent to 98%."
"Being successful used to always be like the only metric I judge myself by, and now when I look at my life, I'm like, oh, I could fall off a hundred percent as long as I got enough to take care of my kid and my girl and be able to have a good life. That's all I need."
"Our success is going to be judged by the availability of the vaccine as shots go in arms."
"You can't use earthly success as an indication of heavenly favor."
"You know when you're doing something right and you know when you're doing something wrong you do something wrong oh you get sued you you do something right oh the views go up I keep doing more of that right all right."
"Success, therefore, is views and subscribers exactly like you can look totally different for different people."
"Work hard, succeed, bust your pick, bank your success, die happy."
"If it's not at least a million dollars we failed."
"Our measure of success is really how real working families are doing."
"Winning trophies is the only real barometer for greatness."
"Success equals visibility, visibility can then pull in people that are having a hard time justifying why you're successful."
"People's circle around success is money and happiness and health is something that's way above money."
"A woman's measurement of success is a man who shows commitment."
"Nowadays you measure success by the amount of imitators you launch."
"If you made 200 million dollars last year you damn well better make 220 million dollars this year or you're failing."
"The only percentage that matters: the win percentage."
"Luck is getting a video with 1 million views. Skill is doing it 10 times over again."
"The only mark of success is money. How you got it doesn't matter."
"Popularity does to a certain extent mean success because if you don't have a lot of people that are playing the game that means the game is not going to have as many updates."
"Your greatest measure of success will always be the level of happiness you feel consistently."
"You're doing good when you get above 10 million minutes watched per month."
"Without that progress, there's no growth; without the growth, there's no results."
"We've always determined our success by the comments."
"Money ain't nothing without my drip, so get right or something gonna flop."
"You don't have to top Fortnite to be a success, but if you do, you're the biggest success."
"The success of a video doesn't necessarily correlate with the quality, so I think it's a high-quality video that was not very successful."
"Do not judge something's success based on how many people participate in it."
"Money, health, and legacy. If you're able to walk out with all of those, dude, you played the game right, you're a winner 100."
"Success is super wealth. Whether it's a dirty word or not, if you ain't got it, you're not going to be successful."
"Comparison is the thief of joy sweetie. That cannot be the only measure of success or determiner of when you should accomplish something."
"Views or subscribers are not the only metrics for success."
"If success means making use of the materials at their disposal, then they're going to do so."
"Do I think I'm more successful than as is? I do, I quite frankly I do."
"Success can be quantified and measured in many different ways."
"Just because it doesn't make a billion dollars, it's not a failure."
"High value men are exceptional in at least one field... If you max out any of your stats, you don't even have to be one of the highest earners to qualify as a high value man."
"Money isn't the determination of my success, it's happiness and fulfillment."
"There's a group correlation Ventures who said to me that there is almost it's almost bifurcated that if a company is spending more than three hundred thousand dollars in a month the odds of their success go down like like a waterfall."
"What quantifies success in terms of music is like Spotify plays and chart positions, for sure, but I always think chart positions are just like an award season thing, it's more like a bragging rights thing."
"We're now making 15 times more, so now all these businesses are essentially maxed out."
"You don't have to be number one to be great."
"A hospital must produce results. We don't measure our success by results but by activity."
"Failure and success of the next will be how we handle the economic situation."
"We live in a world dominated by profit where productivity and physical output are seen as the ultimate beacons of success."
"I was failing by essentially all accounts of traditional measures of success."
"That's what success looks like. Man don't get new contracts for finishing fifth."
"We average less than one failure per stage so I'd say that's a success for us."
"The null hypothesis denotes no change has occurred. If it can be rejected and the variance is lower, one can claim success."
"Engagement is the true measure of success, rooted in user actions."
"Number of accepted invites over time is a key indicator of success."
"But why don't studios use the number of tickets sold to determine a movie's success instead of box office?"
"The only true comparison you have is box office dollars and that's why they do that and that's why they always will do that 100%."
"You either generate revenue, increase market awareness, customer attraction, make your customers happy, company growth, employee happiness, cost reduction, or process efficiency."
"So technically the ads that I ran yesterday were technically successful in the testing process."
"We need new measures of success; something like a GPI or a well-being indicator."
"The motivation behind this test is to test new product variants that will improve the performance of the existing product and make it more successful and optimal."
"It's all about your slugging percentage, not your strikeouts."
"Nicki Minaj's numbers are very impressive, no matter how you feel about her."
"The success or failure of the show depends on how many people watch it."
"But in the case of business, if you model somebody and then try to go into business and you're not actually successful at that, there's real competition there that determines whether or not you're successful."
"How do you define success in this role in the first six months to a year?"
"You could be the best chef in the world but if nobody pull up to the restaurant, then do it really matter?"
"Time served is no longer the only measure of success."