
Learning Experiences Quotes

There are 173 quotes

"Everyone can and should have access to great learning experiences."
"If you try it, at least you know. It's nothing to be ashamed of; everything doesn't work out, but it's a learning experience."
"You don't have to be a genius. Certainly I, and my coworkers, when I was working at a tech company, we made lots of learning experiences."
"Our Heavenly Father, who gives us so much to delight in, also knows that we learn and grow and become stronger as we face and survive the trials through which we must pass."
"Ultimately just relax and understand that you know what happened happens and you'll learn it'll be a learning experience."
"We learned a lot, and I'm really enjoying this."
"When you believe this experience you've gotten something from it."
"Everything's a learning experience and I put everything out there on the internet and I learn from my mistakes."
"There are many things to learn from this experience even if you're not a beginner."
"You never know if the airplane is gonna teach you a little lesson right at the very end."
"Crashing is another unavoidable right of passage."
"Exhausted, we learned much. Much was accomplished. Many terrible mistakes were made. We're ready for the next phase, right?"
"Nothing goes to waste... all of these lost moments were teaching me."
"You learn things you take control and sometimes it really works out beautifully."
"My personal legacy is just to see people learn something and have that aha moment."
"Listen, this situation, y'all going to learn some serious lessons in order for you guys to bring this together."
"Sometimes you win with love, and sometimes you learn. Every experience is a learning experience."
"There were real learning points and turning points along the way in terms of building things."
"There's definitely a bit of a learning curve but life is just the anxiety level reduces the focus level goes up the results you know become the there's less clutter between where you are where you want to get to that's fantastic."
"It's mostly acceptable to fail at entrepreneurship because you're still in school and you're using it as a crutch."
"There's kind of this light bulb experience that my students have."
"It's the things you learn along the way that are the most beneficial to you."
"Thank you for being a horrible liar. We don't want to be good liars."
"It's always the best part when they learn a valuable lesson."
"Learning from whatever lesson that this was back over here."
"Learning by mistake is actually a very valuable thing."
"Nipsey Hussle said, 'Experience is the biggest teacher.' You know? It's pros and cons to social media, just, you just gotta let your kid know what the pros is and what the cons is."
"Failure is a learning experience, an opportunity for growth."
"I think every film is a learning experience."
"It's actually kind of fun learning life lessons with my robot friend."
"I feel like I'm an alien that's come down onto the human earth and I have to learn how to be human."
"I try to be like the glasses half full guy where I'm like, man, what a weird learning experience for me."
"The biggest takeaway is the lesson that you learn."
"Did you learn something? Was it to not screw around and try to make me look like an idiot when you know I'm not?"
"Comedy is a [ __ ] art and you're gonna learn something every time you go on the mat every time you touch that microphone."
"I've learned a lot but I've made mistakes along the way."
"There's no such thing as failure, only a learning curve."
"I personally will never forgive the education system for gaslighting me into thinking that learning is boring."
"D-Day is all about Operation Torch and what they learned."
"I think we actually played pretty well and we learned a lot of new things about how to approach the game."
"You learn more from defeat than you do from victory."
"Failure is just unpacking the label we've ascribed to it."
"Your childhood dream becomes the learning source for another dream."
"I feel like this loss was a good loss for us because it brings awareness to issues that you did not know were there before."
"Every job I have done was different. Every time you learn."
"I have learned more from my enemies than my friends."
"Sometimes you gotta let people go through the fire for them to learn a lesson."
"It's winning on the spot. Very instructive moment."
"It's been a large learning curve, but I'm loving it, loving it."
"A good defeat is usually much better than a bad victory."
"Sometimes learning the hard way is the best way."
"Every circumstance of your life that feels scary, feels unknowable, is your greatest teacher at the moment."
"Hopefully apex legends never has to go through something like this again... hopefully this is a lesson well learned for the folks over at respawn."
"Don't be put off by your initial attempt at something."
"Most of us either learn our lesson or get out before we have to learn our lesson."
"Watching dubbed cartoons is such a different, better experience."
"Sometimes it's okay to do a startup bankruptcy like sometimes it's okay to take that L get to sustainable."
"Trying's worth it, and you learn a lot from trying."
"We had a lot of learning experiences along the way."
"You learn as much from that as from a presidential debate."
"Try to look at everything as a learning lesson. Although it really sucked, I did learn so much from everything that happened."
"Sometimes you learn a lot through defeats as opposed to winning every week."
"If we never had a storm, we wouldn't learn how to be quiet and confident in the midst of it."
"What was the best thing you learned i'll start while i was learning about nick's gear adventure that's what i have a year and a half a year in a video yeah yeah like three months that was crazy."
"This is what happens when you choose something with a lot of text I learned past few videos I've been learning a lot of lessons."
"But there is actually a wisdom to the play. And it's one that I first came across when I was learning how to juggle."
"Everything here is very familiar, very cozy, like putting on a glove again."
"If you're going to lose, lose as quickly as possible."
"It's a failure of communication... but at least we got a good story out of it."
"That's really saying, 'You learned your lesson.'"
"Looking back now in hindsight, I have to say that was probably one of the best learning experiences that I had ever been through."
"Live and learn when it comes to team management."
"I have hope that you learn not just what to do but also what not to do."
"Mistakes: Moving the RV without unplugging from the power pedestal was a bad day."
"Everyone has learned something... what have you learned today?"
"Shout out to fake ass [__], he taught me everything I know, you feel me?"
"We were able to work through those challenges, we learned a lot of things wrong."
"Disasters are merely learning experiences, challenges to work through."
"The only way you actually succeed in life is by failing a bunch and learning what doesn't work."
"Most great CEOs don't come out of nowhere. They had some sort of learnings or experience along the way."
"Every raid is an opportunity for progression, no matter the outcome."
"It's just makeup I think it's important that we remember that we all make makeup mistakes."
"Will he have learned from this experience? Will he learn from this experience? The King of Swords, yes, there's a degree that he can."
"Don't be afraid to stumble and fall, it's part of the learning process."
"If you're under 25 and you're doing it, go at it. You're going to learn something."
"There's no such thing as failure... there is only learning."
"Golden opportunities instead of painful lessons."
"You're never on the wrong path, you just sometimes get stuck and keep learning the same lesson over and over until you finally click and get it."
"I want to be honest with everyone and kind of walk people through what the experience is like of failing because I think a lot of times after the fact it's easy to say, 'Oh here's the lesson I learned.'"
"The biggest pain brings the biggest learning lessons."
"The learning curve when raising every individual puppy is different and it's significant even for me."
"This is what I had to learn from him. This is how he closes out games."
"The struggles you go through, you learn from them."
"It was not meant to be a lifetime, it was only meant to be a lesson."
"Being screwed over is definitely the best way to learn in these markets."
"This run is teaching us to face the hard decisions in life."
"What we want, what we want, I think are playgrounds like this where you can get hurt. It's very, very important that kids can get hurt on playgrounds because if they can get hurt then every day they learn how to not get hurt."
"From cooking classes to meteorology lessons, every moment in the cabin is an adventure."
"Learning the hard way changed my life." - "Thank you for the insight!"
"I think Elon Musk is learning the hard way that maybe the system that he believed in as a so-called free market system has some significant flaws."
"Just keep learning. Who would've predicted a guy with gorillas on his t-shirts would bring down a major sex trafficking ring? Sounds absurd, but here we are."
"You have to let it go you learn from the trigger."
"I freeze all my soups and stuff in the canning jars. See, I learn something every day."
"Harsh lessons pave the way for enriching experiences."
"It's a really fun way that happened with my actually my Japanese instructor."
"Definitely something that took a lot longer than I should have but hey, it happens."
"You live and you learn and you always play better."
"Life is a journey and a half, but we live, we learn, big brother, that's all we can do."
"Goats will teach you so much, don't leave anything standing near goats."
"Sometimes you just gotta let people learn themselves right?"
"It's very scary for me, you just have to learn a new type of partnership."
"Embarrassing moments shape you as a person in a good way."
"We're going to learn from this, we're going to get better."
"Life is a journey, not a destination. Appreciate and learn from each experience along the way."
"We didn't fail. We just learned something new."
"For some of you, this relationship or situation has played out, you learned all you can learn from it, and it's actually not supposed to level up with this person."
"Some of you may be in a relationship or an entanglement... you guys are learning a lot."
"Let them make their mistake, learn the hard way if you think it's not the best decision... you are a child and you have the world at your feet."
"I just learned something brand new about one of my abilities."
"Sometimes you can learn just as much from winning games as losing games."
"The punishment you brought me through was the best thing that could have happened to me for it taught me your ways."
"You're supposed to learn something as well from this connection."
"There are no mistakes, there is no error in judgment, there's actually learning."
"The situations you learn the most from in life are mistakes."
"I know I learned especially the whole thing about the crocodiles and stuff like that."
"You're going to learn so much along the way."
"My favorite part of the day was just seeing them try things and being happy with themselves when they got it."
"I felt like I had already worked through so much and had to gain so much confidence I didn't know I had and learned so much in such a short time."
"Yesterday he learned the whole intro to 'War Pigs.'"
"We can only grow if we get put in these uncomfortable situations."
"I learned from it, grew, and got into some other [__]."
"Hey, it was our first race. You learn a lot in the first race."
"Some of my biggest lessons have been from mistakes."
"Your failure matters as much as your success."
"The biggest mistake I made was self-doubt."
"I wouldn't change it, it has been great and a massive learning curve in so many ways."
"All of these experiences meant learning things that I never expected to learn as a grad student."
"I can imagine you've probably learned a lot just going through all that."
"things go wrong all the time in dnd, it's just part of the experience."
"Guys, it's like a flower workshop. How cool is that?"
"It will serve as one of the most powerful learning experiences that I've had in a very long time."
"I think if we learned anything it's like you know what, this can be a chill holiday."
"I got a nice compliment for how I handled things and I learned why we had the role of treating everybody with respect."
"People should be free to find or make for themselves the kinds of educational experiences they want their children to have."
"That's taught me something; that's good."
"You take what you've learned from both."
"Trips are like life, it's a journey for good or for bad, it's something good to be learned after all of it."
"Let's go camping, it's so much fun, we'll learn so many things like how to fish and hunt."
"You city people have got a lot to learn."
"A lot of progression comes from failure."
"I'm not going to count any of it as a failure or a waste of time."
"We sometimes learn a lot more on these extremely tough days than we do on the days when it goes well."
"It's okay to feel bad; that's where you grow and learn."
"We don't make mistakes here. We have happy accidents."
"With each new crisis, we learn how great these warriors are."
"The hardest things you do, the most difficult things you do, whether you enjoy them or not, the silver lining is usually you learn a lot from it."
"I'd like to think we've learned a lot since then."
"You got to go through stuff in order for you to be somewhere; if you don't go through nothing, you ain't going to learn nothing."
"We totally learned from it and we had a blast."
"I like to reflect on even just things that happen in my life and like why they happened and what lesson I learned from them."
"Life is lifing with teenagers, and we just learn from each other."
"Every time that we went to the yard, we learned something new, we talked about everything, everything that happened, we learned from it, and we use it to our advantage."
"Learn from everything. Any challenges that you may have gone through, learn from it so you never have to go through it again."