
Job Displacement Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"AI is going to take our jobs, but it's also going to open a ton of doors for you to create businesses people can't wait to just throw money at."
"AI is coming for your job and soon it's going to take over the world. Well, just kidding. That's not necessarily the case here."
"Eventually, AI is going to destroy so many jobs that there is no other solution but taxing the winners and redistributing."
"The great irony of this whole situation is that AI could also replace the people at the top."
"Growing artificial intelligence and automation could leave millions of blue and white-collar professionals out of a job."
"AI within the next three years... is going to replace over 1.4 billion jobs throughout the global workforce."
"Automation is an issue because it gives an excuse for people who have the power to give those jobs to further rescind themselves from any obligation to give back to society."
"AI is gonna be taking the place of the average worker's job." - Participant in the video
"Forty percent of all jobs could be replaced."
"The worry was always about automating low-skilled jobs... Are we just all going to be shunted into the Wally chair?"
"Being turned into clippie sounds awful. But fear not, we'll have years to ease into that sort of suffering as AI steadily plucks off one job after another."
"This is different, white-collar workers and blue-collar workers, both jobs are being replaced by AI."
"We're in the middle of the fourth industrial revolution and the automation will take the jobs away faster than new jobs are created."
"If companies can make money off of AI art and it's just as good as an artist, then you can basically expect a lot of artists to be out of jobs."
"AI in time is going to replace a huge amount of [white-collar work]."
"The fact that there are going to be jobs lost to AI... if I could do a better, more genuine job than all that, I say good."
"It could replace up to 20% of professional jobs in the entire world."
"The danger with AI at the moment is it will end up leaving lots of people without work."
"Foxconn, aligning with Apple's strategy, has initiated a move to transfer a capacity worth 300 billion yuan to India, consequently laying off about 320,000 employees in mainland China."
"High-speed and complete manufacturing has displaced a load of people doing the same thing as the machine now does."
"AI is replacing jobs in computer programming, copywriting, customer support, and more."
"We're talking about replacing most jobs in the next five to seven years."
"AI could replace the equivalent of 300 million full-time jobs."
"Google might already be replacing some ad sales jobs with AI."
"Artificial intelligence could erase 300 million jobs worldwide or about 10 percent of the global workforce."
"Robots are coming and they're taking your jobs."
"This is where the rubber hits the road for a lot of people, it is replacing some jobs."
"AI is coming for all our jobs, even audiobook narrators."
"People are being displaced, and those at greatest risk are in white-collar professions."
"More people are going to be replaced than think they are."
"I think that to the extent that we're causing these problems, we should own up to it. Just as AI displaces jobs similar to the earlier ways of job displacement, I think that AI will create new jobs as well. Maybe even ones you can't imagine."
"There's a conundrum with AI: it can be really helpful, but we're losing out on jobs and skills that people used to learn."
"Artificial intelligence isn't going to replace you; somebody using artificial intelligence is going to replace you."
"It seems like AI will effectively render all jobs obsolete."
"I think we're all going to get replaced as far as the creative goes."
"It's not that AI takes away a job, a person using AI will take away a job."
"AI is going to replace millions of jobs in the next five years."
"If you can replace a worker costing $30,000 $40,000 per year that you have to pay annually with a one-time payment of $25,000 for a robot that can work longer hours it's a relatively quick replacement for certain types of jobs."
"Technology disrupts lives, makes some jobs obsolete, but we reskill, upskill, and find better opportunities."
"People will have to find something else to do if an algorithm does their job better."
"If we believe AI over the next 20 years will displace 50 percent of human work which is routine, that means there will be a large job rotation."
"Every Industrial Revolution, jobs were replaced but new jobs are created."
"85 million jobs would be displaced because of the shift from human labor to machines."
"Technology is going to replace jobs; it's gonna put people out of work, but in the long term, that's actually gonna be something good."
"These days you can hear everywhere how artificial intelligence will soon take the job from writers, designers, and artists."
"We need to start thinking about what's gonna happen when large numbers of highly-skilled and narrow skilled human white-collar workers are displaced."
"About 40% of the jobs that are out there could today be replaced with automation."
"Artificial intelligence is going to replace like 300 million jobs."