
Societal Manipulation Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"It is undeniable that the business class of this country and other countries have implemented a system which turns climate change into a debate that never needed to happen."
"People are waking up to the fact that they're being manipulated by this group of elites."
"Honestly, the most valuable thing we have in life is time, and they take it from us by making us believe that some inanimate objects have value."
"Races are categories that society invents, manipulates, or retires when convenient."
"By using subtle manipulation over heavy-handedness, they’ll weave reality for over a billion people."
"Propaganda manipulates people lacking critical thinking skills, perpetuating societal debasement."
"The greatest form of control is the prison without the bars." - David Icke
"They care about turning you into a fragile fake victim."
"It's the constant gaslighting, it's the constant lying."
"The purpose of all this is so that they can control everything."
"This top-down thing it ain't working and we must fight it."
"Religions exploit our fears and when they can't exploit the ones that exist satisfactorily, they will amplify those fears and they will add to them in many ways."
"There's this manipulation happening in the shadows."
"The best way to get people to go to war is to convince them that they are under attack and then rally them against a common enemy."
"I believe that's another depopulation method."
"We are all just pieces on a chessboard to be played as pawns by players beyond our sight."
"It is being done deliberately to change society."
"If you want to control people's thoughts, begin by controlling their words."
"We were manipulated to not like each other for the gain of these people."
"The idea of an ultimate evil using the legitimate grievances of the lesser races to attack the higher race is the bedrock of almost every modern fascist conspiracy theory."
"The most fertile soil to implement communism is to create shame for identity and impose an emergency."
"The way that you stay in power...take people as far away from their nature...by feeding them lies...fear tactics."
"The first way to control a population is to control the information they consume."
"They keep trying to brainwash people that looking for opportunity is bad and they keep trying to demonize that mindset that people are beginning to say more and more let's make America great again."
"So if you wanted to increase inflation, if you wanted to make the population weak and dependent upon you, this is what you'd probably do, free bread next time."
"Once you have taught a generation of young people to think everything is about gender and race and those immutable characteristics, you can get them to believe any crazy thing you want."
"The goal is to foster historical amnesia. If we don't know what happened in the past, we cannot make sense of the present."
"The ultimate tyranny in the society is not controlled by martial law but controlled by the psychological manipulation of consciousness through which reality is defined so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they're in prison."
"They want to control you, that's what it's about."
"And that's what they want. So, you know, you can kind of piece it together as to why they are so insistent in spending so many hundreds of millions of dollars of propaganda money to dumb down society."
"They don't want you to have that kind of control over your life. They want to control all of it."
"The media is lying to us... They've been programming us for mass psychosis for decades."
"Don't let these the white diamond society misuse you against your own people."
"It's not simply that people... are just smarter... their fears and insecurities are being exploited for profit and political gain by a lot of rich people." - Dan Pfeiffer
"Now they're doing everything they can, all these operations going on to break, to divide us, break up the family in any way possible."
"Wake the [__] up, you're being lied to. The whole system is designed to make you fail."
"They are trying to divide us, black from white, and weaponize identity politics."
"Freedom from information is the new agenda. They're erasing history to keep control."
"Fear is the biggest part of this, they're using fear to divide and conquer."
"We've been manipulated from birth. We need to back up and go all the way back to day one and start re-educating ourselves."
"It's a similar pattern that we see government trying to control people through the institutions that they trust."
"I'm just a college dropout and even I understand this. It's not hard to understand. They just sheep herd you and lying to you on purpose."
"The goal is to divide and conquer. The poles of light and dark have allowed him to steer humanity to where we are today."
"The idea that Orwell's warning is still relevant may seem bizarre, but not to Noam Chomsky. We fix the image of a truth-seeking media as a sham."
"The easiest way to manipulate the size of the population is through migration, immigration."
"They wanted this outrage to continue so they could push forward their agenda."
"The ultimate insult is that they think we're so stupid that we'll let them get away with it."
"The goal then is to create that alienation between the genders."
"A war based on culture creation paradigm-shifting and social engineering."
"It's all by design, problem reaction solution."
"They're dangling cheeseburgers over our heads, and people wonder why anybody's skeptical that this whole push is a ploy for control and profits instead of health."
"This isn't really about the pandemic. This is just about controlling the masses."
"People fixed in their beliefs are the pawns the demagogues need."
"You become an active participant in a grand lie."
"Control the food, control your habits, use the media to shame people."
"Every generation, you're going to have to deal with the fact that someone's going to exploit our credulity."
"If they can keep us divided, we'll stay fighting amongst ourselves."
"We are controlled, manipulated, and distracted by a society awash in electronic hallucinations."
"They want you to suffer, they want you to be miserable. That's what's in it for them."
"I ultimately decided to reveal the truth about the Illuminati, who I saw as the bigger threat, trusting that the human race would realize that they were being manipulated."
"Shows like this pull the wool out and show people the trick of the magician."
"We're being gaslit into thinking medical tyranny isn't existing."
"Censorship generally convinces people they're in the wrong."
"So for them the issue is always to prepare the population so that the election never does what it could do so that it's an empty potentiality never realized."
"It's about censorship, it's about keeping the population stupid, disinformed, and de-democratizing our societies."
"They're trying to bait white people into defending their race card so they can keep manipulating the narrative on these riots."
"With the absence of the Fourth Estate and independent science and independent oversight from the Public Interest the Commonwealth they've been able to get away with enormous deception since the 50s."
"They keep us asleep, they keep us selfish, they keep us sedated."
"We're not about that life so yes you're gonna hear me talk about politics because politics compels the masses to do what they want you to do it's not discretionary."
"It's not for inclusion it's to deliberately subvert your religion from within to make you nihilistic and miserable."
"I do not like the way the left has been so violent and they have been dumbing down black people for years."
"When you throw in the dead internet theory and the power behind it and you've got good people making horrible choices because they're being manipulated and they don't even know it."
"The establishment wants you to live in the wilderness."
"Living in big cities is what leftists want you to do, because they want you poor, dependent on government transportation."
"When you can't control innovation, you control people. When you control people, you control innovation."
"The elites don't want people to think for themselves."
"The climate laws are all part of the social engineering."
"They want you in a low vibrational crappy mental state so they could control you manipulate you but yeah sorry let's move on."
"We're seeing it orchestrated and organized at the top."
"Everybody's high. That's a great way to control everybody, isn't it?"
"Capitalism has intentionally weaponized and built up these contradictions within the working class to divide us."
"They control the media, control the message, control the people."
"They want to push us into these cities so they can control us."
"You distract people from things that matter, unravel the things that give them anchors, and who stands to gain?"
"They're pulling in the end game, shutting down alternative media, advancing war agendas - there has to be a catalyst to get us to their designed system."
"We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures, and games."
"We will use our media to control the flow of information and sentiment in our favor."
"It makes you feel so complacent, it's like they almost want you to be comfortable."
"It feels to me like we're being manipulated, and the environment we're in is simply impossible for a large majority of people to properly awaken and shift into a fourth density environment."
"If you convince people of absurdities, you can lead them to commit atrocities." - Jason Whitlock
"And it's all by Design. Oh, we're being, we're being played this way out. This is gonna, we're just watching it unfold but we're not going to change it. This is all part of the program."
"They want you to be in fear, they want you to be compliant. It's all about empowerment."
"The biggest thing against humanity and our country is this attack through these machines."
"They want division; they want us fighting each other to maintain absolute control."
"You can control a population far more with what you don't tell them than what you do."
"False agenda events are created to further distract and divide us."
"Once the blinders are off, you're able to see how easy it is for them to actually fool the world."
"Obama the work we've been giving him over the past few years exposing how he was an extraordinary tool for white supremacy."
"They capitalized on that fear to control your life."
"You were born for way more than this. Don't let them fool you."
"Confusion is the media's number one weapon, it's Satan's number one weapon to destroy the masses."
"It pisses me off because they're going about it in a way that's going to get people more stuck into their lizard brain mentality."
"Terrorism is what government uses to control people in everyday life."
"The whole system works on fear-based mind control."
"The system is there to make us forget; it's remembering the true nature of reality."
"Politics makes us stupid. That's one of the ways they make you stupid."
"The reason why the schools and churches are closed is because that's where the phone polls set. They want you to mail your ballots real simple."
"They wanted you to stay dumb and blind to the [ __ ] and a lot of you have awakened."
"The actual scare, if there is one to be had, is in the establishment using this to bamboozle the public."
"A fearful Society will always comply. Panicking people will believe anything."
"As long as they can keep you dreaming, you know, they keep you confused."
"when you think that you got it figured out you don't really have to take it out right they finna spin it in a little bit in all type of [ __ ] ways and it's like damn this [ __ ] is crazy"
"Political correctness is manipulating the population to silence itself."
"We are being lied to and manipulated at all levels - Big Tech, Big Media."
"You mean to tell me the goal is to start so much violence so much chaos to get people to the point where they say okay will rather compromise then keep dealing with all of this mess."
"Nothing you're gonna see on TV is here to help you. Nothing the government has to offer that's here to help you. Nothing these people offer you from politics to finances to... Everything around you is all for their gain."
"But it was already started getting smart and realizing that this is what they were trying to do to us, you know, and that's when it started sticking together and dividing, you know?"
"The state uses fear to control, fear of the other, fear of an invading horde or the invasion of refugees."
"The four stages of the enemy: demoralization, destabilization, crisis, and normalization."
"A veil has been put over the eyes of humanity. Evil people in high places have been hiding the truth in plain sight and building a false reality on lies and deception for far too long."