
Industry Transformation Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Generative AI will reinvent nearly every industry."
"We're going through a transformation of the industry as large as when oil came onto the marketplace for fueling."
"Blockchain has the potential to change every industry."
"Now AI is about to be used to revolutionize digital biology and genomics and transportation and retail and all these different industries."
"What we need to do is make sure that industries like the air industry become more environmentally friendly."
"I hope we can become like HBO faster than HBO can become like us."
"Timothée Chalamet's meteoric rise to fame throughout the 2010s from emerging character actor to one of Hollywood's hottest properties has coincided with a bigger transformation in what a leading man looks like."
"Propel us into the future with unprecedented innovation, shaping industries, improving our quality of life."
"Tesla has completely flipped the automotive industry on its head."
"AI is going to profoundly change industries like healthcare and transport."
"But the ultimate prize, the ultimate destination on this journey, would be breakthrough applications and breakthrough industries in areas from agriculture and medicine to energy and materials and even computing itself."
"Every single industry, every job, everything is going to be turned completely upside down."
"The disruptive force of Lemonade: Transforming the insurance industry, one policy at a time."
"This is a real [__] forever changing moment of music forever."
"SpaceX is transforming the Aerospace industry."
"Ultimate automation will make our modern industry as primitive and outdated as the Stone Age."
"Every country must participate, every industry must be transformed - there's no choice but to submit."
"So don't get in the mindset that it's going to be so horrible because these industries are going to go away. That's not what's going to happen. There's plans already in place for how these can be repositioned and pivoted into new technologies."
"Digital technology is enabling even the most established of industries to transform."
"Investing in transformative industries...the transformation is just beginning."
"The truth is, Spotify saved the music industry."
"There is absolutely something happening, there is something going on. The industry is being transformed."
"Corona is in the land to move the giants—Giants of Education, the Giants of the movie industry, the Giants of racism."
"Flash Forward to today, and Howard Schultz is a multi-billionaire and is responsible not just for transforming the coffee industry but several other Industries."
"It's software mentality applied to hardware."
"I think there's huge opportunity to just literally replace everything every single person on the world like 90 percent of the world is drinking Mountain Dew sprite coca-cola every single old soda should be replaced."
"General Motors wants to be seen as a 'platform innovator' rather than as an automaker."
"This would be a very massive thing. This would quite literally change the manga industry for the better forever."
"AI is going to change pretty much every single industry. It's not just the art industry that is affected by this."
"AMD is changing the whole industry, it's like you're all Senator Vreenak here."
"Let's dive into pretty much the future of networking."
"It's true. It's totally true. It's transforming industries."
"Digital advertising is on the brink of a seismic shift."
"A wave of creative destruction is heading our way and is a necessary corrective. This will ultimately be positive for our industry."
"We think a Netflix, Facebook kind of moment."
"2022 is the year that this total annihilation becomes blatantly obvious."
"There's only one way this ends for Legacy Automotive manufacturers: filing for bankruptcy."
"We see this accelerating, we see this really defining the industry in so many ways."
"These technologies typically have the potential to reshape entire industries."
"Our success as an industry will be tested. It has to be because if we succeed, we will change the power structures of humanity itself." - Charles Hoskinson
"I think you're seeing just new new developments as the generative AI wave propagates through every industry, every company, every region."
"But when magnesium supply does begin to scale in earnest, the shift to thixomolded magnesium will be as rapid and nearly as significant as Tesla’s shift from stamped underbodies to gigacast aluminum underbodies."
"The age of the classic car maker is over." - Herbert Diaz
"Social media changed everything... in bodybuilding... in business... it's been the most powerful invention of the past hundred years."
"AI will make millionaires, billionaires. It's gonna devastate and Destroy Industries and eviscerate some jobs and create new opportunities."
"Blockchain is here to stay; it's going to transform entire industries and usher in a new era of tech."
"Crypto is the disruptive. It's going to eat the internet, it's going to eat finance, it's going to eat entertainment, it's going to eat everything."
"Elon actually commented on this article, talking about how many people would be surprised how fast sustainable energy is growing."
"What do you think about this announcement?...this is a tectonic shift...massive evolutionary tectonic shift in what the movie theater...industry has been."
"Tesla will change the entire way the car industry works."
"Transforming industries from Healthcare to finance, foreign medical diagnosis helping doctors detect diseases earlier and more accurately."
"Our industry is amazing... we've... literally flipped it on its head."
"Every single company, in every single industry recognizes that you have all of these disruptive forces coming from the digital industries and Silicon Valley and broader than Silicon Valley."
"We're going to change the face of what this industry looks like."
"If our industry decides to do this... it will happen faster than energy, faster than food, faster than any other sector."
"Healthcare is transformed to be a much more people-centric business; the technology changes and the shifts that you've seen in other industries are now coming into healthcare."
"The ongoing development of such models will likely inspire more innovation throughout the tech industry, potentially transforming how we interact with technology at a basic level."
"The transportation industry is going through a rapid transformation."
"Virtual reality is silently taking over different industries and will transform how we interact and mostly how we learn."
"Artificial intelligence could take over the education industry by 2040."
"If you deploy machine learning and AI within an industry context, you can significantly transform whatever you are doing by adding a much more dynamic and smarter view on things."
"We have to take that whole giant massive industry and convert it to something that's running on renewable energy and storing renewable energy."
"If this project succeeds, it could justify large-scale manufacturing of these turbines and transform tidal energy from a small niche industry to a huge player in the renewable energy industry."
"We're very much in the early stages of this technology really transforming all of our industries."
"We're going through a transformation from dirty burger vans to super clean, super efficient, nice industry."
"It will touch every sector, every industry, every business function, and significantly change the way we live and work."
"AI is going to devour and change every single industry in the world."
"Disruption is when technologies converge and make it possible for companies and entrepreneurs to create new products that do two things: they create a new market and they either help to destroy or radically transform an existing industry."