
Computing History Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"The development of AI is as fundamental as the creation of the microprocessor, the personal computer, the internet, and the mobile phone."
"It is by far the highest velocity, most effective software development process in the history of computing."
"The Apple II: a revolutionary product that changed how people related to computers."
"The first was the specification. The CPU was pretty powerful compared to the Z80 and 6502 chips found in Spectrum and Commodore machines."
"My favorite CPU ever is the one that introduced me to the world of computing, the 286."
"I believe the first computers were used to calculate the trajectory of mortar shells and it's tennis is that correct that is true okay yes yep yep and now we have computer I mean we know what they do now."
"Alan Turing is one of the figures of the century."
"The Macintosh, in retrospect, looks over 10 years ahead of its time."
"The Macintosh was one of the first computers to ship with a mouse."
"He was the first to implement this in a modern computer."
"Alan Turing again, he's math dude like cracked the code and invented the computer essentially."
"Come the mid-2000s there was a major rise in core counts... but the latter of which faded into obscurity."
"These were the poor man's multi-core CPUs of the mid-2000s if you weren't willing to buy used or spend a little bit more."
"Machines like this were our first taste of the hugely exciting world of computing."
"If it is accepted that real brains, as found in animals, and, in particular, in men, are a sort of machine, it will follow that our digital computer, suitably programmed, will behave like a brain."
"The strange machines imagined or inspired by Alan Turing are the basis for all computers today."
"That’s right: as a byproduct of solving a math problem, Turing invented the basis for modern digital computers."
"It was into this miasma of early home Computing Innovation that a little company called processors technology unleashed the cell 20 and it was like nothing else."
"According to IBM, where she spent some 45 years, her work on parallel optimization and inter-procedural analysis still leads the way today." - Narrator
"The Apple 2GS was 'a true continuation and clear successor to the 8-bit Apple 2 line.'"
"The d7b may have been the first desktop computer when I say computer I'm referring to a digital general purpose machine."
"The age of the home computer was over and the age of the personal computer had truly begun."
"The 7600 was unquestionably the fastest computer in the world."
"What if I told you the world’s 'first computer programmer' was born over two hundred years ago?"
"She's actually the first person to really understand what a computer could be and how that could be useful for things other than just crunching numbers."
"I saw my first desktop computer there. It was called the 9100A, and it was a glorified calculator but also really the first desktop computer."
"The history of computing teaches us that even geniuses like Steve Jobs didn't predict all the things people would do with their devices."
"BSD, the Berkeley Software Distribution."
"The Turing machine formalized the idea of an algorithm and the Turing test is important in artificial intelligence."
"Understanding this history gives us the opportunity to learn from the creators of computing and apply the thought in their most sincere form."
"The Cray-1 was an absolutely remarkable machine... just tremendous."
"In 1936, Alan Turing found a way to settle this question, but to do it, he had to invent the modern computer."
"We were doing a desktop motif. Guess what, Apple didn't invent a desktop motif, we were doing one too."
"So there it is, Apple IIe motherboard, an unenhanced version."
"Admiral Grace Hopper came along and she invented the compiler."
"The significance of this algorithm is paramount, and it even earned its place in top ten algorithms of the 20th century."
"The desktop metaphor that we see today."
"There were more 1401 sold than all the computers in the world put together up to that time."
"The original Altair 8800 computer played a very important role in the start of the microcomputer revolution."
"And the beauty of it is I'm actually running the original Altair BASIC which was what Bill Gates and Paul Allen wrote."
"Now the T400 is a really special laptop because it is the departure from the T61 series that was originally developed by IBM and heralded in the Lenovo era in a very big way."
"ARM interestingly stands for Acorn RISC Machine."
"The Amstrad was an interesting machine, had all sorts of weird video modes."
"It was the first time that what would become the standard model of modern computing, that is you work on a magic technology and you show it to the world."
"The experience of having an interactive basic interpreter was so radically transformative to the way that we understood computers, much less use them."
"The Apollo guidance computer... is a real-time digital control computer whose conception and development took place in the early part of the '60s."
"These kinds of computers have been around for decades and people have been trying to model them in as clean a way as possible that works well theoretically and matches practice."
"Back when I first got into computers in the late 1980s, the rudimentary graphics of 8-bit home computers were the order of the day."
"Grace Hopper pronounced the word 'bug' which later became a term that is used to describe a computer error."
"The ideas of computing started well before the first computer was ever made."
"In those early days of computers, we had this incredible thing happening with lots of these groups of people that had neat little ideas."
"I named this computer the ABC, the Atanasoff-Berry Computer, in 1969 after Clifford Berry was dead to give him some recognition for his great efforts."