
Russian History Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"It would be much better not only for the history of Russia but also for the country's future if Russian leaders were willing to permit and even encourage a more even-handed discussion of the Soviet Union's role in the war."
"Empress Elizabeth is also remembered today as continuing her father Peter the Great's modernization of Russia."
"Russian colonialism in the Americas ultimately failed."
"Nothing happens, nothing happens, everything happens all at once. That's Russia's history."
"Russia developed the rituals of a top-down autocratic state."
"Maybe the most important aspect of Missoustein, the real differentiator is this: he may be one of the first Russian leaders to come along whose formative years were not shaped by the country's Soviet past." - Rick Sanchez
"The historical consensus I read a lot of different sources on this seems to be towards the Russian end that actually I'm fired from the sea on the flattest trajectory things were just pinging off the armor."
"Russia at this point of their geography or their history they do not have a year-round warm water port."
"Although he couldn't lead the union out of its economic crisis Gorbachev's reforms marked the beginning of an entirely new Russian Republic."
"The mobilization announced on September the 21st became a milestone that truly divided modern Russian history into before and after an event."
"Russia had inherited a weak and bankrupt state."
"This is what Vladimir Putin's leadership means to Russia, it means coming out of the catastrophe that was the fall of Soviet Union."
"At the suggestion of his wife and Rasputin, Tsar Nicholas took personal control of the army."
"He was like a legend who managed to change not just Russia, but several other countries throughout the world."
"Peter the Great was, perhaps, the most important ruler in Russian history."
"Peter the Great would become noted for his westernization of Russia."
"Offering his 9 year old son Jamalaldin as a hostage to secure negotiations, Shamil met his Russian counterparts to discuss the terms of surrender."
"The Romanov family was executed on July the 17th, 1918."
"Knowing Russians' love for symbolic victories and never surrender policy."
"The Majesty of Russia is still full of an amazing amount of history and mysteries that are just waiting to be revealed to the world."
"Here we are, Russia's Imperial Ambitions in Eastern and Northern Europe."
"Russia was built by its geography and its autocracy...take away one card and the whole house collapses."
"Ivan the Terrible...state sanctioned alcoholism."
"Rasputin's death marked the end of an era in Russian history."
"There is a return to genuine values and so the Tsar has to be buried with all the honor due to his rank."
"It begs the question: what could have Russia and the rest of the world been, had Kerensky made a few different choices?"
"I think Russia has a little bit more of a history with gold, so I would trust Putin a little bit more, but only a very little bit more."
"Russians have been brought up during the Soviet Union to hold vastly contradictory points of view in their head."
"Russia, if it had carried on having revolutions like Ukraine did would be I think as you say in a very different position now."
"Ivan the Terrible's marriages were plagued by tragedy and violence."
"You think about the Russian people a generation ago, they didn't have so much freedom, now they're enjoying it, they're relishing it, and they don't take it for granted."
"Ivan the Great refused to pay tribute to the Mongol Empire and built up his military strength, driving out the Mongol garrisons from various cities and towns throughout Russia."
"Ivan may have been the first crazed autocrat to terrorize Russia. But, he wouldn’t be the last."
"Rasputin's presence at court damaged the prestige of the Tsar and his family."
"The fate of the Romanovs was destined to get worse after November 1917, when the Bolsheviks under Lenin overthrew the Provisional Government."
"Keen to secure his power in Russia, in March Lenin reluctantly approved the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany and its allies, surrendering control of Poland, the Baltic states, Belarus, and Ukraine."
"The Bolsheviks’ suppression of the Constituent Assembly and their capitulation to Germany created the conditions for civil war."
"While Russian tsars had often been violently removed from power by ambitious family members in palace coups, this was the first time a Russian monarch had been killed by revolutionaries who aimed to overthrow the monarchy."
"a man torn between the old ways and the new, who in time would be known as one of the greatest cultural fathers of Russian history."
"Almost nobody's teaching any courses on Russian history anymore at Harvard. That just makes no sense."
"The dilemma of Russian history for the past many centuries."
"From the 13th century, they entered Russian folklore as Jewish heroes in the 'Land of the Jews'."
"Now you can enjoy the drink that's been on every Russian space mission."
"Amidst the turmoil, there were plans and discussions of a coup to depose Tsar Nicholas II."
"Russia is and always has been acutely conscious of her security, and for a very good reason: bitter experience."
"...one doesn't have to love but Embrace Russia in all of its past to really be at peace."
"St. Basil's Cathedral... was built as a beautiful Russian Church in Ivan's orders between 1555 and 1561 to commemorate both the siege of Kazan and the fall of Astrakhan."
"The Lost Library of the Moscow Tsars, also known as the Lost Library of Ivan the Terrible, traces its origins to Grand Duke Ivan III, known as Ivan the Great."
"Grigory Rasputin is one of the most enigmatic figures in Russian history."
"...Peter the Great of Russia... reformed Russia's political institutions... requiring Nobles to serve in the army or a civil Administration."
"The actions taken on that historic day laid the groundwork for a new era in Russian history driven by the ideals of the working class."
"The Russian people were overwhelmingly tired of the old order, tired of being humiliated by Russia’s backwardness, authoritarianism, and weakness."
"...the idea of a third Rome is made explicit when the prince of Moscow is elevated from that of a mere Grand Prince into the idea of a Tsar, a Caesar, assuming that Imperial mantle."
"There is a large concentration of Muslims in Russia and the history of Islam in Russia goes back many many centuries."
"War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy gives us a different point of view, set in Russia."
"The Russian imperial family had the best jewels, but most were sold or stolen after the revolution."
"World War II for Russia is not known as the Second World War; it is known as the Great Patriotic War."
"Peter made many reforms seeking to turn Russia into a modern European state."
"He gave many Russians their first taste of freedom after decades behind the Iron Curtain."
"Rasputin is one of the most colorful and frankly controversial figures in all of Russian history."
"And so, on 3 March 1917 the Russian monarchy, one thousand years old, came to an end."
"The Russians answer the threats with bayonets."
"The Monomakh's Hat is one of the most ancient tsar relics, a symbol of the Russian monarchy."
"The history of the Russian state began from a new start."