
Borrowing Quotes

There are 236 quotes

"Credit everyone has a credit score, and this shows whether you're worthy of borrowing money and paying it back."
"If you could borrow $1 billion 0% interest for 10 years, would you do it? No... It's not worth it. I don't borrow money."
"'If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some; for he that goes a-borrowing goes a-sorrowing'."
"It's like borrowing tomorrow's happiness today."
"You shouldn't borrow money if you know you can't pay it back, and you shouldn't loan somebody money if you know they can't pay you back."
"When you borrow something after you've been expressly told you can't, it's called theft."
"The ability to borrow is what makes capitalism so powerful."
"My dad came up to my job and stuff, he borrowed my truck."
"You can borrow money against that net worth if you want so you have endless opportunities."
"My idea for this round comes from the fact that Ruby is always taking my clothes and not just my clothes, she'll take my dad's clothes as well."
"Borrowing instead of buying - asking neighbors for what you need."
"The demand for loans is by borrowers, you the people who want to borrow money."
"Wow, buying money! Let's go spending money that Adam's mom lent us."
"If you borrow for immediate consumption with no long-term benefit, you're actually deteriorating your financial future."
"They'll fix this, now that dude I loaned it from, you gotta send it back to Sig."
"There's no guarantees in any world of lending and borrowing... you're taking on counterparty risk."
"It still makes sense to borrow money to buy Tesla stock."
"Everybody wants it, everybody wants to take money out and borrow it because they need to pay bills or maybe they wanna invest, you know what I'm saying?"
"A credit score is just a number that determines how well a person is able to borrow money and then pay it back."
"I'd rather you be mad at a lender and Sally May than a family member."
"I borrowed your car since mine actually broke down. Totally explainable."
"Hey, we're not thieves, but we did take that card key. We borrowed that. There's a difference."
"The reason I'm calling you is because I think for returning my Rolex day-date that you borrowed."
"The really smart players especially the large players will never sell their bitcoin I'm never going to sell my bitcoin but they will borrow against it."
"My local library has a library of things for residents to borrow. Useful household items like toolkits and power washers."
"That's how money is created, you have to borrow it into existence."
"They're one of those bands that almost everybody is borrowing from whether they know it or not."
"Turkey may need to borrow more money as its currency reserves dwindle."
"Borrowing a lot of ideas, and so it forms into your own."
"Now is precisely the time to borrow and invest."
"As long as you're not borrowing too much and you have other sources by which to repay it."
"Music borrows and must necessarily borrow and use much which was well known and used before."
"Hey you did it you stole it no I borrowed it."
"Lower interest rates means that money is cheaper to borrow, it encourages more lending."
"Draco's not afraid to steal an idea, you know? Whatever, a good idea is a good idea."
"I only borrow money to make money."
"It's not stealing, it's borrowing. It's feeding upon and doing a reinterpretation."
"If I could pay it back and I can borrow, then it's like yeah."
"Mommy, let me borrow twenty dollars."
"and if a nasty guy comes calling all of a sudden that you haven't seen in a while to borrow that money just say no okay he needs it so he's like a Mr Beast type yeah but he's a little bit"
"Thank Lancaster Toyota in Lancaster Pennsylvania for allowing me to borrow this vehicle to review."
"Just have this rule for yourself: If you can borrow it from somebody, then don't buy it."
"It's not an investment in yourself to borrow, even if it is an investment."
"Usury is again on our minds. Usury is abusive lending that's taken without concern for the person who's borrowing."
"Christie does a lot of money from me, occasionally if she says she'll pay it back then she normally does."
"In seeking the aid of the cosmic in borrowing money, it is presumed that you have in mind some person or institution such as a bank or financial institution from which to borrow the money."
"Loan: an amount of money expected to be paid back with interest, used for property."
"You want to be the person trying to get a loan, you want to be the person giving the loans."
"You're doing exactly what the bank does, but you're really borrowing money from yourself."
"Don't borrow, don't loan, and don't let people owe you."
"Once you build that wealth now you could borrow from what you just built."
"We're going to borrow two until I can come up with a set."
"If you're going to borrow less than $200,000 there's a good chance you could possibly get that loan through just like a retail bank."
"Borrowing is another concept in Rust which states, 'Yeah, you can borrow a variable if you want the owner to still be retained.'"
"Borrowing is immoral. It's essentially taking from people who are not yet born."
"If at some point you will have many unpaid debts, do not keep on borrowing to repay your first debts."
"I'm borrowing this little Lou from Alicia, which is super cute."
"Jews borrowed the word, making it into Yiddish."
"Apparently Jonathan Frakes and Lavar Burton actually borrowed theirs from Avery Brooks and Colm Meaney."
"It's not a sin to borrow money, but if you do, you should work as hard as possible to get out of it. It's about personal power."
"When you have low interest rates, borrowing is really cheap."
"For example, you'll be able to borrow more books for a longer period of time."
"Can I borrow some sugar? I like that idea of being neighborly."
"I don't want to go long. I didn't bring my watch. Can I borrow your watch?"
"We don't pay anything for the lease, so essentially we're getting to borrow this tractor for a year."
"Why are all these people asking people to pay for the wedding when it could be like money that you borrow?"
"The wicked borrows and does not repay, but the righteous shows mercy and gives."
"I prefer to think of it as a temporary requisition of funds."
"The borrower is the servant of the lender."
"Borrowing words from one language to another is not a New Concept."
"You can borrow the money from the bank at 3 percent and you can make 15 to 20 percent."
"I refuse to borrow, borrow. Nobody borrows toilet paper."
"So I really want to encourage people to, if you can't buy it, borrow it from the library."
"I'll just get the keys... Oh take it, but only on the understanding that you return it at the earliest event drowsy, thank you."
"It's easier to live with people when you never borrow, especially without asking."
"In a crisis, borrowers will naturally prioritize other loans like their mortgages and credit cards over BNPL purchases."
"God becomes the borrower, you become the lender, who is now boss?"
"We told the world if we can't borrow more money, well, we're not going to pay back the money we've already borrowed."
"Don't borrow money unless you really, really have to. If someone lends it, they'll want it back, plus."
"It might be better to try to borrow some good equipment from somebody before really committing."
"Thanks bro, you don't know this but I've commandeered your kayak."
"Big thank you to Voodoo and Navaro for letting me borrow their car for the day, had a blast, can't wait to have some more fun with it when it's complete."
"Never ever let your friends borrow your motorcycle."
"It kind of reminds me of when you would go to your friend's house in high school and spend the night and ask if you could borrow a pair of shorts and they're like, sure, here's my biggest pair."
"I'm never going to borrow money off you again. You're a nightmare."
"...there is no such thing as you never borrow even from a bank, you never borrow from a bank, you borrow from an individual that believes in you."
"Your credit score determines how good of a rate you can get when you're borrowing."
"Use someone else's money to fund the car you want for your lifestyle."
"Teaser rates are used to get borrowers in the door, offering lower introductory rates that will adjust higher later on."
"Well, it was during this time that I lent all that money. That's different. No, this was definitely the worst of it."
"Taking interest-based loans is totally out of the question."
"It's okay to borrow confidence from others when you need it. Slather it on yourself and watch how it changes your mindset."
"I can't wait to borrow all this stuff."
"Thanks for spotting me that 30 bucks."
"Excuse me, Mr. Wishbone, you got a razor I can borrow?"
"The real advice they would be giving to Bill Gates is: 'What's the matter with you? Why aren't you borrowing money? It's tax deductible, whereas dividends are not.'"
"If you've got dollars you want to lend and nobody wants to borrow them from you, then that's going to give you an incentive to offer to lend at a lower interest rate."
"Open-end loans, like HELOCs, provide flexible borrowing without predetermined amounts."
"maybe this boom cycle can go on a little bit longer because people have so much money to borrow."
"My money is in the bank I'm just borrowing from myself."
"When it comes to decisions that you and I make man I just don't borrow money."
"If I have to borrow it more than three times, I'm buying it."
"Comment below if you want to share personally whether or not you have 300k. Can I borrow some? As a very personal question too. I didn't feel comfortable we're ready for that, approve that to put that out on the internet. But I do not have that much."
"It's economic fact that if you borrow at 3% and you earn 6%, well then you're going to be in a favorable position."
"You're essentially borrowing money from yourself."
"Are you just borrowing money as opposed to taking in funding?"
"Most politicians do not want to make it harder to borrow or harder to buy."
"Why are you gonna take financial advice from someone who doesn't have money and is it borrowing money from you?"
"There is no way that you can borrow that amount of money and tell the British people that that is not going to have an impact on inflation, on interest rates, and ultimately on their taxes."
"All of this is borrowed, clearly from many Egyptian and Near Eastern prototypes."
"Should you borrow to invest well it's up to you but make sure you understand the the downside risk and the debt is what gets you into trouble."
"I'm going to steal this from him."
"Borrowing from the world makes us slaves to the lenders."
"The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is the servant to the lender."
"If you're borrowing money, interest rates are going through the roof right now, so the cost of borrowing money is going to be a lot more for buying equipment or taking loans of any kind."
"One of the benefits of mass financial literacy is that people think it's normal that you just need to become a credit underwriter and figure out the normal credit health conditions of every possible borrower in the world."
"Disney is losing a ton of money. They are borrowing billions just to keep the lights on. They'll have to pay back all of it between 2026 and 2060."
"Sorry, I borrowed the wig that Bernie had."
"I don't know why people like belittle it and be like, 'Girl, your funky little $20.' Well, give it back then. Fun [__]. Borrow money and don't give it back to 'em."
"Remember: always borrow from a pessimist."
"Can I borrow the magazine that's in the seat pocket in front of you?"
"I have a truck just like that, always borrowing it to move some lumber."
"I got a rule three: if you need to borrow it three times, buy it. If you stick with that, you're going to use what you use over time and you won't have to go and splurge on big sets. You'll never use all the tools, right?"
"You shall lend to many nations and you shall not borrow."
"We borrowed at a 10% interest rate."
"Fame, what you get is no tomorrow. Fame, what you need you have to borrow."
"Cultural features such as the characteristics of the chief god of the pantheon were borrowed from the Phoenicians by Hebrews and Greeks."
"God's best is that you lend and never have to borrow."
"Borrow words from one another, right?"
"I'm not trying to borrow any money. And two, if I want to make investments, I'm just going to invest into the stock market."
"Everything is derivative. Everybody steals from everybody else."
"Can't get a loan if you don't have a good name."
"'I'm fully convinced that these two myths are talking to each other or the Bible authors borrowed from the Greeks.'"
"It's not solely about the interest rate. Borrowing money, the key to understanding borrowing money, is what you do with the money that's borrowed, not necessarily how much you're paying for what is borrowed."
"You cannot deny people the right to be able to borrow money at a reasonable price for what they need just because they didn't have this credit history."
"The cost of debt is the rate at which I can borrow money long term today."
"An interest rate is the rate that you pay if you're a borrower of money and a rate you receive if you lend money out."
"The financial system is an efficient way of bringing together those who save with those who borrow."
"Low interest rates help fuel growth by making money cheap and accessible to borrow."
"We have the ability to borrow at low rates; we have the ability to service that debt."
"Your credit score is absolutely critical in helping you decide how much you can actually borrow."
"The US fiscal position is not an urgent issue; the US is able to borrow on easy terms."
"Don't be afraid to take other people's ideas."
"It makes good economic sense to borrow to invest."
"I'm going to borrow a spoon of sugar from my neighbor."
"You can rent out laptops and cameras from the library."
"Thanks, Joker, and next time if you want something, just ask to borrow it."
"I'm very jealous that she has this bag, but she let me borrow it, so I'm very excited to be using it."
"Come on, isn't it only proper to return what you borrowed?"
"Languages can borrow from one another."
"When you borrow something, isn't it your job to take care of it?"
"A bond is like... if I'm a company and I have a couple different ways of raising money, one of the ways is to raise stock to give up equity of my firm. I don't want to do that yet, so maybe I want to just borrow the money instead."
"Bonds are basically borrowing money from various creditors rather than from one source."
"It is definitely considered bad manners to borrow something and then not return it."
"The goal is to capture an understanding of why people need to borrow money and then later on see how it correlates."
"Interest rates determine how much it basically costs to borrow money and how much you get back if you deposit money."
"You only pay interest on the money that you're actually using."
"At the very least, borrow against a portion of your assets."
"If you're going to invest money, if you're going to borrow money, at least let it be making you money."
"The U.S. Treasury just announced that it's going to borrow one trillion dollars in just the next quarter."
"Principle is the amount that is actually borrowed from the lender; interest is the fee that you pay for borrowing that principle."
"Don't borrow money for something that doesn't pay you back."
"Most of the Enlightenment period ideas are mostly borrowed from indigenous critiques of European culture."
"Interest is the cost of borrowing money."
"When interest rates are low, it can actually make sense to borrow money."
"To my good friend Oz, in appreciation for all the things I've borrowed over the years."
"Treat the people you borrow with the same respect that you want to be treated."
"Return borrowed items in the condition they were given to you."
"That's how we cover books here at the library, get them ready to be protected so you can borrow them."
"I'm going to a black tie wedding here in a couple of weeks, I just might ask Doug if I could just borrow that."
"Borrowing is a way of not taking ownership."
"I'm here to borrow the rest of the manga you lent me before."
"Don't be afraid to borrow beautiful views from your neighbors... they enlarge your garden too."
"You want to borrow a strategy from this strategy library that's pretty comprehensive."
"Russell had borrowed tens of thousands of dollars from anime."
"Here is my wife's toothbrush I'm borrowing today, don't tell her please."
"I can take a credit card from Mario's wallet; he owe me that money anyway."
"When a company issues a bond, essentially it is borrowing money."
"If we borrow money, that would be reported as cash inflow in the financing section."
"I'm gonna borrow it, yeah, like everything else we borrow, I love you."
"Pre-approval is an indication from a bank that says roughly how much you can borrow."
"A thief steals, but a genius borrows."
"Interest-free borrowing, immutable, non-custodial, no admin keys, no governance."
"The lesson for today is not do not borrow; the lesson is when you borrow something from someone, it's your job to hold on to it until it gets returned."
"Even when you borrow the money, you still earn interest on the funds."
"Leverage means you're basically borrowing money to increase the potential return of an investment."
"When there are different options for borrowing, we should go with the lowest cost option."
"If you ever borrow anything from anybody, when you return it, you return it in better condition than when you got it."
"Out of nothing, you can, as it were, borrow energy, but the more energy you borrow, the less time you can borrow it for."
"You borrow someone's stuff, you return it better than when you got it."
"Thank you so much to Michelle for lending me this set, it's been really fun."
"If you don't have enough points, you can borrow points from the future."
"The cost of debt is a rate at which I can borrow money long term today."
"Texts are constantly borrowing and quoting other texts, whether intentional or not."
"The reality is that if you borrowed something, it implies you're giving credit for where you got it from."
"Books can be borrowed for fourteen days and can be renewed for a further two weeks."
"When you take projects today, when you value your opportunity today, it has to be based on what you can borrow money today."
"External commercial borrowings are taken outside India predominantly because they come attached with a lower rate of interest."
"So you can have some of the elements and just don't forget to give back because you borrowed the session face."
"Everybody wanted to borrow that pigeon; they saw her in the air."