
Parental Concern Quotes

There are 222 quotes

"Imagine if your child was suffering, you knew the appropriate treatment, and there was nothing you could do."
"We did what I think everybody in that situation would do, and we asked the doctor, 'What would you do if it was your kid?'"
"After noticing Anya's gloomy demeanor, he surmises that he may be pushing Anya too hard on her studies."
"If you keep on mutilating children, maybe don't be that surprised when the parents are angry."
"I want my kids to have their kids not have to worry about the next school shooting... we don't have to live this way anymore."
"Do you think it is acceptable for kids under the age of 13 to be on social media?"
"Who's protecting our daughter, you know? What is this going to look like?"
"Would you be willing to sacrifice your kid to this indoctrination for the sake of comfort?"
"And I'm very lucky neither of my kids has ever been very sick. But if they were, and the doctor came in and went, oh my god, your kids are sick, I'd want another doctor."
"She was more concerned about the future of their children."
"You're not a mother you don't have to worry about your daughter having to face some 6'4 man out on the basketball court like I do."
"As a father of four kids, I have the government telling me I have to inject my kids with something that we know nothing about. That is evil."
"Parents are getting tired of it. Just to give you guys another example of not only how out of control the education system has got, but also the control and manipulation of our language."
"My view is that the parents who are coming to school boards all across the country, whether it's a red state or a blue state or red district or a blue district, they're legitimately concerned."
"No parent should ever have to decide if they can afford to save their child's life. It just shouldn't happen, not here."
"There is no way to overstate the terror that lives in the hearts of black mothers all over the country."
"I just want to fix my daughter, her power is awesome."
"Never in my life will I approve my daughter to date a 42-year-old man, I don't care if he has all the money in the world."
"The idea that my daughters may lose the right to control what happens to their bodies keeps me up at night."
"Many parents in Loudoun County saw the teacher’s behavior as hostile."
"Imagine your nine-year-old son going missing and it seems like the police aren't willing to do anything to help."
"I'm worried that my children will not be bilingual."
"The reality is, a lot of parents are worried about their children and that is where a lot of the anxiety around some of the trans issues especially in school comes from."
"I want to make sure that my son, when he goes to a game, that he will be able to have the experience that he is imagining when he gets there."
"I don't know where my kid is, all I want is my [ __ ] kid."
"I'm actually gonna check on him. I know we're meant to be doing this prank thing but she's a mischievous and imaginative child."
"There is not a black woman or man who gives birth to their son who from the first time they hold that baby in their hand do not start praying that the life of that child through his life will be safe and respected."
"It's not about us, it's about our children and their future."
"There's no guarantee that your child's not going to get it, and I hope parents don't actually fully believe when these medical professionals say like, 'Oh hey, it's free and clear over here,' like they don't know for a fact, they don't know 100."
"Every time my kids age five and seven walk out the door these days, I am scared to death for their safety."
"If my daughter living in this world and she doesn't feel safe, I'm dead anyway."
"I'm honestly just grateful that my kid is no longer being abused or neglected."
"Why should my children be harassed by a sadist?"
"You want your daughter to be able to walk around without fear that she's going to lose her legs or that she's going to get shot."
"I just want to go to bed at night and remember what it's like to know all my kids are safe."
"Anything could be happening to her at any moment."
"I finally would not have to watch my child be in so much pain."
"I'm just thinking about the fact that if I had kids, I genuinely have to worry about what kind of world they'd be living in."
"Education has become a base for the radical politics of the Marxist left in many schools, and parents are watching closely."
"Emma's mother Shelley still holds out hope that her daughter is still alive."
"The idea of having your child taken away to a quarantine camp is appalling."
"The Momo challenge... hoax preys on parents' nervousness."
"October 17th began the nightmare for Morgan's parents."
"Our children's health and safety is always on our minds."
"No parent should ever have to fear for their sons and daughters when they kiss them goodbye in the morning."
"Parents are not putting up with this anymore. I urge you to dismiss the teacher, and any other Antifa affiliated teachers in your school district."
"Dear God, I have a seven month old. Doesn't he deserve a future?"
"It doesn't matter if you are republican democrat parents are pissed off at the covid hypocrisy."
"They never told the parents that their children's data would even be compromised."
"But overall, doctors and parents alike are weighing the options and saying, you know, that the symptoms of myocarditis are not great."
"Nobody's even looking for my daughter anymore."
"I don't want any parents to suffer this horrible thing."
"Damn, my kid's school, like, do I leave them here?"
"If it was my daughter, for example, would I want this for her? Absolutely not."
"I'm asking for the right to choose, not having my kids shot up in school."
"Your mental health and the mental health of your children, it's more than what other people say about yours."
"They weren't getting any coverage anymore, and the boys' parents were trying to get some media companies to publish articles about their boys to keep the word alive, but they were all refusing to do so."
"His ribs will be broken and I feel like his Daddy's going to need to make the choice to stop the fight."
"Making sure our daughters get the same pay for the same jobs as our sons is every father's bottom line."
"My kid is not a deep sleeper... I believe there must be some spiritual thing covering her eyes and ears." - Parent of a child who survived the nursery stabbing.
"Fang is a mother first, not knowing what's happening with Spear."
"My biggest fear is anything happening to my kids... I just gotta protect my babies as best I can."
"I do worry about my kids and what they're going to have to endure in the future for sure."
"It was long enough for parents to arrive on scene pleading with police officers to go in and save their children."
"There's no place to go in the United States to prevent your child from being exposed to this."
"No parents should be forced to send their child to a failing government school."
"Do you know where your children are right now?"
"The parents decided to sue Disney... failed in their duty of care."
"Corey's mother refused to give up looking for him and stated that she would continue to search for answers."
"Parents worried about sending their kids back to school are coming together."
"I need to know that my baby is alive, please Tracy."
"These parents from Los Angeles were startled when they discovered ghostly spots hovering around their sleeping baby."
"I don't want to see my kids go through hell."
"As a parent, that's all you can even ask for, is like the safety of your children."
"We are fighting for every American mom and dad who wants to protect this land of Liberty for their precious beautiful children."
"The sound of my little girl's wail will haunt my mind forever."
"This is a fight worth having because I really do believe that when we get to, we, I don't want my kids to grow up in a country where they have to feel like they can't share their political views."
"The father will experience irreparable harm if the daughter suffers a wrongful death."
"Our hearts truly go out to her parents; they clearly love her."
"We have done the biggest experiment on humankind and we have all just adopted it except for the kids of the people that run Silicon Valley right."
"This is a battle between good and evil." - Concerned parent
"Parents with common sense want to remove books from school that are not for children, they should not be in school in the first place."
"There's a positive side to technology, and then there's that little side where it's like, 'Yo, I gotta warn my kids about this.'"
"If you're a parent and you've had a sick kid, it's... I don't think there's anything worse."
"I'm worried it's going to do it to the kids. That's my fear."
"My wife called me the other day, said that my daughter's school was on an orange alert, man I was in the office, I couldn't focus."
"The summer of 58... parents called the camp to find out everything was all right with their children, but no one answered. When they arrived at the camp, they found no one, only abandoned things and a mess."
"Our takeaway was we want to go save your son, we want to go save your daughter."
"The truth is, she fears for the life of her children."
"You are still going to piss a lot of the parents off because, you know, I brought Little Jimmy to go see this one movie, and you got Little Jimmy all excited about Deadpool, and now you're putting out a Deadpool movie that I can't bring my kid to."
"It hurts my little mom heart to see my kids sick and there's not much I can do for her."
"If you do not want these morons and perverts to dump this audible sewage directly into your child's eardrums then you're nothing more than a fainting church lady clutching your pearls."
"I just want my kids to be safe. I don't want them to be beat, I don't want them to be ridiculed."
"Just because you send me a form that says, 'It has been determined that school is safe to return to'—no. It's not enough. It's not enough for me."
"How does your son disappear and you don't know where he is or where he could possibly be? That's what I'm talking about." - Nancy Grace
"I can understand why people who see what is being taught in public and even private schools and you see the types of teach you have, you just want to pull your kid out of that."
"The controversy surrounding Mortal Kombat didn't stop with concerned parents."
"I think of my own daughter who's seven years old imagine her suffering and then not having her family who loves her the most to be there with her."
"I think any parent should be concerned that a daughter can disappear and have the case as mishandled by local officials as this one was."
"I don't care who did it, what their name was. I want to know who killed my son."
"Hello parents, what did you do? What evidence? I drank some of that nasty water."
"Is that who you want your kids looking up to at a Drake level? No, sorry."
"We are so sad because we feel we are losing you to a life that's nowhere near the life we dreamt for you."
"I have a daughter and as I read about this stuff and learn about this stuff it's the last thing in the world that I'd want to have happened."
"The worst thing is and the biggest fear one of the biggest fears that I have as a parent is that my daughter suppresses her feelings and her emotions because she feels like she has no one to go and talk to."
"Dear God, thank you for everything in my life. I'm so grateful. Please just protect Sawyer when he's not with me, that's all I ever ask for."
"I'm ashamed of this country, I'm ashamed that I have to listen to Monique who has to struggle with her kids, drop her kids off autism or not, and not know whether she's gonna see them again."
"I heard a thump and my daughter starts crying loudly. I rush in and she had fallen out of her bed."
"Do I really wanna see my kid attempt suicide?"
"All my instincts wanted to run and pick her up and scream and run away."
"She couldn't feel her daughter's emotions anywhere."
"If I saw my daughter had hair like that in the future, I would absolutely be so worried."
"He's just waiting outside... whilst his child is having life-saving measures attended."
"Parents are outraged their kids are being subjected to it."
"I just want my grandkids to be safe. I love them and I'm scared everywhere we go."
"Okay, okay, well what the hell are you worried about then? Your kid's protected. Why are you afraid of my child?"
"It's never too late; God cares for the things that burden your heart, especially your children."
"I didn't want my kids to live a life like me, to be scared constantly, to not have a Teenage life just because this thing came every night and attacked my house."
"My parents would actually call me multiple times and they'd be like, 'Is everyone signing releases?'"
"I know everything I've done is to protect her from the disaster that is her mother, and I'm extremely disappointed that her mother has just decided to not fight for her kid anymore."
"I don't want my kids to feel the way I do when someone insists on slapping the Indian American label on me."
"I just messaged my youngest son... I said something's wrong, and that was it."
"Sometimes it's from a place of they love you so much they can't see you mess up, they can't see you make the wrong decisions."
"I can't even imagine doing this to my daughter."
"I love my son but he's not great in school."
"Sometimes it's like this: if I do what the court wants, I put myself at risk. But if I don't, I risk losing my child."
"My daughter's life is worth asking that every other child that's still going to school that's scared to go to school it's a big ask but if that is the only way that we can protect our children."
"It's really hard to see your child in that amount of pain."
"His father couldn't help but wonder if those high doses had left him sick and confused and wandering those woods in this kind of thick foggy haze."
"That's my girl, I don't like it, you know, and I'm still like that."
"The kids are almost jumping off the balcony."
"Tomorrow they're hoping to get, you know, most or all of it. It's a big operation to go through for any child, and it's our child which is really important to us that he gets through it and gets through it well, but he will."
"Parents of missing children would come to the house to see if I was theirs."
"Janet and Martin, Emma's parents, stood up from their chairs in the corner of the room as the doctor began to point to all these dark, cloudy spots on the image."
"I saw the struggle, and your kids do not need to go through that."
"My dad emailed my principal and was like standing up for me saying that like every single kid is recording [ __ ] at school for snapchat like what's the difference."
"How would I hide this from my mom"
"It's like you it's like you signing up for the military, your mom's like 'Don't go!' and you go 'I gotta go, Mom! Mama, do you see what they did? I gotta serve my country!'"
"I don't know what it is. It's like, I hate seeing my kids upset. I hate anything innocent being upset. Any kid, it kills me."
"Do Danny's parents deserve to know what happened to their son? Absolutely."
"My parents are concerned about the risks that we take on a daily basis. They always tell me that there are bold pilots and old pilots but there are no old bold pilots."
"I'm only interested in knowing that my daughter gets home safely."
"How would you feel if one of your children was 13 or 14 years old, that child was home alone chatting with somebody on the internet who ultimately came over with no parent at home? How would you feel about that as a parent? I'd be pretty pissed off."
"The only luxury we have is health and if you have kids, the idea of them being sick is so painful."
"I started thinking of my kids and what would happen if something did happen that they wouldn't see their father."
"The point that I'm making here is that those parents approached me in the early days of my research where I was trying to understand hey there's more we can drive our mind we can change our brain there's hope here it's not a fixed thing there's damage but there's hope."
"Most parents have moral scrupulosity, whether they have moral scrupulosity OCD or not. It's very normal, I think, as a parent to be very, very concerned about doing the right thing by your child."
"Parents of children with autism, they are hungry for information."
"The worry that a father has for the well-being of his children."
"Every parent should be concerned about their children and their online activity."
"The days when we thought that the only way that our children will become corrupted is by them hanging around with the wrong crowd... those days are long finished."
"Our parents are terrified that Maya and I are gonna have separation anxiety."
"Every parent deserves to know if there's a sexual predator around their children."
"There is nothing worse than seeing your child in pain, feeling scared and anxious, and not being able to help them."
"Nothing feels more fragile in this life than our children."
"It's important, guys. It's really important because I feel like if something happens to me, where is my daughter gonna end up?"
"I can't function without knowing that my kids are safe."
"When you're a parent, you stay up at night worrying about the kids that your kids are hanging out with."
"You see, Lisa, speaking as a parent, I would be deeply hurt if my son went and got married without me knowing."
"I really hope by the time my kids are driving, trailers won't have this problem."
"What's important is for the baby to be healthy."
"Parents can generally tell when their child looks stressed. Normally you're bubbly, excited, passionate about things... and you're not doing that as much."
"Can you imagine being one of those parents, not knowing what's going to happen to your children?"
"Life isn't fair, not that we don't keep pushing and trying to push against the disproportionate treatment and the inequality, but at the end of the day, I want my son to come home alive."
"We may be the first generation where our children will have shorter life spans than the parents."
"It honestly breaks my heart to see my boys in pain."
"Mike and Eleven are making out all the time, much to Daddy Hopper's chagrin."
"I don't want my kids to be bullied how I was bullied."
"When your child is ill, you have to deal with whatever you have to deal with."
"Every mother and father is concerned about reading and math scores of their children, and we were the solution for that."
"No one has kids so they can buy them bulletproof backpacks; you have kids so that they can hopefully thrive in a better world than you did."
"You never stop worrying about your children; from the moment they're born, you'd give everything for them."
"I think that most parents if they found out a grown man was texting their child and then they were saying 'I miss you,' most of them would have an immediate negative reaction."
"That is not the future I want for my daughter and it's not the future I want for anyone in this world."
"Drive slowly, you have my daughter in the car."
"I wanted it to be my career, and although my parents didn't exactly discourage my art, they were worried about my well-being and job security in the adult world."
"I'm very concerned, obviously being a parent, and I just think that you've got to take extra precautions when it comes to kids and stuff."
"I'm more concerned about my kid's safety and protecting my children."
"I want justice for my daughter; I feel she deserves that."
"If this is my daughter, I'd hope somebody would help her out."
"If you think a vaccine is traumatic, imagine watching your child struggle to breathe."
"It's every parent's worst nightmare, but you know, I have to get back to Luke; he needs us more."
"We want to make sure we're doing our part to provide programming that really speaks to the heart of your concern as parents for your children."
"I'm really just worried about my boys. I want to make sure that they're okay and that they're not judged."
"For most parents, we can handle difficulties in our own life better than if our children are having difficulties."
"There's something that has been bugging me for a while now... about the health and wellness, and the future health and wellness of our kids."
"What's the greatest source of pain for parents? When their children don't get along."
"The tragic loss of Devin Reilly reminds all of us parents who have children that we would like to see get involved with aviation, keep them safe and not push them beyond their limits."
"It's normal for a father to worry about his daughter."
"I fear for my daughter and I hope for a better future for her."
"Holly says that none of this is worth it if Nia doesn't feel good about herself."
"Every parent deserves to know what happened to their child."
"You never want to see your kids in pain."
"I'm your dad. Of course, I worry about you if you don't come home."
"I campaign so much because I don't want anyone else to have to have the same conversation with their children that I had to have with mine."
"When they start affecting your children, it's way too much."
"The father only wants to know that his son is on the right path."
"Because I know what it's like not to know where your children are."
"I never want my kids to feel like anybody could take their life for nothing."
"The city's security had not been very good, and I was concerned for my daughter."