
Government Oversight Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"It was engineered by a form of research, gain-of-function research, that was banned here in the United States but was nonetheless funded... because of the Rogue behavior of U.S government actors."
"Oversight is about keeping faith with the taxpayers and giving people confidence that the government plays by the rules or is held accountable."
"If the government is going to be firing Predator missiles at American citizens, surely the American public has a right to know who's being targeted and why."
"Everybody fears regulation takes away freedom. I disagree entirely... government regulation of the regulators is very appropriate."
"The public should make their own determination. That's really what we are foundationally about as IGs: putting out information and letting the public, an educated and informed public, read them and make their own decisions."
"Transparency, democracy, clarity, communication in ensuring that no profiteering takes place, no overreach of surveillance, no overreach of government control, that will be built right into this."
"Part of the human expression is being able to express ideas and not having to worry about what government institution might say we don't want to hear that idea."
"All of the protections we've built up to protect against government tyranny don't exist for corporate tyranny."
"I don't think people are fully clued into that choice they're making... if a government was to surveil you in that way, they'd be like riots. But because they show you videos of people dancing, you accept it."
"If the conservatorship process can rip the agency from a woman who is in the prime of her life... it is incumbent upon our committee to convene a hearing."
"Without a free press, you have a government that can act with impunity."
"IGs play an important role watchdogging executive branch agencies."
"If they could, I'm all for it because I see Parliament trying to usurp the control of the country."
"It strains credulity to believe that the Justice Department didn't know about this letter." - Austin Evers
"People sometimes think regulation is a bad thing."
"Judicial Watch is doing more than ever to hold the government accountable to the law."
"Inspected by the Department of Agriculture. What other products have not been inspected?"
"Under this proposal, the intimate financial details of everyone...will be turned over to the IRS."
"What we're trying to achieve is a system where courts can do what they're designed to do which is hold the government accountable when the government violates the Constitution."
"The Constitution promises to protect fundamental human rights from the tyranny of the government."
"The amendments were meant to protect the citizens from the federal government."
"It's the right of the people to monitor government to ensure it's being conducted in public."
"It's the duty of the people to monitor government to ensure it is being conducted in the public interest."
"I wouldn't agree with anything that would reduce parliamentary oversight over the state of emergency process, I wouldn't agree with anything that would attempt to restrict any of the rights guaranteed to the Jamaican people under the charter."
"It showed that the FIRB effectively is not doing its job."
"The result in 2013 was a stringent new set of health and safety regulations policed by a new government agency, Worksafe."
"The delays imposed by Commissioner Saul defied congressional intent and imposed needless anxiety and pain on millions of taxpayers." - House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal
"A central bank digital currency is like Bitcoin except the government can see everything and they can control everything and they can regulate everything."
"US judge says the government is not allowed to trawl through the logs... a win I guess."
"You have to absolutely look into people who can compromise senior government officials because, like I said, that could be an issue of national security."
"Facebook is single-handedly just making the case why tech companies need more government oversight."
"The government having access to what can be said on social media is something none of us should want."
"It's illegal, but on paper, in de facto, government doesn't care, do they, police?"
"We need to scrutinize what the government is doing."
"We cannot allow people to have bank accounts that are outside of the purview of the central planners."
"Government would have access to all the data that you normally can't get on people's consumption or general behavior at all times."
"Every disaster movie starts with the government ignoring a scientist."
"The Great Depression should be a warning that loose regulations and poor government oversight can lead to disaster."
"That's how you have discourse, not by having the FBI and the DOJ do your dirty work under the cover of darkness and under no oversight whatsoever from the checks and balances that have been put into our government to oversee these organizations."
"We reviewed all of the documents provided by Maricopa County in response to our requests and the answer is that none of the documents that they created meet the requirements."
"This does give you a sense of how the sausage is made and how disastrous things can be if you don't have adequate government regulation and oversight."
"I thank the President should appoint a separate special counsel."
"I had just been on the private jet so I had a sense that our government had no idea what they were doing."
"The games industry needs to be regulated by government bodies who can have some semblance of oversight over the games industry's monetization models."
"Government needs to be controlled, the only way it can, in my opinion, is recall."
"The first amendment defends your ability to speak freely. The idea that the government now has an agency... this is 1984."
"No one is above the law, not even government agencies like the SEC."
"The NSA basically is looking at everything and if you don't want to have your government watching all of your data flows and information flows we're going to talk about some of the things that you could do."
"So that's what went wrong with the first round of small business loans and hopefully the Treasury Department's new rules for the second round of money will ensure that the loans go to the companies that actually need it the most."
"You can't actually pass a law that says Don't Do Anything wacky with banks again so the feds will stay within the lines that Congress has drawn."
"Big day for crypto, big day for SEC. Let's see what happens with the Senate discussion with SEC Chair Gary Gensler."
"Many people want the government to protect the consumer. A much more urgent problem is to protect the consumers from the government."
"We have a lot of mistakes on the part of the ATF, a lot. And had they done really any of these things differently, it surely would have made for a less media-friendly event."
"Expansions of government that are infringing on people's ability to communicate, and that is not good."
"Governments really care are they going to stop it can they ban it at that point no but they care because it becomes a global asset class that matters."
"The leak also revealed that around 15,000 users had registered using American government and military email addresses."
"The press has played a tremendously important role as watchdog over the government."
"With the absence of the Fourth Estate and independent science and independent oversight from the Public Interest the Commonwealth they've been able to get away with enormous deception since the 50s."
"It is constitutionally our duty to do oversight on an administration that is the most corrupt, divisive, deceitful, cruel administration that I've ever seen in my lifetime."
"Americans are not lunatics for maintaining prudent concerns about government overreach at a time the White House is governing from the far left."
"We need a special counsel because the Attorney General is not above the law and neither is Joe Biden."
"Even though China masquerades as this open system... the CCP still controls all of that."
"If the government regulates TOS on Facebook there are good and bad ways they can do it."
"We do have to balance the concerns of ongoing criminal investigations, but we also well recognize the oversight responsibilities and obligations of the committee." - Attorney General Merrick Garland
"Whistleblowers are an invaluable source for Congress in identifying, understanding, and remedying waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement."
"The government doesn't always do what's right. This is why journalists and freedom of speech exist."
"They crossed the line. They went into the gray area, and finally, Congress is getting around to taking it away."
"The Senate Judiciary Committee has a constitutional duty to conduct oversight of the FBI and the broader Department of Justice."
"I think the FBI is too big, too powerful, and needs to be significantly curtailed in its powers and redirected in the least to focus on protecting the American people from the sorts of crimes we expect the FBI to investigate."
"We rely on our courts to curtail the abuses of government."
"The DHS literally came out this year with the idea of creating a public Ministry of Truth on behalf of the U.S government."
"The CIA is a totally illegitimate organization unless it is following precisely the orders of the elected president."
"Our media is supposed to be our watchdog for government, our media is supposed to hold our government accountable."
"There are times when it would be okay for the government to tell big Tech to take it down."
"Do you folks really want to live in a state where the government knows every one of your intimate details of your life, including finances?"
"So not only do we not know where they're located, we don't know what they're doing in all of these hubs besides spying on American citizens. So you better behave, they're watching, always watching."
"If anything was real folks even if that was true somebody at the FBI would have noticed."
"The Escape of calacante is not just being internally investigated because it is in criminal nature it is also being investigated by the state attorney general's office."
"Politization of our government, the weaponization of government which the House Republicans are now making a committee they've already started."
"Landfills across the country are filling up without government oversight, creating unsafe conditions that can lead to fires."
"Members of Congress are gravely concerned about the reports that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases commissioned taxpayers funded experiments on dogs that were expensive, cruel, and unnecessary."
"All the food in a supermarket is carefully sanctioned or licensed by a labyrinth of government regulations."
"It's high time the government looked around to see what was going on."
"The molasses flood marked the beginning of an era where big businesses finally had to deal with government restrictions and consequences."
"You want to police yourself, not be policed by government agencies."