
Financial Blessing Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"It feels like you're very financially blessed in the coming months."
"Strange financial favor, I speak it to your life, I speak it to your destiny."
"There will be a debt-free thing that God will do to make your transportation easier."
"The blessings of the Lord make me rich and add no sorrows to it."
"So, I was a waitress the last time Jupiter was in my third house, okay? And second, well, Jupiter is in my second house, I was making a ton of money."
"Someone is going to be giving you some money, it could be at work, it could be a friend, it could be family."
"God is preparing to provide you with a cash windfall. Share it with a spirit of thankfulness and faith."
"That's a lot of money so I mean can he just turn around and give that type of blessing to somebody?"
"God saw you, He heard you, and there is no debt on this car. This is only God."
"I call for millions and billions of dollars to come into my hands and in the hands of your children to promote your kingdom like never before."
"Unexpected money is coming to your home today. Accept this as true with me, and in a few hours, you will be smiling and sharing this great news with your loved ones filled with joy and happiness."
"A windfall of $1 million will be yours this month."
"You're being blessed here because there's an increase in wealth and value."
"December holds something very strong for you, a blessing, coins, and more."
"I looked up and by the grace of God, I made $3,000 in a week."
"You're gonna be taken care of and you're gonna get a financial blessing very soon."
"You're next in line for a miracle that will change your life and make you incredibly happy. You will have more money than you can imagine, and all your bills will be paid on time."
"Feeding people every week, the universe will give you more money."
"It's an ace of pentacles. It's a great big blessing that's going to give you a lot of prosperity."
"I give my talents with love and I'm wonderfully blessed financially."
"God is giving you financial stability, financial blessings of some sort."
"The great transfer of wealth... Christians are going to become extraordinarily wealthy."
"I thank you in advance for my financial prosperity. Lord God, my finances belong to you."
"Windfall of money coming, miracles are pouring in."
"God blessed you financially that you might become a resource center for the kingdom of heaven."
"What are you going to do when it's no longer $579,000 of debt being released but it's a $579,000 check showing up to your front door?"
"Prosperity and abundance await, financial blessings coming your way, synchronicity in wealth manifestation."
"Unexpected money coming in for you."
"Miraculously, we had money left over."
"Financially, God has opened the door for you to live a prosperous life."
"You're getting some sort of financial blessing, a big financial blessing."
"God thank you for financial favor and momentum on this place. Financial breakthrough, kingdom ideas, excellence and order."
"God wants us to be financially blessed."
"Breakthrough in your life, miracles, signs, and wonders. Debt cancellation, unexpected financial increase to the point that not only your bills are paid, but some of your family members, you're able to bless them and still have some left in your savings account."
"Increase will come because you're honoring God with your finances."
"Be ready for a huge financial miracle as you enter a season brimming with joy, love, and boundless wealth."
"The faithful will see astronomical amounts of money enter their lives."
"Bless your people financially, continually."
"Our businesses and our monies multiplied 10 times in Jesus' name we pray, amen."
"I receive the law of lift in my finances."
"God really blessed our finances, you can trust God with your money."
"The financial blessing is coming from the universe."
"Allah helped me so that I can save some money."
"There's going to be an overflow of cash entering your life with the supernatural blessings."
"Your finances are definitely blessed."
"With God, there is always hope that surprising money is on its way to your house today."
"Financial abundance and financial blessings coming to you from the divine source."
"Your blessings are going to be pouring in, lots and lots of money heading your way."