
Mask-wearing Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"Mask-wearing may be helping by reducing the initial dose of a virus a person is receiving and thereby lessening the overall severity of the illness for many patients."
"Every single American should be wearing a mask when they're outside for the next three months at a minimum. Every governor should mandate mandatory mask-wearing. The estimates by the experts are we'll save over 40,000 lives in the next three months if people act responsibly."
"Lockdowns will not be necessary for now if everyone gets the vaccine and wears their masks."
"Everything that we've been talking about here is not in lieu of social distancing and wearing a mask; it's in addition to all of these things."
"If people wear masks for a hundred days, sixty thousand lives could be saved."
"You're not going to wear a mask at all, indoor or outdoor, and we will get there if we get enough people vaccinated."
"If the worry for not being able to get it up gets you to put a mask on your stupid face let's talk about it let's do it."
"We need a mechanism to indicate we are not putting on masks out of belief, so we don't stigmatize those who choose not to wear them."
"The almost universal wearing of masks is probably hands down."
"People are pretty good about wearing their masks."
"People are like, 'oh, I don't see anything wrong with wearing a mask.' Put yourself in the shoes of someone who maybe they live in a rural area, maybe they get claustrophobic in a mask, maybe they have other reasons they don't wanna wear it."
"I don't think I'm ever going out without a mask, the anonymity it provides is amazing."
"If a man stands up for himself and has self-respect, he doesn't want to wear a mask because he respects himself."
"Medical professionals wear masks for a reason. They reduce pathogen transmission by 70%."
"When you're in public and you're within six feet of another person, wear a mask. That is a requirement."
"Masks are integral to protecting other people."
"Wear a mask, it's patriotic to serve your country."
"I just have never understood it...I don't understand why anybody would choose not to wear a mask." - Chris Wallace
"Wearing a mask is not a political statement, it's a scientific recommendation."
"It's very exciting to see that wearing a mask thing catch on and go all across the world."
"Please wear a mask, please please please for the love of god wear a mask."
"Wearing masks works. Come on, people, get on with it. Can we just get to wearing masks, please? Please, please, please, please."
"Wearing masks is beneficial not only to prevent the spread of the virus from infected people to others but also to provide personal protection."
"If 80 percent of Americans wore masks, COVID-19 infections would plummet."
"Wearing a mask has become political... Surgeon General is begging you to wear a mask."
"Excellent level of mask-wearing here within these... very simple way to illustrate that."
"Let's all do everything we can to stop the spread of coronavirus, by wearing masks."
"If we were all wearing masks, we'd just be a lot safer."
"When more people wear masks, 34,000 fewer cumulative deaths by the first of June."
"You can learn a lot by someone by whether they wear a mask, especially now more than ever."
"It feels like I've had this mask on for so long that parts of my face have slightly changed shape. That's better."
"It doesn't matter who you voted for. We could save tens of thousands of lives if everyone would just wear a mask."
"It's in our power. So let's wear a mask, let's get to work."
"85 percent of the infected people wore their masks always or often."
"If somebody decides that they want to wear a mask because it makes them feel better they should absolutely be allowed to wear a mask."
"But if somebody else has a medical condition or a religious reason or a personal belief or for whatever reason doesn't want to wear the mask then they shouldn't have to wear it."
"Wearing a mask in public areas can help protect you."
"Avoiding masks is not in the Bible, but taking care of others is."
"I kind of like wearing the masks because I can scowl at people and they don't notice."
"How do we function as a society when we have congress people refusing to wear masks in the capital? It's just beyond belief."
"Everyone, masked or not, should feel like they belong regardless of their own personal decision around COVID-19 safety."
"Everyone is wearing a mask. It's a social expectation that would be unsociable not to wear a mask now."
"Wearing a mask all day, let's see if my oxygen level goes down or not."
"You have to wear a mask the entire time when you're in a courtroom"
"Wearing a mask is not a political thing, it's just common sense."
"If you were compliant you wore the mask and you were diligent about that you had an 80% reduction in your contracting of viral influenza."
"Even if you are tired of hearing about masks, maybe it's on you to correct people in a respectful way."
"We could save over 115,000 lives if we just take simple steps, chief among them wearing a mask..."
"If you have a mask and if you're concerned about your own safety and those around you, that you please put on a mask. To protect us."
"Wearing a mask is not a political statement."
"Talk to people with masks on; those are your allies."
"I wear it because I want to normalize wearing masks."
"I'm not anti-mask by all means. I'm just pro-masked choice."
"This is kind of cool because we got to wear the mask all the time, right? I'm walking out and I'm like, I'm incognito now, you know? It's like, yeah, you know, it's kind of a nice little experiment."
"I'm not wearing the two masks. It's completely ridiculous, looks stupid, and I like to be able to breathe."
"If me wearing a mask helps other people feel more comfortable, then what is it to me? It's not a big deal."
"Luke Skywalker against all the bad guys, summed up in one beautiful image."
"If everybody wore a high-quality mask you would see reduction in spread of viruses."
"Wearing the mask, Ryan, want to tell everybody what you've gone through this weekend?"
"Some people don't want to look at that data and still think masks are a virtuous thing to do."
"The wearing of masks has been politicized for one particular political position, it's just ridiculous."
"Non-compliance and not wearing a mask, it can be expressive protected first amendment speech."
"Wearing or not wearing a mask was their expression of freedom of choice."
"If we could just get about 80% of the people wearing masks, we would drop the entire spreading of this infection by about 80%."
"Wearing a mask is not a political statement, it's efficacious."
"Please wear your mask because I don't know if y'all have been watching the news but all these other countries are implementing lockdowns all over again."
"We must have no stigma, none, about wearing masks when we leave our homes." - Mitch McConnell
"People not wearing a mask are incredibly selfish, incredibly selfish."
"I think if you want to keep wearing a mask outside that's totally fine."
"Wearing masks could really be what makes the difference between a resurgence or keeping the virus at bay."
"The last thing the last thing we need is neanderthal thinking that in the meantime everything's fine take off your mask forget it it still matters" - President Biden
"Respect for personal choices on mask wearing fosters understanding and unity."
"The fact of the matter is, this constant nudge and propaganda – wear a mask if you're a good human being, wear a mask if you're not a good human being – this language I find really sinister."
"Wear a mask because you care about your fellow man, not because you're scared of the virus yourself."
"Walking out and taking those masks off is the best feeling in the world."
"Most masks don't protect you; they protect everyone else from you. So please wear a mask."
"This is such a pro-social behavior to wear a mask because you are protecting the people in your community the people in your workplace."
"So he made three particular asks he said share this video take a selfie wearing a mask and use the hashtag masks for all."
"Good to see people wearing masks and thus was for today."
"There has been kind of a swords put down where you can have a conversation with someone wearing a mask and they don't judge you anymore."
"Everybody else should do the following: wear a dang mask."
"The main reason to wear a mask is to protect those around me from me."
"If you're wearing a cloth mask in 2020 or 8, you're proving that you're just part of a cult."
"As far as banning a mask, of course not. I mean, who would even have a hustle like that?"
"Eighty percent of communication is non-verbal, so kids need to have their masks on if they really want to learn effectively. It's been proven and talked about a lot."
"We all fantasize about a time when we won't have to wear the masks anymore."
"Wearing a mask is being thoughtful of others."
"Wear a mask to protect me, I wear one to protect you."
"You show respect by wearing a mask; you're telling others that you don't want to infect them."
"PSA to wear your mask folks. It is not about you, it's about protecting other people."
"I want to see when I look at someone I want to see that person I don't want to see someone wearing a mask."
"As soon as you get outside, you can take these bloody masks off."
"Your mask protects me, my mask protects you" - Emphasizing the collective responsibility in wearing masks.
"If you're infected, you have a lesser chance of infecting other people if you wear a mask."
"I think wearing a mask is easier than trying to keep a fart in your closet."
"Stay sanitary, keep wearing the mask. Don't care what nobody says."
"The proper way to wear a mask is to cover your nose and your mouth."
"Wearing your mask with your nose out is like wearing your underwear with your dick hanging out."
"I just love how wearing a mask became like this F like soft thing that you were doing like being courteous being courteous what is it for [ __ ] was so stupid."
"If you're a decent normal person and someone politely asks you to wear a mask in their company, you do it."
"...the one consistent thing is most people got on masks. Since February, a lot of people been wearing masks."
"It's just a mask that you should put on your face and has nothing to do with politics."
"There are models saying if everybody wore a mask starting right now, we could be done in three weeks. I think that might be a little bit rosy, but it does make the point that we can stop this with, I think, even just behavior."
"The mask needs to fully cover your mouth and nose to work correctly."
"If people want to wear that mask, go for it. That's your right, that's your civil liberty."
"Wear a mask, protect yourself, protect others, and be good to each other."
"I might quietly laugh at people who are riding their bikes down a path or jogging with a mask on, but I'm certainly not going to attack that person for wearing a mask."
"They take mask wearing very seriously here."
"If we had 95 percent compliance on mask wearing, we could sort of get this virus under control."
"Make sure you're wearing your mask, goddammit, six feet you fools!"
"CDC says the coronavirus pandemic could be under control in four to eight weeks if everyone wore a mask."
"It is so nice not to have a mask on now."
"Avoid crowded environments if possible, and if not, then wear a mask."
"When you do head home, please wear a mask; there is a lot of respiratory illness right now."
"Protect your eyes, protect your mouth, protect your nose, help protect your neighbors' eyes, mouth, and nose by wearing a mask."
"Mask wearing by the index case was associated with household transmission risk reduction of 67%."
"Wearing masks reduced symptomatic sero-prevalence in treatment villages compared to control villages."
"If you wore a mask, you are more likely to physically distance."
"Make sure you're wearing your mask, make sure you're doing your part."
"Wear a mask, you should always wear a mask because if you don't, even if you don't believe in masks, it's common courtesy."
"I don't view wearing a mask with your cosplay as a bad thing; I really think that it's an opportunity to be creative and really have fun with it."
"I deeply appreciate everyone who wears a face mask when they are sick."
"Wear your mask. Okay, if not for you, for other people. Just think of your fellow man."
"Out of respect for them, wear a mask."
"You could see the emotion on his face through his mask when his eyes changed."
"I wear a mask not just for COVID but for the sum of the parts of everything. Who wants to be sick with anything like a cold or influenza?"
"I do sometimes wear masks on the plane, just because I feel like the Asians were always onto something."
"Wearing any mask is better than not wearing a mask because at least it gives you some protection."
"Please start wearing masks when you're out and about."