
Social Discourse Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"To ask for evidence of racism is racism, is a booby trap; it's a Kafka trap."
"The complexity of the truth is inconvenient for both sides."
"It's not being a snowflake to want people to be nice."
"The dialogue has descended into a perhaps almost unprecedented level of coarseness and crassness. It's highly inappropriate and highly unfortunate."
"Cancel culture threatens to make our public discourse coarser, falser, and crueler."
"I believe the uncomfortable conversations need to be had for education, for healing, and to eventually move forward."
"The mainstream will allow these conversations."
"Engaging in activism and expressing values is not inherently bad... that's not the point of virtue signaling as a pejorative."
"The English have an identity crisis at the moment but no one will talk about it."
"I think the discourse never evolves unless it's being catalyzed by some horrible random act of violence."
"The burden of proof should be on other people to explain why the things you care about are harmful, not the other way around."
"I've never seen anybody in bad faith use their gender identity as a way of like meme baiting other people."
"Why do we talk about male privilege and white privilege but we don't talk about beauty privilege?"
"People are very quick to kind of draw the battle lines and then line up on either side and wholly embrace or reject a given idea or agenda just based on who they think it's coming from, rather than the merits of the idea itself."
"I love it because this is a conversation way overdue."
"Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're either a Nazi or a groomer..."
"This is the real conversation that needs to be had in America."
"I don't think you know we got to stop thinking about speech itself being some kind of substance that you're spreading to people."
"Either you can use the apocalyptic rhetoric and take this thing seriously, or you could actually use true rhetoric and then maybe we could be a little bit civil to one another."
"Our discourse is becoming increasingly intolerant of dissenting views."
"The establishment controls the discourse on racism, stifling true progress."
"The use of the phrase 'say his name' in this film connects recent social discourse to the lore behind Candyman, creating incredibly powerful metaphor."
"We've been gaslit into believing that if we are to say anything... we are then transphobic, we are bigots, we are TERFs."
"Our cancel culture today, we could just model a civil, cordial, respectful conversation across a pretty significant worldview divide."
"It's not about dividing people; it's about speaking about the truth."
"It's a bad place we're getting to as a society where you don't just disagree with someone, you want them dead."
"Cancel culture as a term is absolute BS that doesn't actually shed light on anything."
"I'm glad that we are finally having people come forward and talking about this."
"It's much easier to just cancel things... than to engage in conversations that might be uncomfortable."
"Black people are not trying to create black supremacy."
"You should be able to have a conversation about somebody having done something messed up on camera and not take it to the extreme of trying to ruin their entire life."
"Valid criticism for trans women is also not transphobia."
"The continuous name-calling and unjust accusations are tools specifically used to silence and cancel any opinion."
"Historical facts can be offensive, and if the parallels are real and tangible and obvious to point them out is not being offensive."
"This graph represents what is basically ruining discourse between humans across the globe."
"We do ourselves a disservice if we try to stifle every contrarian voice out there."
"Calling someone a 'gusano' is not racial, it's not even remotely on the same level as racial slurs."
"I think there's an element too, a lot of young people feel rightly I have to say insulted by the modern debate, that divides them into victims and oppressors, victims and victim makers."
"We're not afraid to have this conversation. These are the conversations we need to have in this country."
"The internet's ability to constantly distract us and amplify the most rage inducing discourse turns us against each other."
"The fact that we're talking about this at all is amazing. The burden of proof has shifted."
"If we just stand here and tell the truth, people are looking for sanity."
"If you disagree, there's nothing wrong with that. We shouldn't all agree on the same thing, right?"
"This is important. We need to hear this stuff. This is not hate speech."
"I like saying the thing that people don't want to hear even, that is true, and that needs to be said."
"We're all in this together and we have a common experience that we need to have a conversation about."
"Trump's rudeness addresses the serious problems of political correctness and lily-livered conservative cowardice which are real problems but it degrades our dialogue and makes us almost as ugly as the people we're opposing."
"We should be allowed to discuss material reality and tell the truth."
"Democracy is important because it allows people to discuss and come to compromises about their kind of ambitions and their goals for themselves without having to resort to violence."
"Individual rights and responsibilities were very much a part of the conversation."
"Let's try to make this country, let's get away from the hatred and arguing."
"If we as a country could get back to the place where we didn't demonize people who disagreed with us."
"As the world is more divided, why don't we create a media company that's about bringing people together? It's about discourse, it's about provoking understanding and real human connection."
"There's no problem right this universe is just set up to reward and console you in the end."
"Who is the best? That's always the conversation."
"I think it's great that everybody has different opinions to be honest."
"I'm just trying to do my part and just open this conversation up."
"I just don't get this place that we're in where there's no room for discussion about anything."
"We live at a time when it is vitally necessary... that the bounds of public discourse become widened."
"Thank you sir you and I surely disagree about many things maybe we don't maybe we do but I know that if I were to meet you I could have a conversation with you and that is what is missing in American discourse now."
"It started conversations that need to be had... people need to realize that we're here now."
"Why do we have to talk about that? Because it's uncomfortable."
"It is possible for a male to claim to be a woman without claiming to be female and mean something clear."
"It's impinging our ability to actually have reasonable conversations, live healthy lives, and solve society's problems meaningfully."
"We need to have more conversations, more films, more books that actually talk about these issues."