
Marketing Strategies Quotes

There are 319 quotes

"The layout of a grocery store is constantly being changed to maximize customer spending."
"They've used mobile game tricks, gamification tricks, to try and get you to buy more products."
"Merck actually gave us a fairly odd launch car-wise. They showed us what appears to be more or less the real thing on a live stream event, but then they released renders of what is completely a different car."
"Promotion is what companies use to either inform, educate, persuade, and even remind customers that their products and services are better."
"Starbucks's genius manipulation tactics... they know that a lot of the reason why people choose to continue to come back to their shops and why they seek out their shops even when they're on vacation is because of their consistency."
"WP Opt-ins Wheel... this basically captures emails. It's very friendly because it tells you who's converting."
"SMS marketing is even more effective than our email sequence."
"You always want to remind your customer to buy, and omnipresence is key."
"Familiarity sells, but as companies and producers begin to pay attention to that, they start to ingrain it deeper and deeper into the products that we consume."
"Provocation sells for a week, a month at best. Beyond that, I think the classic brands still sell."
"Show up in a way that your prospects like, instead of driving them a bit mad."
"What they want is what's often called social proof."
"User-generated content fosters brand advocacy."
"Burger King is selling a Big Mac and they're calling it a Big King. How is this not front page news?"
"It's an antidote to the idea that your message should be targeted at groups."
"Just by getting into your content bag alone can start to open you up to a much wider audience and actually start to be the beginning of a lot of you guys' marketing plan."
"This is one big game of having enough content to match the 30 to 80 different psychographic and demographic cohorts that are potentially doing business with you."
"Sell something that inspires FOMO or convinces them they have more time in the sexual Marketplace than they actually do."
"Ever wondered why studios, directors, and actors make such a point of hyping up the diversity of the film's cast rather than the film itself?"
"It's a way of saying, we will build your brand."
"The number is higher because that means it's better. That's how these things work right?"
"Getting initial reviews is all about social proof, like seeing a line out the door at a restaurant."
"Drive traffic... SEO is the number one way in my opinion to drive traffic because it's free and you everyone should do it."
"Threatening the audience increases retention. That's like one of the greatest marketing strategies I pulled from Dream."
"Bars in particular favor salty snacks like peanuts which make you thirsty, while high class restaurants encourage you to eat bread to activate your appetite so that you'll be even hungrier when it comes time to choose a menu item."
"Think again because my guest today is going to show you a scientific formula for making your ideas and your products spread like wildfire."
"It's good to create promotion, it's good to create buzz, and sometimes you have to do a little bit of chaos to create that magic."
"Anchoring is a common process that a lot of advertisers use to be able to get you to buy their product and build their brand."
"So many games could have more players if they weren't so stingy with codes. Treat players right, and they'll want to spend."
"Every single step that you move them on that timeline to their desired outcome every time you move them closer by helping them their desire to buy your stuff increases as does your credibility and it goes up exponentially with every single step."
"Access to so many of these games is certainly going to entice some people."
"If one of these tiers offered first-party game releases on day one, then that would be something."
"The mass-marketing of counterculture: taking the rebellion out and selling a shiny version back."
"Marketing isn't all about advertising... it's also about the way the product is designed."
"Try to use bright colors in bold fonts so that it catches the viewer's attention when they're scrolling through Amazon."
"But there's a whole theory that it's all just a ploy to get you to buy makeup."
"You know what, if someone takes you up on this, I'll guarantee one first class upgrade."
"It's pretty obvious that they'll be leaning into the nostalgia pretty hard."
"They've hired a literal team of psychologists that are out there figuring out how to hack your reptile brain."
"They're a marketing strategy with little to no impact on the actual problems that threaten our world."
"These companies put out these statements to make you sell and to make them money."
"The sand goose doesn't actually exist... it was just a marketing ploy."
"The increase in direct-to-consumer marketing is going to change the games industry."
"Spider-Man: No Way Home is an effort to weaponize nostalgia on a level never seen before."
"I really love the approach that we've been doing where it's not just constantly talking about new products brands that I've been working with..."
"Welcome to the mascot wars, a time when every marsupial and rodent became the subject of boardroom meetings."
"Outrage marketing is essentially when a company will deliberately stir up a controversy with themselves in the center of it in order to create a conversation regarding their brand."
"Kim Kardashian is a huge participator in rage marketing... manipulating the public and the public's emotions for your own personal gain"
"The Teenage Dream is a myth. A mere marketing scheme."
"Creative marketing with smoke and mirrors wind."
"We're not selling anything here, okay? There's no sales pitch."
"When you go to a grocery store... It's laid out in a particular way... There's a reason for it."
"Build a VIP text message marketing campaign."
"Why should we praise it?" - Questioning the quality and marketing strategy of certain movies.
"Now you're getting it, getting that marketing team working, eh?"
"Dropshipping is about finding the right product to sell, but it's all about how you sell it, how you market it."
"The best way to do affiliate marketing is to add free value to people."
"This is good marketing, insanely bad marketing."
"Thumbnails are what get people to click on your content."
"Marketing is a numbers game. And if you're getting 10,000 likes, you're getting 10,000 views, you're getting 10,000 clicks. Chances are someone's buying something and you're gonna be making commission."
"You gotta give away free stuff, you know? That's how email marketing really works."
"Turn junk mail into cash with Small Business Knowledge Center!"
"It's bad marketing, it's not good. It's not a good look. It's gonna make people upset."
"Maintaining constant contact with these people allows your brand to remain top of mind and increases the likelihood of a sale."
"Lookalike audiences can significantly magnify your reach for new customers."
"The point here is that to craft truly effective messages, well you've got to understand who your market is."
"One of the biggest mistakes in all of marketing is running brand awareness marketing campaigns and expecting direct response results."
"With these methods, you can seriously take your business to the moon and unleash a firestorm of advertising all over the planet."
"Advertisers aren't paying for millions of views on their ads if they're not working."
"It's important to note that audience targeting isn't as dialed in as keywords."
"It just seems like EA is trying to pull off and hold back the World Cup hype until we get right up into the start of the World Cup."
"Deadpool practiced a clever marketing tactic."
"Stop insulting the male audience. You're not going to insult your way to box-office success."
"Offer free ebooks in exchange for an email opt-in."
"The number one asset in the world is other people's attention."
"Fear sells and if you can put in some big explosions and spaceships and lasers and things like that um it's just hollywood doing what hollywood does."
"Transforming the way they hire, market, and sell."
"Quit relying on cold calling, get off your tush, and start making content and making connections."
"Michael Camelo, the arson expert, was called to the stand."
"We've seen plenty of companies and groups use mysteries and alternate reality games as some sort of marketing tool."
"Creating social proof around your product makes the prospect think it must be good."
"We're gonna get real we're gonna get real psycho you guys could use the hashtag psycho pricing."
"The best type of marketing is marketing that doesn't feel like marketing."
"Streamers are the world's biggest force in marketing. They can make you a success overnight with zero traditional marketing."
"Tie diamonds to love and people will buy it."
"Stan Lee is actually fully playable if you preorder the game from Amazon."
"With so much competition, some companies take some creative liberties to stand out in a crowd."
"The food industry knows this... this is why they're constantly putting images in front of us of people eating processed foods because our 98% of the brain doesn't know that that's not happening."
"Affiliate marketing sells the freedom dream really hard, allowing you to build passive income by promoting products you believe in."
"We don't have to try to hype people up or create some sort of like ah do it now quick engage with this thing."
"Exploiting psychology: expensive products at eye level, cheaper ones out of reach."
"Offer discounts and free shipping with coupon codes to attract more customers."
"Conversion is assumed when you bring value to the audience."
"Blue stuff for boys, pink stuff for girls. They call a purse for men a merse, or sandals for men mandals."
"You suck 'em in with the flash, and then you teach 'em how to make cash."
"They want to know how to best market it right."
"This is like a try before you buy giving them a little sample of what's going to be included."
"They know that most people aren't their target audience. They're only targeting people who are vulnerable."
"None of this stuff's going away. They're just trying to get your pockets a little empty right now."
"Just pay shipping. No subscription or hidden catch, which is amazing."
"But if you create a situation in that they will be pulled and attracted towards whatever it is that you're trying to persuade them of."
"It can keep on going and going and next thing you know you have a list of 100 different ways to drive traffic to your website."
"Marketing is all about emotions, all about stirring up ammo in someone and capitalizing off that emotional reaction."
"Understand that you are also creating Demand by scarcity."
"You see this rooted in cultures all around the world... and yes it is no stranger in the world of marketing."
"Using personalization in your marketing... makes them more receptive and reduces the perception of information overload."
"Being creative and creating products that are designed to have somebody buy not just one, but multiples of it is one of the easiest ways to drastically increase the profits you make when selling online."
"We've seen most of the publishers move away from loot boxes and it's kind of a selling point now when a developer comes out and says look there aren't going to be loot boxes."
"The anti-fan marketing trolling your fans before your show comes out."
"We don't use TikTok now, but it's so funny, the reason I was late coming down is I was reviewing two video ads that we're going to be using on YouTube, both of them under 30 seconds."
"Follow these tips to communicate a brand story that aligns with your audience's mindset."
"If a brand looks like it's popular, it will become more popular."
"It's also an exercise in marketing genius by leveraging pop culture references in its very name, creating a buzz and fervor among new and existing fans."
"So the Unrated thing is like... it definitely a marketing ploy but it works."
"Ensure you actually break through the noise."
"It's easy for you to rank your brand-new listing up here in these top ten spots."
"By doing some discounts or doing a pay-per-click or doing a lightning deal."
"Identify who your audience is and sell to them."
"Branding is what you do to make people think of you in a certain light."
"There's the art of making the thing and then there's the art of getting it seen."
"Pay money, get multiple campaign levels, which I think is what people basically wanted out of hitman anyway."
"So, the first thousand people that click the link down below in my description will get one month of Skillshare for free."
"Now let's talk about one of the most important things which is how you are going to market this online store."
"It's so important to have abandoned cart sequences."
"Super sizing the orders was huge... it's actually genius marketing."
"If you can't make someone feel something viscerally inside them from witnessing your content, whether it's inspiration, disgust, whatever it is, some sort of visceral reaction or bond to your content, it's very hard to then sell a product to them."
"Advertising is not just about getting someone to buy something but getting someone to talk about something."
"The smartest strategy you can come up with is to hook people when they're young."
"Really give me a huge marketing push on the build-up to release."
"Mobile Suit Gundam aired initially as a show for boys, but moms fell in love with the drama and the political intrigue, and then they started selling model kits and there was like, 'Oh shoot, we got a gold mine,' which I think is amazing."
"The biggest lie the watch industry ever pulled was in their aspirational luxury marketing."
"Don't stop marketing your book after publication day."
"Marketing companies have figured out what really sells is making you just identify with that brand."
"Clean beauty marketing makes people throw away their products out of fear and they buy new ones."
"Fear-based marketing taps into our reptile brain, making us act irrationally."
"I love the idea of the announcement of the title in the form of a teaser."
"Teams are using different ways to appeal to different people, which I think is a good way of building up their brands."
"Affiliate marketing is not the same as network marketing."
"By simply taking the pineapple flavor and coloring it blue, suddenly people's reactions tended toward things that you would associate with blue: blueberry, blue raspberry, and of course, mouthwash."
"You're spending money on advertising when all you have to do is formalize referral processes."
"Another way that you can get customers or some audience members for your work without developing a huge following on your own platform is going out to other platforms that might already have that traffic for you."
"When we make a claim, it's like us planting a flag in the ground and heads turn; the competition takes notice."
"Unlock unparalleled synergy by subscribing to Savage Geese."
"There's contests, contests, there's giveaways, there's all types of stuff."
"Finding these channels where we can just shoot the money cannon at customer acquisition now the only thing that slows me down is capacity."
"How to make unique branded cinematic content... the best content in 2020 for video advertising."
"They're having their needs met by people who have a corporate financial interest."
"Creating a need and then filling it, that's how marketing works. Anyone in the corporate world will affirm this."
"Call of Duty company continue to promote Quick Cash grabs as opposed to fixing."
"Loyalty that these brands build up in their audience is key."
"Everything is ultimately a funnel to the store."
"Offering a free trial is the easiest way to make it not a big hassle commitment."
"I think movie studios will do anything to get you to go and see that movie."
"It's a win for everybody and that's how you do affiliate marketing."
"This silly ass promotion is gonna get so many people spending money on this game."
"It's been frustrating to follow along with this marketing."
"Triple-A publishers themselves pushed for brand loyalty and gamer identity as part of their marketing."
"But most importantly... It gets the wallets going!"
"Maybe all publicity is good publicity in the end."
"I guess all press is good press and it looks like this shoe is more hyped up than it was even just a couple weeks ago."
"That's how you market things. You find something that works for a group and then you use it."
"Conspiracies have become a marketing tactic."
"That's okay I know that but the problem is the marketing wants you to think that you are just as important as the local fan and they want you to act just as important as the local fan."
"They don't want you to just buy a PS5 and one game, they want you to buy a PS5, a lot of games, a lot of purchases through PSN..."
"Valve fully embraced people's fear of missing out by releasing four prestige items only obtainable by leveling your Battle Pass."
"Is the repeated scarcity of Nintendo's products unnatural scarcity or is it artificially created to manipulate the consumer base?"
"On social media, personal branding is the most effective way to do it."
"Why do they keep teasing it? Just put the trailer out there or do something."
"I started going hard on influencers, Google ads, and YouTube ads."
"Marketing campaigns to manage expectations across all platforms."
"Advertising then: cutting through the noise, telling consumers why their product is good."
"Promote the living out of your video; the first 24 hours matter."
"Naturally, when a game publisher doesn't send review codes out to major reviewers, it starts to get a little concerning."
"Even with zero call to action people have still been clicking them."
"You're leaving money on the table if you don't do sponsorships yeah I know John that's the thing it's like man it's like it's always just been this thing in my head you know like I don't want to seem like I'm greedy."
"The frustration comes in because the product just below say the c399 has the feature they took out of the one that was more expensive in order for it not to be directly comparable to the flagship. That's what ticks me off."
"Promo is not a strategy, y'all. It is not, it is not."
"There's never a better time to buy it than right now."
"Neuromarketing, how you study the brain in order to more effectively sell crap to people."
"Marketing is about having a really good central thesis and a mechanism."
"Just like Four Seasons Total Landscaping, things like that get promoted naturally and organically, that's the best way to go."
"The marketers behind the project knew very much that these chat rooms and forums were excellent places to stir up rumors and drama."
"FanDuel has put wind in our sails for all of those different mechanisms."
"It's basically an expansion marketed and priced as a full game."
"How do you create a compelling powerful jaw-dropping shock-and-awe elevator pitch every real estate agent needs?"
"Shogun's monumental success could very well go down in gacha history as the defining example of the power of using advertising and hype building tactfully."
"As long as the marketing is accurate... this kind of presentation style should be more normalized."
"Collaboration allows you to tap into someone else's audience."
"Companies don't want to just work with literally any random b-u on TikTok to give them money for promoting a product because that cuts into their bottom line."
"You got to be up in people's faces, you got to be creating content."
"She is leaning into being the villain and using the scandal as a marketing campaign."
"You guys hate it but bro I can't lie man this is some great ass marketing."
"It is about understanding consumer behavior, understanding what people want and what they need and trying to convince them that a certain product is going to solve their problem."
"The key to successful advertising is finding a way to marry the needs of the advertiser with the needs of consumers."
"Wizards of the Coast seems to care more about virtue signaling to the Tumblr crowd than selling to old school fans."
"If you'd have just proven legitimacy none of this scenario would have unfolded now I believe they did this as a marketing ploy to get more eyes on the project."
"Why are they not running huge YouTube campaigns?"
"It's just a call to innovate and elevate how we use Instagram as a platform."
"Thinking outside the box and creating quality cinematics really helps to sell people."
"This is absolutely terrible for Facebook's brand... if every brand was like yeah no no to advertising."