
Summarization Quotes

There are 218 quotes

"Aggregation transforms data into lower dimensions using summing, averaging, and counting."
"Lessons of History... it's like 100 pages that encompass like 5,000 years of human history and trying to draw a couple of big conclusions or just big observations from it."
"No summary will ever capture the feel or full content of the original."
"Summarizing text means stating the main point of a story, focusing on the main idea, key points, and the conclusion."
"This was the week I like to call the AAA week. Auditors, accountants, and appraisers..."
"It's kind of the best summary I could do to help express my emotions."
"Boiling it down... the first place overall..."
"Short form breaks down the entire book into a comprehensive summary but it goes beyond that. It gives you insightful analysis and context so you come away with a more meaningful and deep understanding of the topic."
"Trying to summarize the timeline of the Dream SMP is like trying to summarize the 20th century."
"I mean, I think you guys got the gist of the story here."
"I think it's safe to say we had a pretty eventful day."
"Make me a short story using this information this is what it would spit out."
"Starting off with January happened it was actually December but we're going to conclude it today."
"A good summary first and foremost is clear to someone who has not read or watched or heard the original material."
"Let's keep going over the highlights and summarize here."
"Nothing sums up the Jewish Spirit better than that."
"You can summarize any book or article using Charitability."
"Just putting it all together to really solidify everything that we've learned."
"Thanks for watching though hopefully that Recaps it well for you."
"Keep in mind this is a heavily condensed version of these events."
"I'm going to go ahead and stop it here and here's some details that helped me be able to build the full picture that I have now."
"That is just so simple, that is the law in a nutshell."
"Couldn't have said it any better. It all comes down to this."
"Relentless innovation is the perfect two-word summary of what Tesla does."
"At the end of all this, I don't really have a proper conclusion. Instead of citing what was illegal in Portal and giving you a really cool ending, let me go ahead and summarize what I found that was almost mostly legal."
"I learned a million lessons all summed up in one big lesson."
"He is the life, the light, the law, the power, the way, the truth. He's all of this, that's my simplistic way of summarizing."
"There's been so many things and I'm just touching on a few of them."
"Jesus summarized the entirety of God's word with one word in John chapter 17: 'Thy word is truth.'"
"What's the bottom line of what this person is saying?"
"All right, let me see if I've got most of it."
"Summarize the entire page with the tap of a button."
"Summarize studies and lengthy articles."
"Summarize turns a paragraph into bullet points, much easier to read."
"My granddaughter said it could summarize an entire newspaper."
"It's gonna be shorter than usual, we're not gonna do a full recap of Raw and SmackDown."
"One thing I've used this for already is as an alternative way to summarize a web page."
"The ability to summarize knowledge in the way some of the language models are capable of doing absolutely opens up an endless number of opportunities for organizations."
"There's a lot of overlap between what asianometry does and what blinkist provides: densely packed information in 15 to 20 minute chunks."
"AI is really good at summarization. It's actually one of its main strengths."
"Using co-pilot to summarize information from a YouTube video."
"The people who condense down King Cobra's nonsense into a viewable shorter time are really doing God's work."
"It's made research in some ways more easier because I can summarize things."
"Tradition is where we can get our doctrines summarized for us."
"Okay, so then getting into my long story short."
"Blinkist will summarize this book for me in fact it's summarized in just 22 minutes and it also gives me six key points and ideas from the book that helps me to understand it better."
"When you’re drawing your reflective writing to a close, you need to sum up the most important learning and development points."
"Chat GPT can even summarize books or articles for you, saving you time and effort."
"To summarize our key points on variational autoencoders: they use a compressed representation of the world to return something that's interpretable in terms of the latent features they're picking up on."
"Summarizing is a wide skill and it differentiates between paraphrasing in this way."
"I like summaries. I like when they take your data and compile it to a very digestible format."
"There's quite a bit of work summarizing there."
"Jesus summarizes the entirety of the Hebrew Bible up into one sentence and it's really remarkable."
"Radical invitation sums up brilliantly something that I think is really important."
"Summarizing text is a useful tool, for not only recalling lengthy text, but also for organizing the text main ideas."
"Just summarize whatever they talked about."
"Books always come to your rescue... they summarized the whole exam sequentially in one particular flow and in one particular structure to me."
"Just ask yourself, do I understand what I'm reading? And a good way to do that is to just see if you can pause and in your head, you know, just restate the main points."
"You can teach yourself every single day by summarizing what you learned."
"The Einstein Trust Layer is in this daily workflow, too, and after a call is done and transcribed, it can be automatically summarized into the key purpose action items and the moments that were discussed."
"A cover letter summarizes why you should be considered."
"So it's very important for you to summarize information as you move along, right?"
"We've got other ones that do things like summarize the conversation as it goes along."
"That's an interesting way to wrap that up."
"It's beautiful, love that movie, it sums up everything."
"Module eigengene is a way to summarize the expression patterns across our samples for a given module."
"Automatic down sampling: if you want to compute summaries for longer term views of data."
"Reports give you the summarized view of your organization."
"Descriptive statistics is a method of organizing, summarizing, and presenting data in an informative way."
"The essence of an entire presentation with over 20 individual elements into just a few sentences."
"Put a little summary, make it easy for somebody to just quickly get the main point of this study."
"It really does help your audience to give them a summary of what they can expect."
"For all the hype over image generation and AI's abilities to write emails for you... the thing these models do best is take a bunch of information and try to simplify and summarize it."
"So these days, I actually try to summarize it."
"Present all the key important ideas or key important points from the lecture in your summary."
"It's really important that you have a summarizing paragraph or section where you really lay out what the purpose of each part of your project is."
"Let's sum up the number of votes we got at the polls."
"The purpose of the conclusion is to summarize your key points."
"We're going to create some summary statistics for each device."
"Principal Component Analysis transforms your dataset from many features into a couple of principal components that summarize the variants that underlie your data."
"He's not proud of 'look how smart I am,' and somehow he's just able to pull all these different things together, be really clear about it, summarize what matters."
"Reinforce your central idea, your thesis, restate it in a concise way, really make it stand out."
"Any proof should be summarized in a sequence of three to ten bullet points."
"What have I just done? I have summarized the plot structure of the entire Bible in 300 words or less."
"Article summaries like a 'too long; didn't read' section or a table of contents is so important to the skimmability of your content."
"I love boiling things down and deconstructing things down to a one-liner or a cool way to phrase that entire article."
"Another thing to track is your story arc and book summaries."
"We're going to make it super Cliff Notes so we can get into the juicy parts of our testimonies and where we are with Jesus."
"Can we do like a summarized message? So, I'm a user and I've got 20 tasks that I need to be reminded about, but I don't want to send that person 20 emails; I want to send them one email with the 20 tasks in it."
"Summaries make connections and linkages within a conversation."
"I really like the crash courses in almost everything they've done because they do a really good job of giving you good bite-sized chunks."
"I'll take on the challenge to try to package that so how, what's, you know, if that rabbit hole was seven hours of reading and learning, okay, how can I package it in a way where someone can read something in 20 minutes and basically get the most important stuff there."
"This is a great way to do a summary of what's going on."
"Reduce function merges all elements of an array into a single summary value, useful for summarizing data."
"The summary view lets you summarize a larger database with a large amount of data pretty easily."
"A book's a nice way to summarize it all, so you've got something that can sit on a shelf."
"Being able to summarize the data can be super helpful."
"What makes Blinkist special is that instead of offering the full unabridged audiobooks, it gives you access to individually-crafted, professionally-written distillations of the books’ most important points which you can rip through in about 15 minutes."
"This will let me summarize different types of cover letters, resumes, manuals, or documentation with the power of AI."
"I think just giving you guys one video with everything in it was probably going to be helpful."
"This is a complex topic, so I'm going to give a high-level overview at the beginning and end of this video."
"I've tried my hardest to whittle it down to the most essential bits of information."
"Headings are short sentences that summarize the information in a paragraph."
"Try to sum up the general meaning of each paragraph in one or two words."
"Try to be quick, try to be efficient, don't worry too much about having the perfect summary."
"Summarize the argument that you've made, don't introduce any new ideas."
"Summarizations are good for wrapping up any section and moving from one section to the next."
"If you really understand a business, you should be able to encapsulate what makes it great in a paragraph or even a sentence."
"AI tools give you summaries of all the things that allow you to generate content."
"This is actually my favorite thing here is this summary of the email."
"Descriptive statistics... summarize and describe the data that you have at hand."
"Document maps allow you to create a summary that is outside of the report."
"You need to select the best paragraph that summarizes the audio."
"You can summarize an entire city block in a single picture this way."
"Summarization systems take in a long document and try to summarize it into a few sentences that are easy to read."
"Calculated and roll-up fields allow you to do real-time aggregation within a record with calculated fields and summarization across records with roll-up fields."
"The thing I really like is the summary with websites."
"I always try to include a quote that really summarizes an awesome part about the book."
"Copilot can help you stay on top of it all by summarizing Teams chats, so you know what you missed."
"That pretty much covers everything I could think of."
"In conclusion, there are uncountable reasons to..."
"This is such a good strategy that paragraph shrinking where they are trying to say that main idea in 10 words or less."
"Don't get bogged down in details, notice what the key points are, be ready to summarize."
"The instructions of the summary is your bible; that is what you focus on most of all."
"Sometimes just having that summary presented to you is a very valuable thing."
"So rather than having to go through and read the entire blog article, we've now got a nice concise summary."
"It's quite a nice synoptic one for a revision."
"It enables you to capture the important information on one page."
"Write down the argument that's being presented in the article or the book in one sentence."
"Meet the movie recap script writer: they distill movies and TV shows into bite-sized summaries."
"A summary is a shortened version of the text you have been given, it includes the main ideas only."
"I would like to recommend the flowchart to you, which is nicely summing up all the things that we have been learning about."
"Descriptive statistics is summarizing and presenting data in a meaningful way."
"Asking for summaries and explanations is a way to explore broad topics and drill down."
"We can summarize that it did a good job; it worked and nothing went wrong."
"One a week I think is perfect because then you summarize the whole week."
"To crisply summarize what we learned in the last session, we learned about the steps involved in the creation of a database."
"That just kind of sums up the whole holiday season right there."
"You have to be able to take large volumes of information and summarize them into simple, clear text."
"You can ask it to summarize things; it'll create a short summary but preserve key concepts."
"If you're in a group chat with your friends and your friends have just planned to go to dinner... the AI will read all these messages through language comprehension, work out what has happened during the conversation, and summarize it."
"One of the most important skills you can possibly develop is the ability to summarize a passage succinctly and accurately."
"We are going to use the summarization model that is provided to us by Hugging Face Transformers."
"The state at a particular time summarizes everything you need to know about the system."
"Aggregations are just that, they're summarized values."
"Summarize news and timely content, then get email sponsors."
"What I have just done is condensed 18 months of my life into 25 minutes."
"That basically covers PCA and ICA."
"This book summarizes many machine learning system related topics really well and it's very informative."
"The real challenge is to find the pertinent information for a story, and then summarize it in such a way to get the point across without taking away from the overall story."
"Abstractive summarization is more flexible and it's more how humans might summarize."
"He does a really great job of obviously condensing huge monumental worldwide events into nice, sizable, digestible chunks."
"Headings are short sentences that summarize information in a paragraph."
"...the web report is a really great way of capturing all of your work together."
"At the end of a quarterly model, you have to create a more readable annual summary."
"It's a little depressing that you can summarize 10 years worth of work in about 35 seconds."
"The point of a pivot table is to take raw data and summarize it."
"This is me trying to summarize things in the most basic form, such as overall shapes and the concepts of how they function."
"Descriptive statistics are measures that summarize important features of data, often with a single number."
"This line for me helped sum up what to expect from the rest of the arc, and I loved it."
"Summarizing helps to demonstrate that you understand what the participant said."
"A straight news lead should be a single paragraph consisting of a single sentence, should contain no more than 30 words, and should summarize, at minimum, the most newsworthy what, where and when of the story."
"My method that works best for me is... I put a sticky note and then I summarize what's on that page."
"I highlight quotes or sentences that really feel like they click or summarize a theory really well."
"Conclusions to discussion essays should do two things: summarize the main points and state your opinion."
"This hidden state summarizes all the information input to the RNN so far."
"It's like a little summary in a way."
"Try as much as possible to make a very concise summary of the whole letter."
"In the interest of time, I've tried to condense this so that I can get through as much as possible in a short period of time."
"Once I finish the book, I will go through and I will add a summary here like an executive summary."
"Matrix report is more of not a detailed report; it's a summarization report that we use in Workday."
"Let's face it, nobody has time to read a 400 page book, but we'll read them for you."
"Exploratory factor analysis describes the data and summarizes factors, and in the reverse, factors are thought to cause the variables."
"When you run something through a large language model and then it summarizes it or uses parts of it, that is transformative."
"An aggregation is a function that takes any number of values and compresses them down to a single informative value."
"So let's go and summarize everything we have learnt."
"It's about the intelligent and concise summary of the contents of images."
"Our first objective is to understand how to summarize and explain a text's main idea or aim while avoiding faulty generalizations or oversimplification."
"Use key words and excerpts; don't use full quotes unless you absolutely have to."
"Google Chrome will summarize entire articles for you with built-in generative AI."
"We're going to try and give you the most important points."
"A pivot table is a tool to summarize a large volume of data into a smaller table."
"We're going to take the previous three videos and conglomerate those topics together."
"That's Twitter in a nutshell, you know."
"We take some of your and my favorite comic book storylines and break them down into digestible recaps."
"We can provide all that, so eventually we can summarize it in a way that's much more turnkey than you having to do it a bit at a time."
"We can using AI summarize that down for people and say, 'Well actually, we think the Enterprise features that would be most appealing are X, Y, and Z.'"
"I take your favorite trade paperbacks and single issues of comic books and I break them down to digestible bites."
"It's so nice to be able to just... take a great self-help book... and condense it down into 15 minutes."
"It's surprising what you can pick up in just a brief time if you try to just highlight the important points."
"Here is all of human history summed up in one mighty deck of cards."
"It's a sort of a smart summary that's gonna be trained to keep only the information that we actually need for further processing."
"You train the model on your notes and then it'll just summarize the notes for you, create a study guide for you, help quiz you on the topics."
"The essence of a report is that you just show like the main overview."
"You can get through an entire book in 15 minutes."