
Data Transformation Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Transposing can be thought of as the opposite of crosstabs; it transforms the data from a wide format into a narrow format."
"Kafka streams are mainly used for data processing and transformation; you can enrich data, transform data, perform filtering, grouping, aggregation, and a bunch more."
"So map is used for substituting each value in a series with another value."
"Our unpivoted column step was successful in being able to recognize this additional column and unpivot it just like the others because we were a little bit smarter with our approach thinking to the future."
"Power Query can replace crazy array formulas with a few simple clicks."
"Map operator transforms values emitted by an observable."
"Convert a list into a table... You get a set of features that you did not have with the list to analyze that data for yourself."
"Use the pipeline operator to nest function calls, like filtering even numbers and then multiplying them."
"Dimensionality reduction transforms data while preserving key insights."
"Essentially, business intelligence refers to applications that transform data into meaningful information which helps businesses make better decisions."
"Convert raw data into useful actionable refreshable information for decision-makers in a business situation."
"GIS can transform data into information and then finally to knowledge."
"Power Query Editor is a data transformation and preparation tool that allows users to connect to and transform data from a variety of sources."
"Power query is a tool to import, clean, transform, and load data."
"If the data being extracted includes dates of sale that don't match the dates that the destination table is designed to hold, that's going to create errors."
"So as part of the level one transformation, if any of the tables are having a column with the name date in it, then we are going to convert that column value from a date time format to date format."
"Transforming projection from one to another with Vector data is rather easier."
"Power BI allows you to gather, transform, and visualize your data from various sources, like Excel workbooks or SharePoint."
"Transforming data in BigQuery can be done through SQL or using Google Cloud Data Prep for a visual approach."
"And we have these used next to here because this is still uncommitted so our final step in working with these transform models is to commit them."
"We're going to transform this data by working in power query editor so on the Home tab of the ribbon go ahead and click on transform data to open that window."
"How do we transform data into knowledge? Well, there's not one path only to get there. It all depends on the raw material we're trying to transform and who we're trying to reach."
"It enables the analytics engineer to transform the data in their warehouse by simply writing select statements."
"It's grown into a global standard for data transformation that's currently used by more than 16,000 data teams."
"Data analysis is the process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information."
"DBT is all about sort of transforming this data in your data lake data platform into a format where you can answer questions like this a lot more precisely and correctly and quickly."
"We want to try and do is reframe our data, maybe move it around so that we can better separate things out, better cluster things, perhaps it's better for machine learning."
"We will extract the data, clean it, perform some transformation, and store it in the Spark managed table."
"Data transformation provides the standardized way of transforming the data from the raw amount to a standardized form and then actually preparing them for analytics."
"Transformations we have talked about when you build a lake, yes, you want to have the ability to transform your data."
"The way that the discrete cosine transform works, is we take some data, in this case our image data, and we try to represent it as the sum of lots of these waves."
"So everything I know about Power Query, everything I can do in Power Query, the magic behind the data, I can do all of that with datamarts?"
"Pivot operator converts the rows of data of the table into column data."
"Transform streams change the data."
"When you subtract the mean from each participant's score, you end up with a variable that has a mean of zero."
"What we're going to do in this video is take a look at how you can flatten data in a modern tool like Snowflake."
"DBT is there to transform data; DT is there to load data."
"PCA is a linear transformation which transforms the given data from n-dimensional space to another space with the same number of dimensions."
"DBT stands for data build tool; it's an open-source data transformation and data warehousing tool created by DBT Labs."
"DBT enables analysts, data engineers, and scientists to build, version, and maintain a library of reusable data transformations."
"ETL is an automated process in order to extract the data from somewhere, transform it, and then put it somewhere."
"Work performance data becomes work performance information, and later work performance information gets converted into a performance report."
"The idea is we want to transform our data so it's easier and easier to get close to the actual output that we're looking for."
"Automation scripts... are often used in playbooks to transform data."
"Pre-processing can transform the data into a form that is suitable for the network architecture."
"Programming languages are fundamentally about transforming data into other forms of data."
"This process of turning these sentences into numbers is often referred to as embedding."
"Power Query is a feature within Power BI that helps you collect and transform data."
"For importing, cleaning, and transforming data, there's nothing more amazing and powerful than Power Query."
"We're really converting our data into information for our users."
"Feature engineering is the process of combining domain knowledge with mathematical knowledge to transform features in your dataset to be more informative."
"When we normalize data, the data points that are in the new normalized dataset typically encode some type of information relative to the dataset at large."
"The data transformations that you typically do on an image still apply with a video."
"JSON table turns JSON data into a table with rows and columns which the old-fashioned relational developers like myself really enjoy."
"And second benefit is you can apply various type of transformation which you typically need to train your deep learning model."
"In order to do parametric testing with skewed data, we need to transform it."
"Transform your data and clean it up before it's imported."
"Use the Power Query Editor to transform your data."
"It will turn everything into embeddings and all of the vectors that you might need."
"These two are equivalent representations, you can transform either one to the other without loss of information."
"You just throw them into Snowflake, do all your transformation inside Snowflake; it's too easy."
"So as a conclusion here, JSON function in SQL Server enables you to easily transform data from relational format from SQL tables into JSON text."
"The power of a pipe is in its ability to transform data seamlessly."
"A pipeline is a formalized way of transforming data from one state to another through a series of managed processes."
"A system is basically just a way to transform data in our games."
"The simplest explanation of what feature engineering means is how you can transform your input so an algorithm can actually consume it and build good projections."