
Consumer Spending Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"Optimizing prices is another analytical technique used to maximize customer spending."
"During the good years, the economy booms, citizens have extra income to spend, and prices for goods are relatively low."
"Our economy runs on spending. The more that one person spends, the more that somebody else makes."
"The great thing is, you put money into people's hands, that's going to supercharge the local businesses."
"The most effective way to actually bolster our economy would be to put money into consumers' hands."
"When you give people money, they spend the money, which helps boost small business and government revenues."
"Consumers are now spending over 11% of their disposable income on food, up to a three-decade high."
"If you put money in the average person's pocket, they will spend it."
"What's really bad for your business is when people don't have money to spend."
"In the fitness niche, people will spend thousands of dollars on improvement."
"I'm excited, and I don't mind buying the $60 game and paying fifteen dollars."
"We're going to see downward pressure on consumer spending... more retail stores closing more of these retail jobs gone."
"I bet a lot of people would be willing to spend $50 more on their CPU."
"We love this []. We paid 30, 40 dollars to go to movies and see people do this []."
"It's really shocking very strong GDP numbers especially on the consumption side."
"In the short to medium term, deal with collapse in demand by giving people up money money to spend."
"Americans spent a record $95.7 billion on their pets in 2019."
"If there's one thing this company is known for that isn't convincing people to spend thousands of dollars on Virtual gun paint and hats it's the fact that they pretty much always deliver Unforgettable video games."
"Pet spend increased from $103.6 billion in 2020 to $123.6 billion in 2021."
"I would be happy to spend my money on Leeds stuff."
"Household spending is rising at an especially rapid pace boosted by the ongoing reopening of the economy."
"Food spending is going to be the largest category of spending in the average budget."
"You're spending more and getting less, and that seems to be a recurring thing whether it's on gifts, groceries, gas, or a house."
"What have you spent a hundred, three hundred, five hundred, a thousand dollars or more on in the last several years?"
"The fact is, most corporate profits rely on consumer spending."
"Here's a hot take: people having money to spend is actually a good thing."
"Consumer spending is strong, so we're in what is arguably the best economy in a while."
"Spend money you don't have but... if you're paying off your credit cards every month... the credit card perks feel like free money."
"Consumers are spending more money on travel, luxury clothing, cruises, and entertainment."
"Does it actually provide value for the amount of money that you're going to spend? And if it is, great, spend away."
"These kind of details are what you end up paying for."
"This silly ass promotion is gonna get so many people spending money on this game."
"The average American spends $300 a month on subscription services, up from $237 in 2018."
"Putting a dollar in a middle-class person's pocket so they can go to the grocery store and go to their local mom and pop or their local restaurant and order takeout, that is what makes a huge difference for the economy."
"People are still willing to spend on small experiences..."
"Chances are the majority of the money that you paid to get that product is actually going to packaging."
"The spending on Goods will bring back inflation."
"People are willing to pay for games, which helps developers make money and the gaming industry grow."
"Money to the people is money into the economy."
"The more money you spend for something, the better it gets."
"Tesla, Apple, and semiconductor companies are insulated from this lack of spending."
"Investment actually also gets translated into increased consumption."
"Higher oil prices force people to spend more money in the real economy, less to put into financial assets."
"Consumers won't save the economy in 2024, and their wild holiday spending spree was the last hurrah."
"If it's a nice car, they might have had to pay up to get it."
"Obsidian, can shut up and take my money already."
"Your lowest quartile is only responsible... they account for 40 percent of spending so there's a storm brewing."
"I'm 38 and still haven't grown out of your content. The difference is now I make enough money to waste on these Transformers you review."
"Yeah, I mean, we've seen it here. We've got folks come into our customer service department knowing just a little bit and now they're spending more money than I do."
"I love these videos because it makes me realize how big the NDL truly are, how much people love free stuff, and most importantly, how much I'm willing to spend on just one YouTube video."
"Lowering the price of these rides has definitely helped... people are spending money."
"Dubai is always building new property... people aren't forced to spend six thousand on your Abode."
"People today still have disposable income, that's what happens at the beginning of a recession."
"The agreement... student loan repayment... is going to end... and that is really going to impact consumer spending."
"Spring break travel is booming; people are willing to spend more now and later in the quarter, not less."
"I'm taking my money and I'm putting it where the big sale is: tech and consumer discretion."
"People are willing to pay for that... it is costing more now than an iPhone."
"I definitely think that they're not throwing away their ambitions of having recurrent consumer spending."
"Household incomes surged by a record 21.1 percent of March as stimulus checks hit bank accounts and propelled consumer spending."
"I hope it's not a shot-for-shot, doesn't he take all my money this year?"
"It's almost your civic responsibility to help keep the economy going by spending money."
"If everyone just spent all of their savings we would be fine."
"Hi-fi is one of those industries a bit like cars where you can spend as much as you dare really."
"You are spending your hard-earned money and you're like buying things, hopefully you enjoy them."
"You spent seventy dollars if you're in the US for this game, I'm dumb I spent 100 for it, play the game however the [__] you want."
"If India's farmers start getting more income, that will help not just agriculture, it will help services because they will buy more services."
"Consumer spending was going to fall during the fall because of the end of the Eras tour."
"The growth in our business and what we are seeing in terms of consumer spend on a local basis is actually quite strong."
"... consumers have less money to spend on the discretionary side... this is not a good sign and not the right direction for the equity markets to be heading."
"Economic downturn and uncertain economic conditions can also impact consumer spending."
"Good UX is a huge contributor to people spending money and staying playing the games on and on and on."
"...in around two or 3% of consumer spending globally takes place on the internet today..."
"The average consumer on eBay spent $700 annually on the website."
"The beauty industry is booming, with each adult on average spending upwards of one hundred and fifty pounds each month on beauty products and clothes."
"The more productive things become cheaper, they wind up occupying a smaller fraction of the total amount of money that's being spent."
"The economy is pretty good; people are still spending money."
"Give us the money and we'll stimulate the economy."
"At some point the system's going to break and the American consumer is going to tap out."
"Retail sales consumer data is always an important data release."
"If people spend money, then businesses make more money."
"Replacing a broken window stimulates the economy."
"The US consumer is two-thirds of the US economy, as big as China's economy."
"There's more money to more people, and more people are spending it."
"If more people have money in their pocket, they're out spending more money on goods and services."
"Both the French and the British spent the most money on cars."
"Americans are spending more than enough money to keep the economy humming along and to avoid a recession."
"Household spending and investment in equipment and software continue to expand, supporting the recovery."
"Consumer spending is still going to be the driver, but it’s going to be based on real wage gains, which is fabulous for all of us that can enjoy that."
"We're still seeing strong job growth. We're still seeing consumer spending increase."
"The stock market is made up of real companies that create real products that people buy and spend money on."
"We continue to expect a moderate pace of GDP growth, with robust job gains and lower energy prices supporting household spending."
"Household spending continues to rise at a moderate pace, supported by income gains and by relatively high levels of consumer sentiment and wealth."
"US citizens spend about $0.97 on every dollar we take home."
"A luxury good is one that has a highly positive income elasticity of demand."
"People trust and they spend money with brands that they connect to."
"Enough people out there are spending that it creates inflationary pressure for everyone."
"The strength of the current economy, the strength of the labor market, and the strength of consumer spending would conclude that where we are right now remains solidly within expansion."
"When unemployment is at its lowest level since the 1950s, the consumer can spend."
"If we reduce taxes, people get more money in their pocket, they buy more things, and businesses will be booming."
"Consumers have less discretionary cash, so company earnings are going down."
"App store consumer spending is total 157 billion dollars."