
Analytical Thinking Quotes

There are 241 quotes

"And if you're going to try to do that, there is a problem which is, officially, it's complicated."
"Richard is more than just a casual UFO researcher; he is a historian with academic training and a highly analytical thinker."
"You have to pinpoint the thought process, the logic, and understand the 'why' of a result."
"This video actually has some of the craziest big brain moments of all time."
"It's a good way of opening your brain up to think about stuff in different ways."
"It's both possible and even necessary to simultaneously enjoy media while also being critical of its more problematic and pernicious aspects."
"Interpreting art is by its nature relative and you can make cases for countless interpretations of the work."
"I realize this wave count looks crazy, it looks mad, but stay with me, because in the words my favorite detective Hercule Poirot, 'but I can assure you behind my madness is method.'"
"But it's always important not to have wishful thinking colour your analysis."
"All problems are like this, once you've broken them down into smaller parts."
"I think this is the fastest way to improve and it's especially good for people who are analytical."
"Context matters, it's a really important thing."
"We need to know what your analysis is of how we got here because that tells us so much about how you're going to move forward."
"That requires restraint, it requires foresight, it requires some sort of an objective understanding of history."
"Just because we love a piece of media doesn't mean we can't critique its faults."
"We're not trying to figure out the who, we're trying to figure out the why."
"This quote implies that all the clues and ideas are present from the start if only we pay attention."
"I think the best approach is to keep gathering facts and analyzing them objectively."
"Sometimes it's fun to look at things and try to piece together some kind of hidden narrative behind the curtain."
"Yeah, you really broke it down just now. Um, I'm gonna have to watch that part over and take some notes. I hope y'all was really listening to that, that was some real science right there."
"More analytic people were less likely to believe politically consistent fake news than less analytic people regardless of their political alignment."
"Cross-cultural comparison helps us reduce ethnocentric bias and see ourselves more analytically."
"It's my privilege and honor to continue doing this, dissecting the world, making sense of a world that has gone mad."
"Root cause analysis involves asking 'why' multiple times to reveal the underlying reasons for a problem."
"Understanding context is critical. You put things into context all the time."
"Analytical thinking involves identifying and defining a problem, then solving it by using data in an organized step-by-step manner."
"I love the way you very dispassionately lay out everything."
"If you want to make progress in things, I think that the best analytical framework for, I'll say in the future is physics."
"I am always relentlessly curious and I always want to find the answer why."
"Everything's a pattern. You just have to find it."
"Apply the intention of noticing differences."
"I'm still a skeptic and I still like to gather all the facts and look at things objectively. I like to explore the details and put them together like a puzzle to see what begins to form."
"You're going to have to evaluate the evidence and prioritize... what are you going to be testing."
"It's code breaking, it's following your hunch, it's understanding that things are not right, it's watching for a long time and putting pieces together."
"When rewriting, you can get more analytical and use these questions so that you can find and fix your scenes' problems."
"It's important also to take a step back and say okay, you know how can we look at this objectively and how can we kind of make sense of it in the bigger picture."
"It requires a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious."
"It's not a false dilemma; both the individual ways and their cumulative case are convincing."
"It's helpful to have kind of a physics framework for looking at things... really believe in what you're doing."
"I really hate how cinemasins just takes scenes out of context and present them in a dishonest way so that their audience doesn't question them."
"You have to pay attention to this kind of patterns."
"A crime scene is a puzzle that has to be solved."
"I would rather start by looking at the evidence."
"Developing multimodal literacy is about thinking about it. It's about being a bit more analytical about what you're seeing and viewing and hearing the way those things work together and developing a kind of deeper understanding of them."
"We are the place for insight, philosophical analysis, historical analysis, diving deeper, and explaining what's happening in our country in ways that everyone can understand."
"Be patient and grounded in perspective and data."
"There's always more to say and more connections to make."
"Analyzing first, then diving deep - that's the essence of understanding."
"Shannon ain't stupid, and we could definitely see where it is, but you can also see how Emily was able to put everything together, even if it was over the course of a long time."
"Let's engage the analytical part of our brains and embrace the journey of taste."
"I genuinely love this approach of going point by point, piece by piece."
"It's often good to use multiple metrics because they help kind of you know fact check each other."
"Hey Legal Eagles, let's think like a lawyer."
"Who's the most powerful Red Ranger now? It's important to keep in mind that power can be measured in a lot of different ways."
"I like solutions. Let's analyze the problem, understand it, fix it like a doctor working on a patient."
"I thought it'd be really interesting to try to focus in really hard on the characters that have changed."
"We've even got the curve behind Matt, which is of the stairway shown on Scott's drawing."
"I think we have to differentiate very sharply on things you know that have not happened versus things that are on the cusp."
"I can look at a chart and see it objectively."
"I'm not broken, I'm here to say vanilla is the superior."
"Criteria for valid meaning: consistency, comprehensiveness, and insight."
"You gotta start being serious about the numbers."
"It's important to separate those two things out."
"By exploring definition A, and then B, and then C, and then D, it's like looking at a diamond from many different angles."
"If you are naturally curious, want to build your problem-solving skills, or need to develop confidence in your analytical abilities, then get Brilliant Premium to learn something new."
"Don't get stuck only looking at cons; there always is going to be a con in any area you're going to just make sure that the pros outweigh them."
"Chess is all about thinking you you don't actually know."
"The fact that you've done the hard work to think through this is what virtually guarantees that neither end of the spectrum runs amuck."
"Just follow the trend lines instead of the headlines."
"If you follow the trend lines instead of the headlines, it's actually quite a different story."
"I praise on this channel are the ones that don’t get worse the more you think about them."
"Every segment falls apart if you just look a little bit closer at it."
"We're kind of like very resilient, very focused, very logic-brained, a lot of math."
"People need to stop and learn to approach historical interpretations with nuance and critical thinking."
"Male energy is linear, analytical, strategic, and practical."
"I was obsessed with analytics and numbers and you should be too."
"I love me some finely aged systemic analysis."
"It's about working out what seems like it's a reasonable."
"SpongeBob is an interesting character, and specifically season one SpongeBob has such an interesting logic process that can be hilarious to follow if you pay close enough attention to it."
"Okay so let's so we have 19 and we have 21. those are significant numbers ages and then let's get some letters ow."
"Isn't it an interesting diagnostic tool that tells us that there is something wrong under the depths?"
"Every time that I lost, I obsessed over it and I broke that trade down and compared it to everything else that looked like it."
"Considerations like this separate good criticism from bad."
"As always my friends, remember, it's just a theory. A GAME THEORY."
"The two most important skills: business understanding and analytical thinking."
"I actually find the details much more important, I like to always say the devil is in the details."
"I always try to show you exactly how I've come to that conclusion."
"The actual process of your work sounds very much like a Sherlock Holmes with a PhD trying to piece together stuff."
"That movie makes total sense if you work backwards."
"It's like you're looking at it as a puzzle to solve, almost fascinated."
"StarCraft is a real-time strategy game and the way to think about StarCraft perhaps if you understand a bit of chess."
"So, creativity? Well, once again, that's just asking questions, making relevant but creative assumptions about the problem space or a potential solution, and then convincing yourself if this is or isn't the case."
"What do you think the formula is for understanding Yu-Gi-Oh GX?"
"The truth is uncovered by analyzing things from every angle."
"So you know we can get a little bit speculative here this is something of course that's course could just be coincidence."
"Nothing is ever guaranteed, but you can draw correlations and see how they play out."
"I felt like I had to go back even further. Let's just unpack this for a minute."
"Let's start with the first kind of underestimation, underestimating the size of things."
"I love mystery films cuz I love thinking about like what's gonna happen what is happening trying to work it out before the movie tells you that's the fun they're mystery."
"Disliking something subjectively and finding real faults that are objective are two different things."
"Unraveling mysteries is all about gathering evidence and applying sound logic to the conclusions that you come up with."
"But hey, that's just a theory, a crazy, crazy theory."
"One real pillar of my personality is identifying patterns and taking action."
"The moment you realize that you need to love them for who they are, wholeheartedly."
"Tracking progress allows you to understand what went wrong with some of them and what went right with others."
"The iceberg theory really can be used in any aspect in any sport and definitely in Formula One."
"Come on folks, there's a lot of negative things in the teachings of Jesus, aren't you paying attention?"
"The key to a good investor or Trader is finding multiple factors that all tell you the same thing."
"I'm a mathematician, who grew up believing two plus two was four. I look at cause and effect."
"Understanding context: key to deeper analysis."
"I feel like my initial analysis might have been a little bit off on this."
"I have a lot of thoughts, this is like a really fun like puzzle to piece together."
"Every day the market speaks to us. It drops hints, clues, pieces of the puzzle, and it's our job to put on our detective hats and piece the pieces of the puzzle together."
"This is where fact meets the speculative in discussions insightful and explorative."
"You need to analyze your choices in 2023 and be very critical of your choices in 2023. Be very, like, 'I'm gonna be a freaking detective.'"
"Sometimes it's not enough to just compare two things that are kind of similar, sometimes it's natural opponents."
"Always ask questions and look at things from every angle."
"With this piece of information, I was able to start connecting the dots."
"It doesn't take a genius to add all this up and say, you know, that someone could be coming in and exposing some sort of truth here."
"I tend to approach problem-solving like that in a very puzzly way."
"The Ackerman explanation plus a little bit of theory."
"I'm a scientist and so I approach things from a scientific underpinning and then I can come to conclusions that way."
"It gives you that idea, especially if you look at their breakdowns of live services."
"I like data, I like science, I like spotting trends."
"Use information that has been given to you that's specific to this problem that may give you hints on how to solve this problem."
"Really try to analyze what your Killer's ability is and what it's good for and then take full advantage of that."
"This is a rare melange of a game that makes you think both emotionally and analytically."
"Let's get into these assumptions, let's see what we got."
"The integration of analytical and creative thinking forms a synergistic cornerstone in achieving excellence in various fields."
"I encourage you to start looking for patterns and thinking about what patterns crop up in different areas of maths."
"What I want to talk about is the thought process that we can go through to figure these types of cases out."
"I feel like you're really good at kind of panning out and taking a bird's eye view of different situations."
"I had to really really circumvent my own analytical brain to do intuitive tarot reading."
"This power is what I mean when I talk of reasoning backwards or analytically."
"Always look for patterns to solve these types of problems."
"I don't really care how it happens the shift towards the valuing analytical thinking and problem-solving when it comes to the way we're making decisions that's awesome."
"That's the type of question that is very, very, very analytical."
"You have to not only calculate this stuff, you have to evaluate it correctly."
"Problem-solving skills show that you're resourceful and adaptable as well as naturally analytical and solutions focused."
"Life-altering because at that time being an analyst and an inquisitive person I ended up deciding that I needed to find out what that was or do further research into that."
"I think I'm probably biased in favor of this game because of how much time I spent on it and how much attention and that it's not just a game that was revolutionary for me but it was an analytical practice that was revolutionary for me at the time when I did it."
"Remember, we make extensive use of nested interpretations."
"We try to unpack them, get them down to the nuts and bolts."
"You're very wise. You notice things that other people don't see. People see you guys as very intelligent or very wise or very... like you notice things that other people don't see. You're very analytical. People do see that about you."
"...solving problems analytically and structured way..."
"Bayesian linear regression... it's just a different way of thinking about linear regression."
"If it is not increasing your status, you think analytically out-of-the-box to create your status."
"Start writing your main paragraph... they're going to be big chunky paragraphs, they're going to be analytical, they're going to be evaluative."
"They think in terms of probability... very few people can think in terms of probability."
"Some people are data driven and want to know numbers."
"Structure thinking is the process of recognizing the current problem or situation, organizing available information, revealing gaps and opportunities, and identifying the options."
"This is an analytical tool to think with."
"This is a really useful sense check to see whether the data that you're getting make sense and looks clean."
"I love first principle thinking, it is basically thinking."
"I handle conflicts by analyzing them. I'm a very analytical person and I feel all problems have a solution."
"Computer science is less about coding and more about thinking analytically about coding."
"There is a component of evaluation of the whole picture of what's going on."
"Every day is a case study for causal consistency."
"I'm going to see if I can find a pattern, I mean to me that's why you study math, is to get really good at noticing patterns."
"There's always new inferences that you can derive from data that you can make the same thing mean different things."
"He was very analytical and he had such deep thinking."
"It's good to separate them and to look at the components to try to understand each of the components separately."
"You have to be very analytical and logical."
"What they liked actually was the meticulous use of logic and the broad philosophical, scientific context in which they heard bodybuilding, their great passion, discussed."
"It's a powerful tool for thinking analytically, dispassionately, rigorously."
"The habit of mine, that frame of thinking, I find is very productive and is also quite consistent with the evidence of success and failure that we see around the world."
"We call analytical meditation extremely useful."
"The logician is just what it sounds like, they're the logical, analytical, curious type, but they're also open-minded to collaborations and others' views."
"Product marketing requires left-brain and right-brain thinking; you need to be numbers driven and also be creative."
"So many times we talk about stories from someone who's like in the military or a doctor or a scientist, someone with an analytical brain."
"You've got to think like an engineer."
"There are two systems in the brain. System two could be called the head. It's where we do analytical thinking, it's where we do arithmetic and mathematics. It's where we think deep thoughts."
"Cause and effect, I see how they connect."
"Dimensional analysis can often tell you a great deal. In many cases, you can discover new physical laws."
"It's okay to be analytical and artistic; you don't have to choose one or the other, and one isn't better than the other."
"You're going to be thinking and writing like a mathematician or a scientist would."
"Analytical is really getting away from just showing basic numbers and actually empowering the user to perform more exploratory data analysis."
"If you know how to break up these problems that you're having into pieces, all the pieces that are presented will allow you to solve whatever you're looking for."
"We're in a much better state now where anecdotal evidence opinion doesn't dominate."
"Let's get into it, let's read the problem and try to solve it."
"Science courses are good because they can teach you analytical skills."
"Like any problem, any big problem, we just want to break it down into its component parts."
"If you encounter something like this during an interview process, what I typically look at is not necessarily the final solution but how does the person approach the specific problem."
"With any fault finding, always be methodical."
"When you're analytical, you are doing something to manipulate some variable to see if it changes something else."
"The nature of which your brain is structured to think in a logical, analytical, dialectical fashion and problem solve by reading material like this, it cannot be overestimated."
"Vigilant, meticulous, conscientious, analytical, methodical individuals."
"With these questions, you can solve any problem: Why is there a problem? How important is it? What do you know? How do you know? What do you need to know? And how can you learn?"
"By being realistic with yourself, you're going to start looking at the correct data."
"Men tend to be more analytical and systematic while women tend to be more emotional, empathetic."
"How analytical he is about it too is so interesting."
"Read the problem at least three times, really think about it."
"Analysis hinges on 'pattern recognition'."
"Feed your analytical mind with the information that when we become softer we're just opening up the lines of communication."
"I tend to be more of an emotional person than my wife, my wife is much more analytical than me."
"If you have analytical skills, you will be able to quickly sail through it."
"You just have to pick the problem apart, think about it step by step."
"I am the diligent, vigilant, meticulous, conscientious, analytical, methodical individual."
"You sort of got to think of this as if it's sort of a hip bone connected to the leg bone type of analysis."
"I've always been an analytical person and I've always thought strategically."