
Patrons Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"Let's dive in. Our tier one patrons get all the behind-the-scenes footage."
"I'd like to give special thanks to all of my patrons who are now appearing on screen."
"If you like this video, don't thank us, thank our patrons."
"Big shout out goes out to my patrons, shout out to my patrons always, you guys keep this channel alive."
"I'd like to give a special thank you to my top patrons Minute Rice, Henry Gutierrez, and ignis ISIL..."
"Before we go today, I'd like to extend a huge thank you to my patrons."
"Patrons are my favorite people, they go above and beyond the call of duty."
"A big thank you goes to our patrons for their ongoing support."
"Huge shout out to my patrons for supporting me, they are the reason I can run my store."
"Thank you so much patrons because without you guys I would not be able to just take a week out of my month to create and try to redefine my art making practice."
"Thanks so much patrons for supporting the channel as well. Y'all really do be saving my ass."
"We really depend on our Patreon supporters. They are the backbone of this channel and allow us to do the things that we do."
"Thank you so much for watching. Thank you so much to our patrons for supporting this channel."
"Special thank you and shout out to all the patrons, all the people been supporting us over on Patreon."
"We want to thank our Patrons for sharing the love and supporting this channel."
"Want to say thank you to some of our patrons. Thank you guys so much."
"Special shout out to my patrons. Hearts for you guys. Thank you guys for supporting me every month financially so that I can continue creating the content that you love."
"Thank you for watching extra special thank you to my patrons for their support and for making my videos possible."
"Thank you so much for watching, but as always the biggest thank you for this video and all of my videos go to my amazing patrons."
"I want to give a special shout out and thanks to my patrons and Elite explorers who have directly supported me and stuck with me through the years."
"Thank you to all of our patrons for all of your support."
"A huge thank you to my incredible patrons, they're helping me keep the channel running."
"I would also like to give a huge shout out to my patrons."
"...huge thanks to my patrons, their names are scrolling beside the screen."
"I really want to thank our patrons."
"And a very big thanks to my lovely ten-pound patrons: Daniel Hendricks, Side Defect, Cherub Cherub, and Will Tanner. Thanks to you guys so much for the support and pledges. I greatly appreciate it. Thank you."
"A big thank you to my amazing Patrons over on Patreon."
"Thank you so much to our patrons for making this all possible. We really, really appreciate it."
"Once again, I want to give a huge thanks to my patrons for supporting my work."
"Thank you so much to my awesome patrons your support really helps fund these projects."
"I want to say a massive thank you to all of my patrons and supporters for making this video possible."
"Huge shout out to my patrons. Thank you all so much for supporting this channel."
"And my patrons give me the budget to do that."
"Thank you everyone for watching. Final thanks as always goes to my patrons."
"Shout out to my patrons, especially the ones who joined on the sous chef level."
"Club 1930 patrons are more akin to mysterious religion followers than bar-goers."
"A huge thank you to all of my patrons."
"Thank you so much for your support. Thank you, the lovely patrons whose names are on screen. For real, thank you all."
"Thank you, a huge thank you to all of our subscribers, all of our patrons."
"A huge thank you as always to my wonderful patrons for helping with regular donations to help keep the channel afloat."
"Thank you to all of our amazing patrons."
"Thank you to patrons of the destructive arts for making videos like these possible."
"Whether you've been a patron for a little bit and left, whether you still are a patron, whether you're a longtime patron, you all are gems."
"Finally massive thank you to all our patrons on patreon, thank you guys so much."
"Shout-out to all my lovely patrons. Appreciate it, you make these shows possible."
"It's the support of patrons that actually allows us to travel to these museums."
"Thank you to our patrons for subscribing. You guys are awesome. You help us do what we do every week. Let us know what you want us to watch next. Peace."
"Thank you to my patrons for picking this movie. This was actually such a fun time."
"Thank you especially to my patrons, without whom I could not keep doing this."
"Special thank you to my patrons and thank you for being there with me through the current real time things."
"I also use Squarespace for my secret shop for my patrons."
"...my patrons on patreon they got an exclusive article all about the history of it they've gotten additional exclusive videos progress shots sneak peeks."
"As always, a massive thank you to my patrons."
"Thank you very much to all my patrons, you literally are the only reason I'm able to continue making these videos."
"Thank you to my patrons, without you this would not even be possible."
"The more patrons we get on board, the bigger and better this channel can get. So thank you so much for the support."
"Thanks to our patrons for making all of our videos possible and thanks to you for watching."
"Big big thanks to my patrons out there... you guys are awesome."
"My patrons are, as always, a fantastic bunch. I appreciate you all so much."
"Thank you so much to all of our patrons who are already supporting us."
"Thank you to our patrons for making this video possible."
"...and thank you so much as well to my patrons for making these kinds of videos possible and supporting this channel."
"Thank you very much patrons. I couldn't do this without you."
"A huge shout out to all of our patrons who helped make this video possible."
"Thank you very much to our patrons for this past year."
"The key word here is hopefully. Big shout out to my patrons for supporting what I do on this channel and being the source of stability."
"Big thanks to my patrons as always."
"Big thank you as always to all of my patrons. These videos wouldn't be possible without your help."
"A big thank you to all of my patrons. I love you."
"Thank you all, thank you to the patrons who have... given me this chance to share my journey."
"And thank you especially to some of my new patrons this month. I will see you all very soon with the new video. Bye."
"A really big thank you to my patrons for helping support everything I do here every single month. You guys are absolutely amazing."
"I've got reading Sprints at 12 with my patrons."
"Thanks so much to the patrons of this channel."
"Thank you so much to my patrons for their support. It means so much to me."
"I wanted to say thank you to all our patrons who have joined our patreon page we really really truly appreciate your support and it really does help to run this channel so thank you guys so much for your support."
"Thank you so much to all of the lovely patrons that helped bring this series to life. It wouldn't be here without you."
"Huge thanks to the patrons as always."
"Huge thank you to all of my patrons."
"Thank you to our patrons for making videos like this possible."
"Our patrons who are lovely and we love you, we love you guys."
"Thank you to our patrons, I really appreciate you allowing us to keep doing what it is we are doing here over at Chicago reacts."
"A massive thanks to our patrons for making this production possible. Here's to you because this production simply would not be possible without your support."
"Yards and meters of thanks to my patrons, without whom I literally would not have been able to make this project."
"And before I go, I want to give a huge thank you to my patrons of course for their monthly support, you guys are the best."
"I also want to say a massive thank you to my patrons, as always I literally couldn't do this without you guys."
"Proving patrons and collectors are as essential to great art as the artists themselves."
"Huge thanks to my patrons. You guys are awesome."
"'Thanks to our Ten Dollar Plus patrons.'"
"Patrons, you guys are amazing as usual. Thank you so much for your contributions."
"Thank you to all of our patrons for giving us an extra step to pay for Content. We really appreciate you guys."
"A massive thank you to all our amazing patrons, thank you so much for your support."
"Hey, thanks for listening, a huge thank you to all our patrons."
"Thank you all to my lovely patrons for supporting me you guys mean the world to me and I am so excited to show you what I'm doing next all right bye."
"Okay so while the credits roll I'd really like to thank all my patrons for their support."
"Thank you so much to my patrons and thank you to everyone else for watching."
"Welcome, patrons. Thank you for supporting us."
"Thank all the patrons that make this series possible."
"Thank you to all my patrons who support the channel in whatever way possible, it really does make a world of difference."
"We've had such a great time and it's, you know, we wanted to meet all our patrons didn't we, as many as we can."
"Projects like this are funded in large part by the support of my amazing patrons."
"My patrons, I thank you most sincerely."
"Thank you to all my patrons keeping me alive and well during these troubling times."
"I want to say a massive thank you from me to all of my patrons."
"Thank you to my patrons for the inspiration."
"We want to say a special thank you to all of our patrons."
"Thank you all to my amazing patrons for your incredible support."
"Patrons have the opportunity to get up to two bonus tutorials every month."
"I want to give a hearty shout out and a big thank you to two new patrons."
"I'm gonna finish that and then my patrons said that I should read... I think I'm gonna read A Deadly Education."
"Thank you guys for watching and thank you to my patrons for supporting me."
"We are so grateful to all of you patrons who do that, many many many thanks."
"Without our patrons, there would be no show."
"Cheers to my patrons as always, they're the reason that this carries on, and I'm incredibly grateful to them."
"And a huge million billion thanks to all our incredible patrons, without you, this journey would not be possible."
"Special thanks to my patrons for your ongoing support."
"Bye and a great big benvenuti to our brand new patrons."
"Thanks to new and old patrons one and all."
"More than sixty thousand patrons were in the park with another fifty thousand outside to watch the evening's fireworks."
"I want to just give a huge thank you to all the patrons that make this series possible."
"I would like to first give a shout out to my patrons who made this and all my future videos possible."
"Thank you very much to our patrons, I hope to see some of you in Annapolis."
"Thank you to all of my amazing patrons, your support means everything."
"Huge thanks to my patrons on Patreon for all their support."
"Thank you so, so, so, so, so much to my patrons; you guys are the coolest people on the internet."
"I would like to thank all of the patrons for supporting the ChemKnits Tutorials YouTube channel."
"Thank you for watching, and a very special thank you to our patrons for the amazing support."
"Thank you, patrons, for all your fantastic support."
"I want to say a special thank you to my patrons who actually requested that I make this video."
"My patrons are some of the nicest people in the world, it literally fills me with so much joy."
"And now a huge thank you to my wonderful patrons for all of their support."
"A huge thank you to all my patrons, I'm really thankful for the support that you can provide me."
"And as always a huge massive thank you to all our incredible patrons for making this adventure possible."
"Thank you so much to the patrons who make this channel possible."
"Thank you so much to my incredible patrons, and thank you all for watching."
"Thank you so much to all of my generous patrons who are supporting me right now."
"Thank you so much patrons, we are over 700 patrons now, I'm so thrilled and excited by that."
"Thank you guys so much for your continued support; we appreciate all of our patrons, you guys rock."
"Totally blown away by it, and I just want to do an extra special thank you to all our incredible amazing patrons for supporting us on this adventure."
"Thank you patrons for all of your help, you really make these videos possible."
"Thank you, Patreon supporters; you are the best."
"The reason we exist is because of our patrons."
"Just thank you guys, thank you to our patrons, you guys are the backbone to our channel."
"Once again, it is my favorite time of the week because I get to say thank you to all of our amazing patrons without whom we would not be out here doing this."
"Thank you so much to all our incredible supportive patrons for making this journey possible."
"Thank you patrons, you pay for me to be alive."
"Big thanks to the patrons who make the show possible."
"Thank you for everybody who's a patron who's allowing me to make comics that I want to make."
"Thank you so much to all my patrons who have supported me and are helping me continue to share with you."
"It's hard to even describe the love and appreciation we have for our patrons, and for all of you."
"Please have an amazing rest of your day or night, and I want to say thank you so much to my patrons, love you guys all so much, see ya next time, bye."
"Thank you for all the patrons who supported me."
"We would like to thank our patrons for all their support through these years."