
Reminders Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"When anything is tagged and also flagged, it's going to show up in that smart reminder."
"I map out my life in the calendar... I reminded myself this morning to pack my frozen lunches."
"Election day is November 3rd, don't forget to vote."
"Reminders... set a time and it'll send you a push notification when that time comes so you know exactly what you need to do."
"They go through bouts where they think they're over you but then they get triggered by something."
"I'm going to remind everyone every [ __ ] on Adam every [ __ ] on Adam in playoff."
"This is a good reminder to everybody that you need to check on your loved ones."
"Overall the footage should serve as a reminder to check in on your loved ones every time you get the chance because nobody deserves to pass away like that."
"A tattoo is almost like a permanent sticky note, you know? It's there, and it helps remind you that you have something to do."
"Sometimes we need to be reminded more than we need to be taught."
"Let's hug our loved ones when you leave here today, go hug your loved ones."
"Remember to eat. Remember to eat. It's really easy to forget to eat."
"Always save your game. This dream has been saved."
"I'll make sure you're aware of the birthday. Okay, thanks buddy. I appreciate it."
"Sometimes we all need a reminder to take a little time for ourselves."
"It is good to remember to take care of yourself."
"Sticky notes on your door help you remember important items."
"I hope you said thank you." - A reminder to express gratitude.
"Reminders also has a new application inside of watch OS 3 very handy for those of you using Apple's first party reminder service with iCloud."
"If you establish reminders and monuments and altars, you always have a place to go back to remind you just of how good He is."
"Did I mention you should be saving all the time? Control S, yes I did."
"Don't ever let a day go by without telling your family you love them."
"Reminder: New videos come out every day at 10 a.m, 3 p.m, and 8 p.m. Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't yet!"
"Automate the reminders - make sure everyone who's important in your life feels acknowledged and remembered."
"Your skin is holding on to that reminder and not letting go, kind of like when you break up with someone and you still have their pictures, you know?"
"Please remember to press the like button everybody."
"I love that piece of evidence it reminds me very much of like the ticking clocks and the ringing clocks at the end of every night."
"Ed's scar: a constant reminder of past events."
"It's always good to be remembering to do that."
"They appreciate little reminders that you're thinking of them."
"It's important to drink water, we always forget."
"Sometimes everyone needs a reminder... but it didn't get to this point."
"You have idle alerts... it's nice to have something on your wrist that vibrates and says, you know, hey Mike you might want to walk around or do something you've been sitting for too long."
"I can't stress this enough, please make sure you guys are subscribed with notifications on."
"Set reminders for sleep goals to maximize your watch's potential."
"Reminder after reminder after reminder, people need to take this seriously."
"It's a good reminder that appearances can sometimes be quite deceiving."
"If you miss a player's turn, they'll remind you."
"I think we owe one before I forget, no, it's okay, I always forget to do that, but I didn't forget this time."
"The reminders from people mean something to me."
"So thanks for watching and don't forget to thumbs up subscribe and click the bell notification you."
"They really want you to make sure that you tie up loose ends, you know, pay that bill if it's been ruminating in your mind."
"Stratfield Saye is full of reminders of the man who became known as the Iron Duke."
"Scars remind us that the past is real."
"What's a post but a reminder of how boring our lives are"
"Put things in your way along your way and you're going to save yourself a whole lot of time and remember a whole lot of things that you should probably be doing on the regular."
"Make sure that what is most true and meaningful is what you're getting reminded of the most."
"I have to remind myself to not forget to remind you guys to not forget to have a great day."
"Reminders got support for a new type of smart list."
"And do not forget, we're doing a lot of giveaways."
"Hack number five is to set automatic notifications."
"It's just good to have that like notification and that kind of timer to remind you that you're getting to work."
"There are also things that a modern audience has to keep reminding ourselves."
"Reminders... I would give it an A tier. It's the one app that I basically allow to interrupt me to make sure that I'm doing something."
"Not just for me, but for all of the other readers as well. Set reminders for recurring tasks. Spend a bit of time going through your calendar and working out which things recur, again and again."
"This deck gives the greatest reminders not to take life too seriously."
"It's a tangible reminder of all of those lessons that you can reread anytime you need to reconnect with that idea that you are your human."
"Even when Kim wanted him to not do bad things, there was always this constant reminder of 'You said you wanted XYZ.'"
"For someone rooted in true values, even the simplest reminder can keep them free from sadness or fear."
"Once they know that you know they exist, they keep reminding you."
"That's another thing you could do, put Post-its on your computer, really pink ones, and put the word 'blink' on it."
"That's the plan, I'm going to pull out my little daily reminders list I made this year. I'm going to look at it every day and one of them is to eat more protein, shoot for like 100 grams daily."
"Don't forget to like, subscribe, then hit the notification bell."
"Getting some accountability is absolutely key...just give you a little nudge on those tasks and just remind you of things."
"Thanks for watching. Don't forget to subscribe, leave a like, and see you guys in the next one."
"Make sure you turn on the Bell notification."
"Make sure to document, document, document."
"Bam! Pick up some milk on your way home, bam. You got it."
"And just a reminder if you upgrade into something like the quicks card you have to remember to update your auto payments and recurring payments."
"It's moments like those that really just remind you how vulnerable you are."
"She left notes everywhere in the house."
"Every chance I get to remind y'all, I will remind y'all that being a content creator is work."
"Remember to vote, register to vote, vote, wash your hands, pee after sex, get all of your boosters and vaxes, be nice to people, be nice to yourself, and see you next time."
"I often suggest that they have their cellphone just set on reminder for once an hour to evoke the associations."
"Sometimes people need a reminder of why a thing is bad."
"Don't forget, of course, to hit subscribe and to join us."
"Each time you wear them, let them be a reminder of your commitment to moving towards financial betterness."
"It's a good reminder the way life happens."
"Every week, same time, turn on your notifications."
"So remind me of the scores today honestly."
"You're really good at reminding your friends how valuable they are."
"Make sure you get your paps... make sure that they're at least scheduled so you can get in the offices are going to be really crowded probably in coming months just as things maybe go back to normal so make sure you get an appointment."
"Don't forget to add your labels if you're like me and you love to think you're going to remember what this is in a couple months. Trust me, you won't."
"I also meant to tell you, you forgot your door stop."
"Put reminders in your environment to remind you to do those things that make you happy."
"I've been setting alarms on my phone, you know like certain times like okay get up, go do your your nighttime skin care routine, brush your teeth, um, kind of like set little reminders to force myself to get out of bed..."
"If you're reviewing cards for one minute after one minute, we'll have a little pop-up and say hey, you're done."
"Gentle reminders for things I may not notice or realize need to be done are really helpful."
"Think of it as virtual sticky notes."
"It's very easy to use these alerts so you don't forget an appointment or somebody's birthday."
"Please like and subscribe to this channel. Remember to wear a mask, hit that notification bell, and then we'll annoy you every day with a new video."
"Set a reminder so you can join us then, but for today, that is all the time that we have my friends."
"Remember, there's gonna be a quiz at the end."
"Give it some thought, but don't forget about these."
"Don't forget to check out next week's new comic book day."
"We need reminders of important truths because of our tendency to forget."
"It's always good to have reminders of why I do what I do."
"Write it down, in the corner of your notebook, on your iPhone."
"So I find that having something that can constantly reinforce the need to do things that are essential to taking care of yourself is just very helpful for me personally."
"This unsettling incident serves as a reminder of the challenges of ensuring personal safety and security."
"We ask him to make us from those who take heed whenever they are reminded."
"QuickBooks can actually remind you to send out your invoices if you don't do it, or it can just send them out itself."
"Again today, let be reminders, celebrate something today and tomorrow and the next day, the little accomplishments each day because those little things make up the big picture of your lifestyle change."
"I have ADHD so I have to set reminders for myself constantly all day long."
"If a woman wants a man to do something, she just has to tell him, but she doesn't need to remind him every six months."
"Please do remember to like and subscribe."
"Good morning everybody and while John is turning everything on I'm just gonna give a couple more reminders of how this thing all works today."
"Use your calendar, use indicators, use alarms on your phone—something that helps you stay on top of that."
"Maybe that notification bell too."
"I'm not sure who made this rule but the manager was constantly reminding us."
"I really enjoy the character Snippets of people we know from all across the world, they kind of serve as great reminders."
"Commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine, tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders."
"And don't forget to take out your trash. Love you."
"Serves as a chilling reminder of Forgotten memories."
"These two words you need to paste them to your eyelids, put them by your nightstand, paste them on the mirror, put them in your car, two words, it'll change everything."
"Stay in faith and keep reminding God what He promised."
"It's so obvious, but sometimes we need to remind ourselves of the obvious things."
"Fierce, don't forget to put on sunscreen, hon."
"Set your end goal as your daily reminder so that way you make sure you're looking at it every single day multiple times a day."
"So those are things to remember when you are setting up the system."
"Another great way to make use of actionable notifications is reminders."
"So if you have student employees or really any employees, you might be reminding folks to get their timesheets submitted so that you can get them approved as a supervisor."
"Remember, 'Morning is the best time' to take prednisone."
"Reminders are great but you have to look at them when you're in the appropriate place and time to actually do the thing you need to be reminded to do but with this you can set a reminder for a location."
"Make sure that you sign up for those notifications, guys."
"Vision boards, if you're reinventing yourself figure it out how are you going to reinvent yourself and then figure out a way to constantly remind yourself of that so you don't get lost."
"The app can still run in the background and give you audio reminders of what's coming up and what you need to be doing."
"Make sure you put these things in."
"...tasks are there for you, and then you can set them up to give you reminders, which is great."
"Review, subscribe, Sensei, call your parents, donate to charity, vote, get the vaccine, get out of your bed every morning, put your feet on the ground, and say it's gonna be a good day."
"Hit the subscribe button so you don't miss that!"
"You're probably reminded of it daily when it's your coaches, right?"
"We need constant recurrent reminders because we're forgetful."
"Don't forget to eat, love, and pray."
"Reminder will only benefit the believers."
"We need not remind ourselves that slavery, apartheid, Jim Crow, a man's right to rape his wife, and the chemical castration of gay people were all legal at one stage of very recent history."
"The Towering Pines, chirping crickets, and rustling leaves felt like reminders of her, strengthening my spirit and resolve."
"The food safety baton is a great tool with reminders about proper cleaning and sanitizing."
"You don't have to go to their office hours every Tuesday, but if you have it on your calendar then you'll see it."
"The book 'Don't Be a Wife to a Boyfriend' is sitting on the nightstand and I see the title every day. I've never read the book but the title reminds me to value myself."
"So putting it on the calendar, it was not a schedule but it was a recurring reminder for me, 'Oh, I need to clean the bathroom.'"
"Hey, don't forget about that notification bell; you don't want to miss any future videos, do you?"
"I always put a sticky note in the sidebar so that I have a place to write things."
"I can't help seeing these things everywhere that remind me of you."
"It's the little reminders of the free world that keep an inmate connected to what he left behind."
"Always, always, always remember to save."
"You did save your work, didn't you?"
"I've got a workflow that I've created and put up onto my YouTube channel which covers how to send task due reminders every seven or 14 days."
"Once you start to awaken, you start to use those little places in your life as reminders."
"Visual reminders are so incredibly useful."
"Those reminders save us, bring us back to what we all need to be reminded of time and time again."
"I keep getting reminders of you everywhere I go."
"I never realized how important those reminders are until they remind you how human you are."
"Save the date however you save dates."
"Good night, I love you, remember to drink your water, remember to do your homework, remember to be kind to your parents and respectful to your elders."
"Be sure to at least set a timer so you don't forget."
"I love that you can set location reminders and time reminders."
"I want my house one day to be full of visual reminders that my kids are loved."
"Just remember to scream at me if I forget to unmute myself."
"We want to push the reminders to the user devices, no matter it's desktop, mobile, or something else."
"Write this down, write that down."
"I use Siri mostly for reminders. I wear an Apple Watch and I also have my phone, and so being able to say like, 'Hey Siri, remind me to make an appointment tomorrow,' or something like that really quickly when it's on my mind, allows me to remember certain things."
"I always write things down; I've got a million reminders on my phone, my notes app is disgustingly full."
"You can basically just go through and add all of your family members and friends as birthdays and just have them set up with simple timestamps."
"We have our associations, things remind us of other things."
"Let me tell you a secret, if you got a phone, the way they update now, if you'll go in there on like the 13th of February and put 'Tomorrow's Valentine's Day' and set a reminder forever, you'll always get a notification, you'll never ever forget again."
"Being true to yourself and not judging a book by its cover are lessons we've heard before, but we always need that reminder."
"You can just basically plan your day, set reminders so that you can look at them and access them very easily."
"All of my tattoos have spiritual meaning; they are reminders for me."
"A few words just sort of reminders from graph theory."
"Keep all of your notes and to-do items in one place. Jot down reminders, shopping lists, and information you need."
"I keep other printable sticky notes on here for online orders and like a pending inbox."
"Those are accomplishments, you know what I'm saying? Those are like reminders that we achieved something."
"Reminders are helpful to those who have faith."
"Please, please, please also save."
"I have the tools but you need the reminders because you lose the tools every day."
"Intercom yourself reminders, and a ton more."
"Visual reminders of what we are doing are often necessary."
"Google Keep allows you to add photos and set location-based reminders."
"That's very helpful if companies do that to remind you that you have something coming up."
"Do you have sticky notes and pieces of paper everywhere with things you don't want to forget?"
"You need things to trigger you to remind you to be that particular kind of person."
"Set up trigger moments throughout the day to remind you to be calm."
"Google Calendar can handle invitations and RSVPs, and it also sends reminders before the meeting starts."
"Let the toothbrush ping your child rather than you having to ping them all the time."
"We all need little reminders here and there."
"I always carry sticky notes with me wherever I go because I put these all over my laptop, my computer, my work desk, just wherever I need to make a special note."
"I need to make physical notes, like actual notes in real life, so I don't forget this stuff."
"It's designed to deliver intelligent reminders to keep you motivated and on track."
"Make sure that you heart all the things that you want to do because it'll remind you."
"Set your notifications to also be reminded of daily uploads, live streams, premieres, until next time, only goodbye, peace."
"Don't forget to water your plant baby."
"It's good to have these little reminders, these little self-check-ins."
"Keep that notification bell on so again you can be reminded when I upload said review."
"The notes that we take are the things that we think we're going to forget."
"I make sure I take regular breaks while I'm working; I have an app that reminds me to get up and stretch every 15 minutes."
"You can tell redcap to send up to five reminders, with your own custom schedule."
"It's really important that you remind yourself of those things because you'd be surprised how many people forget it."
"I love this stamp, the 'call your mom' stamp."
"We really need sticky notes... to put a bunch of sticky notes up on the wall."