
Moral Clarity Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"If the layers of reality are peeled back and the distinction between good and evil is drawn for you, you want to be sure you're as far away from the malevolence in your own spirit as you can possibly be."
"Steve Ditko believed that you were either good or evil, and he refused to portray morally confused characters heroically."
"How hard can that be? Saying that Nazis are bad?"
"Peter Oborne for me has long epitomized the very concept of moral clarity, which we're in desperate need of."
"Echoes has a much simpler plot structure with a clear distinction between good and evil."
"The essence of Lord of the Rings is not morally gray; it is a clear distinction of good and evil."
"You're making up all these what-ifs and what-ifs and what-ifs. Ultimately, what you could say is, no, ripping people is wrong."
"We need monsters because we need at least some instances where the players are encouraged to feel unambiguously good about killing."
"The only hope is to agree with journalism scholar Nikki Usher of the University of Illinois to appeal to passion as well as reason, providing moral clarity along with truthful content."
"Wrong is wrong, right is right, and it's time for everyone to unify and stand up for justice."
"A president must have moral clarity and know the difference between good and evil."
"Even when something is objectively right and wrong, I think it's wrong for Putin and Russia to invade sovereign territory like this. Am I too jaded to just accept what should be an obvious truth?"
"There's a clear line between what's right and what's wrong."
"We see the difference between right and wrong."
"We must see them as the enemies of decency that they are and deal with them unsparingly. They deserve neither respect nor compromise."
"Calling Sin Sin and calling error error is a good and godly and spiritual and biblical practice and we must do so as God's people."
"What if we ground our defense of America in that some things are just true and some things are just good?"
"Beauty means you're a good person and ugly means you're bad. No, period."
"It's obvious to even a child that this isn't right."
"Nazis are bad, showing them in a negative light makes sense because Nazis are bad."
"Hero Man is a morally uncomplicated tale of good triumphing over evil."
"It's weird when there's such a clear line between good and evil, anything that's even slightly out of where you would expect it throws your entire system out of whack."
"Every single person when they see the swastika in the Nazi regime they feel completely comfortable with saying that that is an evil regime."
"Finally, someone tells the truth and finally we have an advocate outside who will speak with moral clarity."
"Our position is very straightforward. Are you killing an innocent, defenseless human being? Then it's wrong. That's it."
"Everything should be black and white... there are a lot of gray areas."
"A crime's a crime and you can't just pretend it's not."
"Hating someone on account of their skin color is evil, if that's not true, nothing is true."
"Either we're for humanity or we're not, no more hiding places."
"This is one of those moments in our history if there's ever moral Clarity and moral urgency around an election it's this time."
"Theft is wrong, we all know theft is criminal."
"Is it so hard to just say like and good like like bigotry is bad no matter where it comes from is that like a difficult thing to believe?"
"Loyalty isn't gray, it's black and white. You're either loyal completely or not loyal at all."
"I think murder is bad, okay? It doesn't really matter who's doing it."
"There's no neutrality here. There's no middle ground between clear truth and clear falsehood. Pick a side."
"Reality and truth are far more important than anything else that you're going to do because once you see the truth, once you see the truth, you can combat evil."
"Stop normalizing Nazis, Nazis are bad, okay? If you need to be told that Nazis are bad, you're a piece of [ __ ]."
"No one would question if I were to say if my family was drowning or in a house fire."
"Good evangelical preaching names sin clearly and unambiguously."
"This is a really weird place to go by 'no angel'."
"This is not a conundrum. You don't leave that dog to suffer."
"I feel like you have a real like clear moral compass."
"But that’s a good thing, because if we never know what’s wrong, we can never know what’s truly right."
"Domestic violence, hitting the mother of your children, hitting any woman, I don't know how you could be divided on this one."
"Money comes and goes, but these little babies' lives don't." - Clear decision for cruelty-free
"Empathy and understanding are not the same thing as endorsement."
"Evil is evil, call it what it is, give it to you straight, give it to you blunt."
"Slavery is bad, it turns out, and not slavery is good."
"Just get pure, get your heart pure... Because the pure of heart will see God." - Candice Smithyman
"This isn't about left versus right, but right versus wrong."
"Some issues are not left and right it's about writing wrong."
"Sometimes you want good guys to just be good guys, bad guys to just be bad guys, and have a nice sense of heroism."
"Evil and good are being separated and exposed in a way that cannot be denied."
"There's never been a moment of clarity of good and evil than right now."
"It's not a political thing. It's a right or wrong thing."
"I don't know what you're seeing, but what I'm seeing is evil's house of cards starting to fall."
"That's the bad guy, the differential between bad guy and good guy was so clear in that moment for him. I was really proud of him."
"For all sane people, it's obvious who the bad guys are here."
"If you commit a rape, I think you're objectively wrong."
"Wrong is wrong right is right Point Blank period."
"Our right to abortion is fundamental to human and familial flourishing, to dignity and economic security, to health and love and happiness and thriving."
"You don't have to be a Biblical scholar to understand: don't steal people's stuff."
"Discernment is the ability to know the difference between what's right and what's almost right." - Spurgeon on discernment
"What the president did yesterday was epic to the hill with terrific. It was total moral clarity."
"Nazis are not fun-loving archaeologists. They are a group of vehement nazi racists who were looking for justification to exterminate those they deemed inferior."
"We can no longer call evil good and good evil."
"Shout out to each and every one of you who have a clean heart, a clear conscience."
"It's simple: there is good and there is evil."
"There's clear right and wrong in the world, and she was an English teacher, so she would always correct everything I said."
"Don't second guess your very tuned-in intuition, you know exactly what's right and exactly what's wrong."
"With that same moral clarity in mind, I can say with no uncertainty whatsoever that what Russia has done and is doing in Ukraine is morally reprehensible."
"I knew God existed. I knew he loved me. I knew the difference between right and wrong."
"The presence of evil can clarify that the good is around."
"If you're making moral progress, things get clearer and clearer to you as you go on."
"By their destruction, the very air is made sweeter. For myself, my conscience is clear."
"I'd rather be black and white than gray."
"It is vital that this body, the so-called most deliberative body on the planet, stands united and speaks with moral clarity on this issue."
"We need a president who understands and has the moral clarity to call that out and take on the biggest and most powerful industry."
"You just got it backwards; you forgot who the good guys and the bad guys are."
"The fact that loving your neighbor is a good thing is clear, right?"
"This is what Iman brings about, and this clearly shows us that the killing of innocents, especially women and children, is very explicit and clear about to this point."