
Future Opportunities Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"You're so busy living in the past that you forget that there's an entire future waiting for you, but you have to let go of the past before you can move forward."
"There's so much exciting technology coming out in the world of healthcare, and the opportunities are just endless."
"Life is long and there's so much more opportunity."
"You could be in school right now and you could fly on a starship one day."
"It wouldn't shock me to the least, not the least, but it also wouldn't shock me if you came to tell me that somebody that you already know, they may offer you a relationship in the next few months."
"The next bear market will be the worst of all time. It'll be the greatest buying opportunity for crypto assets in history."
"Let go of what doesn't serve you; something better is on the horizon."
"Sorry this didn't turn out to be the big break you always dreamed of, Angel, but don't you worry, your time will come."
"This castle is available for you in the future, and this could come in... conditions are favorable for something big to enter into your life."
"Let's go, let's go! Speaking of supporting arm wrestling, I mean, there's a lot of great stuff in the past. Are there opportunities and what is the future with Giants Live? Hell yes, yeah, oh my word, yes, of course, of course there is."
"You're making waves there in January. You're in control of your destiny."
"Yeah, it's a fact. Um, so what are you looking to do outside of the YouTube channel? What are the frontiers that you could see yourself conquering using this momentum that you have right now?"
"Invest in girls' education today, ensuring their jobs for the future."
"It's like a slowly but surely, and I see them offering you the real [__] by the end of the year if the cards are played right."
"Maintaining elevated multiple on base case of 30x give an opportunity for future revenue streams not fully reflected in our model such as energy software robo-taxi insurance and charging."
"The Imperial Federation's rise would see new opportunities and old rivalries return."
"Bold victory success stories on the horizon." - Seize the opportunities.
"If there is something that comes up and it works, why not? I would love to work with him again."
"It was fun talking to you, we'll find another opportunity in the future."
"If you felt denied, something better is on its way."
"It's a new beginning to get that I started with nothing once and I can do it again. I hope you're willing to give me a chance in the future as we take on new horizons."
"You guys still work together or maybe want to work together one day."
"There will just be more and more opportunities in the future."
"We've got to give parents a chance to choose for the best of their kids education, opportunities for the future."
"Embrace the process and recognize that something lucrative is on the horizon."
"This is like really big happy energies and everything's kind of unfolding for you in the near future it's going to be perfect timing divine timing."
"Once this communication is opening up for you very soon, it's what you do with that that could lead to everything that you ever wanted."
"This victory, this um, these honors and these rewards are going to open the pathway, the gateway to your plans."
"There is one thing he does regret and that is that he didn't kill CJ sooner."
"I will make sure this is not the last time there's me plenty more opportunities in the future."
"Each job pays you twice: you get your money now, that's your wage. You also get experience, now that's how you get paid in the future."
"Something better is arriving that you're going to be deciding on."
"The next six months for you are really about unlocking your true potential and manifesting your dreams."
"Fasten your seat belts for some unexpected opportunities in 2023."
"Don't get caught two steps behind, don't lose out when you could be preparing for an opportunity down the line that can help you win out big."
"Recognize your calling; there's something for you on the other side."
"A clear and progressive pathway is opening up for you."
"Rejection is protection; if you get rejected, it's because something better is awaiting you."
"I want to have an advantage for work in the future."
"Just remember there's so many things to do in this industry don't let nobody tell you there's no future in this."
"Congratulations, guys, you know, we got another chance to do better the next year." - Nathan
"At some point, you have to choose whether to stay stuck in the past or bravely take advantage of new chances to make your future amazing."
"Embrace your uniqueness and really trust in the decisions that you're making. There will be a welcome relief at the end, and exciting opportunities are coming in towards you."
"There is so much life that is meant to happen for you."
"Seek knowledge and wisdom to see the path ahead clearly, opportunities for expansion are on the horizon."
"Trust your instincts, trust your intuition, and stay aware of new possibilities for your future."
"You're quite a catch, Leo. You're not going to just settle for just what's around you. There's a wonderful opportunity that's coming your way."
"After this is over and you put this behind you, so many doors are gonna open for you."
"You have one last huge opportunity 20 20 25 to 2030 in Commodities it will be a cycle every bit as exciting as the last 40 years in equities."
"Give these young people the necessary skills so they could go out and get good paying jobs in the future."
"We desperately need a reprogramming... we have the opportunity now in the 21st century to get past that."
"You're being guided towards something better."
"It validates the sport in the kids' heads because it allows them to see that there's a future for them."
"Kids with criminal records can have a much harder time getting jobs, scholarships, and a host of other benefits and opportunities."
"There will be a lot of difficulties, but if you pass that, there are a lot of good things waiting for you."
"Just know you are gonna have options when it comes to love."
"There's some... silver linings at the end of the day where we can progress and we can move forward."
"Oscar-nominated is enough to sell the next ten years of your movies."
"Opportunities are going to be coming knocking on your door."
"We will see more things that are really worth humans doing."
"AI is just at the beginning... there's a lot of opportunity there."
"If you're looking at something to go into in the next decade or so, I highly recommend software development."
"We're going to be the ones that are securing better future opportunities for Canada."
"If Stipe loses, there's a very good chance his next fight could be for the belt."
"I really do think we're at a dawn of a new age of exploration and so the opportunities are going to be incredible and vast."
"Do not worry if you guys didn't win this one, you'll have plenty of chances to enter in the coming giveaways."
"I've never felt more excited or more opportunistic and more optimistic now than ever before."
"Celebrate the opportunity and thrive in the future."
"It just shows there's a lot of potential here, a lot of ambition."
"Destined opportunity showing up in the future."
"You really haven't done anything yet but that's exciting right all the work is in front of you."
"There's a lot of good stuff coming in for you."
"Don't worry about the door that won't open because I have something bigger and better coming your way."
"There's always the next trade, man. There's always an x trade."
"He's been around a lot longer than I have, so what if it didn't go down? You've always got tomorrow to rewrite it."
"Position yourself now for the great reverse market crash happening over the next two years."
"Stop thinking about the things that are not going so well; think about all the opportunities that are headed in your direction."
"These next six or seven years there's just gonna be a lot of opportunity, a lot of craziness."
"Yesterday I got carried away cuz I had a meeting with the Japanese agency like I said earlier and it actually went like really really well and I really liked them that could mean that some exciting things are coming in the future."
"The economic opportunities of the future are bigger still; Britain must seize them with both hands."
"It feels to me like there are going to be these opportunities, if Picard goes on for multiple seasons, to sort of catch up with everybody."
"Working hard opens doors for the future... doing well academically is just giving yourself options."
"Mankind has always looked to the past with regrets and into the future for the chance to correct them."
"You have your life in front of you."
"You have nothing but abundance and beautiful doors to open up for you in the future once you've healed properly."
"You will eventually receive an opportunity of abundance."
"It was an honor to do it that one time and hopefully we'll get to do it again."
"Whenever you make a work, you invest everything, and it becomes a kind of passport for the next thing."
"I'm going to LA because there's exciting things coming."
"We imagine that many of you are just waiting for your chance to fly freely once again."
"Opportunities from the past will be coming up."
"You're gonna meet many, many people along the course of your life... hang on to the hope that there's going to be other opportunities."