
Universal Experience Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"Whether you're a saint, astrologer, politician, entertainer, scientist, or criminal, we all have a companion who will help us fulfill our goals."
"We all experience pain as bad. That's something we all experience."
"I was born wanting love like everyone else in this room. Anyone listening, when we're born, we need several things."
"The magnitude of this is a tragedy, an absolute tragedy, but the magnitude is something that no matter who you were, no matter where you come from, nobody ever thought a thing like this could happen."
"This idea of a universal human experience...as long as it's rooted in like, if it's a horror movie, we want to see what they do to survive and get out alive. How do they use their wits, their strength, how do they survive this ordeal?"
"We've all gone through some trauma, not one of us has not gone through a traumatic event in our life."
"We are all going to go through these challenges in our lives."
"The universe is experiencing itself through billions of entities, including us."
"Humans have commonalities of experience, no matter the culture."
"Life is spiritual, everybody has been affected in one way or the other."
"If you are a worker, whether you're in retail, food service, transportation, whether you're young or old, from New York or Alabama, whether you're a Republican or a Democrat, if you sell hours of your life for a wage, you are working class."
"Everybody from all countries from all walks of life can travel into space experience weightlessness see the Majesty of our planet from orbit and have that moment where you realize how fragile this is and how special it is."
"Monique has been through some traumatic experiences like all of us."
"Problems will come, issues will come, difficulties will come, whoever you are."
"We all have mental health; we all have an issue we have to look after."
"Life and death, man, like that's what happens to all of us."
"Every human being can at least somehow relate."
"Advaita is not for erasing our experience of the universe. It's for being open to every manifestation in the universe."
"Every single person would have experienced the joy of learning."
"It doesn't matter your age, a loss is a loss."
"Every single person goes through [low body confidence] at some point in their life."
"I kind of universally speak of a critical voice in our head because, like, quite literally, think quite universally, we all have that."
"It's probably fair to say that almost everyone on the planet has had an experience that could be considered mystical or even divinely inspired."
"But it's actually something that every single person in the world deals with because there's always people that aren't going to be happy with you..."
"Everyone struggles, everyone goes through adversity."
"It was a rough year... for literally every human being on this planet."
"Realize that every single person in the world is dealing with this pandemic in some shape or form."
"Everybody is carrying around a lot of negative feelings inside themselves. Everyone's carrying around a lot in this world."
"Because food has this uncanny ability to bring people together."
"That last step for everyone, believer or unbeliever, is faith."
"The most comforting thing about death is that it will happen to us all."
"I love that... everybody's got experienced that pain of being the fish out of water."
"Everyone has struggles with swimsuits. It's hard. It's hard for everyone."
"Everyone has it. It's an awful thing that I wouldn't wish on anyone."
"Everyone is going through it, no matter what level of life you're at."
"There's nothing special American about this. It happens all over the world whenever some people try to control other people."
"The past year has been a depressing slog, and you could feel its effect no matter who you are, where you're from, or what field or industry you're a part of."
"Everyone has something they're willing to fight for. Doesn't matter who you are, there's just some things you have to protect."
"Everybody's gonna have it happen, and everybody should be saying: Where's the accountability?"
"Because no matter where our lives have taken us or where they're going, we are all living our Heike story."
"I'm not gonna lie, the rice was bomb. The rice was bomb. Oh, the rice. But you're gonna get bomb rice everywhere you go."
"There's some sort of message that says everybody is kind of in the same position."
"There's absolutely nothing that you are going through right now that others have not also been through."
"Everyone has been going through these things for years and we know the pain that it brings with it."
"Life is unfair to everyone, just about everyone."
"It's okay for you to have needs. Everybody has needs."
"We're all flawed. We all have our own battles that we're dealing with."
"We are not the monopoly on slavery. Everybody went through that, not just us."
"Everyone goes through their own demons and their own battles."
"Anyone will feel that pressure, man, no matter how much you get paid weekly."
"Nobody's looking at anybody else's body with stretch marks and going oh what are they because we know because we all have them."
"Every actor, concept artist, whatever they were a beginner at some point."
"Ending number one is the ending that we all got."
"If the show has taught us anything, it's that change can be scary, but everyone goes through it."
"Every single person on the planet, no matter how perfect they look or seem, they all experience the same pain and problems and insecurities."
"Isn't the fragility of life fun? We can all relate on that."
"Everybody on the planet Earth has been through something. What are you gonna do with it?"
"Anyone can be racist, anyone can experience racism."
"Most of the things that happen to us are just human things."
"Struggling with problems, however minor or large, is something every human being experiences in life."
"Mistakes are gonna happen, I make mistakes, everyone makes mistakes, we're all humans."
"There's first tee Jitters in like any sport."
"Rejection sucks. Point. Blank. Period. No matter what it's for."
"Success speaks louder than what anybody can say."
"So everybody has to interact with it at some point, and that fear of not getting adequate care I think is ticking around at the backs of people's minds."
"Everyone has pain and everyone deals with it in different ways." - Conan Gray
"You're not alone, everybody has a story, everybody has a part of their life."
"Everyone has one, and they are desperately waiting to tell you about it."
"No matter who you are, no matter how big or how small that you are, that's gonna be a very scary thought."
"It's like the biggest thing I think that people go through in life."
"Failure is something that happens to all of us at some point."
"All souls, all beings on Earth experience pain, but suffering is optional."
"Every person, even the teeniest tiniest ones, every single person is feeling because like you feel so alone in it but like the reality of it is like every person."
"Everything is completely interconnected. I don't just live in a magical world, you live in a magical world."
"Everybody's entitled to some rough days, that's how life is."
"Everybody ends up lookin' stupid at some point in their life, everybody."
"Everyone will experience love in their life. This resonates for everyone."
"Everyone has lost somebody at some point in their life and if they haven't, they're going to at some point."
"Nobody is exempt from going through hardship."
"Everybody gets rejected. No one on the planet doesn't get rejected."
"Everybody fails. No one likes it."
"The reason we decided to really talk about loneliness is because it is something that all people feel at some point in their life."
"The suffering is not because this reaction happens, it's universal wiring."
"We all hate it. We're all dog lovers."
"There's suffering in the world, and there's no one in the world that hasn't suffered."
"Birth and death are the two things that all people experience the same."
"Happiness is always the same experience."
"Everyone says no a lot, whether they know it or not."
"Anyone, regardless of whether they've been through something or not, will have bad days."
"Bliss is experienced when I'm in deep sleep. All of us experience bliss."
"Isn't it safe to say that people wherever you go are pretty much just people?"
"Everybody has to deal with all that waste... death."
"That's universal isn't it? Yeah every um every guy will grinch at this moment."
"Everybody is facing battles in life every day."
"No matter who you are, it is exhilarating, agreed?"
"Do we all understand falling in love? Yes, hopefully we all do."
"We all go through days when we are down, it doesn't matter if you are a YouTuber, a lawyer, a doctor, a teacher, a child, a mother... we all go through ups and downs in life."
"Cancer touches us all at some point."
"When you're looking at a sunset, it doesn't matter who's looking at the sunset; you're just someone who's looking at the sunset."
"We are in a critical time in life for everybody."
"It's one that a lot of people will be able to relate to on some level or another."
"Everybody has lost, and it could be different losses, but we connect to the pain and the loss of another person."
"All peoples who are not perceived or defined as white experience racism."
"The movie was about love and loss, something every human being experiences sometime or other in their life."
"I want everybody to experience the joy that is a good hamburger."
"Everybody cries, and everybody hurts sometimes."
"I'm just a simple man making my way through the universe."
"If you now change your consciousness, how you might experience yourself and the universe."
"Burnout can happen to anybody in any occupation."
"We're all insecure; nobody knows what they're doing."
"Fear not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee."
"Did you give it everything? Yes. Did you get hurt? Yes. Are you the first person to ever get hurt? No."
"Infinite was the sorwes and the teres, Of olde folk, and folk of tendre yeres."
"It's something that everybody could relate to."
"Every prophet, every sage, every seer of any religion... they have the same experience."
"It doesn't really matter what walk of life you come from, it hits everyone the same when this stuff happens."
"Everybody's going through something. Just remember that everyone's going through something."
"It was this experience that made me realize that we all face immense challenges throughout our lives."
"This thing will stand the test of time because it's speaking about the universal experience of people and universal truth."
"Every single person sitting in this room has had a mama, a Zaida, a Saba, a Savta, somebody who cried for you, somebody who shed tears for you, somebody who prayed for you."
"Heartbreak is one of the most painful things in the world to experience as anybody."
"Everyone is dealing with hurt, trauma, and disappointments."
"It happens to everyone. It happened to father when he was your age, and it happened to me."
"Everyone has dealt with pain in some way at some point in their lives."
"Stress is something that we can all relate to."
"Cancer has been in my life; it's something that touches every single one of us."
"The feeling 'I am' is the experience common to one and all."
"Everyone experiences a deep sense of satisfaction."
"We're all going through stuff at all times, every single person is fighting these battles that not everyone knows about."
"Everyone has trauma, big or small, from their childhood."
"It's challenging times for everyone."
"We're all connected as a Consciousness because what happens is one field, the field breaks up so we're all experiencing our universe together."
"If you asked every single person, was there ever a time in your life when knowing that you belong, knowing that you mattered, was important to you, almost everyone would say yes."
"The ego will [mess] [stuff] up, man. It could happen to anybody."
"Slavery is an evil that has touched every people on the face of the earth, sometime or the other, some way or the other."
"Healing everyone's trying to heal."
"Whatever one experiences is nothing other than Brahman."
"I believe that everybody deserves a little bit of therapy because we are all a little messed up."
"Every single atheist, every single agnostic, every single Hindu, Buddhist, Jew, Christian, Muslim experiences love."
"Everyone gets tested with different things and nobody has it all all of the time."
"You have new beginnings coming in; it's not like it may happen for some of you, it is going to happen for each and every one of you."