
Profits Quotes

There are 219 quotes

"It is the mechanism of scarcity that increases profits."
"Every single capitalist state has unleashed the most horrific forms of state repression in defense of profits."
"The European Union has adopted a law to set aside windfall profits made on Frozen Russian Central Bank Assets."
"Saudi Aramco, the state-owned oil company, reported an insane $161 billion in profit."
"If they're making $200 billion a year off of your data, shouldn't we be getting some of that?"
"We need a rational healthcare system designed to provide healthcare to all, not huge profits for the drug companies and the insurance companies."
"You absolutely have to take profits. That's the point in this market."
"Once your product reaches the first page, you're golden. Follow these steps and you'll make profits."
"Focus on locking in profits and... managing risk."
"If your viewers have made a lot of money in the last two years... take some of your gains off the table."
"When coins start passing my price predictions, we take in profits. Collecting those like when DOGE went above 25 cents, it's all bonus."
"No one ever gets hurt taking profits, so don't be afraid to take profits."
"The promotion was a huge success as the converted locations reported around 30 percent increased profits."
"Peep game: Middlemen make the most money in America."
"Think creatively about how you can maximize your gross profits."
"Profit boosts, oh you like that kind of stuff."
"But will small farmers see any of the profits?"
"Remember, you never get hurt taking profits."
"We could allocate all the profits to charitable organizations focused on getting us out of the COVID-19 crisis."
"Starbucks is lying to you. They are telling you that they're lifting prices because of the supply chain crisis and inflation in fact they have record-breaking profits so that doesn't really make sense."
"Fortunes are made by buying low when it's ridiculously low, and then you sell too soon."
"Don't aim for the top, aim for profits along the way."
"Securing profits is crucial; that's how you ensure long-term success."
"I'm getting out at 50. If it five x's I'm out even if it goes to I went to 56 or something or 65."
"How about energy companies start giving some of their profits back? How about Pfizer give some of their profits back? How about companies that sell sugary salty disgusting food aren't given platforms like this?"
"Crypto tends to operate on cycles, and in this particular world we're in, the cycles that bring us beautiful and bountiful altcoin gains are the most generous."
"You need to take your profits into bitcoin... you will make life-changing money in the altcoin season."
"You have to be pulling some off all the time."
"Every single day I make some serious melon profits."
"They post record profits and then lay off super loyal employees."
"I'll use this new cash pile that I've been able to generate through taking profits."
"We were all deceived... big Pharma is very much getting profits from this."
"If you need the money and you cannot wait this thing out then there is nothing wrong with taking profits."
"Corporations should not make huge profits locking up fellow Americans."
"This is the best week ever for me I think in terms of potential coin profits off of marquee matchups, this is insane."
"We can't keep on living in a country where bosses raking billions in profit while their employees are forced to use food banks."
"The key to coming out ahead is not just controlling your risk on the ones that don't run, but also understanding that you can't come out ahead if you're never taking profits on your winners."
"Taking profits on a coin that's done well and buying the next one that's going to break out is a really powerful strategy."
"Ford chose profits ahead of our planet and our health."
"Take profits fam, please take profits on this wild crypto journey."
"War is about profits, profits for the military-industrial complex."
"You're not gonna go broke taking profits, right? You're not gonna go broke taking profit."
"Our enemies are companies choosing profits over people."
"No matter what happens, you're going to be making money."
"These are profits. These are our policies. So, this is, I want to emphasize, not capitalism at all."
"Profits come because there's opportunities in the market."
"Epic games made three billion dollars in profits from all of the freakin microtransactions."
"Finance capitalism doesn't look for profits, it looks at economic rent seeking and financial gains."
"You've got to make sure you take your profits when things are going well."
"I turned an account with less than $600 into more than $10 million of verified and independently audited trading profits."
"Lancaster's name appeared above the film's title and he received 10% of the rather Boeing sized profits."
"Make profits and provide for the people that work for you."
"Wow, Neo! What a bad out, Sean! 40 from an in at 38.50, wow! Big move there on Neo, my number one stock!"
"If you don't take profits, the stock goes right back down, and you're back to square one with nothing to show for it."
"Housing is ultimately for people, not profits."
"Morganization in effect means taking companies that were fighting each other, bringing them together, and managing the company in such a way that competition is reduced, profits are increased."
"Take profits, make sure you take profits."
"Let's take some profits when we have them, guys."
"...if they don't even believe in themselves when they have record sales and record profits what is going to happen if they go into a little bit of a low..."
"Taxation. They will always have the better accountants and ensure that their capital expenditure will equal their revenues and therefore they will pay no tax on profits because they will never have profits."
"The profits of crime are sorted now; they've got to get rid of the evidence."
"But wartime profits, ah, that is another matter. 20, 60, 100, 300 and even 1,800 percent. The sky is the limit. All that traffic will bear."
"What does it profit anyone except the very few to whom war means huge profits?"
"Risk management when you're on that wave and protect your profits."
"Profits over patients: The dark side of healthcare."
"Profits are very similar to easements."
"This isn't something that you're gonna make a thousand dollars on every flip. But it is something that you're going to make consistent small profits on, and that's one way that you can grow a small account."
"The profits shouldn't go to just shareholders."
"The shipping companies are still making profits and they're making good profits."
"The profits depended heavily on enslaved labor."
"I wanted a Greater brand where I'm able to give back. So, I'm giving 10 of all of my profits to the brain tumor charity. Isn't that amazing?"
"Profits can be understood as a measure of how much good a business has done for other people."
"Profit is a measure of how much value you have added to society."
"But in a free market, I think that profits can be understood as a measure of how much good a business has done for other people."
"The merchandising, I think the merchandise will make more than the movie itself."
"It feels like the perfect bipartisan issue to start getting these companies to start booking their profits in the country in which they're built. It's a no-brainer."
"When all that comes together, you can confidently take profits from the market and with peace and with confidence which 99% will never have in this market."
"The closer you can get your indicators to that, which is creating the profits and creating the risk, the more you can control things and run a tighter ship."
"...retain profits for smaller businesses... more likely to be short-term."
"...retain profits of multinational companies... more likely to be long-term."
"Quick flips, easy sales, and that was a lot we just sold into the day. Even if you're making 50 bucks, 100 bucks, it all adds up at the end of the day."
"When everything I learned from the course, I actually put it into the backtest and stuff, and actually seen profits. That's when I realized, yeah, this is actually legit."
"We've been able to get great deals on them flip them for nice profits and I don't think we've ever lost money on a Boxster so far."
"If you're early, there is some serious potential for profits."
"The profits go to the skatepark project. George has been awesome about that."
"When the price spikes up one two three hundred percent in a year, that's when investors may take some profits."
"A simple equation: high-priced products with decent commissions yield higher profits."
"Choose niches wisely to maximize profits and ensure long-term success."
"Remember what pushes up stock prices over the long term is rising profit sometimes markets get ahead of themselves and people overpay for profits and we see valuations increase and what we've seen over the course of 2023 is just that a re-rating rally without profits increasing."
"My philosophy is definitely go in a market where you believe strong in the long-term profits."
"Profits are not first; what we do with our money is the primary concern."
"You would rather see more profits than less I know I sound like a greedy capitalist here when I talk like this but it's truthful."
"We decided to allocate 25% of our profits into Bitcoin."
"Ethereum now makes 2.7 billion in annualized profits."
"I doubled my profits in that one month."
"Curve creates five to ten times higher liquidity than Uniswap as well as higher profits for liquidity providers."
"Their biggest losses occurred after a string of good profits."
"They're universally hated with their cheap animation styles maximizing profits."
"...looking for those inefficiencies where an upcoming catalyst is going to reset the stock price and people who have not researched it are going to be very surprised and people who have researched it and been meticulous they will collect very high odds profits..."
"Coca-Cola is a one-of-a-kind product that delivers one-of-a-kind profits."
"Don't feel sorry for the bookies, no matter who wins, The Bookies get paid."
"Numbers don't lie, in spite of a few low points, this profits-based round objectively goes to Disney whose films earn more on average than their competitors."
"they're making record profits even as people are paying more than four dollars and 16 cents a gallon for gas"
"Remember guys, if you do want to deep coin the profits that I'm going to make on that squeeze to the upside I will be giving to 10 people."
"Generational wealth starts off just by how you divide your profits."
"Africa's got good profits and strange profits."
"Patience has two elements: waiting for the right opportunity and not jumping the gun too quickly to take profits."
"I just want the world that I built and the people in it. No, you won't sue her. No. No, the rights to our code. Keep all the profits. Just give me what's left of Free City."
"My deductible is actually more than what they just took, so that's my profits walking out the door."
"Using leverage simply means we're able to exaggerate our profits but also our losses."
"Life is a business, it's either you are recording profits or you are recording losses."
"I've really spent very very little of my real estate profits on personal pleasure."
"The salvage yard is your hero, and it will dramatically increase your profits."
"Shorty, we're going to use those profits for something special."
"In no other city could tenements be found without gas without water pipes water closet or sink or temporary receptacle for ashes and entered only by one long dark stone stair which returns such enormous profits to their owners as from 45 to 60 percent."
"During this period, profits went sky-high but investment continued to drop."
"...he has an exclusive agreement with Duck Bricks, such that anything sold is going to be 80% of the profits going to him, 20% to the channel. So, by supporting the Duck Bricks store linked in the description below, you may be buying some pieces from Jack."
"Profits are what's left over after you, an entrepreneur, have created value for consumers. Rent seeking is a way that economic power distorts capitalism and political power distorts economic initiative."
"Patience, process leads to profits over time."
"It starts with trading profits. Trading profits can lead to freedom."
"So it was believed that the tie-in with athletes would lead to a greater market share in profits."
"Meanwhile as we pay by far the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs 10 of the top pharmaceutical companies in America made over10 billion dollar in profits in 2022."
"The goal here is just safe, consistent profits."
"Ride the long-term trend and preserve the majority of profits."
"You have to respect these longer term Trends... we can write them and produce some amazing profits."
"New highs are always, in my opinion, a really good place to take profits."
"Exultation at the prospect of 10 years profits in a few months."
"Any profits, any proceeds from the clothing, I'm going to be putting it aside for a reef CA donation for schools."
"The real key is spinning those profits into something that can earn you even more money."
"Medicine is for the people. It is not for the profits. The profits follow."
"In the long run, there are going to be zero economic profits in perfectly competitive markets."
"Corporate profits in the year 2021 were the highest they have been in 70 years."
"At the end of the day, 20% of their profits go to help fight the spread of HIV worldwide."
"It's not that profits are bad, but to say the purpose of business is to make money is a lot like saying the purpose of life is to make red blood cells."
"Profits are really the argument for using capitalism because it's a reward for creating value."
"Profits are made in the buying, not in the selling."
"I'm not anti-patent nor anti-profits. They're meant to encourage formation of capital pools to cure previously incurable illnesses."
"Layoffs and record profits, these are related."
"Focus on the process, profits are a byproduct."
"Corporate profits are now at 70-year record highs."
"I'd love to give a percentage of the profits that I get from selling books and merch during those weeks to donate to a charity or cause."
"Stop thinking about savings as savings and start thinking about them as what they actually are: your profits."
"Instead of distributing more profits to our shareholders, why don't we donate some of this money?"
"Saudi Aramco was a state-owned oil corporation that was making hundreds of billions of dollars in profit every year."
"It's not about how much you make, it's what you do when you do make profits that's the most important thing."
"All you have to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the profits."
"Greed, pharma wants to keep their profits high, and they have aggressively lobbied their home countries in the U.S. and in the EU to make sure that they can achieve that goal."
"The difference between average performance and top performance in a position is 67% productivity and bottom-line profits."
"The net profits and return of capital of the joint venture shall be divided between the parties upon sale of the property."
"You need to have a positive belief and a positive mathematical and statistical outlook that you're going to have trading profits."
"Most of our profits come from momentum, pattern recognition, technical analysis, and short-term catalysts."
"Maximize profits in the beginning, you reinvest; it's as simple as that."
"A percentage of the profits goes to breast cancer research."
"Dividends are just profits that companies have; they're passed back to shareholders."
"Stop trying to make money and instead just focus on a handful of setups; you focus on the setups, you focus on the risk, and the profits take care of themselves."
"Profits are like eels; how easily they slip away."
"Take profits a smidge early, don't get too greedy."
"All profits are donated to charity."
"The purpose of a trailing stop is to lock in profits and keeps you in the trade for longer."
"That's a designation that indicates that we strive to balance purpose and profits."
"Illegal drug profits add up to a hundred billion dollars a year."
"For maximum photosynthesis in agriculture, it's important to consider how to remove those limiting factors to maximize profits."
"You must have SRC profits, and SRC stands for systematic, repeatable, and consistent."
"Expand your education means expand your profits."
"Taking partials is the best thing you will ever do."
"Bonanza... it's a situation or event that creates a sudden increase in wealth, good fortune, or profits."
"If you have profits, there's a whole bunch of things you can accomplish and do with the profits that you make."
"Also, another really great part about this video is that there's many services out there where you have to pay commissions and transaction fees to various websites, but we'll be using a plugin so you keep all of the profits to yourself."
"We are the shareholders, people not profits."
"By not making profits the number one priority, it actually enabled these companies to generate more profits in the long term."
"660,000 pounds of cannabis smuggled into the U.S, 68 million dollars in profits."
"Be careful, protect your profits."
"Corporate profits are quite high; they're higher than they've ever been."
"100% of the profits that I make from this will go back into the videos and future giveaways."
"Some of these conglomerates... should not be raising prices on consumers while they are making record profits."
"Uncompetitive markets create big profits for the owners of those firms but they hurt everybody else."
"Excessive profits only happen when you have firms that are gouging their customers."
"Companies are trying to make their profits look better, and that could be to look better to the market or for managers to achieve some sort of performance-based bonus."
"Retained profits don't involve interest rates; they're free."
"It's a beautiful feeling to be an investor and to get paid a share of profits in businesses you own but don't need to work at."
"We're looking for volatility, we want to manage risk, and we want to walk away with consistent profits."
"...the profits are really outcome of some value creation process."
"Retained profits possibly the most important source of Finance for any business."
"I'm giving a hundred percent of all the profits from the movie and both books."
"The rate of economic growth in a country is driven by the success of businesses to generate profits from domestic and international customers."
"One impact of globalization is higher profits for firms."
"The bulk of his trading profits will come from three or four large trades throughout the year, which are on weekly, monthly charts and have been classical charting patterns."
"Every time you sit in front of the charts, you should be trying and applying the same ideas day in and day out because that's where the consistency and consistent profits actually come from."
"Collecting your profits couldn't be simpler: you just collect cash directly from your machines."
"We are switching to filing as an S corp this year because I have been pulling more profits."
"I started out trading options with a $4,600 trading account and since then I've made millions of dollars of profits."
"Having a plan, trusting that plan, and then executing the trade flawlessly, emotionless, to make stress-free profits."
"And yet, companies like Amazon that made billions in profits did not pay one nickel in federal income tax."
"All profits are in the process of being going to charity."
"Every year we have to make more stuff and make more profits, and I don't like being a part of that."