
Societal Rules Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"This Blockbuster investigation vividly demonstrates how the ultra-wealthy and powerful live under a different set of rules than everyone else."
"If you have a tradition, you have a rule that's been inherited...maybe the reason that people follow that rule is because that rule has worked."
"All language made up rules so we can understand each other."
"Good fences make good neighbors, and the Constitution is no exception."
"If people would only show some decency, we wouldn't need a lot of rules."
"How is it empowering to go by a set of rules that you've been given? To be modest, to not hook up with people, to basically not live your life on how you want to live your life? How is that empowering?"
"Julian Assange is an exception to the rule, but what's actually happening is that they're creating a new rule with his exception."
"When we come to this level of power there are no rules. The Only Rule is how much might you know might overwrite."
"In a world of rules, everyone deep down wants to be free."
"The reason it makes you angry is because you know what it suggests: the rules are for you. Those are your rules. You do what you're told and if you don't, you'll be shamed, vilified, and punished."
"So then, should men be allowed to hit women then? No, absolutely not."
"No one's criminalizing, you know who criminalizes things? The people who wrote the laws you broke."
"If the rules don't apply to you there's no reason why you don't want more."
"They're not gaffs these are direct insights into the world views of the richest people in the world who are writing the rules for all of us."
"It's always a rules for thee but not for me type of situation."
"The rules only apply when the powerful want them to apply."
"If you outlaw police, only the outlaws will be police."
"Laws have to matter, the black and white letter of the law."
"You can do anything you want realistically speaking, unless it hurts someone else."
"Now we need to conform to these even older draconian rules that really don't make sense anymore."
"Shouldn't we have rules for that just not be like a super harsh society in which it's really hard to thrive and it becomes kind of unlivable?"
"This isn't about good or bad, okay? This is about power, and who is allowed to use it."
"Money is power and he who has the gold makes the rules."
"Let's just level the playing field... everyone's gonna play by the same rules and everyone's gonna live by the same rule of law."
"It doesn't matter if you don't think it's fair. That is how it is. A functioning civilized society has rules. You don't get to pick and choose which ones you want to follow."
"Psychopaths don't play by other people's rules."
"Anarchism means without rulers, not without rules."
"If you don't have a strong enough set of laws...you can't really determine what justice is."
"You don't mess with traffic lights because you're convinced that's an authority higher than you."
"The challenge of our time is a struggle between those who follow the rules and those who recognize no rules at all."
"I don't care whether they're offended or not. They shouldn't be making rules about offense."
"You don't have to tell the rest of the class; you could ask to speak to them privately and you just didn't. You wanted the whole school to cut you some slack and let you wear the bracelet when you really weren't supposed to."
"A lawful person is someone who respects, follows, and encourages the law and rules of society."
"How something that was originally a good idea almost with a kind of necessity as a rule turns wrong."
"What would happen to our society if we excused all rules?"
"You have to follow the rules. We're a nation of laws."
"Civilize yourself and accept the rules of being part of civilized society."
"There's only two ways to be rich in this world that we live in: be born rich or change the rules."
"You have to be 16 to drive a car, 18 to vote, 16 to own a gun, and 21 to buy alcohol."
"Rules change depending on who's in control but justice is forever."
"We're playing in a game by rules we had nothing to do with."
"Laws are not a matter of our opinion but rules given by the one who has the right to impose them upon us for our good and his own glory."
"if you're not going to play by the rules then you actually don't deserve to enjoy a free Society."
"If we said you aren't allowed to kill, we're not forcing something on your lifestyle."
"The law is the rulebook that keeps ordered society from descending into chaos."
"They're giving you trespassing citations for just being a little bit late. Don't kill yourself."
"Live at your own risk seems to be short distance away from being a reason to end the lockdown."
"Fun to see all the members of the left suddenly realize that the rules they've constructed for themselves are garbage."
"It's not ethical when have your laws ever been concerned with ethics."
"Imagine if there were no rules... imagine if there was not a superior spirit... we need to know the rules."
"Arrest the criminals. Enforce basic laws. Is that so much to ask?"
"The end result of censorship: the rules will be used against you."
"The cool thing about rules is, well, wherever you go, right?"
"We are humans, we make up the rules, and if people agree, they are removed."
"Opportunistic stealing is a commonly reported behavior; apparently there are no statutes in the Sasquatch book of rules."
"Shaw lives in a world that doesn't play by your rules. Like it or not, you and your friends are a part of it now."
"We need to know what the rules are, even the dumb ones, and especially the ones that really impact our lives."
"Money pretty much drives everything. We've said that on the channel before. Whether it's right or wrong, the rules tend to follow the money."
"White privilege shows its face when they bend the rules... white folks will bend the rules on your ass in a minute."
"Money is power, and as long as you got it, you make the rules."
"Lawrence Kohlberg's moral development stages: 'Children judge actions based on societal rules and expectations.'"
"When you're in the world, keep the laws of the world. But live by the laws of your heart."
"Cancel culture, these are the new rules that we have in this Society."
"The kings of old required that all men married by the age of 19 and all women married by the age of 14."
"Your soulmate is somebody who doesn't like when people are unjust. Sometimes, they feel like the rules that are set by society need to be broken so that people can experience justice."
"You feel me, like you can't blame the [__] who got convicted for playing by their rules too though, 'cause [__] they rules is on a [__] tail, go get that."
"Rich people have a very different set of rules to us mere mortals."
"Let's abide by the laws and statutes."
"We are ruled by abstractions not of our making; we live in a world where those abstractions rule us."
"The rules are actually there for like a reason. It's an agreement that we all make as a society."
"Justice is a system of laws and rules that some dinosaurs have formulated to live by."
"Switzerland is one of those countries where the one-third rule actually applies."
"It is important to follow the law because the law is there for a purpose."
"I started to realize that there's a lot of other rules that a lot of other people play by."
"We create laws and rules to make sure that people aren't arbitrarily hurting each other."
"Government really deals with the rules and the people and the laws that govern the land."
"We have one set of rules for us and one set of rules for the rich."
"There is no culture that does not have guidelines and rules that they live by."
"Laws: The rules set by the government to help people live peacefully together and to ensure order and safety."
"We live in a society governed by law; it is not up to anybody to take the law into their own hands."
"This city has rules, you uncivilized people."
"We try to come up with the rules that serve us the best, that do the most good, the least harm, that benefits society as well as the individual."
"What protects everybody else is this hard and fast rule that everyone has to be given the same reasonable treatment."
"Intelligent agents and humans... such that in a kind of a constitution that everybody follows."
"Stealing is a crime. Why we break the law if we already know it's illegal?"
"When you conform to these Earthly playing rules and you play by other people's rules, you limit yourself so much."