
Reformation Quotes

There are 326 quotes

"A Reformation is coming that will lead to the recovery of Apostolic Christianity."
"We are profoundly thankful for the spiritual and theological gifts received through the Reformation."
"The hero of the New Model Army is Oliver Cromwell... a man totally committed to godly Reformation."
"The Reformation was first and foremost a recovery of the authority of Scripture...it is Scripture alone."
"We're locking up a lot of people that we're mad at, rather than the ones we are afraid of."
"By largely removing the original tribal allegiances and the old tribal chiefs from power, Chinggis ensured all ties of loyalty led directly to him."
"A new Reformation begins in the church and manifests in every sphere of human life."
"The great Reformation was based upon five major principles: Sola scriptura, Sola gratia, Sola Cristo, Sola fidei, and soli Deo Gloria."
"The Reformation did not plant a new tree; instead, it just grew new branches." - Unknown
"The thought reform process is one means by which non-people are permitted through a change in attitude and personal character to make themselves over into people."
"Perhaps it's due for a reformation without doubt it's about this sort of time as well."
"God raised up great men of faith, great women of faith, reformers who began in the Reformation to lead his people back to the word of God."
"The next three months will be months of great anointing to grow Reformation rapidly."
"The Reformation: a radical shift in Christianity."
"So, I collected a new team from the ashes of what I once called a family."
"The Reformation as we know it began in Germany with a priest called Martin Luther..."
"Luther's ideas had laid the groundwork for this in his works like 'To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation'..."
"Exciting times... shaking to dismantling to reformation."
"Anne Boleyn was a force of nature she was a woman ahead of her time in so many ways and she was such a pivotal an important part of the Reformation that she really changed the landscape."
"The Protestant movement grew into a revolution, the Protestant Reformation."
"Luther presented them with the Christianity of the Hearth contained in the pages of a book on a shelf portable and malleable."
"Some of these people need to go to a woke detox center."
"Change is not the same as reformation; reformation means it's been reformed and can't be unreformed."
"The Reformation splintered into Lutherans, Calvinists, Anabaptists, and more."
"The date of Halloween... the date when Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the door of the castle Church in Wittenberg."
"The main arguments presented by Luther in the 95 thesis were that the Bible is the ultimate Christian religious Authority and that humans can only get to heaven through faith in God."
"John Knox served as its minister... and leader of the Reformation of Scotland."
"She was a woman ahead of her time in so many ways and she was such a pivotal an important part of the Reformation that she really changed the landscape."
"Quit selling indulgences; we need to get back to the true faith."
"...the Protestant Reformation combined with the printing press led to sweeping political, social, and cultural and religious changes at this time."
"The Reformation was a positive force that sacralized the work of the world. It therefore freed people up to develop into a capitalistic entrepreneurial spirit."
"This is a new, different movement. This is not the same sort of Presbyterian circles, the same sort of Dutch Reformed circles. This was Reformed theology breaking out into places where you least expected it."
"Luther's message was clear: conscience must answer to God alone, salvation comes freely by faith alone, and the Bible is the only source of spiritual authority."
"The church itself is having a huge battle fought inside of it. That's a battle we should be a part of as faithful Catholics. We have to be at the Vanguard of that and we have to be at the Vanguard of the Reformation of our civilization, right, of our Christian civilization."
"Luther doesn't take a direct part in the process of reformation, as he believes worldly authorities such as princes or city oligarchs should decide. Thus, church and state are no longer separate."
"The Reformation had its daemon. All the political struggle between international Calvinism and the Catholic Monarchs would continue for another century, but the changes in the interior landscape of European and soon American life would prove to be lasting."
"Kuzudu's recovery solidifying his reformation."
"The Reformation had been accompanied by a revolution, one in which a book that had been imprisoned in Latin had become accessible to the everyday language of the English people."
"The entire world has been impacted by the Reformation, but in this documentary, we're looking at the Reformation through the lens of the Amish."
"Access to scripture in the common language is one of the really good results of the Reformation era."
"The material principle of the Reformation: justification by faith alone."
"The formal principle of the Reformation: Scripture as the sole rule of faith."
"The Reformation is not over; every turn in the road, every new false teacher that arises to teach one version or another of the alternate message must be addressed."
"Since the 20th century, it’s become common to speak of the Five Solas, or Solae in Latin."
"Repentance is far more than reformation. Repentance is a gift of God, and it comes to faithful members of the Church. We get it by the power of the Holy Ghost."
"The only reason to be reformed is because you are absolutely convinced that it is the consistent teaching of the word of God."
"With the Reformation spreading throughout Europe, the Netherlands remained until the 1550s a Catholic bastion in a Protestant sea."
"A fresh start to be more inclusive from the very beginning was warranted by the time Atlantis was reworked for both The New 52 and the DC extended Universe."
"The Reformation was the greatest forward movement of Christianity since the first century and so Calvin stood at a time in history was really the dawning of the modern age."
"Luther's bravery will set off a movement that places Christ's death, not church hierarchy, at the center of humanity's relationship with God."
"It is a revolutionary moment ushered in by the Reformation."
"The Reformation set into motion extraordinary events that reverberate even now."
"If we are to have another Reformation, it will be our testimony that I did nothing, the word did it all."
"True Reformation will always have the centrality of the person of Christ and the Word of God."
"The seeds for the 16th century Reformation, they were sown in the crisis of the previous two centuries."
"Martin Luther was the most important figure in initiating the Protestant Reformation."
"The Protestant Reformation is certainly the most important political, theological, and religious change in Christianity."
"Luther is the leading light of the Reformation."
"500 years ago on October 31st, 1517, an Augustinian monk named Martin Luther nailed to the church door of the Wittenberg Castle Church 95 theses."
"I really want to just change the perception of what it means to be formally incarcerated. And why you're incarcerated. Know like Hey, we're changing it out here. You can do better. Yep, do better in there."
"Scripture alone was the battlecry of the Reformation."
"The real reason that his reign was so important in English history is of course that he initiated the English reformation, a momentous change with very far-reaching consequences."
"He wants to birth mothers and fathers, family that incarnates the gospel in this new reformation."
"The time has come for a thorough Reformation to take place. When this Reformation Begins, the spirit of Prayer will actuate every believer and will banish from the church the spirit of Discord and strife."
"Revival signifies a renewal of spiritual life, a quickening of the powers of the mind and the Heart, Resurrection from the spiritual death. And Reformation signifies a regeneration, a change in ideas and theories."
"Salvation is by faith alone, and that is what launched the Reformation, and that is the true gospel that was also known to true believers before the Reformation all the way back to the apostles in the New Testament."
"The Reformers saw worship as a critical battle about worship."
"The Reformers regarded worship as part of an elongated war that had marked the people of God since the garden of Eden."
"When you get to the period right before the Reformation, you have something really important that happens in world history, and that is the collapse and the defeat of the city of Constantinople."
"Abdu Baha helped people to rethink and to re-visualize these racist Notions these racist stereotypes that were so prevalent in American society at the time."
"Decree this Supernatural Reformation. Join us in agreement."
"Revival and Reformation has to start with the word of God."
"The Reformation with its emphasis upon the word of God as being the revelation of God in all that it teaches provided a freedom in society and yet a form in society as well."
"Deliverance leads to reformation, reformation leads to revival."
"...the Catholic Church still exists today, but in 1517 the Reformation period began and Protestant churches came into being."
"He was a theological genius behind the Reformation."
"The Reformation gave substance to the idea of individualism as man's salvation was solely between God and the individual, and personal faith became paramount."
"He finally released his most extensive work titled the 'History of the Reformation in Scotland,' a five-volume book covering a wide range of topics."
"There's a reformation that's going to come to the church that's going to look messy. It's going to look like kind of void and formless, but the Lord's voice is in the midst of it, and he's bringing forth order."
"Until the truth is truly there and true Reformation comes."
"So, this is interesting. So, the door at Wittenberg that Luther nails his thesis to in 1517, people say that's when Reformation started, right?"
"I believe that nothing less than that kind of Reformation is going to silence this."
"Our passion is disciple making and the reality that most of us, even those of us who have called ourselves strong Bible-believing evangelicals, have really, in the last few years, woken up to the reality."
"All the gratuity and comfort of the gospel that Luther would fight for in the Reformation, all of it found its source in the triune nature of God."
"Liberty of thought and of conscience, their protest gave to the Reformed Church the name of Protestant."
"Thus the Waldenses witnessed for God centuries before the birth of Luther, scattered over many lands they planted the seeds of the Reformation."
"In the days of the Reformation, its enemies charged all the evils of fanaticism upon the very ones who were laboring most earnestly against it."
"This is a true reformation and revival only the sovereign God of the universe can bring."
"This neglect literally laid the groundwork for the Protestant Reformation."
"Reject Sola fidei and you're left with every evil the Reformation rejected."
"Luther cried, 'I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted; my conscience is captive to the word of God. I cannot, I will not retract anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience. I cannot do otherwise. Here I stand, may God help me. Amen.'"
"The glory of God in the face of Christ has always been the lodestar and guiding light of reformation and faithfulness in the church."
"Geneva's impact on the Reformation in England and Scotland is hard to overestimate."
"In the Reformation, there is a necessary recognition that yes, we have truth."
"Protestants and the Protestant Reformation in some ways even reformed the Catholic Church."
"The greatest fault we can find in the Reformation is that there is the reformers stopped reforming."
"She was quite a committed follower of the Protestant Reformation."
"Erasmus laid the egg that Luther hatched."
"Luther the heretic and the outlaw is becoming once and for all here in 1521 the reformer."
"We need to protect the five solas of the Reformation, the pillars of the Christian faith."
"The English Reformation was not from the beginning something different from its European brethren."
"We are gonna be part of the movement of the latest Reformation."
"The core principle of the reformation was the role of the word of God in a believer's life."
"It's one thing to teach or to preach or to write, as other reformers did. It's another thing altogether to actually give people the Word of God."
"He was the father of the English Reformation."
"The entire English Reformation is set in motion by William Tyndale."
"Imagine that he was having to go to war with church leaders over getting the scripture into the hands of the people."
"How do you know that such a reformation will be a benefit to man? And why are you so firmly, so triumphantly convinced that only the normal and the positive, in other words, only what is conducive to welfare, is for the advantage of man?"
"The Church must return to Holiness."
"What Luther and Calvin were insisting is no, it’s grace alone. No merit."
"Cathedrals are still there. They are the lasting product of Thomas Cromwell and Woolsey's plan for the reform of the English church."
"The Anglican Community is now to be reordered and reset."
"Justification by faith alone was the central issue of the Protestant Reformation of the 16th Century."
"The prime business of government following the Reformation becomes the enforcement of religious conformity."
"They escaped destruction during the English Reformation."
"The battle cry of the Reformation was over this concept of sola fide which means 'by faith alone'."
"Always reforming, always going back to the scriptures, always testing to see if what we believe is true."
"The answer that the UK's going to need is a Christ alone gospel, a Reformation gospel."
"The essence, the heart of the Reformation was an attempt to undo the Roman King."
"The Reformation overthrew the church's monopoly on public life and it created a huge demand for lay administrators and professional men."
"Revival and Reformation will come only in answer to prayer."
"...the Reformation represents a moment in history when there was an explosion of interest in literacy..."
"Famously, the Protestant Reformation was sparked by a papal scheme to finance construction by selling indulgences."
"And this is 500, an in-depth look at the Protestant Reformation, which in 2017 is 500 years old."
"Sola scriptura and Sola fide are core principles of the Reformation found in scripture."
"Revival is to cause transformation, reformation, restoration to society."
"There’s need for reformation constantly in the lives of each individual person."
"I Think Jesus is cleaning up his church and bringing something into the light that needed to be in the light."
"I defy the Pope and all his laws, and if God spare my life, ere many years, I will cause a boy that driveth the plow to know more of the Scriptures than you do."
"The Puritans stood on the shoulders of the reformers and sought to extend the Reformation to every aspect of church and life and government in England."
"The battlecry of the Reformation was the Latin phrase Sola scriptura which means by scripture alone."
"Ralph was really a pretty nice guy and worked for the Buckner Orphans Home, gave speeches to high school students on going straight and all that, raised a family."
"Martin Luther wasn't looking to start a Protestant Reformation; he was looking to fix what he saw as things that were wrong with the existing church."
"What a privilege to be here with you, and where would you want to be on the 500th anniversary of the Reformation than here at the Ligonier Ministries National Conference."
"It's powerful when you can see reformed gang members, leaders in the community say, 'I used to be this way.'"
"God will have a people who will use the Bible and the Bible alone as the standard for all doctrine and the basis for all reforms."
"He served as the chief minister to the king and was one of the strongest and most powerful orchestrators of the Reformation."
"And still more men came, hundreds of men, and as they came into the light, they hurried together, trying to reform the column."
"As more and more individuals live for what they give and not for what to get, the other Reformation, the universal Reformation, will begin in man and must continue in man until the work is finished."
"The Reformation is the result of the Word of God being rediscovered and then being translated into the languages of the people."
"The only true Reformation is that which emanates from the word of God."
"Nevertheless, good things are found in you, in that you have removed the wooden images from the land and have prepared your heart to seek God."
"Reformed theology holds to the five solas."
"Here is the biblical model for a Reformation."
"From glory to glory to glory, so there is a remnant that is crying out: God give us revival, let us bring Reformation."
"The Protestant Reformation, by choosing skepticism as its weapon and by fostering an intense, restless self-reflectiveness, made it difficult for many believers to attain the settled, assured faith that they aspired to."
"Faith alone, scripture alone, grace alone, Christ alone."
"Established the most blessed Word of God and his congregation in Scotland."
"What we're going to be seeing is a kind of reformation in the religion of love."
"The church has lost its way and we are returning to what it was always supposed to be."
"The wicked are punished, yes, but for only as long as it takes to do the job right, not forever."
"The Reformers championed the teaching of justification by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone."
"The abuses carried out by church leaders couldn’t be tolerated any longer, and the Reformers stood up to say so, often paying with their lives."
"The Word of God set people free during Reformation times; people who were in spiritual slavery, spiritual bondage."
"The most basic principle of the Protestant Reformation was the supreme authority of the Bible, supreme over church councils and church tradition."
"Portland has changed from America's vice city to America's city on a hill."
"The beginning of Edward's reign now offered an opportunity for advanced Protestants to introduce a much more wide-ranging set of religious reforms."
"Bach's works are the Reformation put to music."
"The true Church of Jesus Christ always is reforming because it's always hearing the voice of her husband in the scriptures."
"The storming of Greyfriars in Dundee in 1543 was one of the moments that kickstarted the Reformation as a popular movement across Scotland."
"I'm trying to become a better person and get out of prison."
"A mighty Reformation exploded onto history's stage."
"Sola scriptura, Sola fide, Sola gratia, Solus Christus, Soli Deo Gloria."
"We are Protestants, protesting the deformation and crying out in our own lives for the Reformation of Christ in us, the hope of glory."
"I'm reformed... I don't want to see anybody get hurt."
"We need this to be the beginning of something, to reignite the dormant embers of the Reformation."
"There is a common ground between restoration and Reformation."
"Reformation is, of course, possible because you have a standard operating outside of the people of God."
"I pointed my finger at the Reformation as the origin of what I call the soterian gospel."
"I began to point my finger at the Reformation as the beginning of a movement toward reframing everything about evangelism and the gospel."
"The gospel fundamentally from the Reformation on was about sinners who need to be saved by the grace of God, the death of Christ."
"Religion ends in outer reformation, the gospel ends in inner transformation."
"You get to be Protestant and Catholic... Anglicanism at its best is what the Catholic Church would look like if it embraced the Reformation."
"I have big opportunities here to prepare myself for the life after prison."
"The values of our society are upside down, and we have to order it again in the right direction."
"Luther was speaking for the gospel and for a personal relationship with Jesus."
"I ask you tonight to begin a reversal, to initiate a reformation."
"We want to clarify the gospel from a historical, biblical reformed perspective using documents."
"Five hundred years ago, the Protestant Reformation began when a young priest turned academic by the name of Dr. Martin Luther nailed a list of protests to the door of this church in Wittenberg, Germany."
"The Reformers believed that any teaching should be subjected to the ultimate authority: God’s Word."
"The same unswerving adherence to the Word of God manifested in the cries of reformation is the only hope of reform for us today."
"Sola scriptura. Sola fide. Sola gratia."
"And Josiah took away all the abominations out of all the countries that pertained to the children of Israel, and made all that were present in Israel to serve, even to serve the Lord their God."
"Martin Luther... wrote his famous 95 theses and then nailed it to the door at the church in Wittenberg."
"The printing press played a massive role in the Protestant Reformation."
"Martin Luther... starts in 1517 the Protestant Reformation. He challenges the authority of the Catholic Church."
"Foremost among those who were called to lead the church from the darkness of popery into the light of a pure faith stood Martin Luther."
"The time must come when by God's grace, every man and every woman in this kingdom must have the Word of God... in the English language... in their heart."
"The recovery of truth really from the grip of human tradition is what the Reformation represents."
"The same truths that fueled the Reformation are the truths that need to fuel your ministry."
"The Reformation is not something new; it's the recovery of something old."
"The Reformation is not 1517; it is not Martin Luther; it is much bigger than that."
"The Reformation I believe was more of a process that took place over centuries of time."
"Reformation principles were recognized and championed and in some cases died for long before the 16th century."
"The greatest Revival in the history of the church is the Reformation."
"The Reformation does not represent the beginning of what it is that we believe; it represents the recovery of the true gospel."
"Luther was not inventing something new; he was recovering something very old."
"The Reformation was necessary for the purification of the church."
"The Reformation was as much a reaction against what the papacy itself had become as it was anything else."
"We rightly revere, look back to, and defend the Reformation."