
Moral Stance Quotes

There are 674 quotes

"Nothing can ever be as forceful as taking the life of someone who does not wish to die."
"I refuse to surrender the idea that I can have a moral stance on issues that are of concern to society and of concern to the well-being of the United States simply because of the color of my skin or the nature of my genitalia."
"I would suggest that my identity has nothing to do with what is right or wrong."
"Caesar has an answer about how the post-apocalyptic wasteland should look. It's a horrifying 'what if we merged Triumph of the Will with Roman cosplay' kind of answer, but it is a response to the challenges of the wasteland."
"The killing game is wrong, it's not entertainment."
"What our message is, is that it's important to think about what place where you want to stand on the side of history and that is how you'll be judged moving forward."
"Now, the reason that's a problem is because the point of the law is it requires your compliance with it, and that means that if you want to make a moral statement, you cannot comply with the law."
"This is a step back into those darkness, these are the darkest parts of humanity, and we need to stand up for that now."
"If there is a draft for an immoral war that is unjustified, you have every duty not to go."
"People like me, the silent majority, are fed up. Our moral obligations and justifications have been reached."
"And so, should we not care about others? That is not really, I think, the right, morally not right, as well as, from the interests of the global economy, it is not also right."
"We're supposed to stand up to bullies, not follow them."
"We are Americans. We're supposed to stand up to bullies."
"To all these cops who are resigning, these guys are good people. They're good cops. They're refusing to suffer the indignity, and they're refusing to lick the boots of these politicians."
"A CIA man should be amoral. That may sound pretty shocking, but keep the morals out of intelligence, keep the truth in, and stay away from disinformation."
"I've got a moral compass that won't allow me to be complicit."
"Mark refuses to step down from his principles even though he could easily take the easy way out."
"How about we value human life? We're just on a different playing field at this point."
"You're an enemy the second you sexualize kids. That's it."
"It is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say, 'No, you move.'"
"I want her to look back as an adult and say we stood up on the right side of this."
"No victory that leaves behind babies and the woman to be carved apart... is worth fighting for."
"I'm not going to submit to evil for 45 minutes."
"We are on the side of right and we are winning."
"Nancy Pelosi has said that this is about conscience."
"It's a positive encouragement that you should always stand up for what's right. After all, change has to start somewhere."
"It's preferable to die for something good than it is to live a life without purpose."
"It's better to stand for something and have 50% of people hate you and 50% remember you, than to stand for nothing."
"It's good to see the church and the Vatican and the pope taking a firm stance on this."
"Democracy is the only moral form of government."
"The greater good cannot excuse abuse of power."
"This is who they are, this is who we are, this is what we stand for, this is our character and this is what we do every single day in this country."
"If wrong is wrong, it should be wrong for everybody."
"Silence favors the oppressor; neutrality in the face of atrocities favors the oppressor."
"Black liberation will lead to everybody's liberation."
"You have a life that's a gift ultimately from God and that is why I am strongly opposed to anybody ending your life at any point."
"Nothing justifies violence, nothing." - Senator Martha McSally
"There is such a thing as good trouble. Activists have a long history of breaking the law to do what is right."
"If you believe immigrants like my wife's family should be demagogued and locked in cages, vote for the other person."
"This is where God placed us. We wanted to come and find a place that wasn't afraid to take a stand."
"You cannot have a middle ground between horrific falsehoods and the truth."
"No human being may be owned by another, good guy United States 1845 baby!"
"There's never a reason to hit a woman, there are plenty of reasons, you just don't do it."
"Any institution that refuses to cleanse itself of evil is a community that becomes complicit in that evil."
"Forget the lesser evil, fight for the greater good like your life depends on it because it does."
"In my opinion this is completely indefensible."
"They were harming children and they're wrong."
"Just because you are boycotting something that you feel is a moral imperative does not mean you can act like a shitty person."
"He condemned abortion, he was really outspoken against induced abortion."
"I ask every elected official in America, how do you want to be remembered at consequential moments in history? Do you want to be the side of Dr. King or George Wallace?"
"It's righteousness to stand against something and publicly shame it or shun it."
"I'm on the side that what I believe is right. Do I think what happened to George Floyd is right? No."
"If you don't stand up for shit you believe in, if you don't call bullshit bullshit, if you don't stop inappropriate stuff, you don't progress as a society."
"It's just absolutely awful and disgusting and wrong to victim blame like that."
"I'm not gonna stop doing good because some people got mad."
"I have more respect for a man who let me know where he stands even if he's wrong then the one who comes up like an angel mean there's nothing by the devil."
"Throughout history, if you're the ones who are on the side of censorship, you're always the bad guys. The good guys are never in favor of censorship; they're always in favor of free speech."
"Those who stand for nothing fall for anything."
"There is never a real or true reason that somebody's life should be taken by someone else. Never."
"I do not like racists of any shape kind or color."
"Heroes do not kill." - Peter Parker, Loom World
"That wasn't part of the plan. We're heroes, and heroes do not kill." - Peter Parker, Loom World
"If your belief infringes upon the rights of somebody else, that is wrong."
"If you bring someone into your house to live with you and that person starts trashing on your son, criticizing his lifestyle and calling him disgusting, then that person needs to leave immediately."
"My sympathy and the moral impetus always lies with the person who wants to be left alone."
"I'm not of the belief that we as Christians ought to be celebrating the death of people either."
"It's your duty to plant yourself like a tree, and say 'no you move'."
"I found it so disturbing and so repugnant, and I'm just not someone in my life at this time who can stand by and see that without saying something."
"I don't hate my enemies, I pity them because what they have done is so fundamentally evil."
"If the facts say that a prosecution is correct, not prosecuting is a cop-out and it's cowardly."
"Your innate goodness is a beacon in a world often shrouded in self-interest and indifference, challenging the status quo with a force that is gentle yet unyielding."
"If you're going to hate us, hate us for what Christ and the word of God has declared to be righteous."
"Wrong is wrong, you supposed to speak against all sin."
"Desecrating the altar of the church, don't think you're on the side of justice and right and light."
"Silence in the face of evil is evil itself. God will not hold us guiltless...to speak is to speak, not to act is to act."
"What's not loving is to look someone in the eye when God says they are in jeopardy of an eternity in hell and merely wink and nod at their sin because you're afraid of being called names."
"Our moral authority and Ukraine's moral authority in this conflict comes from the fact that we are supporting a country under brutal, vicious attack by its neighbor."
"This isn't just about me but about America national interest. We can't allow this kind of moral equivalency when dealing with Vladimir Putin."
"I think it's okay to say that actually no, I don't think you should be able to turn away people from your hotel because they're black. I think that's wrong and immoral."
"We have to stand up for what's right even if it costs us something."
"You never have to defend, explain, justify, or rationalize what's right."
"It is morally wrong to have any interference into independent countries elections."
"There is no turning back from this story. No way for Barry to find out that slave labor is actually fine because he can find happiness as a slave. It's either the bees are free or they're not, and Barry fights for them and succeeds."
"Rape is corny. We don't play with that here."
"God wants us to stand up for him, not just in a time of peace but in a time of trouble."
"Do not tamper with what you ought to denounce firmly and boldly in words."
"Between light and darkness, there can be no compromise."
"What Will did wasn't right but I can respect that he defended his wife."
"If you can murder in cold blood, you deserve to be murdered in cold blood."
"When you see evil, you have to stand up and point it out."
"Standing for what's right in this day and age, it's not cost-free."
"God is here and you are honoring him by standing up for his truth."
"We're not a country that thinks there are good people or fine people on both sides."
"That something that saves lives should be, not profitable."
"I want to be a part of a movement that just says no that's not a political win that is hate that is something that is disgusting."
"I cannot support a pro-abortion politician because he builds social housing and because of the relative good I would have to accept the absolute evil." - Cardinal Gerhard Müller
"We must see them as the enemies of decency that they are and deal with them unsparingly. They deserve neither respect nor compromise."
"Evil when I see it, another soldier, I was thought you fight that regardless of consequence."
"We are preparing ourselves for the kingdom and now you say this because I think it needs to be made clear no I do not believe that everyone that has joined these fraternities or sororities are evil."
"People always think that we jump or I jump into something racially and it's really just about wrong is wrong and right is right."
"If you truly despise evil, then good cannot stand idly by."
"If you don't have the intent to take care of a woman, I do not believe you should sleep with her."
"What they're doing is satanic and I'm never going to back away from that."
"You don't need to experience something to have a moral stance on it, that's just silly."
"There's no gray area here you're for child sexual abuse or you're against it."
"If your tactic is nonviolent, if you spell out exactly what your principles are and why you're violating some law, then that demonstrates a kind of moral seriousness."
"If you take no stand on the tough moral and spiritual crisis in America, you do not know God."
"If you're not helping advance the cause of people, you're no different than the devil we fight."
"The American people must remain steadfast in our support of Ukraine in the face of Putin's immoral attacks on civilian populations."
"If you have a problem with non-believers being destroyed, you have a problem with Christianity."
"This is a sad day for the country in my view. How can a decision such as this, which will literally save the life of millions of innocent babies, be a step backward?"
"True racism is anything that wars against God's will for the human race."
"You need to be ready to draw a line with what you're morally standing for or not."
"I'm a man of Honor, I wouldn't do such a thing."
"Good masculinity fights away that evil and when there's wars it's to beat evil people."
"If the baby can be born, I don't think it should be killed."
"Cheating is disgusting no matter what gender you are."
"He's punching up, dude. It's completely okay. It's very moral and you know, he's fighting the good fight."
"Superman should never ever ever ever kill. Ever."
"If you're gonna lose, you might as well lose on doing the right thing."
"After all, those who are silent in the face of oppression, by default, choose the side of the oppressor."
"Western civilization today, it seems so obvious that if slavery is not wrong nothing is wrong."
"As long as these contracts include that not even for me but the next person I wouldn't take a billion dollars."
"We always should be on the side of the child."
"In keeping silent about evil... we are implanting it."
"My moral values are you don't give kids sex changes have a nice day."
"There's no neutrality, it's really just right or wrong."
"There is a marked line in the sand, and if you're not willing to step and say that's a line, you're not going to stand for anything."
"This is a moment in our country when we need to confront the really horrible reality that systemic racism exists here in Canada."
"There were many Russians in 1968 who saw the moral travesty... I invite them to do what others have already done and join hands with us."
"Not standing up for your loved ones, not standing up for your country, not standing up for yourselves in the face of horrible opposition from within or without is probably worse than hypocrisy."
"The sooner you realize the ends don't actually justify the means the better your outlook on the game mode will be."
"Letting your friend die is the same as betraying him."
"To be silent is to acquiesce to be vocal for the wrong side."
"I actually don't want to see Donald Trump incarcerated in a federal correctional institution. I don't and the reason I don't is not because I don't think it would make for great headlines or he doesn't deserve it, he does deserve it."
"It isn't a matter of happiness but of righteousness."
"Barbarism will deliver you no glory, piety to evil will bring you no dignity."
"Trolling these tyrants is a virtue. It is a virtuous act because it is an act of rebellion against disorder Rebellion against moral confusion and intellectual rot it is in other words a good and virtuous thing."
"Rape is bad on its own regardless of what your other political positions are."
"When those individuals go low, we are always going to go high."
"I'm kind of on her side here. I admire the stance she's taken."
"If the devil isn't mad at you, you're not living right."
"Oppression is bad. It doesn't matter who they are, it's really bad."
"It is right to oppose that kind of inequality, yes."
"Stand on the side of the truth and go down with it, and ultimately the truth will out."
"Napalm in babies is bad. Starving the poor is wicked. Buying and selling each other is depraved. There is in the world such a thing as evil altogether."
"Batista's insults on the other hand toward Trump supporters, as well they just make him super virtuous, a progressive individual."
"I think pride is to Nations what self-respect is to individuals, a necessary ingredient for self-improvement."
"Any politician who is not right now fighting for Medicare for all is complicit in murder of the American people."
"This is a fight worth having no matter the cost."
"You're not a human being if you're defending that."
"So there is no right to kill your baby and that doesn't matter what the procedure is right whether it's a pill whether it's surgical."
"These people are saying things and doing things that are horrific, and we need to speak out against that."
"Be on the right side of history. Do not give these people excuses to continue scamming."
"Thank you for using that fearlessness of speaking up for the right thing."
"There's a price to pay for standing with the truth."
"I think America has more than enough morality in its backstory to be able to stand up and say never."
"Rape doesn't change that it's a heinous act, but I'm not forcing a woman to do anything. I'm merely not answering a tremendous evil with an even greater act of evil."
"Pushing the idea to end someone's life because you don't agree with them is never okay, no matter the circumstances."
"I mean, I was not rooting for the villain because obviously I don't root for the evil people, but it brought such a fresh take on a villain."
"No amount of profit can justify collaborating with the regime for which violent suppression and enslavement are routine tools of governance."
"Our job is to stand up for righteousness regardless of what's going on, ship going down or not."
"Silence in the face of evil is evil itself, not to stand right now is to stand."
"I feel like I am trying to explain why it's wrong."
"We should be the greatest enemies of fascists."
"Good for you Dr. Stephen Brewery good for you standing on your morals standing on your conviction we need more people like that who aren't just going to be bullied and shamed into being quiet about problems that need to be talked out loud about."
"Love does not just stand by when your friend is heading off in a harmful direction."
"I'd rather choose guidance over a racist pedophile."
"Slavery ain't right. All men should be free."
"I simply cannot any longer share in this bloody witless and absolutely needless ignominy." - Boris Bondarev
"Rioting is not justified even if there's a bad shooting."
"It's not where you stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where you stand at times of challenging controversy."
"My God is not cool with killing innocent children for divine favors in battle."
"If you stand with violent murdering terrorists, you don't belong in the political process."
"Being body positive is the objectively right stance if you aren't then you're wrong morally and empirically."
"I won't participate in things that contribute to aborting babies."
"Pornography is never okay, especially in marriage."
"Most bloating fixes are short-term solutions. I am focused on feeling good long term and building a foundation of health for the rest of my life."
"I won't. I won't. I will fight as long as I can because I think somebody has to. Somebody has to say this is wrong."
"Han vows that he won't kill people for doing that, but if the situation demands it, then he would."
"Anything over zero percent of collateral damage is too many."
"I believe in life in prison without parole, a whole other things you can do. We don't belong killing a person, an eye for an eye is not what we're looking for."
"There's nothing to be proud of in resorting to violence over words. Period. Full stop. End of story."
"I believe we have to stand against the idea that eugenics is going to come back to America."
"This is the flag of the nation that accepted the absolute moral truth that slavery is wrong, no matter what riches can be amassed, no matter what power can be gained, no matter the cost - slavery had to be abolished."
"Do the right thing, be strong, and pardon Julian Assange."
"No I get what you're saying you've got a stick to your principles period."
"I trust myself that I'm never gonna do anything horrific."
"There comes a point where there are certain red lines, and it's better to lose the election than to cross them."
"Decide now to stand for truth, be the cost what it may."
"I have never expressed agreement with the idea that one race can be said to be the master race over all the others."
"Never betray your conscience. And by the way, you don't have to agree with me."
"Follow your own sense of justice; it will remain true a hell lot longer than any code of conduct hanging on the office walls."
"I was opposed to bigotry, cruelty, demeaning women, or any other races, colors, or creeds."
"I want to be over here amongst the faithful, the ones who stood for the truth and stood for what was right."
"I don't want to compromise any of my convictions."
"We shouldn't seek to find common ground with insurrectionists."
"Good people don't aid in covering up a murder until it's convenient."
"Vaccination is not, as a rule, a moral obligation."