
Acronym Quotes

There are 187 quotes

"Fear stands for False Evidence Appearing Real."
"FIRE is an acronym of Financial Independence and Retiring Early."
"The mission at What's My Name is to raise awareness of ride-sharing safety using the acronym SAMI: Stop, Ask, Match, and Inform."
"The progression goes H-O-P-E: housing, orders, profits, employment."
"I really love the acronym PRAY: Pray, Repent, Ask, and Yield."
"GEOS stands for Graphic Environment Operating System."
"Fear represents faults: False Evidence Appearing Real."
"The acronym STALKER stands for scavengers, trespassers, adventurers, loners, explorers, and robbers."
"Wow, and that wow is an acronym for wow oh wow."
"GME B stands for Global Money Eastbound Entertainment."
"Team Thick Funnel: 'We're not sure, but we think it stands for 'damn asteroids really truck.''"
"SAVERS is an acronym: Silence, Affirmations, Visualizations, Exercise, Reading, Scribing."
"YAML is a human-readable data serialization language and it is like YAML Ain't Markup Language, that is the full form of YAML."
"GAIA, i.e. the Great Animal Integration Advent."
"This Acronym is a way of remembering a process we can use when we're triggered."
"F-E-A-R stands for forgetting everything's all right."
"Strip is an acronym. S stands for savings, T stands for total debt, R stands for retirement, I stands for invest, and P stands for plan."
"FBI stands for, in my eyes, 'funny, beautiful, and intelligent.'"
"YOLO stands for You Only Look Once."
"GARP is the man that's got the D."
"PITI stands for principal, interest, tax, and insurance."
"DNA stands for deoxy ribo nucleic acid."
"Tism is the EAP what you don't know burritos are to Mexicans."
"What does the AED stand for? If you said automated external defibrillator, you're absolutely correct."
"But anyway, let's start with GARP."
"The newest acronym in portable computing is not LCD or TFT, it is PCMCIA."
"I call it KISS - keep it simple stupid."
"Ikea is an acronym which stands for some [__], which is the founder's name."
"The V in SABER is for visualization."
"Welcome back to ASWK, which if you don't know what that stands for, it stands for Story Worth Telling."
"With the stroke, you gotta think FAST."
"NIMBY stands for Not In My Backyard."
"Karen is in fact an acronym: know your rights, accuse everyone, request a manager, escalate to authorities, and neglect reason."
"I'm going to put some acronyms or some initialisms on the screen rather, and I'd like you to tell me what they stand for."
"EDF stands for Electric Ducted Fan."
"What does the acronym f b i stand for the Federal Bureau of Investigation locked in Final Answer confident."
"Veal chop stands for variable decelerations, early decelerations, accelerations, and late decelerations."
"Remember PASS: Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep."
"MAGA stands for Mel Arthur greatly appreciated."
"we are ding quads we are double income no kids with a dogs plural ding quads double income no kid with a dog"
"An old friend of mine used to call it the slip get tiki which was an acronym for so long it's been good to know you."
"TULIP is a fairly good acronym for learning about the doctrines of Grace."
"Boat stands for bring out another thousand."
"It's an acronym for something, wives and girlfriends maybe."
"Cancer's acronym is C for caring, A for ambitious, and N for nourishing."
"Radar is an acronym for Radio Detection and Ranging."
"Chad came up with a good acronym... SAFETY means Search And Find Everyone That's Your Job."
"Some of those patterns can be easily broken down into an acronym called SCANS: Shape, Color, Arrangement, Number, Size."
"You should always remember to be a SLOB: sourcing, listing, organization, and bookkeeping."
"It's called 'Off' — Outstanding Friends Forever."
"The structure of DNA... stands for deoxyribonucleic acid."
"The sequence is determined based on the acronym PEMDAS."
"I'm feeling fear but I'm pushing through. 'F.E.A.R.' stands for 'Face Everything And Rise'."
"BPF has evolved; it's now no longer an acronym, it is a technology name."
"Fail actually means first attempt in learning."
"The main anthropogenic, or human, threats to biodiversity can be summarized by the acronym HIPPCO: Habitat Destruction, Invasive Species, Population Growth, Pollution, Climate Change, and Overexploitation."
"ACT stands for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy."
"She should be great G-R-E-A-T-T: Giving, Responsible, Emotionally stable, Agreeable, Trustworthy, and able to Trust."
"Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. F-E-A-R."
"Prince2 stands for Projects IN Controlled Environments."
"What does DAX stand for anyway? Data Analysis Expressions."
"SHIELD stands for Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division."
"Our infamous acronym doesn’t stand for Secure Contain Protect: it stands for Sweet Confectionary Products."
"Chinx is just an acronym for Coward Hearted Individuals Never X Succeed."
"BYD stands for Build Your Dreams."
"PLUR stands for Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect."
"Raid stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks."
"NASCAR stands for National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing."
"SOLID is always better than stupid."
"In the acronym Roy G. Biv, what does the 'O' stand for? The answer is orange."
"What does the G stand for in the name of the UK Intelligence Agency GCHQ?"
"For me, FTW stands for 'Fascinating to Watch'."
"What does ZR stand for? It actually stands for Zora's Racer."
"So violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, this is known as VIBGYOR."
"TARDIS, of course, is an abbreviation for 'Tony's a really dismal information specialist'."
"I use this acronym G-BOMBS so you don't forget those foods that have the strongest connection in the scientific literature to immune supporting effects that prevent cancer."
"SCP, I believe, stands for Secure, Contain, Protect."
"Project Ryan was an acronym for 'Raketno-Yadernoe Napadenie' translated into 'nuclear missile attack'."
"Rest is really an acronym for Representational State Transfer."
"Attack is in fact an acronym for Adversarial Tactics Techniques and Common Knowledge."
"Noise stands for Nurture, Inspire, Create, Educate."
"Kiss actually stands for 'Kiss is Stanley and Simmons'."
"SELEX stands for Systemic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment."
"What is the acronym NASCAR stand for? Professional Association of Stock Car Auto Racing."
"Homie is an acronym standing for Helping Others Move in Excellence."
"What does WTTW stand for? Windows to the world."
"HELLP stands for Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, and Low Platelet count."
"What does HST stand for? Well, there seems to be some differences of opinion on that."
"Fear means false evidence appearing real."
"TRICK stands for Trust, Respect, Independence, Collaboration, and Kindness."
"What does HTTP stand for? Hypertext Transfer Protocol."
"Laser is actually an acronym; it stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation."
"King is an acronym that stands for knowledge, inspiration, and nurture through God."
"BFF stands for best friends forever."
"Laser stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation."
"Tanakh is an acronym of the first Hebrew letter of each of the Masoretic Text's three traditional subdivisions: Torah, Nevi'im, and Ketuvim."
"What's a blob? That's kind of an acronym; it stands for Binary Large Object."
"Dumbo, if you didn't know, is an acronym for Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass."
"Real estate itself is the I.D.E.A.L. investment."
"The F-E-A-R of fear stands for False Evidence Appearing Real."
"We use the word DREAM: that's Durable, Reliable, Employable, Affordable, and Manageable."
"The term GAPS is an acronym from the best-selling book title Gut and Psychology Syndrome."
"TROPICS is an acronym. It stands for Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation Structure and Storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats."
"System stands for save yourself time, energy, money."
"Pride, integrity, guts - yes, PIGS."
"If someone is described as a VIP, what the valletta stand for? Very important person."
"ARM interestingly stands for Acorn RISC Machine."
"IROC actually stands for International Race of Champions."
"Flip basically stands for First, Last, Invert, Play."
"I used to think LOL meant lots of love."
"Bible B-I-B-L-E, Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth."
"LECA is actually an acronym for Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregates."
"SHARC is an acronym for Submersible High-speed Attack and Reconnaissance Craft."
"I play on the devotional reel which is an acronym: relevant, engaging, authentic life."
"Someone really wanted our initials to spell out 'SHIELD'."
"If anything does happen to me, remember the acronym C-O-L-D."
"You only live once, so if I was to put that into an acronym, it would be like YOLO."
"Plus X Positive Times is what that stands for."
"Hypertext Markup Language is what it stands for."
"Patriot stands for Phased Array Tracking Radar Intercept On Target."
"I decided to live by the acronym: No black man is my enemy."
"The program that they wrote was called ZIP, which stood for Z-machine Interpretation Program."
"Goal stands for Get Out And Live."
"Life is for me an acronym: Love In Full Expression."
"The acronym 'STORES' helps you remember the non-price determinants of supply: Subsidies, Taxes, Technology, Other related goods' prices, Resource costs, Expectations of producers of future prices, and the Size of the market."
"The greatest of all time, if you want to know what GOAT means."
"CRUD is another four-letter acronym like MERN. The letters of CRUD stand for Create, Read, Update, and Delete."
"I especially love LSD, which stands for love, selflessness, and devotion."
"Put a smile on your face, what smile stands for? Start My Internal Love Engine."
"What do the letters YMCA stand for? Young Men's Christian Association."
"Tag actually stands for Techniques d'Avant Garde."
"The name Lefty stands for Lure, Encapsulate, Fuse, Transport, Extract."
"The acronym FDI stands for Foreign Direct Investment."
"They chose this name specifically for the acronym."
"USB is an acronym of Universal Serial Bus."
"LOC stands for liquid or leave-in, oil, and cream."
"I'm only known for spitting fire, most advanced yet acceptable, we spell it out as MAYA."
"I am a goat, and the goat, for those of you guys that don't know, is an acronym for greatest of all time."
"We only live once, you know. WOLO."
"Stalker is also an acronym that means scavengers, trespassers, adventurers, loners, killers, explorers, and robbers."
"What does FLIP stand for? Faster, Longer life, Improved Performance, and that's FLIP."
"The acronym 'IMPLODES' stands for initiative, material, pawn structure, lines for the rooks, officers which are the minor pieces, development, and space."
"AFQT stands for Armed Forces Qualification Test."
"What we have written here, that light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, this is a process."
"Put a smile on your face. Do you remember what SMILE stands for? Start My Internal Love Engine."
"To help you remember the determinants of exchange rates, I have come up with a useful acronym that is TIPSY."
"We need the ingredients called SLIM: Shear, Lift, Instability, and Moisture."
"Crude is an acronym for create, read, update, and delete."
"Thug it means truly humble under God."
"A year of GAS sounds like a dangerous medical condition, but it is actually a pleasure."
"Elf actually stands for eyes, lips, and face, which I never knew."
"SURF stands for Speeded Up Robust Features."
"You're the G-O-A-T, you're the goat."
"Fear stands for false experiences appearing real."
"Mars does not mean Mars the planet; it stands for machine learning, artificial intelligence, automation, robotics, and space exploration."
"The name was also uniquely stylized to represent the second meaning, an acronym that stood for Girls From New Dreams."
"System stands for Save Yourself Time, Energy, and Money."
"If you're not familiar with that acronym, CRUD it stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete."
"Is it possible that BMW stands for Big Money Wasted?"
"Fear itself: False Evidence Appearing Real."
"False expectations appearing real is the acronym for the word fear."