
Pro-choice Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"I am Pro women's choice for them to do what they want with their body, point-blank period."
"I am pro-life, but once again, not my life, people have a right to choose."
"I have a profound reverence for life and a deep respect for choice."
"I am completely, 100% pro-choice, and that is not going to change."
"There's nothing loving about forcing a person to give up their bodily autonomy for a being which isn't even sentient."
"It's a woman's choice; it's her body at the end of the day."
"I feel like it's a woman's right to choose what she wants to do with her own body."
"I believe it's a woman's right. I believe in the right to bodily autonomy."
"Well, I'm personally, I'm pro-choice of it. I personally would never have an abortion; but I can't tell anyone else."
"How can you be pro-life and pro-choice? I support four choices: contraception, abstinence, motherhood, adoption."
"Feminism as a movement should be pro-choice to allow anyone to choose whatever path they want to have."
"All of the Abrahamic faiths, in their holy texts, are like unambiguously pro-choice."
"Stem cell therapy is a very good thing. I believe in the woman's right to choose. I'm pro-choice."
"Most of you who follow me and many of you disagree with me know that I am actually pro-choice."
"There's a lot of like quote unquote Christians that like aren't super practicing that would probably be more likely to be a pro-choice right."
"Our principles are pro-choice... we believe pro-life is a part of it... who's actually the liberal... who is actually trying to open up the doors for everyone?"
"99% of men who are pro-choice hold that view so that random swipe rights are more likely to hook up so they won't be on the hook for child support."
"I will forever be pro-choice because pro-choice is pro-woman. You can't be pro-woman if you're not pro-women in the womb."
"It's pro-choosing the right to have an abortion if you feel that's necessary."
"I'm pro-choice... people should choose what they want to do for themselves."
"I think Bob realized this that there are no expectations and however close he gets to his old physique his journey is amazing."
"I am pro-choice. I believe that a woman should have the right to choose."
"Even if you personally would never get an abortion and you never want to even think about getting one, other people also deserve to have that choice."
"I'm pro-choice, if you want it get it if you don't you don't feel like you need it don't get it."
"He's pro-life and pro-choice... I put myself in the same category."
"We are sending two pro-choice senators to the U.S. Senate from Georgia."
"Until the child comes out of her, it is her body, it is her choice."
"Good people on the pro-choice side fervently believe in personal autonomy."
"My name is Rocky You SheHer, pronounced I'm from Austin, Texas. And I am very pro-abortion."
"By saying I am pro-choice, it's implying that I am anti-life. But the choice you made literally saved your life. It's not an abortion. It's not considered the same thing as purposely killing a child inside the womb."
"I feel like pro-choice is a thing. Like, if it's a country of freedom where everyone's different, you know what I'm saying, that's why it's another person's choices don't directly affect you, you know what I'm saying?"
"Your body, your choice, until it's not about your body anymore but about the body and life growing inside you."
"When people tell you that pro-life stands against pro-choice, that's wrong grammatically and logically. The opposite of pro-life is pro-death. Pro-life is pro-choice because God said, 'Choose life.'"
"I'm big-time pro-choice. If you're just like you can never get an abortion, I seem to think you're a little crazy."
"This is 100% a pro-choice page so if you are not pro choice and anybody that is pro-choice bothers you you may want to click off of this video."
"I think we said this before, I don't think the um I saw something that said pro-choice isn't pro-abortion."
"...is what's inside of her a disposable commodity, a piece of property that you can do with what you want, or is what's inside of her growing and living, kicking, moving, sucking his or her thumb, a human being with certain rights?"
"I grew up thinking that I was pro-life and it wasn't until more recently that I figured out, like in high school, I want to say, where I was like, okay, I'm definitely pro-choice."
"It's easy to be pro-choice because you're not the one being killed."
"It's important for a woman to have pro-choice because yo, it's my body."
"I think that people who want to have children should have children, and people who don't want to have children shouldn't."
"I've always been extremely pro-choice, and I'm devastated about what happened."
"It is your body, your choice. Ending abortion will never end abortion; it will only end safe legal access to it."
"Since a man can't make one, he has no right to tell a woman when and where to create one."
"I really believe a woman has the right to choose and I can't really get away from that."
"I became pro-choice earlier this year, and you guys are some of the people who helped me get there."
"I am pro-choice, at the end of the day I feel like... it's her choice."
"I'm very pro-choice but it is one of those things where I have to live in a reality where I share this Earth with people who don't agree on reality with me."
"I think women should always have the choice because it's their body."
"We believe in God and we believe in Jesus. And, at the same time, we believe that government should not interfere with a woman's right to choose."