
Societal Questions Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Blade Runner 2049 is one of the most important films made this Century because the movie asked some incredibly important questions about modern society."
"The fact that there is a wall up around the capital raises the question: who are they trying to keep out?"
"What do we want politics in America to be about?"
"This case really raises deep questions about the system, not just one actor or two actors in the system."
"The central animating question of the next 10, 20 years is going to be: do we accept this new version of racism?"
"Forced us to ask some very uncomfortable questions."
"We shouldn't be doing things the way the world says to do them, being set apart allows others to ask questions."
"Do we just create a different kind of madness?"
"What is racist about wanting to preserve your culture? Nothing."
"It's not about the race of the police officers, it's a question of blue."
"The Expanse did a really great job of teeing up these questions for us and thinking what would we do, how would we govern, how can we make this world more livable?"
"Should they be punished? Should they be forgiven? What should happen to them?"
"What kind of world do you want to live in, what kind of world do you want other people to live in?"
"The question 'Who is my neighbor?' may be the most important for democracy."
"Why is it that there's a gun shop on almost every corner in this community? Why?"
"His story is important because it raises questions that dominate our own times."
"The $6 million question is how do we change this? How do we change course given this state of affairs?"
"A black man is protecting his white family from whom?"
"Why does this happen over and over? Why don't they fall apart in the same way today?"
"What you want me to do, do you want me to lock a young person up?"
"The attentional economy of the world of Donald Trump is the defining question of our age. How do you pay attention to what's important and ignore what's not?"
"Live and let live. Isn't that the right question?"
"Really what this whole thing is about is the question how to be human and we are as a species or at least as a civilization reconsidering that question..."
"Whites can do it, but blacks can't? Who's the racist?"
"Why do you think so many of these predators ended up in the priesthood?"
"In a 21st-century world, how should we actually live?"
"Are we dealing with poor and rich equally? Are we dealing male and female equally? That is justice."
"Babylon wins... How can Babylon rise in a Christian Nation? How can churches fail and anti-God institutions win?"
"Nobody is asking why everyone's getting sick."
"Big questions are afoot, big things are afoot, and there are quite precisely drawn sharp challenges to our generation."
"I don't know anymore, you know? I don't know who is progressive, what is a progressive."
"How is he able to constantly get away with this [ __ ]?"
"We really have to ask ourselves these questions and wonder if a complete surveillance state is the answer."
"What kind of a society do you want? Do we want to be?" - Richard Taylor
"It's the rare kind of film that manages to shock and entertain while asking deeper questions that effect all of us as individuals and the world as a whole."
"This whole series addresses what if people have been asking about for years... what about when they go out and they just... they're saving the world but they're just doing it any which way they want to."
"How do we free us? Who are we to each other?"
"So many modern men today are simply asking the question: What is the benefit to me?"
"When something happens, we then go, 'Why didn't anybody tell us about that?'"
"Why do we want any more people? I mean, frankly, it's ridiculous."
"Cyberpunk has like some real things to say and questions that are real to ask about society and humanity and I think that's really cool to me."
"Questions like, 'What is our identity?'... should we reduce migration... are fundamental questions about the national community."
"What does it look like to have a world with actual Free Speech?"
"David's role in the global justice movement... really all centered around a simple problem: is this really the only way for us to live and organize ourselves as a species?"
"Why does everything have to be fighting against each other?"
"Policy is supposed to answer some of these questions."
"Why can we be that inhuman towards other people? Why do they do that? Why can’t they let other people live the life they want to live?"
"Normative questions seem to have the same kind of pressing demand that questions about truth and falsity in the natural sciences do."
"Some people would contest that that brings to the forefront a lot of questions about liberty, the standard of life, potential hypocrisy in other areas."
"Upon what particular foundations did the big ideas of Eastern civilization stand as they answered the pressing questions facing their own societies?"
"No one has an exact yes or no answer to how to live and how to run a culture or society."
"It's a time where we have a lot of questions, you know. What's next for us as a society? Will we ever see a brighter tomorrow?"
"The Baha'is have a plan, we have a vision that's coherent, that's meaningful, that addresses all of these questions and more."
"It asks really big questions about nature versus nurture, about our circumstances, our class, our economic status, and how those things craft us and mold us."
"What are we doing collectively, I mean the people of this world?"