
Historical Achievements Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Contend for greatness and you will see the historic happen."
"All of our achievements are based on hundreds of years of scientific development, thousands of years of scientific development."
"A massive amount of knowledge and intelligence has been lost compared to what was once achieved in the past."
"You only develop the capability to get that level of precision because of function or because it has some tangible benefit."
"This has always been a dream: the Chinese built the wall, the Egyptians built the pyramids, the Japanese built Yamato, and the Americans built Midway."
"Examines both the staggering problems and astounding accomplishments of the 20th century."
"Sultan Murad I, grandson to a lowly nomadic warlord who migrated to Anatolia, had become the overlord of both the Byzantine and Bulgarian Empires in addition to large swaths of the former Serbian Empire."
"This is not a moment for fear. This is the time to tap the strength and audacity that took us to victory in two world wars and brought down the Iron Curtain."
"Indigenous people developed a complex writing system, calendars, and books."
"Some achievements, like the earliest use of the number zero and brain surgery, were among the most advanced in the world for their time."
"We managed to defeat fascism and contain and ultimately defeat communism because we believed in something bigger than ourselves."
"These tweaks made it capable enough to put Yuri Gagarin into orbit on April 12th, 1961."
"Hasakura's achievements became part of the fabric of the less than a decade-old newly formed Empire of Japan."
"Henry VII was the only king for more than a century who had achieved all three goals."
"The construction of these baths is a magnificent feat of Engineering."
"Life expectancy increased by about three decades... that is absolutely astonishing."
"Humanity is incredibly resilient. Look at the things that we've done throughout history."
"Many who focus on his achievements will also point towards the fact that life expectancy rates and living standards in China increased dramatically."
"There was a time when black men used to go out here and you can literally build a whole community."
"I think what really got us to today was everything we learned from when Gagarin launched."
"We built the pyramids and the Greeks built the Parthenon."
"With as much computing power in our hands... we had when we did the moon shot when we put a man on the moon."
"Persepolis is one of the great architectural achievements of the ancient world."
"Capturing an armed warship is very difficult, yet Cochrane achieved that regularly."
"Wilt actually had the third and fourth most points and eighth most points in a single season in this career."
"It's really important that we got one of these guys into space."
"Centuries before the Pyramids of Giza, India had urban planning that wouldn't be beat."
"Civilizations inhabiting these places pioneered almost everything from science to art and architecture."
"But we've also had triumphs including emancipation and civil rights movement."
"You don’t produce something like the pyramids without really being possessed by an idea."
"You know, just get one Michelin star. You know, they put a man on the moon with no technology. You can put a man on the moon Michelin star."
"It's amazing because the vast empire didn't have a writing system that we've found yet. They didn't even use the wheel in any practical sense. And yet they built one of the greatest road systems the world has ever seen."
"One of the most incredible and dangerous engineering feats of the 20th century."
"He didn't just survive, he managed to establish a long-lived colony."
"Eric the Red knew how to build a colony that would last."
"Ancient civilizations had advanced architectural, astronomical, and mathematical knowledge."
"Ukrainians have also been huge on inventions and accomplishments they things like CDs bloodless blood tests vaccines against the plague and cholera postcode kerosene lamps and the first kidney transplant was performed in Ukraine as well."
"We as a global community ended slavery and we did it without the benefit of social media and without the internet."
"It was truly a remarkably inclusive endeavor."
"You may even find that special friend along the way."
"Achievements of labor struggles have always been in the case when there was at least a mildly sympathetic responsive power system."
"Telescopes today are pretty advanced but it's incredible what people 6,000 years ago were capable of making with only rocks."
"There has never, ever, ever been anything the United States is unable to accomplish when we've done it together."
"We are America; we went to the moon 50 years ago. Let's make our moonshot justice for this generation."
"And following the intuitions of Erast Gliner has led to incredible discoveries in the past, so perhaps they will again."
"I just don't see a group of people getting together and being able to move that but then again they've done a lot of things that have still been mind-blowing to us to this day we still can't figure out."
"Foot was actually the first person, despite many obstacles, to discover that CO2 kept the Earth warmer than it otherwise would be."
"Our ancestors braved the unknown, tamed the wilderness, settled the Wild West, lifted millions from poverty, disease, and hunger."
"These people far exceeded us not only in their physical abilities but in their intellectual feats as well."
"One giant leap for mankind brought to you exclusively by the United States government [ __ ] terrifying."
"We had just basically put a beach ball up in space Sputnik you look at that whoo that was like a huge major achievement in 57."
"The Mercury 13 may not have made it into space but they did prove that women really did have the right stuff."
"It truly is a genius explanation for the genius ancient engineering on display."
"They've translated The Works of the past as well as developing the science of algebra, chemistry, sociology, and the concept of infinity."
"The Arabs at the height of their civilization created the second most advanced Western civilization."
"What wars they waged, what seas, what dangers past, what glorious Empire crowned their toils at last, Ventress I sing on soaring pinions born."
"We come from kings and queens; we built civilizations while you were still in caves."
"There isn't much that the Romans didn't discover, didn't create."
"Ancient people had brilliant and innovative technological solutions to engineering challenges, and we should not underestimate their capabilities."
"We stand on the shoulders of American heroes who crossed the oceans, blazed the trails, settled the continent, tamed the wilderness, laid down the railroads, won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism, and made America the greatest nation in the history of the world."
"Early civilizations have proved they're capable of creating incredible things."
"Only in the towering achievements and the pages of the past could they find the stature a man needs to see off into the future."
"Over the last 200 years, we helped win two world wars, put men on the moon, and survived both disco and bell-bottom pants."
"Arabs... they're not weak, they're not incapable or incompetent; they've had a glorious history."
"We're making all kind of history here with the Big Three."
"Everyone stay calm, it's nothing too serious, just one member of The Big Three casually ripping off pieces of history from his two main rivals."
"The cities of Harappa, Mohenjo-daro, and Lothal are all examples of incredible feats of engineering."