
Hormone Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Vitamin D is not just a vitamin. Vitamin D is actually a hormone."
"Hunger is a good thing, and studies are now suggesting that ghrelin, the hunger hormone, is actually driving a lot of the benefits of fasting."
"Vitamin D is not really a vitamin; it's a hormone."
"The real key and most important factor of sleeping is the sleep hormone called melatonin."
"Growth hormone is the main anti-aging hormone."
"...medicine has completely ignored this hormone."
"The longer you go without estrogen, the more likely diseases are to start."
"Vitamin D is often referred to as a longevity hormone."
"One of the best ways to improve growth hormone is going to just simply be fasting."
"So hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland is overactive and it produces too much hormone."
"When we have better muscle mass it improves our bone health, and testosterone independent of muscle has a positive effect on bone building along with estrogen."
"This process is very, very, very, very important. If it does not happen, your body will not produce enough T3, which is the strongest thyroid hormone in your entire body."
"Metformin might also increase the levels of the satiety hormone GDF15, leading to potential weight loss."
"The one thing the IGF doesn't like is alcohol. Alcohol absolutely disturbs the sleep pattern, so the sleep cycle is not initiated, you lose the first golden hour, which means the IGF is not secreted."
"Estrogen is complementary in shape to The Binding site of the receptor on the transcription Factor."
"The decline in testosterone levels is correlated with depression and suicide."
"When the vasopressin levels get high enough, that's actually when a man becomes monogamous."
"The more I've researched the hormone estrogen, I realize how powerful it is as a hormone for all aspects of health."
"People think that women don't have testosterone. People do, women do have testosterone, it's just that it's a ratio issue."
"Combined oral contraceptive pills can help normalize hormone levels and improve acne."
"Estrogens can possibly help you not gain so much fat around the midriff."
"The hormone that makes men feel good is testosterone."
"Estrogen is more about feelings and emotions."
"Progesterone is your Hakuna Matata hormone it makes you calm it's natural and anxiety."
"Estrogen is also a go-getter you know it's your ambitious hormone it makes you want things it makes you want to do something and perform and have fun."
"Melatonin helps time the healthy onset of sleep."
"Vitamin D is one of those things that should be called a hormone."
"The ovaries produce higher levels of the hormone testosterone, which can cause acne as well as facial hair."
"Thyroid hormone impacts almost every tissue and organ we have in our body and helps it work better, a little bit like oil in your car and keeping the machinery running well."
"Another important hormone produced by the pituitary gland is oxytocin. It's also known as the love hormone or the cuddle hormone."
"Oxytocin improves memory for faces, ability to infer the mental states of others, generosity, and trust experience."
"HCG is used to stimulate natural testosterone production to stimulate testes to increase their natural production."
"Testosterone: the most active hormone in both sexes."
"Testosterone accelerates wound healing, thickens skin, decreases fine lines and wrinkles."
"Reduce exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals to preserve testosterone."
"I think the testosterone is helping me maintain my weight better with the Clean Diet."
"For postmenopausal women, it's primarily coming from your adrenal glands, and even for my men who are over the age of 50, your testicles are making less testosterone, but your adrenal glands can still pitch in testosterone and DHEA."
"Low progesterone, you'll have trouble falling pregnant."
"Progesterone is involved in bone density, blood sugar regulation, libido, mood, estrogen balancing, fat metabolism, and energy."
"The female brain really prefers a steady state of hormone levels."
"Progesterone may assist with weight loss if it's part of a comprehensive treatment plan."
"Adequate levels of DHEA can increase libido and sexual arousal, improve motivation, engender a sense of well-being, decrease pain, facilitate rapid eye movement sleep, and enhance memory and the immune system."
"Testosterone of course is a hormone that helps with Drive confidence muscle mass fat loss cognitive performance and function."
"Insulin is a hormone, it's a messenger."
"After the release of antidiuretic hormone, fluid volume in the body increases."
"Our brain patterns better when we have higher levels of oxytocin."
"Leptin is a peptide hormone that is released by fat cells."
"Vitamin D can raise testosterone levels in men and helps with immune function."
"Progesterone is the balancing hormone."
"It's the peaceful, the feel-good hormone."
"Only 15 minutes high intensity interval training a day will cause a release of the human growth hormone."
"That human growth hormone remains active for 24 hours."
"The hormone is the key, and the receptor is the lock."
"Growth hormone will cause, you guessed it, growth."
"Ghrelin is a hormone that travels to our brain and tells us we're hungry, let's start eating."
"Yes, insulin is a very important hormone that dictates about how you lose fat."
"Vitamin D is a hormone produced in the skin in amounts estimated up to 25,000 international units a day."
"Leptin is an area of increased interest right now."
"Oxytocin circumvents leptin resistance quite powerfully."
"Epinephrine is a main hormone that controls the body's fight-or-flight response."
"Erythropoietin is a hormone that's released by your kidneys and it stimulates your red bone marrow to make more red blood cells."
"Estrogen turns out is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory hormone."
"Progesterone's nickname is 'happy hormone'."
"Serotonin is the feel-good happy hormone that makes us allows us to be happy."
"A faster return to pre-pregnancy figure... your body produces a hormone called oxytocin."
"Estrogen is a powerful anti-inflammatory hormone that has receptors all over your body."
"You are vindicating estrogen, oh my goodness, about time."
"Norepinephrine is beautiful, it's both a neurotransmitter when released in the brain and it's actually a hormone when it's released in the body."
"Serotonin in low light is converted to melatonin."
"When you eat high-quality protein and when you eat enough of it, it signals your body to release a hormone called peptide YY which tells your brain you're full, you're satisfied, and you don't need to eat."
"Growth hormone stimulates most cells to enlarge and divide, but major targets are going to be bone and our skeletal muscle."
"Thyroid stimulating hormone or TSH is going to stimulate normal development and secretion of our thyroid gland."
"Adrenaline, known as the fight or flight hormone, it's a human body's rocket fuel."
"Vitamin D is really not so much a vitamin as it is a pro hormone."
"Our bodies take vitamin D and produce it into a hormone that affects every tissue in the body."
"The brain sends out follicle stimulating hormone or FSH, which works to stimulate a follicle to grow, and that's the one you ovulate."
"Hepcidin is a very important hormone."
"Testing testosterone is not a simple concept; it has what we call diurnal variation."
"Testosterone is the hormone of motivation."
"Leptin is the primary fat regulating hormone in the body."
"Vitamin D3 is not just a vitamin, it's a hormone."
"Oxytocin is the love and bonding hormone."
"Never have I ever met a more hated and feared hormone than cortisol."
"Melatonin is a natural hormone in the body; it's one of the most potent anti-cancer hormones that are known to man."
"Vitamin D is not just a vitamin; it's also a hormone, which means it can travel all around your body, have wide effects, and pass right through the membrane of some of your cells and just interact internally."
"Cholecystokinin... I'm the hormone that moves the choli cyst, I'm the hormone that contracts the gall bladder."
"Testosterone is a fantastic hormone. It is useful and it's vitally important both in men as well as women."
"Insulin is a hormone, a protein hormone that helps to regulate our blood glucose levels."
"Insulin is a hormone referred to as one of the master hormones of the body."
"The testicles... produce testosterone."
"Your fat does make a hormone that tells you when you're full."
"Your heart even makes a hormone to control your urine output."
"Estrogen is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, and a key factor in tissue repair."
"It's a cuddle hormone, so it helps with libido and desire."
"Oxytocin is a natural hormone, so no, not addicting."
"High levels of this miracle hormone... has actually been shown to play a huge role in influencing appetite, improving metabolic health and immunity, and even extending lifespan in mice."
"Blocking dihydrotestosterone may increase IGF-1 production in certain individuals and thus allow hair to grow."
"Insulin is absolutely essential to life; it is the essential hormone that promotes the growth processes of the body, including healing."
"Dopamine is one of the four positive hormones that we have in our body. When we get dopamine, we feel high."
"Insulin is a naturally occurring hormone, it's a protein hormone that circulates in all of our bodies and regulates glucose metabolism."
"Cortisol has this great short-term effect of mobilizing all of our precursors or our nutrients, getting fatty acids in the blood for energy utilization, glucose in the bloodstream, amino acids in the bloodstream."
"Testosterone increases physical growth... it's called an anabolic reaction."