
Race Relations Quotes

There are 208 quotes

"We just want the opportunity to prove ourselves. That's it. We're not obsessed with race and all of that."
"Race relations have to do with race relations... We have to step forward and ask questions about each other."
"Whether we do or go initiate anything like reparations, it is going to succeed or fail on the basis of whether or not we have a larger framework for the conversation over race and Black America specifically."
"They are lucky that what black people are looking for is equality and not revenge."
"We don't see the scope again of how issues of race connect to socioeconomic issues, to issues of poverty, to issues of spatial isolation, to a whole range of issues."
"They want kids of all races to see everyone based on race...it's just bad news."
"I'm gonna stop calling you a white man, and I'm gonna ask you to stop calling me a black man."
"The liberal position on race has always been: a) the color of a person's skin is insignificant, and b) those who believe race is significant are racist."
"The story of a black man's visit to his white girlfriend's parents gone horribly wrong is also a biting, absurdist satire."
"White progressives are my specialty... I think we do the most daily harm because we're more likely to be in the lives of people of color."
"You get a chance to see the balance between the racial hate and the love at the same time too."
"Everyone came from Africa... there's only one race, and that's the human race."
"Does America have a race problem? All the evidence says yes."
"If you're legitimately a white person here and you literally want to do the right thing, you just gotta try to be, you just gotta listen and learn."
"What people want here is the reproduction and reification of a hegemony that puts black bodies below white bodies."
"When you see the line between good and evil being laid down between races and identity groups."
"You have to start seeing the signs or if you don't want to see the signs you have to start believing the black people who are telling you about the signs."
"The rising conflict can't be ignored. My fear was that if a white majority feels legitimately threatened, you will be crushed."
"It's white versus black because it's an election year... There's no race war going on right now."
"Racism is only a thing because each and every race is racist to one another, but no one wants to talk about that, all this wouldn't exist if each race didn't come together."
"You better remember what you... because again the rules everything is different and white supremacy has set a tone."
"We've been talking about a national conversation about race for as long as I can remember we've never been able to have that conversation honestly in my opinion"
"To be honest, I don't know if race relations will improve in America, but I know that if they will improve, we have to take these challenges on head on."
"Black people know the score we want someone to speak the truth not some boot licking sellouts who are trying to change their tune because they're desperate to figure out where a better position in the media landscape might be."
"Barack Obama campaigned as a unity candidate, declaring an end to racial conflict."
"Politicians should never attack any group on the basis of their race. That's just totally immoral. I thought that was the lesson of the Civil Rights Movement."
"When you try to talk to most white people about racism the first thing they'll say is I don't see color."
"If you're black, Mexican, Arab, Chinese, I don't care what your race is, you're human just like me."
"As soon as you come out of your mouth and say that you're a black woman or black man, yeah white supremacy exists in your realm."
"The fact that the race grifters tried to make this a white kid and then we're proven wrong."
"Called white people Philip ran a not used to that a particular part of this country for the first time ever in their whole lives feel just as oppressed as my ass is."
"There is no superior race. We've been lied to. It hasn't anything to do with race."
"Such a focus, and people don't realize if you eliminate a lot of this wealth problem, a lot of these racial issues will disappear as well."
"Conservatives don't care about race. They care about policies and ideas."
"Dear white people examines race relations through comedy and satire while it elicits many laughs from the audience at its core it's a serious film."
"Seeing this made me rethink my views on race in a good way."
"Race plays a role in that. The history of black people in this country plays a role in that."
"Start to deal with the racial problems in the country in a way that acknowledges that there are legitimate concerns."
"Race is real. Race matters. Race is the foundation of identity."
"America is the least racist white majority society in the country."
"There's no such thing as individualism... it's a joke that the white man runs on you."
"Everything white people do has a political purpose."
"Black people are as dependent on white people today as we were when slavery ended."
"White people are not the problem. End of story."
"Educated black people go to white institutions, learn white theories, and then apply them to demonize black people."
"We pray dear God that you allow this community to heal Kenosha, that you bring us back together, that you tear down the walls that separate us because of race and other issues."
"White women are extremely obsessed with black women and it's kind of weird in a lot of ways."
"So somebody please share this with a black person. If you have one black friend, share it. If you don't have a black friend, you racist."
"Race is more important in terms of your access than the money you have."
"I don't feel like we're losing I feel like we're smoking people out and feel more comfortable than they used to in saying yeah for black people racism is there but it isn't everything."
"The charge of racism is used too casually in the United States."
"Black people are more afraid of being victimized and see crime as more of a dangerous issue, yet they are also more distrustful of the criminal justice system."
"If we are all the same one race, why does the system not want mixing of the races?"
"Blaming the problems of society on one set group like this whole critical race theory thing is doing."
"We know that you're anti-black and that you want to deny your Hispanic heritage."
"We're engaged in a white supremacist war that has been amplified."
"More conversations between everybody, yes. More comfortable conversations, especially black people and Jewish people, let's do it."
"Critical race theory is the idea that black people are relentless victims of relentless white racism all the time everywhere."
"There's this trend here where the burden of saving the white supremacist or the Nazi or the conservative who has racist beliefs or whatever that burden always falls upon the person who was a victim of that oppressive group."
"Nothing about conservatism... espouses either a race-based view of the world or the idea that you should be able to go out and hurt people whom you dislike particularly on the basis of race."
"It's not particular to our race. So I don't see why people can't take the positives from that instead of essentially punishing Asian people for doing well."
"Women have been asked to carry a great load. Black women especially have been asked to reprogram themselves and consider dating outside their race, but it's not easy to give up on finding a black man when that's what you're naturally attracted to."
"I don't believe white people will ever love you enough to give you the opportunities you truly deserve."
"If this was any other mixed-race Asian person saying they experienced racism and a white guy was laughing in their face, you would be on their side."
"Race is not everything, but it's not nothing."
"It's all a ruse. It's all a lie to continue to weaponize race and ethnicity."
"Race is not important, and to say it is, is racist."
"When you understand why, you understand why people dislike black people."
"Forgetting or not acknowledging the historical narrative impacts present-day race."
"How about if it was a black guy washing the feet of the cop? The entire point is power dynamics."
"When it comes to judging black behavior, even facts don't matter."
"He throws out race because he knows it's red meat."
"White moneyed interests deciding to hide behind the skirts of black women is going to look really ugly for the black community in general."
"Black people need to stop falling for the [ __ ] okey doke, stop letting white people dance in front of you."
"In order for the black male and the black female to even begin... they have to be able to talk frankly and honestly with one another."
"We're living a whole set of fictions in the United States today. The primary one is, again, that white supremacy is the big terror threat."
"Nobody's replacing anyone, it's just an insane idea." - Rejecting the white replacement theory.
"We're engaged in this deliberate conversation about race and racism and how we should show up about it because we didn't do that after the Civil War."
"It's very difficult for me to think of any [race-based policies] that have helped more than they hurt."
"Race is still a major issue in the United States of America, there's no way of disputing that."
"It's crazy how absolutely insane everything's getting in terms of race relations, racial stories, and all the stuff."
"Athletes who are important to the social structure, entertainers who are important to the social structure which is all really about capitalism in many ways as it relates to and intertwines with race."
"Critical race theory is a marxian theory of race, a conflict theory of race."
"Anyway, what I heard for the first time in a long time was a conversation that moved in the direction of race and power and politics and economics but did not derail."
"I think there is something to how we speak to each other at times that is rooted in colorism."
"White people need to talk to each other about this."
"If I was white I would have captured the world." - Dorothy Dandridge
"I don't care anything about race, what are your values are you on my side and color is not determining that."
"Is Christianity the white man's religion? It's evident."
"If you're saying 'I don't see race,' you are blind to what is a reality."
"Are Americans capable of accepting that if you impose color blindness... you will have considerably fewer African Americans?"
"Black folks are not monolithic just like other races."
"Islam is the only religion that I've found that fixes the race problem since going to the mosque."
"The black-owned black criminal is an ally of white domination."
"Richard Pryor was the first person to give white people their real voices."
"There's a difference between saying 'I don't see color' and recognizing and empathizing with historical and social inequalities."
"Tell me what has he uttered that's racist? I don't think you're racist. Just to say that super plainly, I don't think you're racist."
"White folks actually that are more blunt about what they feel and what they think I respect more. I don't like the closet racists."
"Race may never completely lose its social meaning, but it needs to lose its social power for sure."
"The key to all of it is not race, it's culture."
"Colorism is one of those discussions that seldom can be had in an honest full manner."
"White people who treat all races equally are actually the most dangerous white people."
"We need to have more dialogue on race in order to progress as a nation."
"Some white people, god bless them, are walking towards you and somebody has to move out of the way, it's either there's gonna be a collision or I have to move."
"America is the least racist nation in the history of the world."
"It was refreshing to see black people of down south beating up white people. I'm not gonna lie, it was refreshing, we needed that, we needed to see that."
"If you merely report racial difference in performance without an appropriate explanatory context, then you're committing the racist act."
"The effort to outrun racism with assimilation is a fruitless one."
"This isn't about race, it's about telling the truth."
"His presidency is a step backwards for race relations in America."
"The chicken of your dreams, the cheesy chicken, did you know I got myself two?"
"It's just, it's maddening to me that this narrative has any weight behind it at all. It is deeply, deeply offensive to suggest that black voters don't support people to judge because they're homophobic."
"No race is more important than another race and one culture isn't more important or better than the other."
"The myth of racial classification and ranking cannot be sustained if not one but two great black civilizations arose in Africa."
"It is absolutely ridiculous to think that you can have a conversation about place, culture, and language without getting into the social construction of race."
"You don't side with black people against the white person even if the white person is in the wrong."
"This movie uses horror and an eerie plot to explore the themes of race relations in the United States."
"Every race relation problem is basically a poor versus rich problem."
"The show was successful because it gutted race from race so then as a result a whole generation of black folks were raised race lists while thinking they was talking about race because they black."
"White people, you know they gonna put y'all back in chains, right?"
"You'll always be called a racist no matter what you do."
"Racism isn't just about white versus black, it's also about the social relations you find yourself confronted with if you are white or if you're black."
"I think there needs to be a bigger conversation now about how the monarchy going forward, including its staff, is going to handle race relations."
"Race is a tool, not the thing in and of itself, and it cannot be solved by just white empathy."
"Humor is the one thing that can heal; it's one of the things that can heal race relations when there is a lot of racial tension."
"We were just communicating that we understood the situation. We were both seeing the same thing. What we understood was simple: don't take black hostages."
"Don't ever let white people get too comfortable with you"
"Some white people don't like black people. Some black people don't like white people. And it's always going to be that way."
"...so much of this book touches on Edie's loneliness but there's also an exploration of power dynamics gender Dynamic power balances both disparity racism and the experience of being a young black woman in relationships and in the workplace..."
"Black lives can't matter until black lives do."
"Part of that normalcy will become natural because if I was a white person, I'm not going to meet a black person and be scared I'm going to say the wrong thing because I've seen it."
"You're working with the white man now."
"I can't understand why white America has always felt such hostility to the black population."
"The fact that Johnny Cochran and the whole all the rest of them completely played the race card."
"They have an intimate knowledge of white people and the conclusion that they have come to... is that they see white people as the slightly mad victims of their own brainwashing."
"So, you know, I think doing it in the context of a sort of Los Angeles race war would be helpful."
"Black forgiveness, white outrage, the astonished, breath-holding, pearl-clutching moment."
"He was incredibly focused on race relations."
"When it's dealing with race, it's right down the line, you know between age and race."
"Black people love white people and one of the things we do not want to admit and one of the thing that's going to be necessary for us to overcome our situation we don't want to admit the psychological dependence on white folks."
"Race relations are at an all-time low. This is five years after having a black president, two-term black president."
"The sad legacy of the Simpson case... is that many white Americans are now beginning to reassess their views of their fellow black Americans."
"Just be... we're talking about if we can't even bring somebody from a different race to come meet our moms right now. So everybody still got some hatred, this [__] ain't changed, bro."
"How can we use history to bring us together more around race and race relations by learning more of it by learning a good deal more of it?"
"White people and black people should view each other in America as different countries."
"White people, right? Not all white people, but white people have sometimes no qualms about what they will do to black people to profit off of them. They, one of the worst things about this, somebody in Patreon said, is he wasn't special."
"That's why our black women hate the black men, they hate themselves because why? We're worshiping a white man as God, and you hate your brother."
"If you are a white person who has qualms with Black Lives Matter, you'd be in the right."
"I think it's so interesting that when we talked about difficulty within race she immediately jumped towards like because of her skin color or maybe her perhaps her race that she's maybe seen as combative."
"The relationships between black and white people are tacky... because there's not a lot of truth shared."
"The quickest way and the fastest way for a demise of a black man, especially a successful black man, is a bitter black woman. Truth hurts, you know what I'm saying?"
"When you have a black man and cops in one video, you can't help but go viral."
"Elves and men have many shared values and experiences, certainly they relate to each other more than they could to one of the inor."
"If you hear or read a brother say something that you think is unchristian or unbiblical with regard to race, don't call it critical race theory; call it unchristian, call it unbiblical."
"Race relations would be the central problem of the 20th century."
"I've never understood the whole race thing, everyone's always been pretty good to me."
"Internalized racism is one sociocultural factor that may influence Asian-Americans women's racialized and physical attraction choices."
"I think if we continue to create jobs at levels that I'm creating jobs, that's going to have a tremendous impact, a positive impact on race relations."
"I think that will have a tremendously positive impact on race relations."
"It is both an exciting but also an incredibly dangerous moment in the history of our country when it comes to the subject matter of race and racism."
"We're not trying to start a race war, we're trying to end one."
"This election was more about race than class."
"The euphoria about Seattle's race relations would ultimately be challenged in the late 1950s and the early 1960s by the Civil Rights Movement."
"Interesting how much more progressive and involved the Russians were in the late 18th early 19th centuries than like the US when it came to race relations."
"For race relations to improve in our country, all of us have to go deep inside ourselves to look at the things that make us insecure."
"A growing liberal spirit toward the Negro in Philadelphia in which the community was disposed to throw off the trammels, brush away petty hindrances, and to soften the harshness of race prejudice."
"This pattern of progress in race relations in Northern urban communities during the 19th century followed by retrogression in the early 20th century is more readily understood in terms of causes other than pure subjective mood swings."
"Race relations back in the day compared to now have improved drastically."
"Harmony matters very greatly, and I am so upset now at the idea of people exploiting race relations so that this harmony will profit them."
"The nation is moving into two societies, one black, one white, separate and unequal."
"We're doing a really cool panel show where we're gonna discuss race relations in the regular world and as it applies to the bodybuilding world."
"The biggest problem with us when it comes to race relations is not skin but sin."
"America needs to understand Islam because this is the one religion that erases from its society the race problems."
"People are smarter and more articulate and -- about race now than any other time in my life."
"This country is divided not just as a whole, it's divided in every portion of the country for any race."
"Class is really inextricably tied into these sort of questions about race."
"To tell me that you're better but you're still not equal is not to deal with the race gap that is still very much a part of this country."
"There's not going to be any race harmony in this city, in this country, and in this world as long as there is the economic imbalance between our people."
"South Africa has no homelands and people are no longer classified on race."
"Overall the Black Lives Matter movement has been positive for race relations in the US."
"We say we want to have a conversation on race, and yet we talk around it."
"When I tell you I am tired of black people being collateral to the punitive entitlement of white folks..."
"It begins with inhabiting the same spaces, but it isn't accomplished until we achieve a true sense of community, one in which race doesn't imply hierarchy or value."
"When you are in white spaces and there aren't people of color around and you hear someone say something, debate with them, have that uncomfortable conversation with them."
"Race still matters in the U.S. It matters in new ways that reorganize and re-conceptualize who and how people are raced."
"I think it's important to focus on race in order to bring us together."
"Take the bull by the horns on the race issue instead of trying to avoid it."
"Out of that emerged the police race action plan, which still goes on today."
"I suggest anyone who is Christian to read this book because I have never read a book that addresses race so directly."
"And in fact, I think liberal societies are the ones that have dealt with the problem of race and ethnic division the most successfully, precisely because their core value is tolerance."