
Retaliation Quotes

There are 756 quotes

"When the enemy tries to kick you, you know what you do? You get on and you kick back harder, and you resist and you send them in retreat."
"An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth can get us into a dangerously vicious cycle."
"As a matter of principle, government retaliation for the exercise of free speech is problematic; it's wrong."
"We were the ones killing women and children and making hats out of their body parts. Wouldn’t you retaliate?"
"The only answer to these attacks must be devastating military retaliation against Iran's terrorist forces both in Iran and across the Middle East."
"I'm just warning you, if you whack Whack, he's going to whack you back."
"You tried to cut my team in half, so I outsourced your entire department."
"When you try and get my team fired because you want to grow your useless team, I am very focused on you."
"For every hit the West takes, it probably has the capacity to deal 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 to Russia in return."
"The mouse is beset with doubts, fierce analysis, while the normal man simply retaliates immediately and secures his vengeance in an instant."
"None of it is enough to bring the dead to life, but it's a good retaliation for what the villains did to the villagers."
"It's happening and quickly, ladies and gentlemen, the revenge is going to Boomerang crack them right in the nose." - Commentary on swift retaliation against Democrats.
"Applying double standards back on those who set them is the only way to abolish them."
"The last person who called me a coward didn't get a chance to say it the second time."
"He does not look at the Russian intervention in last year’s election as an opening gun. He looks at it as a retaliation for what we, the Americans, have done in his backyard."
"Prayer against retaliation can be very helpful... not to suffer retaliation or if you are suffering from it to be protected."
"Any country interferes with us will in fact pay a price because they're affecting our sovereignty."
"Pedal to the metal, if you're gonna scrim on us, we'll scrim back."
"If you're gonna comment on someone's looks like that, you better look like goddamn supermodel and if not, prepare yourself because I will absolutely say something rude back."
"She ended up in jail after that months long investigation right and that's where the crux of the matter really are because we're talking about uh sort of a retaliatory motive right and here it was to intimidate her from ever speaking out again."
"So what, y'all just mad 'cause half of y'all mammas been in his inbox, and now y'all mad because y'all tryna [__] get back."
"These attacks are going to backfire right on them."
"I'ma kill both of y'all for playing with me, [__]. Because now I feel like, now I've basically, I wasted years with you. That's what it is."
"They have absolutely abused it and so now they're just getting a taste of their own medicine."
"Whoever hits us, we will hit back sevenfold."
"Hitler and his nazi hierarchy were incandescent with rage at heydrich's assassination and ordered severe and brutal reprisals to be carried out as revenge for his death."
"Turnabout is fair play and oh how the turntables turn."
"The only language understood by killers like this is the language of force."
"If I had the tongue of every man who cursed me, I could make a cloak of them."
"The best way to deal with a cheater, cheat back."
"Whatever you do to that spirit I will unleash on you tenfold. Let It Go Now."
"You want to mess with my career and my freedom? Watch your entire life go down in flames."
"He's in Revenge mode just from the Durham report by itself."
"The action was retaliation for the malicious strikes in Iraq last week. Retaliation that can't be the motivation."
"You think this is over? You think you can vanquish one of our allies and get away with it?"
"You can be retaliated against for complaining to HR about workplace issues."
"Historically the best part about the job, is if your employer refuses to pay, you can just switch sides and steal their shit anyway."
"We're going to deter our enemies and we will strike back if they strike us."
"Let us decide if we're going to fix our own, but we're not going to allow our open enemy to get away unscathed."
"But my rule of thumb is this: if you hit me I will hit you back 10 times harder, period."
"If you mess up my teeth, you're messing up with your life."
"I have a list of people I'm gonna get back to as soon as January hits."
"If they gonna keep harming us, we gonna take some with us."
"What better retribution can I get than exposing your behavior to the world?"
"It also is an economic issue and it crosses all boundaries."
"Someone punches you, you punch him back harder. That's why I grew up."
"You make an adversary out of me, and you're in the dominant society, I'm gonna play even dirtier than you do."
"Once you get a certain age and another man hits you and you are a father, especially to girls on that magnitude, I don't see any type of money that can make that right."
"Trump retaliates against any government official who doesn't go along with his complete and utter lies."
"The line must be drawn here, this far, no further, and I will make them pay for what they have done."
"At the end of the day, it's like fighting a professional boxer every single time you try to hit them they hit you ten times harder and that's exactly what these sanctions are for the West."
"They forced us into the light and now we're going to force them into the dark."
"If you were a jerk, you were getting roasted, it is what it is."
"No friend ever served me and no enemy ever wronged me whom I have not repaid in full."
"Hayden Christensen: 'They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I hate them!'"
"If they lay a finger on him, we're going to respond asymmetrically."
"Every woman has experienced it where when you decline a powerful man or when you ghost him he suddenly goes on a smear campaign."
"When the bully steals your lunch money but then you steal his kidney."
"Trump promises revenge/retribution... That resonates far more than any other issue."
"Revenge is on the Progressive Movement and the Democrats who have directly hurt him."
"For every injury of his [ __ ] kicked in by Cornelius Vanderbilt."
"You revolted, but I'm wrong for going to get mine, it is crazy."
"You treat us right, we're very loyal, and you treat us wrong, we're a problem." - Cube
"Don't want to give me my last paycheck? Make that a double."
"If you involve me in your stupid deeds, I won't hesitate to scramble your body."
"This is exactly how you respond to Russian threats in blackmail. Do not negotiate, but instead Strike Back."
"Last man who attacked me lived a half-life, doing what you trying to voice, 'cuz I might like put it, you'll find that the ex-KGB is the best type."
"Life can be a beautiful thing we don't need to retaliate..."
"Any further actions that threaten the interests of our nation will be met with a resolute and consequential response."
"Every little single thing they try to do to me, I'm just going to turn it into something and use against them."
"There are times when this is an eye for an eye, man. If you're gonna take my eye, I'm gonna take yours."
"Tupac thought puffy was behind the shooting and he even believed members of bad boy were involved with aana Jackson and that they wanted revenge."
"The king of Alwar in northeast India was insulted by a Rolls-Royce salesman and ordered a whole fleet of Rolls-Royce cars."
"After how they were treated after that Today Show performance, I can understand how they would want the whole world to burn."
"So it's not scumbag if you scumbag a scumbag, you're just friends, right?"
"You go low I go Sub Zero you don't like it don't start it."
"The John wick switch... burgos have that switch."
"Everybody dies down cool let's see let you want to play you want it you want to kill my dog you killed my dog."
"What would you think? You'd think all right, I'm going to go and stick some pins in people."
"No one can screw with me if they don't want to be screwed back."
"If they mess with me, they are going to meet the very dark side of me."
"I decided to give the guy a taste of his own medicine."
"Make me look like a fool, what's that gonna do? It's gonna backfire on you."
"Nick is gone so easy, doesn't matter where he is, all that matters is we have to make him pay."
"India wants peace but if provoked we are capable of giving an appropriate response."
"If somebody applies pressure to you, you gotta just apply it twice as hard. It's the only way to deal with it."
"Closing a unionized store is obvious retaliation, and it's all-out war on the union."
"You gotta fight back. If somebody tries to do some mess, you better use the same system to mess with them."
"Instead of crying, you gotta get back at those player dudes for catnap."
"Proper revenge is best served cold. It takes time and planning, so chill out."
"Oh my goodness, guys, I think it is time to give them a taste of their own medicine."
"When you're a child, your sense of morality is very eye for an eye. It's like, yeah, if someone punches you, they're like, 'Oh, just let me punch you back and then we're good.'"
"I was gang-banging, my whole thing was retaliation."
"You're coming after me, I'm coming after you twice as hard. That's strong."
"They throw you under the bus. They didn't give you the benefit of the doubt. They didn't give you a fair process when you were accused. Why should you be fair to them in return?"
"That's proof that if the government pokes the bear, the bear will bite back."
"If he pushed her, she was going to push him back."
"If someone hits you, you hit them back harder. I'll buy you ice cream if he beats you up."
"Literally, you kill me and I kill you right back. Wow!"
"We're gonna make sure you regret ever messing with us."
"I left the lockbox empty but still locked. F him indeed."
"They killed our people, Marcus. We want justice. They have to pay."
"Any disparaging remarks about his father would be met with fierce retaliation."
"Somebody here wants retaliation because this person chose you."
"You got pranked by the master... I'm gonna get you back for that one."
"If you try to hurt us, we're gonna hurt you right back."
"If that's not pro revenge, I don't know what it is."
"I did to her what she did to them. She hurt them, and then I freaked out and I hurt her."
"It's very important to stress no one should go out retaliate law enforcement should take care of all of this and if they don't it's still better to hold back."
"This is a perfect example of if you can't take it don't dish it out"
"When they show their ass we show ours, black first brother B1."
"When the bully finally meets a real bully they always gag so I hope you're ready for what's about to come because when you keep poking the bear the bear is finally going to react."
"This hit was enormous... It was time to get even."
"Whatever they threw at you went back to them."
"Someone wants to tear you down, Pisces, and it's in retaliation. It's like 'where the fuck do you think you're going?'"
"Judge hellerstein ruled that Michael Cohen was retaliated against."
"They framed me, they fired me, and that's how they eff themselves into a divorce, a prison sentence, and a handful of deportations."
"You took over my friend's bodies, used them like puppets, and left them nearly dead. Your fight is with me now."
"Jesus said do good to those who hate you and pray for those people who use you."
"Be careful who you clown, because sometimes the clowns come back to bite."
"That's what you get, Eva, for trying to conspire against me."
"Their desire to destroy you is going to backfire."
"The moral of the story is, in the right context, when your aggressors are avowed self-described inhuman evil monsters, this kind of response is understandable."
"You can only hit a dog with a stick for so long until it starts biting you."
"Harass me for 18 months? No big. Say one negative thing about my love, I'll have your job."
"Both Israel and Iran have stated that there is not going to be any more retaliation on either part, and that is excellent news for world peace as a whole."
"You bite the peach, the peach bites back."
"You'll learn discipline, and when the time is right, you'll strike back."
"We're going to give him a taste of his own medicine."
"Operation Revenge prank on Sherman."
"He's going to take his revenge in some type of way."
"If you say something mean to me, there's a 100% chance I'm gonna say some [expletive] back at you."
"Mistake to go to war with us, McCall. You got it backward, Dave. You going to war with me."
"Or maybe a good punch to his face would be a better response, considering all the twisted stuff he pulled… and literally faced zero consequences."
"Hey, they say payback is a mother. Well, we're gonna see who's gonna get some payback out there today."
"If he wants to take some cheap shots after he's been taking cheap shot after cheap shot on how he means nothing to them, then by all means, have a field day."
"Use my email as your spam dump? Prepare to be carpet bombed."
"At first, Heemeyer took the rational course of action and petitioned the commission to prevent the rezoning. But after multiple rejections, as well as multiple fines for various civil violations, Heemeyer decided to take matters into his own hands."
"Get your retaliation in first was his credo. Show them what they're dealing with."
"To turn the other cheek means that when you are personally wronged, the answer is not to automatically respond with personally wronging the other person."
"Priscilla begins insulting Amelia, so Betty throws shade right back at her."
"They wounded one of our guys; they almost wounded more of our guys. We're gonna go back in there and [expletive] these dudes up."
"If you're going to mess up my life, I'm going to mess up yours, and ten times over."
"Nobody bullies my daughter without their mom getting banged."
"The Clippers are giving the Warriors a taste of their own medicine."
"Mock my mother's death, I'll bankrupt you."
"Will grabs a gun from his ankle and shoots everyone while siphoning Fortis dry."
"When I do damage and he was, if he was able to press a button change positions with me, he would do that. He's going to try to hurt me, so I got to try to hurt him."
"The same way they laughed at us when we were down, we're laughing at them as we stand back up."
"Retaliation... to show strength to their constituency."
"I do fight dirty; you really have to make an effort to push me to that point, they did, and they suffered."
"You took everything from me, and now I'm returning the favor."
"Defeated and silenced, the homeowners association's president had no choice but to sit quietly, unable to retaliate."
"Not only did the judge refuse to award them any kind of money or jurisdiction over my home and property, but he flipped the script on them and hit them with a hilarious harassment fine."
"In this time of a day, I'm minding my business. But if you play with me, I'm going to wow you up. Not anybody, but if I feel like it's effective enough or I'm tired of you, you're going to get the belt musically."
"I love how easily he turns it back on them."
"This is where the petty revenge comes in."
"When provoked, he delivers a powerful kick."
"Malicious compliance serves revenge."
"Being nice is the best way to get back at someone when you feel upset."
"My inner petty Crocker took over. I took one of the cans and walked it up his porch and put it directly in front of the front door. Take that, a-hole!"
"I have personal beef with the devil; he stole from me so I steal from him."
"Blow me up and I'll take you with me. All of my little bone shards in my head are going to go into your face."
"Honestly, I think that's a really funny way to get back at this company for making you wear stuff that you definitely don't need to wear at work."
"I hope so too. I hope they scratch your nipples clean off your chest."
"Men, masculine force, don't turn the other cheek. Eye for an eye leaves the entire world blind."
"You're gonna wish upon his lucky stars that he never got there. He's gonna wish Deontay Wilder didn't catch him well."
"You banned me twice for showing my favorite video to you you're so [__] mean I'm gonna ban you right now."
"Alison takes the opportunity and hits Holly with the poker stick."
"Everyone will soon find out that they messed with the wrong person."
"We're on our way to teach Casey Chad's brother a lesson."
"Just because the bad guys try to wipe us out doesn't mean we do the same."
"Despite this, Ren remains unconvinced and releases the pheromones in retaliation."
"Jaime says it back before shooting him in the head."
"With all the bad experiences I had in life, I could seek revenge, but I am not like that."
"If you try to mess with me, my partner will mess with you."
"Dump seafood in my garbage can? Enjoy seafood in your garbage car."
"I just like the idea of grabbing Eldritch blast and throwing it back at a warlock. That's hilarious to me."
"Oh, you stopped my load? Oh, how dare you? I'm going to come after you, your family, you know, whatever."
"Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but overcome evil with good."
"I would take their insecurities, I would use them against them, I'd make them cry."
"Tell me to shut up again. Let me get my lick in too."
"This game is trying to steal thirty thousand dollars from me and I'm gonna make his life as stressful and frustrating as possible."
"Anthony Pressed the Pine got beaten up with a frying pan after he allegedly tried to force himself on a Pennsylvania woman."
"After this call, I destroyed every single piece of the infrastructure to make scamming impossible for them for the next few days."
"I'm pissed. We got one or two options. I'm either gonna bum rush that stage and tackle this hoe or I'm gonna embarrass this [ __ ] and let everybody know whose record that really belongs."
"We are going to get our kids, take back our home, and make you pay."
"Someone has got to give these girls a taste of their own medicine."
"You kill me, I will [ __ ] you up."
"If you hurt them, they will cut you with their words."
"The man even said excuse me, excuse me as he went to lock the doors before giving those punks a thorough beating."
"You're a shitty person for doing that to me, but I'm such a shitty person that I went to Fred machlin and tried to get you fired from this place."
"If you kill their family, the species will hunt you down."
"Two could play at that game and he still haven't offered me a limp hand."
"Through the two of you conversing over this, there are simple curses that can be imparted for a temporary period of time, usually as some sort of a penance to someone who slighted you."
"I told you I'd get even with you. It's all or nothing with me."
"You fight thumb with a thumb, you fight fire with fire."
"If someone ever messed with my family I don't know if I couldn't do some terrible things to that person"
"I'm past rate, you can try hated, grab a banana and pee on his head like he violated."
"We need North Korea to know, if they launch one, we launch one. If they launch two, we launch two."