
Preexistence Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"Success is not created; it's always been there. We just have to align our thinking with it."
"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee."
"Your souls know each other already from before."
"You matter to me. I have loved you before you were born."
"Jesus always was, in fact, He was before His mother."
"Before you ever arrived, things occurred. That is how you make a game feel alive."
"It's the language that you spoke before you even incarnated here."
"You don't have to create it, it already exists. Choose it from that perspective."
"Yeshua leads an army of Angels" - Revelation 19:11-16
"Jesus claims to have existed before creation."
"Before they were born, God was one."
"We all start as souls in heaven, so before we're even born here in this world, our soul is in heaven with our loved ones that have passed before us."
"Jesus talked about the glory and Majesty he shared with God the Father before the world existed."
"Jesus was aware of his pre-existence and the nature of it."
"I saw that before we came to Earth, many of these clues were shown and explained to us, and in our spirit, we hold a deep knowing of what any particular clue really means for us."
"The most obvious way that you could show that Jesus pre-exists in the Bible is to show that he's creator right because he's got to be he's got to be real he's got to exist to pull off creation."
"If they will, they will find themselves just as they were organized by our father in heaven before they came into the world."
"Christ who was crucified before the foundation of the world, before the angels clapped for joy."
"Jesus was there before he was born."
"Pre-existence then in his argument represents not the consequence of reflection, it's the very precondition for the possibility of attaining to any spiritual knowledge we have."
"The word was before time, the word was before anything that you ever went into."
"It's not a unilateral choice before people are ever created."
"Jesus is the one Jehovah and therefore the uncreated Creator, which is why he's before all creation."
"God has chosen us long before the world was created."
"Pure being was there before the big bang."
"Before there was HIV, there was the blood of Jesus. Before there was cancer, there was the blood of Jesus."
"God loved you before you loved Him."
"And now, Father, glorify me in Your own presence with the glory I had with You before the world existed."
"Jesus loved you before you were you."
"Even before you are born, He knows you."
"Before God created the world, there was just God and His name."
"Jeremiah 1:5 talks about God knowing you before He formed you in your mother's womb."
"Above all wisdom and all the ways of men, you were here before the world began."
"All the paths and everything you need to learn has already been mapped by somebody else."
"You cannot find something that has already been found and already has established communities on it."
"Your healing already exists, your prosperity already exists, your joy and peace already exist."
"Jesus, according to the Quran, is the pre-existent Word of God."
"Before Time existed as we know it, before the dawning of the world, we humans were there."
"Before God created us, God conceived us."
"Before you were in your mother's womb, I knew you."
"The reality that's there prior to the creation of the problem."
"Justin clearly affirms that Jesus Christ is the pre-existent son of God."
"And you're my brother, I know you from before, before we both were born."
"God Almighty planned your redemption, my redemption, before the foundation of the world."
"Your value was there before you were even conceived."
"Christ is eternally pre-existent, the second person of the Godhead."
"Imagine yourself... before your birth, floating above the world with no idea where you may end up being born, raised, and live."
"It is in Christ that God chose us from before the foundation of the world."
"The soul had a previous existence and a life of its own."
"Music existed before this thing; there were frequencies, there were notes, there were all kinds of things existing before."
"What you are before saying 'I am' is your true self."
"And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was."
"We lived before our birth into mortality... we were doubtless among the sons and daughters of God who shouted for joy."
"There was another universe that existed before our universe."
"Religion was encoding your morality that existed before religion."
"Repentance was created before the foundation of the world."
"The works were finished before the foundations of this world."
"The souls that you click with are souls you connected with before coming to this earth."
"We were spiritual beings that we were living eternal lives before we came here."
"What came before the universe was the potential for the universe."
"The first true supersensible experience that comes after establishing the emptied consciousness is that of seeing one's own pre-earthly life."
"I am from the pre-existent Father and a son in the pre-existent one."
"You were known in the mind of God and before you got here, you existed in the spirit of God."
"Christ is the pre-existent, self-existent Son of God."
"God is love, that love pre-existed everything."
"Realization is nothing to be gained afresh; it is already there."
"God knew about us way, way back before anything was created."
"God's uncreated glory that the Son had with the Father before the foundation of the world."
"We come to know that our soul reincarnates; we come to know that it has existed before."
"And now, Father, glorify thou me in thine own presence with the glory which I had with thee before the world was."
"Worship that which exists prior to your sense of being."
"Then they can see all the glory you gave me because you loved me even before the world began."
"Before is an expression of time, and there is no expression of time before the Big Bang."
"Glorify me together with Yourself, with the glory I had with You before the world was."
"You were created in the spirit dimension before you were formed physically."
"He possessed the right of choice before he came into the world; it was not taken from him when he became mortal."
"The Big Bang was not the beginning; there existed space and time beforehand."
"His purpose for your life predates your conception."
"In my patriarchal blessing... it says something about you being valiant in the pre-existence."
"I am born to this great lineage and that I'm a chosen daughter who's performed valiantly in the pre-earth life."
"The freedom is before the bondage, not after."
"A reverence for an undifferentiated state prior to physical life or existence."
"We're talking about a guy who existed before existence existed."
"Father, glorify me with the glory I had with you before the foundation of the world."
"Pre mortally, you and I committed to do a great work while we are here on earth."
"Before anything was, there is God."
"It's like your energies have been together before you were."