
Life Significance Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"To love someone is to respect their being...to respect that no matter how different from us they are, they have a life that matters to them."
"Mark Twain said the two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why."
"Your destiny every day is what gives you your intrinsic value and the significance of your life."
"Your life is more than just a tiny speck in the universe."
"We don't live in the afterlife; we live in this life. And so, what you do really matters."
"When we peel back their many layers, the flora found on this planet is truly remarkable and without them, life on Earth would be impossible."
"This is the most important team you will ever be part of in your whole life, right now."
"Success is getting what you want. Significance is giving what you got."
"Death gives meaning to our lives. It gives importance and value to time."
"A life is not important except in the impact that it has on other lives."
"Every step, every minute, every second needs to matter."
"It really makes it feel like you have one life and it matters."
"You need to realize that God has a purpose for you, if not, you wouldn't be alive."
"Ultimately in the grand scheme of things, nothing we do really matters."
"There are two most important dates in your life: the first is the day you were born and hope you all know that, and the second is the day you find out why you were born."
"This was a life well lived; my life mattered."
"The two most important days of your life are the day that you're born and the day you find out why."
"Morality impacts our life right now and our life right now matters even if we're going to die someday."
"Two of the greatest moments in an individual's life: the day they were born and the day that they realize why they were born."
"Your presence on this planet is not an accident."
"I want to make sure that our existence was significant and was meaningful."
"Parenting: the most important job in the world."
"Consciousness is central, the most important thing in our lives."
"It's like a lifelong journey, you were born with like a significance you know, you were born because you feel like you want to find the value of you being here."
"It's not about politics, it's about life and death."
"The scriptures are God-breathed, the very breath that gave us life."
"Our day to day lives do matter which Protestantism by and large rejects."
"What if this is everything? This is our moment."
"The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why."
"Your life means something. You don't have to die with a needle in your arm."
"You are a child of God, the world knew you on the day you came into the world, but God knew you before you were formed in the womb."
"Your life is nothing more than another small piece of protein in a universal DNA so to speak and every little piece of protein, every life that you live, adds to this collective non-physical, non-localized consciousness."
"Life is the most important phenomenon we have in the universe."
"Birth is God saying you matter; your birthday is the day when your indispensable mission began in this world."
"A purposeful gap year is not a guaranteed one year journey to success but this one year is the start of a lifelong journey to significance we need to strive to help our young people come alive believe me it's a very fulfilling journey."
"All my life is very literally in this dog's four paws."
"Those sorts of moments, they're not just nice, they're sacred, they're religious moments."
"The two most important dates are your birthday and the day you realize what you were born to do."
"Life is deeply meaningful, deeply important, deeply urgent."
"Your life is absolutely significant; you should care about the decisions you make and your actions because each one will send a ripple through the time that all of us spend here in this universe."
"It would show that her life was worth something."
"Every time you reincarnate, you're more major than the last, you're always a significant soul here."
"With its blending of past and present, this show casts life and living in unapologetic romance and significance."
"You only get this one life... this life matters."
"Because this is the greatest thing, the greatest phenomena happening here is life. You need to pay attention to that."
"...nothing matters, and so therefore, everything matters."
"It's not a bonus, it's life and death."
"When there is no meaning to life, life has every meaning."
"It mattered while I was alive; it doesn't matter to me when I'm dead, but it mattered while I was alive."
"For me, I would believe it's life and death."
"You didn't get here by accident and you ain't alive by accident either."
"Sometimes life is bigger than just the moment."
"This is real. You have to put familiar faces on this. This is not just this ambiguous thing out there. This is your life. This is my life."
"Life matters, you matter, your choices, thoughts, prayers, and actions echo in eternity."
"There are no small lives, and that no one is ever truly forgotten."
"You matter, that your life touches others even when you don't realize it, and that it's not over until it's over."
"What matters most of all is the dash between the years."
"...we're actually very small pieces in this game of life and it can all just be over."
"If you ever feel like your life is pointless, remember the Olympics has a lifeguard."
"Everybody dies alone. It's about how you live before that, it actually matters."
"God is connected to your life, and if you'll see your life in that way, it'll become more important and more powerful."
"Mark Twain said that there are two important days in the life of every person: the first day is the day that you are born, and the second most significant day is when you discover why."
"I am too important to lose because there's too many people in my life that need me, and I need them."
"The afternoon of human life must also have significance of its own and cannot be merely a pitiful appendage to life's morning."
"I gotta believe that I can choose what I do with my unimportant little life."
"Life matters, you know what we do with it; it's about celebrating, it's about getting rid of our chains."
"Your part your life is, you bring joy to people... that's real important to somebody's life."
"The life that's important is the one you're in right now because it's the subtotal of everything else that you've done."
"I try to give people um, what they not just what they want but what they need, and we need things of meaning and significance in our lives."
"No one who dies giving birth is less valid than someone who dies in battle, and Elizabeth of York was no less valid than any Tudor icon."
"It really makes a difference whether or not I'm shitty to people because this life is not a trial run for something else."
"Once we believe that there is a purpose to life, and that we have a soul, then what we do with our life matters."
"The Wizard of Oz is so significant to how life is."
"If this is true, what else matters? If this is not true, what do our lives matter?"
"'He's all I have left, Mr. Eisler. He's my life, my all, my ultimate. He's the only solid thing in life I can hold on to.'"
"It is not a futile thing for you, because it is your life."
"When you realize there's such a great and important purpose behind all of this, it's so meaningful and so important."