
Uniformity Quotes

There are 357 quotes

"It is the uniformity of it all, the sameness of it, every club having effectively the same exact rebranding exercise, that leaves a sour taste in the mouth."
"The universe was almost completely uniform in the early phases of the hot big bang."
"The symbolism continues: officials place black armbands exactly three and a quarter inches wide on their left arms."
"My joke was that, and I think I made this joke a year ago, in like 2030, everyone will be wearing gray jumpsuits with no pockets."
"I'm gonna pick the biggest one, and maybe click and drag just a little bit, and because I'm moving one of them, all of them are exactly the same size."
"Being a pupil in the early 1950s was about uniformity rather than individuality."
"Uniformity in nature is a prerequisite for the scientific method."
"I would argue that God had set up the world to operate in certain law-like or uniform ways."
"Uniform Civil Code: 'there has to be a national identity.'"
"A society where everyone is forced to think the same is not a healthy society."
"Our money in the United States is not only all the same size but it's all the same color."
"Everybody in the Muslim world has the same understanding because that's how language operates."
"Unity is very possible. Unity is not uniformity."
"Maybe it's a good thing because then everybody's on the same track paying into the same system maybe it's a bad thing because we're losing what culturally made us us and you know that's that's never good."
"All black, everything. Tuxes for men, black gowns for women."
"The Uniform Civil Code in the state makes every community, every religion, every individual equal from the Civil Rights perspectives."
"Anytime I see establishment media all singing the same tune, they're lying."
"Hipsters are like the trendy thing so they're actually all the same."
"Everybody that commits those type of crimes should get the same penalty."
"The Spartans fight as hoplites, heavily armed infantrymen. They all look uniform, like a single mass of bronze and Scarlet."
"I cannot believe all four of them that we found guys were all red!"
"You won't need to constantly explore the world outside; they want everyone to have the same experience."
"If everyone had the exact same score, wouldn't that be boring?"
"Social media is making everybody pretty much one-dimensional, predictable and pretty much the same."
"Surgeons and people who work in the operating room have to wear a specific color of scrubs."
"No fun, no masks, no hats, everyone looks the same. Welcome to 1984."
"At the end of the day, you're all there together, wearing the same uniform."
"I want it all to be in one outfit and a flight suit allows you to accomplish that."
"The Supreme Court wants to find a principle of federal law that will make for a uniform set of outcomes in the states."
"You guys should have put a game grumps and made every part like exactly ten minutes long."
"Going with one company keeps it more uniform, it's easier for your family, looks nicer."
"Having this every cyber Village would be the same...is this a fair change I think so."
"I feel good about it. We're all matching though, so I feel good about it."
"El Capitan is really just one large, uniform, essentially flawless piece of granite."
"Essentially, each computer's the same, but adjusted to translate problems into the special terms of the division it serves."
"Maintaining the boot is going to be the same."
"It's the same product Bitcoin is Bitcoin in India as it is in Nigeria as it is in London as it is in Hawaii."
"Isn't it weird that some of the most important accessories to our lives, things that we carry around with us every day, all pretty much look the same?"
"...they were all almost the same."
"Come up with your outfit uniforms. Stick to a simple outfit formula that you can always rely on."
"What's important is that it's consistent throughout."
"It's just kind of uniform all the way around."
"If we didn't wear uniforms, I wouldn't even remember what I was wearing that night."
"It functions exactly the same. It shoots the same ammo. It's the same velocity coming out of the barrel. Everything is the same."
"The universe is absolutely uniform in all directions."
"It's almost like a uniform or something."
"I'll make all his brown and I'll change all these to black so he can get with a uniform look, you know? That's what you want."
"The big difference, it's all the same books."
"Learning how to do the audio right and keep it uniform and mixed really good is really important."
"There's a lot of just generic faces, generic names, and everyone works the same."
"It doesn't matter which version I use... they're all going to look exactly the same."
"I'm hoping that this will help me stay a little bit more organized because I can see what's in the bins but they're also uniform they all look the same."
"I do remember one thing-- every child, every girl, whether it's from a rich or poor family, could wear a dress underneath, the best jewels, but, but once you came to school, you had to wear a black uniform, so that everybody would look alike, and be accepted by everybody."
"Now our projects section has a clean and uniform layout."
"No one can frown anymore, like everyone stuck in the same type of look and Express."
"It's really important to be consistent."
"They're all matching, yeah, yeah."
"Consistency is definitely the key here."
"Phase distribution: the uniformity that shapes material performance."
"...everything the same here, easy."
"Because the food is spread out you get this gorgeous, uniform browning, everything cooks very evenly and really gets nice and crispy."
"It's all about cylinders being the same size."
"Another common mistake you might see is someone not being uniform with the way that they write their dates."
"In prison, they make us all dress the same, so there's only so many ways you can express yourself."
"The men dressed almost identically: beige flannels, sensible shoes, and a v-neck sweater over a shirt and tie."
"It allows some sameness but it also allows some dangerous sameness."
"All of the leopards are painted in a factory by computer-aided or robots so every one of them has the exact same camouflage pattern."
"Homogeneous reality is that of science, order, and measurement."
"Now I'm going to go through just kind of check my work make sure I'm nice and uniform all the way around just like this."
"Definitely find your own style, just know that if you balance it and switch it up, that it's gonna look uniform yet beautiful at the same time."
"BenQ Accucolor uniformity guarantees uniformity across the entire panel."
"Pointing bullets increases their uniformity and slightly boosts the ballistic coefficient, important for consistent long-range shooting."
"The Roman army was a true National army they all spoke the same language they all had the same equipment and they were all trained to the same tactics."
"If I can prove that the electric field everywhere is the same, I'm done because then I know the forces are going to be the same."
"...such as my attachment to them and as you know they crop up all over the place in my paintings but we can't do this we can't put in every post we can't put in every rail because it just looks too uniform yes they might be there doesn't matter..."
"We're using the same black. The only thing that we might change up are the whites."
"Every show, whether it's a comedy or a drama, goes for that same look, and it drives you berserk."
"When you're spraying it's important to start your spray outside of the box spray all the way across and then don't stop the spray until you get past it on the other side that sort of gives you nice uniform even coverage."
"The more uniform everything, the better results you're going to get."
"He always used to tell us, 'You know, if everybody had plain uniforms, we'd have stars and stripes and all kinds of...'"
"I think about it this way: even Steve Jobs wore the same a lot."
"...it's really great for getting all the sides even when they're not uniform."
"Non-uniformity of data distribution can occur, especially with heavy-hitting customers."
"It made absolutely no difference on the airplane, it was all the same, like the aerodynamics, the way it flew."
"The gospel spread throughout the Roman Empire as Christianity exploded onto the scene yet everywhere we looked the same."
"My point here is that a certain degree of perceptive and cultural standardization is characteristic for landscape experience in general and that in dealing with uniformity today, this has to be waved against this tradition."
"Order and uniformity became, at the same time, the condition or, if you want, the synonym, if you want, of modern beauty."
"We have built a culture and a system in such a way that wherever you go, it's the same."
"Franchises are all about uniformity and consistency. It's all about building a national brand."
"So we keep it uniform across board."
"All cars were starting to look the same."
"...just like everything else in the kit."
"So you want to make sure that the base is all pretty much similar size."
"When men dress up and they go to a formal, women always say the men look so good. But they all look the same."
"That's not a bad two-car garage, that's what you call uniform."
"every mark that I make with the big one, it's the same with the little one"
"Gravity applies a different force to each body in just such a way that they all fall at exactly the same rate."
"We wanted to make sure the experience is identical."
"Being able to produce a high degree of fruit uniformity is particularly valuable."
"nothing sticks out so it all looks like a brick with disks"
"All of them are very uniform, same age, makes them easier to market, easier to tend to and take care of them nutrition is a big part of a 70-day Kevin window."
"Essentially all devices within my lab to have the same home page using CM pivot with the conjunction of the scripts feature to do that real-time"
"...now all the slides are that color, which is really, really cool."
"There are benefits and drawbacks, but I believe that wearing uniforms helps the students more."
"Each one of them does exactly the same for one."
"The accuracy with which you have to twist that rod that goes around the bottom, it's just crazy that they're all the same. It's amazing."
"They are all going to be the exact same size and that is going to be so awesome when you go to do a project for a raffle for your guild or anything like that."
"I'm the guy who, you know, is like 'let's go' and you guys are like 'okay,' you know, and we all wear the same shit."
"She lived in one of those long rows of houses which were all joined together."
"Everybody's doing the same thing, we love it, we really, really do."
"Ponytails are allowed in uniform as long as your ponytail doesn't extend past the bottom of your collar."
"If you're gonna have two parts that have the same color why change up the tone of it keeping it all one color unifies it a lot more."
"...the expanding Universe exhibits the same characteristics."
"Where unification has been able to establish unity of ideas, it has usually ended in uniformity paralyzing the growth of new ideas."
"It's kind of our look, it's our uniform if you like."
"Whenever possible, I use spacer blocks because that keeps everything even."
"I didn't mind the uniforms at all; they're probably a good thing."
"Eliminating weeds in your lawn... we want a monoculture, right? We want a lawn that only has just grass."
"This is incredibly good if you want to have very uniform flow across the entire tank."
"No matter where in the world tea is grown or how it is processed... all tea comes from the same plant: Camellia sinensis."
"This makes me so happy to have all my colors back over here and have the uniformity over here."
"It's very striking to do things all in a very uniform manner."
"The laws of physics for all uniformly moving observers are all the same."
"I think it's going to look very striking to have all of the same plant underneath this maple especially because this area is really really formal."
"I remember that one exhilarating instant when my core uniform fit so snugly, it became me."
"It's a great way to quickly make cardstock strips that are all the same width."
"Microscopes are not uniform over the field of view, both the illumination intensity and the detection efficiency."
"That's why homogeneity is important."
"I'm almost down to one uniform like the Starship Enterprise; it's a lot easier in life."
"The dream has always been to find a natural measurement that was uniform everywhere that anyone could reproduce at high accuracy."
"Creating a uniform does two major things when it comes to developing a personal unique style."
"The principle of the uniformity of nature just says something along the lines of 'the future will be like the past' or 'nature is uniform'."
"A full binary search tree is one where all leaf nodes are at the same level or depth."
"It's one price all over the country, and that's it."
"A copula is a multivariate distribution function with standard uniform univariate margins."
"All four sides, all four facades of this building look exactly the same."
"99.9% of what we do is exactly the same."
"It's uniform, it looks like it was made to be together."
"All duties, imposts, and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States."
"Law is uniform; there is one law for everybody."
"And the neat thing about this, they're all made out of the same dough formula."
"Analogous color schemes give you a more uniform and clean result."
"The top for loneliness is uniform."
"A general state education is a mere contrivance for moulding people to be exactly like one another."
"The ruins of Simbabwe meaning the heart of the lion, it is constructed of brick-shaped granite rocks all exactly alike as if produced in a factory."
"Creating a mirror effect and even light distribution throughout the entire wheel."
"The early Universe was very even and proportional."
"If the universe started off completely smooth, then it would now, after 13 billion years, be just cold neutral hydrogen; no stars, no galaxies, and no people."
"A really healthy plant will have the flowers on a single cluster be completely uniform."
"Therefore the field has to be the same at all distances from the plane anywhere on top of the plane, and it's going to point this way."
"Beautiful, nice even material removal all the way around."
"They both have the same Peloton app content, so the Peloton app is the same regardless of which bike you get."
"Ancient Greek is all considered to be essentially one grammatical system."
"Uniformity is attractive as well."
"The tighter the standard deviation, the more uniformity we have."
"Despite the ideology of egalitarianism, you know, you wear the same clothes, you eat the same food, you fight looking pretty much exactly like everybody else in the Phalanx."
"I think in a quilt, having them all the same size looks really nice."
"We're going to assume that in this bath or this lake or whatever, it's very well mixed."
"The goals of the system are to get everybody in the house to have the same frequency response and the same sonic experience."
"The software that makes everybody in the world a photographer also makes everybody in the world's photographs look identical."
"Every one of the strip units gets sub cut exactly the same way."
"We've all got to run the same course, the same distance; it doesn't really matter what's underfoot."
"The entire universe is the same temperature down to 1/1000 of a degree."
"All their stamps have a very similar look. Which I think makes it look really classy."
"The discrete uniform distribution is where the probabilities of all outcomes are equal."
"The microwave background is almost completely uniform, showing from one end of the sky to the other a variation of just 0.1 to 4%."
"One eruption, one layer, the chemistry in all this stuff is exactly the same."
"If you want people to wear a uniform, you need to provide it."
"A mandolin gives you quick, uniform slicing, so prep goes quickly, and food cooks evenly."
"Every single cell in the body has the exact same genome."
"Each drawer is exactly identical, which makes this project a lot easier."
"So that they all use Tailwind and they all share the same config, so you don't have to duplicate your Tailwind config in each and every app."
"Class attributes are attributes that have the same value for all class instances."
"Everyone goes through trials and they don't always look the same amongst people, but there is one thing that does remain the same between believers, and that is our faith in God."
"If the standard deviation is zero, then it means that all the values are the same."
"It's critical for there to be a federal regulatory floor that would apply to all states."
"The Western notion of childhood is spreading around the world, leading to a universal childhood experience."
"There is global culture that has become monotony."
"All objects that are falling with gravity have the exact same acceleration."
"Globalization has made some people afraid that we're heading towards a world where global consumerism will make every place the same."
"When you look down the wing, all of these stitches should fall in a very nice, straight, and uniform line."
"One homogeneous existence packed through and through with consciousness."
"It's not that much faster, but it does give you the ability to do execution of these commands in a more uniform way."
"If everything's the same, then there aren't any choices."
"What makes sense to me is say that there is one creator, one God, and that one God is the one who created this universe with its uniformity in nature and uniformity and laws."
"The homogenized customer experience that we've brought here over recently, only over the last 100 years, that's entirely unnatural."
"Everything's still pretty much intact, it's just uniformly mushroomed all the way out."
"All nodes of an X chain will be the same digit."
"Look at the consistency, look how every single flower looks exactly the same as the next in shape, in size, and health."
"It's a consistent paper, consistent size, and a consistent design."
"Light passes through at the same speed in all those directions."
"My preference is for all of my zippers to function in the same direction."
"I'm a war veteran, so I'm used to uniformity, and this is a completely uniform device."
"It's really important that you bring all the different orders of headdress on the kit list because your platoon needs to be uniform."
"Uniformity of flowering and ripening both within clusters and among clusters on a plant is of interest."
"Once you discover what collection strategies are working best, you'll want to make that a uniform across the accounts receivable department."
"It's hard to make fun of someone's clothing if everyone wears the same thing."
"The universe was very uniform in the early times when the light was produced."
"Everyone who goes to that clinic would basically come out with the same prescription."
"We are the men in black; all our uniforms are black. We never dress in anything but black."