
Quietness Quotes

There are 689 quotes

"It's because I'm quiet that I'm able to think. It's because I'm quiet that I'm able to have depth."
"Teacher has headaches, so we're going to be very, very quiet."
"One of the things I will always remember that sticks with me is just how quiet it was. I've run thousands of calls, and it was just very, very quiet."
"Why is it necessary to be quiet in church? Because people are sleeping."
"It's very quiet here today. I'm actually shocked. I thought it was gonna be the opposite."
"Soaks up the bumps, it's really quiet in here."
"What do I want that for? But see, you know what the opposite of a quiet mind is, right? It's a mind that won't shut up."
"The rural counties of Southern Ohio are hilly Rocky and wide open, a quiet place for coal miners Factory workers and farmers."
"Kyrie been so quiet that we almost forgetting about."
"You're going to walk quietly to your bedroom now."
"The silence within the interior, it's so S-Class."
"I love the quietness of electric bikes and I love the torque."
"This level of quietness is not something you'd find in any other season."
"One thing that is so different in this car, I think, from many car I've driven before, I feel like it's really quiet."
"Looks like you've already had a holy night, my friend. Let's make it a silent night now."
"Wow, it's unreal. It is very surreal. Very quiet. Amazing view."
"The best people that have changed the world have just quietly iterated."
"It's quiet on the inside too... it's very quiet."
"Could not hear a single thing, it was absolute silence."
"It's so very, very comfortable over bumps. This car also, it's very quiet."
"In quietness, God speaks if we listen patiently and honestly."
"Just because someone's quiet in the corner doesn't mean they don't have anything to offer."
"This cabin is just as close to silent as you're going to get in a road car."
"It just remains relatively quiet inside this cabin."
"He never gonna shy away from it. He keeps it quiet. He don't even say too much."
"First of all, it's very quiet and it's very comfortable."
"It's considered extremely rude to be loud in public, and to be honest, the world would be a much quieter and better place if this rule existed everywhere."
"It's a completely quiet experience, and it's a really nice cheap laptop that gets the job done."
"This is literally one of the quietest cars I've ever been in and that's true."
"Ride quality is quite good, and also, the cabin noise in here is quite subdued."
"It's so smooth, so quiet, so easy."
"Hello and welcome to Grenada where it is very windy and the anchorages are rocky, but the island is lovely."
"This is a lot quieter than many of the mini drones that are out there."
"The loudest guy in the room isn't the one you want to worry about; it's the quiet ones."
"The Rav 4 hybrid is the one to get; it's quieter, it's smoother, and it is class-leading when it comes to fuel economy."
"You could drive back here for three or four hours and hardly see a soul."
"Wow, look how quiet the streets are, absolutely silent."
"It's a very quiet place to be; it's not too harsh and commercial."
"It's a very quiet boat, once you close all the windows down, even if you're going fast in quite a choppy sea like we were today, it's quiet, you can just sit here and have a conversation."
"Noise insulation wise, it's also super silent in here."
"It was so quiet I could almost hear my ears ringing."
"The AM hours are precious and very interesting time to work because everyone is asleep."
"Look how quiet and luxurious she is."
"Pistols are some of the most fun hosts to suppress; they're crazy quiet, they look awesome, and they let you live out your John Wick fantasies."
"It kind of blew my mind. I did not expect it to be as quiet as it was."
"What's the worst that could happen? I get quiet." "Yeah, people might like that."
"For the first time, everything felt quiet."
"Being quiet doesn't mean you're weak; it means you're strong and calm inside."
"Whoever is the quietest has the most influence."
"...if you'll never have to be that person on the news after a horrific event, saying, 'He was such a nice guy, very quiet.'"
"It's extremely quiet inside. That's right, yeah. It is extremely quiet."
"Inverter products: extremely efficient and quiet."
"It's still running very quiet even at 70 load, which is awesome."
"...the fact that it is so quiet as well when it uses quite a lot of power I think is very impressive."
"One of the things I love about the me3 is just how quiet it is."
"This car's quiet and refined. It's sophisticated."
"It's incredibly short-footed and secure and quiet as well. Very, very quiet."
"A Seawolf cruising at 25 knots is still quieter than a Los Angeles class sub tied out at its pier."
"It's about the Only Rule: kill them quietly."
"I'm not even gonna record so that we can be like super quiet."
"The strongest man in the room is the quietest man in the room."
"Another positive thing about this vehicle is it's relatively quiet."
"Each raised a single finger to their lips, making only one sound: 'Shh.'"
"That emptiness, that quietness, that place in you that doesn't have any models, that doesn't function in the world, it just is."
"Be quiet bro, I've never heard anyone louder in my life."
"This air conditioner will cool this unit down in a matter of minutes. I mean it's very quiet as well."
"Unlike the hectic dream, it is quiet outside."
"Quietness is called submission to fate. What has submitted to fate becomes part of the always so."
"In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength. If you would study to be quiet, I'm just not a quiet person. Study to show, yeah, study to show."
"The quietest person in the room is the strongest person in the room."
"The most dangerous man in the room is never ever ever the loudest man in the room."
"The comfort and the quietness of this boat is absolutely spectacular."
"In quietness and trust shall be your strength."
"This is the quietest drone that I've ever flown. You can be more discreet"
Obstacle avoidance is a big deal. It's going to save your ass 100 percent."
"It is as quiet as a mouse. It's really impressive."
"I'm absolutely fascinated by this one. It's so darn quiet."
"...overall, the cabin is relatively quiet, which is impressive for a car in this segment."
"The rest of the driving characteristics of this car: smooth ride, sporty handling, quiet. Really quiet interior, really comfortable seats."
"Whisper quiet, this thing is amazing."
"Not a lot of activity right close by."
"It's very refined, it's very quiet, and it makes very little fuss at all."
"You don't hear just about any wind noise road noise also just about non-existent."
"Everything had become quiet a while ago, but I was too distracted to think anything of it."
"The engines are quiet, smooth, and noise from both wind and tires is also well kept in check."
"It's so quiet even when you're going past big rumbling trucks. It's very, very refined."
"It's one of the Highlight things for me when I was testing this out it is so darn quiet."
"I wish we were a museum again. Things would be more quiet and peaceful."
"It's actually a very quiet cabin in here too."
"Mannequins don't talk back, they have no attitude except their pose."
"The whole film is pretty quiet with some conversations whispered, making us feel like we're privy to something extremely intimate, something we shouldn't be seeing."
"This is surreal. It's so quiet in here, there's absolutely no sound at all. You could hear a pin drop."
"This is a car that... is extremely quiet."
"he walked quietly talked quietly even hit home runs quietly"
"He kept quite quiet now, seemed to be lying low as though he were not guilty, as though he had had nothing to do with the shameless, conscienceless, and unseemly duping and deception of all these good people."
"There's hardly anyone here, amazing. This is the calm before the storm as far as the tourism goes."
"It's very quiet. You don't gotta yell to talk to people behind you or the kids are doing something crazy."
"This engine is actually smooth and quiet."
"It was quiet but too quiet, it was uncanny."
"I just think it's better for her to be quiet."
"When it's this quiet, we can really hear what our inner voice is trying to tell us."
"Common Sense, my dear. If you use your common sense, your mind is perfectly quiet, totally quiet."
"This is not only the quietest EV on the market but it's possibly even the quietest car we've ever driven."
"If you leave, leave as quietly as you can."
"Hopefully a completely silent printer."
"It's a shame to see it's so quiet, but like I said, I think there's multiple factors with that, mainly in the fact that the weather's poor tonight for it."
"It's better to do it just go quietly."
"If you're quiet, you're changing, you just don't know it."
"You are not your mind... You have a mind, but it can be quiet."
"It's much quieter than the furnace and in a small space like RV, it has no problems."
"It's the quietest place when the wind is down."
"It's too quiet," said Rob. "I don't like this."
"Spend some amount of time in quietness every day."
"...the thing that we really like about that is it's super quiet."
"That's what I'm talking about, Jake. Just a quiet boy with a heart."
"It's quite quiet, yeah, it was good."
"He was a tall quiet man who rarely smiled except around the eyes and who talked little but listened well."
"...the interior of the gb70 is amongst one of the most quietest and comfortable cabin spaces out there."
"Something I adore about this car is the level of comfort It's relatively quiet in here."
"For one thing, this vehicle is very, very, very quiet."
"You've got no noise associated with it to either disturb you or the people around you."
"Wow, it's very quiet. Very quiet."
"Ride is great suspension soaks up bumps very very nicely it just cruises great it seems like it's very quiet here on the interior."
"You know, it still rides like a Jeep obviously but honestly for 2024, I don't know what they did but they made it like quieter."
"Everything is quiet and empty. All the laughter is gone."
"Incredibly impressive." - The low sound level reading inside the cabin showcases the luxury and refinement of the GLE.
"I'm just so amazed by how quiet it is."
"The loudest person in the room is always the softest person in the room."
"The woods behind the house are deathly quiet, it's that kind of silence that presses in on you."
"These things are also extremely quiet as well there's not a lot of road noise not a lot of wind noise even at the highway speeds."
"It's just mind-blowingly quiet... it's just drop dead gorgeous stunning."
"Effortless progress and really, really quiet."
"This would be an excellent daily driver because of how comfortable and quiet it is."
"This one's short so I'm kind of quiet about that."
"To be cool, to be quiet, you know?"
"Sometimes it's nice to just have an excuse to sit quietly for a while and think about things."
"You hear the engine a little bit but it's just a whisper."
"It's like not popping at all out here right now."
"I can't get over how good this thing feels and how quiet it is on the inside."
"Just as quiet as it is and as comfortable it is to drive."
"It's actually really quiet in here like shockingly quiet for this price."
"Everybody sleep like listen. It's so quiet."
"In general, with German cars, they are quiet. They don't beep and ding at you."
"It's so quiet, it's deafening. I love it."
"It was that quiet in the water. The only noise it really made was when it was walking away."
"After that, I never heard any more strange noises in the house or anything like that."
"Quiet, it's remote. It's like trying to be hidden."
"Wow, this car is so quiet, even with 21-inch wheels."
"This helmet was rated as the quietest helmet they've ever tested."
"You move quietly, but with so much strength."
"This is so much better than anything else in the class, especially the quietness of this vehicle."
"It's super, super quiet, like that was one of the first two things that I noticed right off the bat, was how quiet it was when I put it in the water and I turned it on."
"Inverter systems by default are so much quieter."
"This is the perfect example of quiet love. It's a love that doesn't have to be so, so loud, and it doesn't have to be extravagant. But it's in the little things. I think this is the perfect example of that, which is my favorite kind of love."
"Giving yourself that time of quietness before the world gets crazy."
"Study to be quiet, and do your own business."
"I've actually not seen a lot show, really. It's been quite quiet today, nothing like yesterday evening."
"It's super quiet in here though you can't hear anything outside no road noise no tire noise no pebble noise like I heard in the e-class nothing it's just dead silent this is what a CEO wants."
"He was so quiet and kind... and a great group you got to... so you spoke with him for 45 minutes."
"The secret of serenity: we need to learn quietness, to keep a quiet heart, and to trust that God is indeed in charge."
"Oh, this awful house! But it's quiet, my dear."
"sometimes God's guidance and encouragement come in The Quiet Moments Of Our Lives not always in the big Earth shattering events"
"Performance wonderful, very smooth, very quiet."
"Being quiet is so important because we want to be respectful to our communities because the last thing that we need is just another buzzing thing."
"I'm gonna say it actually is not noisy, it's pretty quiet."
"Normally not a lot happens in Carluck, it's a quiet little town set amid the lowlands of Lanarkshire."
"It's like one of those things right place right time because when we went into the other buildings they were really, really quiet."
"It's so quiet, I absolutely love it."
"The playground is empty, so quiet."
"And I was just realizing how quiet it is in here. It's really quiet."
"It was so quiet I could hear the street lights tick when they changed from red to green."
"I like nighttime when it's quiet. I like like Batman. I'm Batman."
"Always remember, the guys that don't talk much, they do much."
"There's not really a whole lot going on here."
"Harry always tries to keep as quiet as a mouse."
"There was a heaviness in the room as everyone quietly found a place to sit."
"If you want to live free, live quietly."
"You're still here. You don't say much. I like that."
"The ride is quiet, surprisingly for such a massive truck."
"Sometimes I'm hungry and I could be a little quiet."
"If you're looking for quiet comfortable transportation, that is exactly where the Nautilus excels."
"Just the cabin noise is so low you really do feel like you're in a luxury cabin in this thing."
"Even though it's quiet, it's got that nice texture."
"It's like driving a land cruiser, it is so quiet, it's so well."
"Extremely quiet, with no hand shock or string vibration. Just a little string slap, easily fixable."
"Overall, it's quiet, solid, and refined."
"If they want quiet, then they can get a quiet table and travel back [ __ ]."
"As I step into the bedroom I immediately feel it's actually nice and quiet."
"A very quiet 27 points in this game for Anthony Edwards."
"But if that's the case when he was quiet and things were going like he felt they should, his teams won."
"The hospital got real quiet after they left. The only noise was the nurse's soft footsteps and Soda's light breathing."
"It's so refined it's one of the quietest sports cars I have ever experienced."
"He was always a very quiet and sweet guy."
"Among the McLaren vehicles, this one is definitely the most silent so far."
"It's really very EV-like away from rest, quiet, quite quick, and seamless in its initial acceleration."
"There's very few cars that are easier and in a lot of ways more comfortable and even quiet you really do understand why these fourth generation Priuses are so loved."
"It's comfortable, it's very quiet."
"One of the things I always talk about with reptiles is that they're really cool for pets because they don't make noise."
"Love the way the power comes on it's so quiet in here."
"With this car, it's just the complete opposite, it is so quiet."
"It's so quiet you can't even feel the gears shifting."