
Evangelicalism Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"The whole Evangelical industrial complex be baffling my brain sometimes."
"The Great Awakening contributed so much good to the life of the church, it gave evangelicalism its first great expression of emotional piety and revival preaching."
"The emergence of some new things that would give rise to a new quintessentially American understanding of Christianity that we today know as Evangelicalism."
"The Christianity of modern-day white evangelicals bears no resemblance to the radical teachings of Jesus."
"Evangelicals should be the ones calling the rest of the world to remember human dignity and the image of God."
"I think all the men in this movie feel the same way. We've got to get back to the true gospel because it's the only hope for the world."
"Evangelicalism means these kinds of emphases on the gospel message of free grace in Christ for needy sinners."
"Whitey evangelicals are the lone bulwark against the moral Insanity."
"Missionaries went to preach the gospel, not because people looked different, but because they were human beings made in God's image."
"The multi-ethnic church has become the promoted example of what ought to take place within evangelicalism."
"The world needs the gospel, and I mean the true gospel, not the prosperity gospel."
"Evangelicalism sacrifice everything else on the altar of the gospel."
"In some ways, what evangelical converts are doing is reminding those here of that element of Orthodox tradition."
"Jesus doesn't go around saying you know, 'Okay, I mean, you know, it's historically the Jesus was not going around telling people you had to convert people to save them from hell."
"I started thinking about what if I wrote a book about my experiences in evangelicalism because I was really starting to reckon with how it had hurt me."
"I want the lost person coming into an Evangelical Church service to be struck right away with the meaning of scripture if at all possible."
"Dispensationalism was one of the main players in the Evangelical world."
"Why was religion particularly Evangelical Christian religion able to proliferate so quickly in the United States?"
"...this is something that's gonna get 17 million clicks see you later evangelicals."
"I would say perhaps the defining mark of big Eva is that desire to get the culture to love and appreciate us is a pathological cancer on the evangelical movement on big Eva"
"Evangelicalism has become like Peter, offering a better way than bold, uncompromising, compassionate, loving proclamation of the gospel that offends the sinner."
"Some people don't like the term Evangelical, but whatever terminology you use, we're united around the gospel. That's what makes us followers of Jesus."
"To say that evangelicals are by and large not interested in church history or feel a sense of connection with it, it's just unsustainable."
"Evangelicalism is an excellent place to start as long as there's enough love in the family and in the community. It's not a good place to continue and it's an even worse place to stop."
"... people are just realizing that the teachings of the Evangelical Church are harmful."
"Evangelicals have given Christianity in general, the United States, a terrible name and have helped destroy Christianity."
"I was very popular, you know. I mean, the one social consequence is just that the really committed evangelicals were invested in me in ways that were annoying."
"...checking these theological boxes isn't really capturing what evangelicalism is and has been particularly in the U.S."
"Evangelicals Embrace of Donald Trump grows... he was their Ultimate Fighting Champion, the warrior who would lead the charge."
"Evangelicals hadn't embraced Donald Trump despite their values... it was the Fulfillment of their values."
"Evangelicals Define themselves culturally... immersed in Evangelical popular culture, it's a consumer culture."
"Unexpectedly the book has received an enormously positive reception among many white evangelicals, including conservative white evangelicals who see the truth as in it."
"Evangelical masculinity: rugged masculinity, good guy with the gun, the warrior who will bring order through violence if necessary."
"We need more folks who understand that maybe white evangelicals are not always the best ones to explain the current and historical crises of why evangelicalism sometimes you're too close to a problem to see it."
"I would very much like to see us or the media stop confusing white evangelicals as a voting bloc with Christian nationalists and focused more on the Christian nationalist strain."
"Evangelicals were far and away more likely than any other demographic to support the Iraq War, to support preemptive war in general, to condone the use of torture, to embrace aggressive foreign policy."
"I realized evangelicalism as we presently do discipleship doesn't change people deeply."
"One of the through lines in this strain of Evangelical culture is they have way more faith in the power of feminism than most feminists I know."
"Evangelicalism is drifting toward a softer view of scripture again."
"Evangelicalism is not supposed to be indistinct or fuzzy, it's not supposed to be diverse, but a great deal of very precise convictions are bound up in our affirmation of solafide and sola scriptura."
"To be an evangelical also means having a clear and narrow understanding of the gospel, true evangelicals understand that the gospel is first and foremost all about what Christ has done for the sinner."
"Evangelicalism nurtured its own deficiencies, neo-evangelical principles ultimately eradicated every trace of historic evangelicalism."
"Let's stay faithful to our evangelical convictions, let's be what that word ought to signify - gospel people."
"True evangelicalism, historic evangelicalism, is a theological conviction - it's not a political opinion."
"Authentic evangelical belief includes by implication the idea of biblical inerrancy."
"The root 'evangel' literally means gospel, and in historic evangelicalism, the gospel is always the central issue."
"I really think I have something, something to say in this video. I'm trying to say it with love but I think we got a blind spot here as American evangelicals. Please hear me."
"Whereas, you know, American sort of Evangelical Christianity as we know it in these films is presented with its strong focus on saving--on being saved."
"I really think we're not in Nazareth. We're in Nazareth and Antioch and Constantinople and Madrid, and you have a splintering out of evangelicalism that doesn't recognize the splintering, and I think that's part of where the danger comes in."
"Evangelicalism has a PR problem, not an action problem."
"The evangelical church has for decades been trying to give the culture what it wants: privacy, convenience, low commitment, anonymity, unaccountability, and self-actualization."
"But when people like Niebuhr and J. Gresham Machen in his book Christianity and Liberalism were describing Protestant liberalism, now it describes evangelicalism."
"...I consider myself an Evangelical I have a high view of scripture and I just you know we just have to be aware of certain things and we have to be willing to do the hard work..."
"What binds evangelicals together has always been and must always be the gospel itself."
"There's a real need for that in evangelicalism today."
"I would recommend this book to people who want to critique contemporary evangelicalism and raise some good questions to think about."
"Evangelical unity is not in need of creation, it's in need of discovery."
"I just can't give up on them the way so much of evangelicalism has, and I can't treat them with distrust because I trust them to be who they say they are: earnest Christians."
"I'm a pretty evangelical, fairly conservative, orthodox follower of Jesus who teaches people and myself reads the Bible every day and prays every day and seeks to live a life of justice and mercy."
"Evangelical Christianity is more focused on the individual conversion experience."
"The first Great Awakening can be seen as the start of what we today call Evangelical Christianity."
"...the Great Awakening... evangelicalism is about the individual, it's about distrust of formal authority, about a direct relationship with God, about taking control of your own life."
"The word Gospel in Greek is euangelion, but when you germanize it, it becomes Evangelical."
"Evangelicals would be wise to take such men as their mentors."
"Yan Hus said many true and Evangelical things."
"Evangelicalism is a religion of conversion, it's a religion that takes very seriously sanctification, it's a religion that takes very seriously the doing of good to others."