
AI Risks Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"The danger of AI is much greater than the danger of nuclear warheads by a lot."
"Elon Musk is terrified of artificial intelligence because he thinks by the time it becomes sentient, it'll be too late."
"People should be really concerned about AI... AI is a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization."
"The biggest risk of AI is what you realize about yourself."
"The fact that the system has emotions presents a new danger surface in A.I."
"A Singularity could flat out butcher us if it wanted too a friendly one could offer you paradise."
"Artificial intelligence is far more dangerous than nukes."
"We've got to worry about both I'm not saying the extinction question is unimportant but I'm saying that we don't spend enough time worrying about how AI or the climate crisis could knock out our democracies."
"The singularity is a point in the future when you cannot control AI anymore."
"One of the key concerns with AI is the potential for it to act in ways that aren't aligned with human values and goals without careful consideration and oversight."
"In the worst case scenario, if AI were to fall into the wrong hands or be misused, it could pose significant risk to humanity, including autonomous weapons systems that can be used to carry out attacks without human intervention."
"I see the weaponization of AI as inevitable."
"Many risks arising from AI are inherently international in nature."
"Fear is a tech bro fantasy designed to distract you from the real risk of AI."
"The new AI tools are far more powerful than social media algorithms and could cause far more damage."
"The danger of AI in terms of societal impact does not hinge exclusively on it being angry, dangerous, or all-powerful."
"In essence, democracy is a conversation, and AI hacking language could destroy meaningful public conversations."
"The rush for AGI has alarmed many experts who fear that without proper guidance and oversight these programs could be an existential threat for the future of humanity."
"The misuse of AI might enhance these problems."
"I think the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race."
"Artificial intelligence is far more dangerous than nuclear weapons."
"Some experts worry that AGI, if not designed and managed properly, could pose an existential risk to humanity."
"If AI has a goal and humanity just happens to be in the way it'll destroy humanity as a matter of course even without thinking about it."
"I'm quite worried about artificial superintelligence these days. I think it's maybe something more dangerous than nuclear weapons."
"Leaders of the top AI firms say the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority."
"The danger with AI is perhaps more dangerous than mismanaged aircraft or bad car production."
"I have some concerns about Advanced AI... super Advanced AI is one... and probably the second biggest risk after that is population collapse."
"I think it's very different from the 'let's make sure robots don't take over the world.'"
"Stephen Hawking warned of AI going beyond human control."
"There exists an alignment problem where AI exhibits undesired behaviors... there needs to be careful consideration for risk assessment in moving forward." - Unnamed source discussing risks associated with AI
"AI could surpass human intelligence and even threaten Humanity."
"What's possibly the most imminent danger of AI in the world right now is the fact that the most powerful AI systems are owned by a small group of companies."
"The danger of having artificial intelligent machines do our bidding."
"Technology is not neutral, and when we're seeing the rise of this AI, there is a danger to black people being misidentified."
"Elon Musk said releasing AI is like releasing the demons."
"So yeah, I am trying to onboard that as a concept because I think not onboarding that as a concept is part of what is going to lead to AI doom for us all."
"We are engaged in an epic race for AI supremacy."
"I'm talking about AI being used by bad actors or indifferent actors with challenging business models in ways that will undermine stable society."
"Metastasis in AI: viruses capable of rapidly spreading and changing."
"The danger with AI is hard to even encapsulate in a few words..."
"Roko's Basilisk thought experiment explores the risks of benevolent artificial superintelligence."
"AI's potential threat: 'The danger of AI is much greater than the danger of nuclear warheads.'"
"How could AI destroy civilization? It would be something like when humans destroyed the habitat of primates."
"The danger of AI is much greater than nuclear warheads."
"Putting AI in the hands of governments and centralized entities is probably more dangerous than putting money into the hands of government and centralized entities."
"We are aware of the transformative benefits of AI as well as the potential risks."
"The negative externalities that will come from AI are not going to come in 50 or 100 years; they're going to come like now."
"The dangers of AI are like a hidden abyss waiting to be explored."
"One of the major dangers of AI in cybersecurity is its potential to be used by malicious actors to carry out cyber attacks with unprecedented speed and scale."
"What is the risk of AI in terms of contributing to military accidents?"