
Religious Significance Quotes

There are 521 quotes

"In Islam, Jerusalem is the third holiest city after Mecca and Medina."
"The significance of Jerusalem to these three religions has not only shaped their religious practices but has also influenced the historical and geopolitical landscape of the region."
"This mace must be the legendary 'Blood of the Thunder,' said to contain the blood of the Morning Lord himself."
"These ancient stories are religious for a reason because they're dealing with the deepest questions in human life."
"This is powerful. It's short, it's very, very short. It's a single celebration of only three days that marks the end of Lent and leads us to Easter."
"Passover is significant for two other majorly important reasons: one, it is the first time that Yahuwah, the God of Israel, declared Himself to the world...and then two, it was a prophetic display of our Father's ultimate plan to save His children from the ultimate bondage of sin."
"Jerusalem is undoubtedly a place of immense religious and historical importance for these three faiths."
"The best ten days of the year are the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah. The best ten nights of the year are the last ten nights of Ramadan."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls are known to have great historical, religious, and linguistic significance."
"For Christians, Israel is a holy land where they can connect with their faith and deepen their relationship with God."
"I remember when my kids were little, and we did the Easter egg hunts and the Easter baskets and the Easter bunny, we were all about that, but I also wanted my kids to know the real reason behind that holiday was Jesus."
"Love into action is mercy, and that's why Saint Joseph is important."
"The warning will be one of the greatest acts in the history of Christianity."
"The mass is the Eternal sacrifice of the Lamb of God for your sins, for my sins, that saves the whole entire world."
"Easter is a very important day, so I had aspirationally I said let's see if we can do it at Easter."
"Hermes, one of the most honored gods, had more temples in Gaul than any other god."
"Fasting is a month of forgiveness, of extraordinary significance, importance, excellence, and high station."
"The single most important holiday in all of Christianity is Easter."
"Christmas is about Jesus Christ, no one else."
"Do you believe in the blood of the Lamb? Yes or no? You know what, we don't make enough of the blood of Jesus."
"Allah Himself protects not just the Kaaba, but what else? Our Prophet Muhammad."
"Hashim married a woman from Yathrib, where the Prophet would eventually migrate to. It was all part of Allah's plan."
"Every night in this month there is a night better than a thousand months."
"An angel predicted Samson's birth to his parents Manoah and his wife."
"Easter Sunday in the United States is among the most important religious holidays in the nation."
"The world's oldest bridge bottlenecked the 100-foot waterway down to just 12 feet wide and served as a path to the city's sacred district where religious pilgrims traveled for festivals."
"This is probably the greatest single prophetic passage in the whole Bible."
"Merry Christmas is wishing somebody that they have a good mass on the day of Christ's birth."
"The word of god is distinctive. It is not just trying to is god-breathed and give it that respect."
"Yahweh's name is vitally important if you're disguising that name through some sort of deception."
"Everything in Islam is carefully chosen by Allah; even minor details have significance."
"The bindi on the forehead is an ancient tradition in Hinduism and has religious significance."
"An evergreen tree is a symbol of everlasting life and love given to us as a gift from God." - Paige
"The idea that the religious community has a purpose couldn't possibly be more important than in a moment like this."
"If there was out of all the commands to have recorded in the Torah, why this one?"
"The Bible is not just a book; it's put in book form, but it's not like any other book."
"Jerusalem, the focus of spiritual longing for Orthodox Jews, Muslims, and Christians alike."
"The significance of rebuilding the temple: tied to the arrival of the Messiah."
"I think that this is one of the holiest spots for all of Islam and it's here in Petra."
"None of the more recent events here in Pui has taken away from Lourdes or La Salette. It's added to them."
"House Indoril: the religious backbone of Morrowind."
"Jerusalem is the city that God says keep your eye on."
"Many believe the Third Temple is a prerequisite for the Messiah."
"The connection between the fulfillment of prophecy and the Euphrates river is essential. It not only serves as a sign of imminent judgment but also as a call to salvation and a reminder of God's redemptive love for humanity through Christ."
"In the history of the Catholic Church, there have been unique times in which in the Eucharist there is manifested the blood and the body of Jesus Christ."
"The most important relic that it contains is the Cedarium of Oviedo."
"The red heifer must also be two years old... if they're able to make it without growing the white hairs or black hairs I think with five of them we have a really good chance of that then they will be the first one in 2000 years."
"Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and blessing."
"Every Sabbath is a reminder that God can recreate in us the image of Jesus."
"The 10th Muharram is a very disputed date amongst the two strands of Islam."
"The temple mount where the dome of the rock, the al-aqsa mosque, and the golden gate stands is one of the most precious pieces of land on earth."
"Muslims believe that the temple mount was where Abraham's sacrifices, so it's really holy for Muslims and of course Christians and Jews."
"On the day that the Temple was destroyed, the Messiah was born."
"It's a month that people neglect, between Rajab and Ramadan."
"Allah forgives the entirety of his creation on the night of the 15th of Shaban."
"The only ones that are left around to discover the empty tomb and the only ones to learn about Jesus's resurrection are precisely the ones that are the lost, the ones that are least expected to: women."
"Every Mass is a great grace of infinite value."
"The Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said, 'The worst day of my life was Taif.'"
"Calvary is meaningless until you understand why it was necessary."
"Myanmar's Golden Boulder: a sacred rock painted entirely in gold."
"Even your shadow has a place in its worship with Allah."
"The elliptical circus that slopes towards the Egyptian obelisk at its centre, is surrounded by massive colonnades symbolising the Church's outstretched arms greeting its communicants."
"This is the greatest time to be alive you're the Fig Tree generation in the Bible you're in the days of the soon building of the Third Temple you're in the days of the Great Harvest of the end time Revival you're in the days of Miracles."
"The most Supernatural thing ever is what Jesus did for us."
"The resurrection of Jesus was the greatest evidence that man's sin was solved."
"This is a moment in history for all of us, this is a moment that's going to be significant on your record when you meet Allah."
"There's no greater tragedy than the death of the Prophet (saw), it is a worse tragedy than us losing our loved ones."
"The Harbinger is speaking about the beginning of this progression of judgment, not the end."
"Jesus was the light of the world, so God confirmed who it was dying on that Cross by five Mighty Miracles."
"The greatest Miracle of all: Jesus, the Lamb of God, dying for the sin of the world."
"The resurrection of Jesus is the pivotal event of history."
"Jerusalem-- it's the holiest city in the world, the place where Christianity, Judaism, and Islam converge."
"Jerusalem, there's one spot that represents the end of days more than any other."
"The resurrection of Jesus really is the pivotal event of History."
"The Ark of the Covenant is a gold-covered wooden chest described in biblical accounts."
"That means on the day of 9/11, all over America, believers were opening up their Bible before it happened."
"We have a whole crucifix we can point to that tells us why our lives matter and why we're loved."
"If the decision were easy, the value of Jesus' sacrifice would be diminished."
"Something biblical is going on here, folks. There's no doubt about it. Something seriously biblical is going on."
"Despite the drought, Elijah was able to showcase the power of God in an area where the people worshiped Baal."
"The Bible is not an ordinary book. When you and I open the word of God, we are opening the word of the living God."
"Jerusalem is the special dwelling place of God... chosen for his habitation."
"Why did Jesus come to die in the first place? Then why did he willingly lay down his life? Why did he die the way that he did for all mankind?"
"Easter is about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the fact that he was raised from the dead and that he lives today."
"The Sea of Galilee: where miracles happened."
"If there was no resurrection and more to the point if there was no resurrection appearances of Jesus to those who doubted and were discouraged and denied in straigh Jesus we would not be sitting here talking about this today."
"If we manage to make a change on Temple Mount, that in my life was better than being a president."
"For Indian Sikhs, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit Pakistan."
"The temple was always rebuilt each time stronger and more beautiful than before, adorned with a hundred kilos of gold."
"They are the leaders of all the youth of Jannah."
"If you're talking about important moments in biblical history and important moments regarding the Savior, like, his birth was a huge fucking deal."
"For just the second time in U.S. history a Roman Catholic president arrived at the Vatican for a meeting with his church's leader."
"It's the biggest single problem in the world, how we react to the crucifixion, whether we say it matters or not."
"Marriage is considered half of our Deen... that's a pretty hefty amount of blessings."
"The New Testament authors come out of the gate swinging to set Jesus as the Son of God as a category entirely of its own."
"It's a place of a lot of religious and spectacular sceneries."
"The Third Temple holds great religious significance for Jews and Christians."
"Clearly, you cannot explain Jewish history apart from God. True, you cannot."
"We still believe here that the rainbow is God's promise to Noah and to the rest of us that he won't destroy the world by flood."
"If you see all those reminders that Christmas is coming, then really what those signs are saying is the coming of Jesus for his people is even closer."
"Of course Jesus's resurrection when he chooses Mary Magdalene to be the one to go tell all the boys what's happened."
"And you know what? There's something more important than all of that stuff to focus on, and that is that Jesus was born."
"Here's the thing everybody: the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life."
"There's something here of crucial significance."
"Holy sites matter; religion has a geographic dimension."
"Jerusalem: among some of the oldest cities in the world and a holy city for Christianity, Islam, and Judaism."
"There is nothing more essential than God. There is nothing more essential to the world than the gospel of Jesus Christ." - 1
"An informal and internalized recognition of the dignity of our prophet within culture, art, literature, and the moral values of the West would be no mean achievement."
"It's fascinating that that's the same rock that now Islam has completely given a whole new narrative."
"Jesus died on the cross so he can remove you from the place of shame to a position of honor."
"God placed the first manger scene here and no matter what somebody says or does or what kind of laws they pass, the effects of the manger scene will still be here when Jesus comes no matter what they try to do."
"Nature itself was shaken by the death of the Son of God."
"Why is the Jesus Christ character the one who has survived the test of time?"
"What held Him to that cross is His love for you and me. Staggering, staggering thing."
"The death of Jesus is kind of a really big deal in the case for the resurrection."
"So that's how the historian religious context works with Jesus—it is steeped in religious context that is very significant."
"Ecstatic mystical experiences again and again appear as perhaps the fundamental datum of religion, spirituality, and religious philosophy for millions indeed billions of people around the world."
"It is when the water in the Sea of Galilee dries up that the son of Mary will come back down."
"Favorite story of Moses? Probably when he's approached by God after the Jews sin with the golden calf."
"His blood is greater than any animal sacrifice."
"Bible prophecy is coming to pass right before our eyes, and it has never been more important for believers to understand."
"One crucial element of this Gathering is preparing a people who are able, ready, and worthy to receive the Lord when he comes again."
"Israel is the focus of the Bible, whatever happens in Israel touches the world."
"This is a historical day for the truth of God."
"Ram temple in Ayodhya on January 22nd and Adi Purush, these are..."
"Mecca, the spiritual heartbeat of Islam, hit by a flood - it's the kind of plot twist you'd expect in a Blockbuster movie."
"This is that, that was spoken of by the prophet Joel."
"Jerusalem, a new heart of the Christian faith, a new center of Western commerce."
"It is so rare for artifacts to be discovered hidden inside of religious statues that it is one of the most surprising discoveries the restoration group has ever made."
"Making note that she appeared first, you know she was the first one to come to the tomb when Jesus rose from the grave."
"I am, when Moses said 'who should I say send me, I am,' so that 'I am' is so powerful to me."
"The sealed Eastern Gate of Jerusalem transcends its physical structure encapsulating a multifaceted narrative intertwining history prophecy and Faith."
"The first night of Ramadan, the gates of paradise are open wide."
"It's like that's what I needed was Jesus. He was all that I needed."
"So church is essential and I think people say of course church is essential but I think what they really would get out is they say no just christian faith is essential."
"The choice between the mark of the beast and the Seal of God is one of the most significant decisions we will ever make."
"Can you imagine how many deeds of Abu Bakr that history has never recorded?"
"The crucifixion of Jesus is the most well-established fact of ancient antiquity."
"Was the fuse leading up to the Common Era uniquely preparing history for the coming of Jesus Christ?"
"The significance of Vinayaka in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism."
"The cross is the only place that you can meet God... if you want forgiveness of your sins and you want to go to heaven you have to come by the way of the blood."
"Allah honors this month by making it the month in which he revealed all of the holy scriptures, not just the Quran."
"They know that gifts await them underneath the tree, reminders of the gift God sent to you and me."
"Then came the morning that sealed the promise, your buried body began to breathe."
"There is no other land considered holy in and of itself other than Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem."
"What is between my house and my minbar is one of the gardens of Paradise."
"The Son of Man is the glue that holds all these things together."
"Three years of truce was agreed. Saladin retained control of Jerusalem but agreed to allow Christian pilgrims to access the Holy Sepulchre."
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end."
"What in the world was he doing on the cross?"
"Abraham called the place 'The Lord will provide' (Jehovah Jireh)."
"The most important thing about this new year is this: it may bring the second coming of Christ."
"Christianity if false is of no importance and if true is of infinite importance." - CS Lewis
"Jesus successfully challenged the most powerful force in the world that was the Roman Empire... they crucified him but they couldn't kill him."
"More important than everything else is the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ came to this earth."
"This site was venerated long ago and visited by religious people for thousands of years."
"He carried all of that... he paid the debt with his own life. It's remarkable."
"Always try to do your research on why the hijab is so important in Islam."
"The 144,000 are those who are alive when Jesus Christ returns to the earth."
"Jesus ripped the veil at his death, making access to him available for us."
"So even regular vases placed in tombs had great religious importance."
"The biblical religion should be understood as a revolution that was fought against but ultimately prevailed."
"Far more than just another religion, stay tuned."
"The point is that Christ took on flesh to give us his life through his flesh and so his his flesh and blood are life-giving."
"Israel is a unique nation, the only nation God went to redeem for himself."
"The great pyramid served a spiritual religious purpose."
"The final piece of the puzzle: the resurrection."
"Other than creation and Christ's time on earth, we have no bigger miracles."
"When Hagia Sophia is returned to that Orthodox Christian world, they will then become closest in love and affection for this Ummah."
"There will come a day when people aren't going to cite Moses and the Egyptian exodus anymore as the miracle of miracles but the gathering of Israel in the latter days as the miracle of miracles."
"The pineapple took on religious significance... the entire plant gives its life to produce a single fruit."
"Often times what precedes the next season is fasting."
"The water was blessed by an abyss. It is Holy, yet he does not show any outward signs of discomfort."
"Water is mentioned over 700 times in the Bible. More than hope, more than faith, even more than praise."
"The sacraments not just rites and rituals; they're meant to sanctify, build, and glorify."
"He said, 'Our Father,' now Father is an important word."
"God decided to come when there was crucifixion, right as a point of execution, because it had already been predicted."
"The Rosary is not just a devotion, not just a prayer, not just a meditation. The Rosary is a weapon, a weapon of protection and a weapon of victory."
"Saudi Arabia and the Temple Mount, will the Third Temple be built? I believe that's irrefutable."
"Consider the glory and the beauty and the story of what God has done for Humanity in Christ on the cross and in his resurrection."
"The fact that Jesus did rise from the dead would be a pretty good answer to why he has had this extraordinary anomaly impact."
"Yakido quickly capitalized on the publicity and names her as their religion's holy night."
"That's why it matters so much in our Catholic tradition."
"The statue of Zeus at Olympia was the physical representation of their God on Earth."
"To me it is the evidence for the empty tomb that just gets underappreciated."
"I want to keep going with my channel right now, I've got a bit of momentum going and I'd like to keep that going."
"And when he died and rose he was the first begotten of the dead."
"Quite unacceptable, a glorious day. The Prophets will be pleased that we have rescued an Oracle from the humans' violation of the holy temple."
"In Christ's death and resurrection, I find an adequate basis for forgiveness, something I can't find anywhere else."
"The Eucharist is the source and the summit of the Christian Life."
"Diwali is a festival of lights. We celebrate it in a really big way, so like Christmas, we light lamps, we share great food, especially sweets, and that is said to welcome the goddess Lakshmi, who is the goddess of wealth."
"If you tell me that Christmas isn't about celebrating the nativity of Christ, then you're just, it's bull. That's what we celebrate."
"Now abide hope, faith, and love, the greatest of all three is love. That's the definition of Christmas."
"There is a movement of the Spirit coming that will actually be greater than the day of Pentecost."
"I am so grateful that you are joining us for transformation church today... today we are celebrating what many call as Easter but we know it's the resurrection of our lord and savior."
"I believe the body of Christ in America is facing its greatest challenge since the founding of our country."
"And, as you can imagine, in such a desperate situation, many people stick to their faith more than ever."
"Jesus was crucified, I'd start with that so that we could be pretty confident of."
"Something biblical is going on folks with the signs of the second coming of Jesus Christ."