
Institutional Integrity Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Whistleblowers are not like us. They actually believe that the world should work properly, that people should keep their word, that people should be treated with respect, and that institutions should safeguard the rights of the individuals that serve them."
"The most ominous danger we face comes from the marginalization and destruction of institutions...that once ensured that civil discourse was rooted in reality and fact."
"The governance and integrity policy... if you can insulate institutions from rent-seeking and ensure that frameworks of efficiency and accountability are there, then you can layer them up with any programmatic aspiration."
"The oath and the institutions in the guardrails of government are only as good as those who are willing to take them seriously."
"This climate of censorship and suppression of information...is a setup for seriously compromising the public's trust in our institutions."
"Institutions are only as strong as the people that are in them."
"The institution is just broken and it's corrupt."
"Perhaps more than ever, it is our job to stop giving ear to political arsonists who would burn down our institutions and intensify our divisions."
"Accountability is not just a buzzword, it's the only way forward to avoid a complete collapse in the Public's trust and faith in our essential institutions."
"This effort is about protecting the independence of our highest court."
"The nuclear option would gut the very essence and core of what the Senate is about as an institution."
"It is the only deliberative structure we have in our government, and at a time when institutions are being consumed let us not consume another."
"At a time when a lot of institutions are under assault, the credibility, transparency, integrity of the Department of Defense should be prized."
"If that trust that the justices have for their collegial process is lost, the court doesn't exist as the institution we've known for centuries."
"I've seen too many freedom-oriented institutions taken over by people who do not actually have freedom at their heart."
"Defense of your institution requires you to call out your institution when your institution does something wrong."
"It's not spontaneous... the planning and thinking about how you undermine the institutions."
"How can the institution that professes to fairly enforce the law simply exclude themselves from it?"
"You do not build institutions by breaking your word, by refusing to build on truth."
"Creating transparency and accountability is as good as you can do."
"You don't want to break institutional norms."
"Our institutions have been infected with a virus, and we have to get it out."
"Former Obama officials seem to have quietly made their peace with the sputtering attack on the legitimacy of US institutions."
"It's the hijacking of an American institution that is required to be nonpartisan for partisan purposes."
"Finding fraud is a non-starter at many institutions simply because they don't want to find it."
"The job of the military is to kill our enemies... The military held out as one of the last institutions to resist leftist takeover." - Michael Knowles
"The church did that, the church that I believed in wasn't going out of its way to protect itself as an institution."
"We need to focus on stopping speech that delegitimizes institutions."
"Fear not, we will bring the FBI back to greatness."
"Our institutions only hold when men and women of good faith make them hold regardless of the political cost."
"If the foundation of the church isn't true, then neither is the church."
"What is the institution in our country that is going to find that intolerable and that is going to see this as something that's happening on its patch?"
"Institutions policing themselves, upholding their values, holding their own representatives accountable."
"When this kind of stuff leaks, it erodes the confidence, and that, my friends, is the only thing that's really holding this farce together."
"It showed itself to be not a house of commons but a house of false."
"We're losing like the integrity of our institutions."
"We haven't seen a situation where the holder of the office causes problems conceptually or theologically."
"I believe such a path will strengthen the public's confidence in their institutions and their fair and equal treatment of all Americans under the law."
"She's the one that started essentially started these contracts for all of these anti-corruption contracts."
"When inclusiveness becomes the core mission, it severely damages the institution."
"A day of tragedy became a Triumph of freedom, and I'll always believe that by God's grace I did my duty that day under the Constitution of the United States of America and our institutions held." - Mike Pence
"You've got to establish trust. And, it's important that you have to humanize the institution."
"Another scar on this supreme court that has frankly lost its legitimacy."
"The way you save democratic institutions is to preserve the integrity of democratic institutions."
"Speaking out is very important, and holding these institutes and their scholars accountable is very important."
"We can break our politics, we can take our institutions and weaponize them for political purposes on both sides. You think this ends here? The next Republican president is going to be under tremendous pressure." - Marco Rubio
"It's very important that our institutions aren't taken over by people who are unworthy and unfit for them."
"It's tempting to take the money, but are you going to sell the soul of the institution?"
"The ability of our institutions to function freely and independently must be upheld."
"I think it's a bunch of activists who got themselves warm seats to places they didn't build, which are now tearing those places down."
"Institutions don't uphold themselves, people do."
"Long after the partisan fever of this moment has broken, the institutional damage will remain."
"Politics needs rules, institutions, constitutions that prevent them from being able to control the government."
"We need to protect those institutions that actually defend us."
"The church has a long history of doing this."
"The IRS has a lot of work to do to repair the trust that is broken with the public over the last decade."
"We're going to see how they respond to the trial that they're under, which is the trial of caring for children, of justice, of compassion, of integrity, of leadership."
"While these scandals have marred the reputation of the papacy, it is crucial to remember that they do not represent the entirety of the Catholic Church or its teachings."
"When this trust shatters or wears away, institutions collapse."
"Without trust within the institution, how will justice be served?"
"Institutional integrity and adherence to the rules is more important than getting your personally preferred policy outcome every single time."
"The authority of the Supreme Court depends on that trust."
"We do not believe that any party is in a better position than another to protect the Integrity of our institutions."