
Professional Responsibility Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"I think that as a physician, I have a right to say this, I think that physicians have abdicated their clinical responsibilities to their patients."
"Journalists... have a responsibility to examine where we are on our own personal domain."
"You knew you had to get another expert, and yet you missed a series of deadlines."
"There is a professional duty of care here that we are all responsible for. We are the experts at our profession."
"People trusted their attorney and they should be able to."
"First and foremost, we are safety professionals. Anything that can happen on the ground can happen in the air."
"Doctors had abdicated their responsibility to the patient."
"When a nurse says there's a problem, you listen."
"We're just trying to ensure our job and guarantee the flight safety."
"Knowing that he gets to make decisions about people's lives every day just makes me laugh so hard while also being more depressed than I've ever felt in my life."
"I'm going to make sure everybody is safe, that's what a real Pro doctor would do."
"I'm asking each of you to reach out to your unvaccinated patients."
"It's just so sad and so broken that the people who are supposed to be there to help and it's their job and they've been professionally trained and hopefully gotten educations to do so just don't do it."
"At the end of the day, we're there to mitigate as much disaster as we can."
"Experience is so important because you can wipe out a company in seconds."
"This is not about me, it's not about Oscar, it's not about nobody else but the two fighters getting in there. But I'm just saying, it's our job to put our young guy in the best situation to be successful."
"Promoting supplements without credentials attached leaves much to be desired."
"Our job is to educate. If his clients are uneducated, that's because he hasn't educated them."
"We protect the people around us": The burden veterinarians carry in silence.
"I'm the girls' manager, I'm here to protect."
"She was allowed to work with them on a regular basis... they did nothing."
"She's weak, she accepted the paycheck and the position but wants to be shielded from the price."
"It's going into the mindset like it's known in the industry that these things can happen and so is it reckless gross to you know negligence or you know is that manslaughter is that whatever."
"It's almost in a working environment it's like a, you know if a doctor leaves, if you get an operation and a doctor leaves a scalpel inside of you, he's gonna be struck off."
"What we need is a much clearer notion, we've got to all start talking about professional responsibility, a sense of duty, a sense of what are you here for, what is your job."
"Reflecting on that, I'm grateful for the privilege of the position I have been in."
"Professionals had the knowledge, legal means, and opportunity to prevent the 2015 murder."
"When they fail to live up to their obligations, their professional responsibilities, and when they give cover to corporations or executives engaged in misconduct, investors and market integrity suffer."
"Desertion of a client by anyone who has assumed the responsibility of care is abandonment."
"My job isn't to take care of the brands, my job is to take care of you."
"If you work in the AI industry and you are not spending most of your time worried about AI safety then you're a bad person."
"I'm the real deal, I'm hopping on a private jet in the morning to oversee the delivery of these masks."
"Good doctors make mistakes too, that's why they buy insurance."
"I just really want to make sure that I do a good job and show the proper respect."
"We're the only profession who has a professional mandate to prevent animal suffering."
"Your first obligation is to the safety of the patients."
"Test-driven development is always better than not, and so learning it is a kind of professional duty of care issue."
"This is seriously messed up, and the therapist should have intervened."
"It is important that lawyers understand the power of their pen."
"There's a responsibility that comes along with what we do now."
"So what I think we do need to empower young veterinarians to speak up and to follow their conscience and follow their ethics."
"If we make a mistake, we correct it. That's what journalists are supposed to do."
"Getting it right could be a matter of life and death for them and their patients."
"I think it's very important for me as a tattooer that I impart some sense of knowledge to the client."
"I've never given someone an infection, but I have given them shitty work."
"My job is to make sure that I'm doing the best possible job of overcommunication clarity. I take a tremendous amount of pride in that."
"I'm in a position where it's my job to talk to people on what could possibly be the absolute worst day of their life."
"Now it's up to me to go out there and do my job and not let all these people down."
"We are not in the business of ruining people's lives."
"I certainly take creative risks and but yeah you just don't have to do that kind of thing um so yeah whereas now I have to be a lot more I have to be a lot more careful."
"If you're a healthcare provider, you must be honest with your patient."
"I will be looking after you for the next two days, okay Lily?"
"My job is not to predict the future, my job is to prepare for it."
"It's really important for professionals in whatever our respective field is to be vocal about intersectionality and to be vocal about fat positivity generally."
"We gotta set better examples for how we do business, even if you have an issue with an artist."
"He has a responsibility to deliver quality films across the board if his name is anywhere on it."
"Journalism is supposed to be recognizing their duty is more important than love."
"I would resign if anything bad happened to the hotel guests."
"The responsibility of a professional is to step back when the workload is too intense."
"We're in a profession where it is your job to do your due diligence."
"You're just trying to make people's lives easier, whereas most jobs you can show up, you get there at 10 a.m., you can show up at 10:15 and no one gives a [__]. You can't do that with stand up, that's true, good point, good point."
"If I don't also help normalize that concept, then I'm leaving a portion of my job."
"I think everybody in my life and my sources in particular, they know that if they do something wrong they're just as susceptible to my scrutiny, they're just as susceptible to our publication scrutiny."
"Although I never saw anything physically abusive, I definitely had to report staff being verbally abusive to clients."
"I need people to trust me right on a regular basis with literally their lives."
"We make our best to make reasonable responsible decisions, sometimes a cacophony of errors happens."
"It's your civic duty, it's your professional duty... it's your professional responsibility."
"I've got to make sure our clients are happy with the quality of representation and legal counsel they receive."
"Social workers should take reasonable precautions to protect client confidentiality in the event of the social worker's termination of practice, incapacitation, or death."
"Informed consent is going to be super important as a medical professional."
"This wasn't just a run-of-the-mill job; this was something to take very, very seriously."
"We have to make smart moves in terms of protecting the client and the public and also ourselves as professionals."
"Reflecting on this case, it really makes me think how important it is for healthcare providers to ask people about their diets."
"Being a professional forklift operator is more than just driving; it's being responsible, knowledgeable, and of course, applying these engineering principles every time you lift a load, add an attachment, or operate your vehicle."
"The problem is not about stopping bad doctors but stopping good doctors from making mistakes."
"An engineer's number one importance they have to hold paramount in any ethics code is to hold paramount the health, safety, and welfare of the public."
"My client's income, his well-being, his livelihood is no joke to me."
"The future of the profession is in our hands."
"You need to protect your license, you need to protect your practice, and you most importantly need to protect your patients."
"We have an obligation to keep our knowledge and skills current so we do no harm to our patients."
"A lawyer shall not bring or defend a proceeding or assert or controvert an issue therein unless there is a basis for doing so that is not frivolous."
"It's our jobs as design engineers, manufacturers, service support people to make sure that we meet the critical demands of the customer."