
Vaccine Distribution Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"This is the largest, fastest, and most advanced vaccine distribution effort in American history, by far."
"We're working to ensure that the American people have access to vaccines, will have enough to vaccinate all American adults by the end of May."
"We will defer delivery of approximately 33 million doses of Moderna that were originally intended for the United States so the African Union can instead purchase and take delivery of those doses."
"We're focused on ensuring we get the vaccine out broadly, to communities across the country, because that will make the American people safer."
"The vaccine is coming and we're ready to administer it."
"We're ready to go, the vaccine will be distributed immediately."
"Our success is going to be judged by the availability of the vaccine as shots go in arms."
"We're going to have loads of spare doses, well over 200 million, which are going to be donated to poor countries."
"Enough vaccines for every adult by the end of May."
"I want to have the fastest, fairest, and safest vaccine distribution program in the country."
"Be careful, the vaccine is coming, we're moving in the right direction."
"It's sort of like the prisoner's dilemma in game theory where it's like no matter what you think the other person's going to do, here's what you should do with the vaccines."
"We're now on track to have enough vaccine supply for every adult in America by the end of May."
"We need to have sufficient doses of those vaccines so that all of the front line health care workers who put their lives at risk, who are interacting with patients on a daily basis can have the vaccine if they're willing to receive it."
"Just accept that maybe some people who shouldn't get the vaccine will get it but we'll get a hell of a lot more vaccines out there."
"We will have enough vaccine supply for all adults in America by the end of May."
"DeSantis has put out a statement: 'The insinuation that Florida is underutilizing vaccines is totally disingenuous.'"
"The incoming Biden administration is vowing to distribute 100 million vaccine doses in Biden's first 100 days in office."
"The president's priorities are already in the package and they are focused on ensuring there's funding to get vaccines in the arms of Americans."
"South Korea and Japan massively increasing cases despite South Korea giving more doses of vaccine than anywhere else in the world."
"Vaccine inequality it's like a great talking point at Davos it's the stuff of press releases meanwhile in reality publicly traded companies that run uh our pharmaceutical Industries they are selling their goods to the highest bidder."
"The swine flu program was marred by a series of logistical problems ranging from the production of the wrong vaccine strain to a confrontation over liability protection."
"This is America. We mobilized for World War II. We are the sleeping giant. Why the [__] can't we get vaccinations out?"
"China has rolled out one of the most successful vaccine programs and is now donating vaccines across countries around the world."
"The fact they're using a lottery for it, I mean it means they're really serious about getting everybody to take the vaccine."
"Vaccine equity: everyone everywhere must be vaccinated against covered and as soon as possible."
"The vaccine must be free and freely available to everyone."
"Let me say that again: the United States will purchase a half a billion doses of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to donate to nearly 100 nations that are in dire need."
"We'll distribute a vaccine and we'll defeat the virus."
"We need to prioritize who receives the vaccine first."
"Industrialized nations need to stop hoarding the vaccine so that poorer nations can at least get their first shot."
"Sharing vaccines now is essential for ending the acute phase of the pandemic."
"Millions of vaccine doses could go to waste without steady distribution."
"I think the administration was doing a good job rolling out the vaccine."
"Once we have the vaccine fully approved, they will start the process and they will get it out very very quickly all over the country and maybe beyond if it works as we think it probably will."
"Maybe it's time for us to lift the patent on vaccines so that they can be distributed to other countries faster."
"We're giving three shots to the rest of the world."
"Until we can get this vaccine to every corner of the world, we can't really go back to normalcy."
"Every adult who wants the vaccine will get it eventually."
"When we combine the hesitancy of people being motivated by a hot dog to people that are desperate to get the vaccine in poorer countries, it is rather a point for reflection really."
"America has, in my view, continues to lead in that effort. We've shipped for free more vaccines around the world than all other countries in the world combined—every other country combined."
"The best way to prevent the next variant is to stop unconstrained spread and that requires vaccine Equity."
"We're shipping millions and millions of doses of the vaccine overseas."
"According to the governor, the state has administered 9.3 million vaccines."
"Vaccine nationalism... becomes really counterproductive."
"The distribution of the vaccine should reflect philanthropic and altruistic values."
"What is determining who gets what vaccine will probably be determined by minimizing the risk of adverse events."
"Woody Harrelson's not being completely conspiratorial he's not being completely anti-vaxx he's anti the way the covid vaccine was laid out."
"We could have provided access to the formulas to produce COVID-19 vaccines to be made domestically in countries around the world, which could allay a great deal of the suffering that we're currently seeing."
"It's going to take a while to get these vaccines distributed."
"Canada is talking about opening, the vaccine starting to happen, that would be very nice."
"The world needs to do a better job of getting vaccines to developing nations."
"Distributing the vaccine to all citizens as soon as it's available would stop the pandemic."
"The U.S. will have enough vaccines to vaccinate 300 million people by the end of July."
"China is saying, we will distribute vaccines basically cost-free to almost anyone who needs them."
"The priority here clearly should be, let's distribute the vaccines."
"Why is it that vaccine distribution has been so unbelievably unequal?"
"We will deliver 100 million doses of a safe vaccine before the end of the year. It may be quite a bit sooner than that. Seniors will be the first in line for the vaccine and our frontline workers too."
"Vaccines are a common good, but there is no common good unless there are any limitations placed on how that information might be used."
"We're doing a really good job of getting vaccines out the door. I know it's weird to say we're doing something well with COVID, but we are."
"We must ensure the global inequality of the COVID-19 vaccine is not replicated with the looming food security crisis."
"The COVAX vaccine sharing plan says it is seeking to bolster its supply of COVID-19 vaccines for poor countries from new manufacturers."
"We've secured millions in advance, and this Friday, there will be four million Pfizer vaccines going out."
"Let's send those extra vaccines to countries that need them."
"It is in our benefit to ensure that the rest of the world continues to get the vaccine, access to the successful vaccine, and that the rest of the world is protected because we live in this world."
"This one also is refrigerated storage, so as we think about getting 8 billion doses out to everyone, things like those cost considerations and the storage considerations become a big deal."
"The Moderna vaccine could be distributed pretty much like a flu shot."