
Economic Competition Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"China's the greatest enemy we've ever had. The largest economy, the most sophisticated."
"We're not in a trade war; we're in a techonomic war."
"The reality for a volunteer military: you have to compete with the rest of the economy."
"Bitcoin is just this unstoppable free market capital, this technology that out-compete monetary socialism."
"Market competition is cruel. There are winners and losers, but that's better than the alternative where there are only losers."
"Increasingly, the technology is competing head-to-head with conventional power sources... without financial support."
"The longer that you hold, because now it's a tug of war, yeah, it's a money tug of war between people that have the hedge funds that have billions of dollars."
"If you want to just play this game on the long enough timeline, the people who are gonna win this game are the people with the most amount of money..."
"Who's really winning? The West for disrupting the Russian economy? Russia for scooping up these TurnKey businesses sometimes for just a buck."
"Promote competition... capitalism without competition is not capitalism, it's exploitation."
"One will die and one will live... capitalism or technocracy?"
"We unleashed one billion people willing to do anything at a cheaper, faster, and better rate." - Chamath Palihapitiya
"China's state capitalism... is writing the rules of how countries and companies compete in the global economy."
"They don't want Black people to compete economically... so we can actually build strong businesses and institutions."
"Bitcoin is a competitor to the petrodollar system."
"China engaged in highly predatory industrial practices, dumping products like steel into our country at below production cost."
"Just give us a level playing field and let people play the game of the market process."
"The underlying problem isn't inflation per se, it's lack of competition."
"Bitcoin happens to be competing against the dollar."
"This is where Huns need to shine, Feudal Age to Castle Age, before the Celt economy really starts to overwhelm the Huns."
"Why it's cheaper there because they don't have environmental regulations that we have here."
"Competition in the marketplace is a good thing."
"Ultimately where the competition comes down to is at the monetary policy level."
"Modi has set the wheels in motion for India to try to overtake China."
"You can now create dollars without competing with the Fed."
"Bitcoin could compete with the dollar and as such, it could be huge."
"Bitcoin is attacking the king, right now it's the US dollar, and bitcoin is competing to become the world reserve currency."
"That brings us right full circle to what you said about China and about how the United States is being, um, you know, beat by China. China's becoming the world economic leader."
"You would cost significantly more gold, we would now be competing directly against each other with gold for buyers, that would be like another Armageddon from a few years ago."
"Biodynamics is about increasing competition, not stifling competition. When companies have to compete, it means lower prices, fair wages, and more innovation."
"Racism is an economic issue where groups compete for resources, wealth, and power."
"China has one goal: to overthrow the United States as a reserve currency."
"The United States is recognizing without admitting it that the Chinese have figured out how to achieve economic growth that the United States is unable to equal."
"You're competing with the scalpers, you're competing with the miners, you're competing with supply and demand."
"It's the government's role to get out of the way so that people can create competition on their own."
"Labor competition raises more questions than answers."
"There is an economic imperative to deploy this technology and create a race condition."
"The United States should focus on the economic contest and forget the military contest."
"The wealthiest will fight for 0.01 bitcoin, can you imagine that?"
"Just know that this big shift is definitely happening."
"China can now flood the market... there's no reason they're not going to be able to flood the U.S market."
"That's called capitalism, that's called competition. That works."
"The US is losing the global race to decide the future of money and it could doom the almighty dollar."
"Do we really want to say America and China are in a race to have a bloated economy?"
"China is eating our breakfast, eating our dinner, and probably our dessert."
"The biggest obstacle to it is going to be government because government doesn't like competition."